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1、Unit 4,Life on Mars,Reading II,Daniel is telling Simon about the,article.Simon is very interested and,is asking many questions.Help,Daniel answer Simons questions.,Circle the correct letters.,1 Why would people move to Mars?,a The Earth is crowded and polluted.,b People want to make friends with,tho

2、se from another planet.,c Flying to Mars would be fun.,2 How long does it take to fly to Mars at,present?,a Hours.b Months.c Years.,3 What would the flight to Mars be like by,the year 2100?,a Fast and comfortable.,b Fast but uncomfortable.,c Slow but comfortable.,4 What would food on Mars be like?,a

3、 Very tasty.,b Very sweet.,c Not very tasty.,5 Would gravity be a problem an Mars?,a No,its not a problem.,b Yes.Many people would get lost.,c Yes,and people would wear special,boots.,6 Where might people live on Mars?,a In houses with huge rooms.,b On spacecraft.,c In sleeping bags.,7 What would sc

4、hools be like on Mars?,a Very small.,b Online schools.,c Like those on the Earth.,8,What does the writer think of life on,Mars?,a Better than life on the Earth.,b Worse than life on the Earth.,c There would be good and bad,points.,1.Our own planet,the Earth,is becoming,more and more crowded and poll

5、uted,because of the,rapid,increase in,population.,我们自己的星球,地球,由于人口的快速,增长,变得越来越拥挤,污染越来越严重。,fast,quick,和,rapid,1)fast,既可用作形容词又可用作副词,主要,表示人或物体本身的速度快,如汽车开得,快、人走得快、时间过得快等。,2)quick,常用作形容词,主要表示反应快、,动作敏捷。,3)rapid,是正式用语,只用作形容词,语气较,强,常用于表示抽象意义的“快速的”,如价格涨得快、社会变革快等。,选用,fast,quick,或,rapid,填空。,quick,1)My brother a

6、te a _ breakfast,and went to school in a hurry.,2)Tom runs so _ that I cant catch up,fast,with him.,rapid,3)We saw the _ development of the,society these years.,2.,It is hoped that,people could start all over,again and build a better world on Mars.,人们有望能够在火星上重新开始,建设一,个更好的世界。,句型,It is hoped that,表示“,

7、可以指,望”,指说话者希望如此。,e.g.,我们有望在本周前完成此项目。,It is hoped that,_ we can finish the project,before this weekend.,3.At present,our spacecraft are too slow to,carry large numbers of passengers to Mars,it would take months.,目前,我们的宇宙飞船太慢了,无法运送大批,的乘客去火星,-,因为要花几个月的时间。,句中的,large numbers of,表示“大量的”,也,可以说,a large numb

8、er of,。,e.g.,很多人在国庆假期去旅游。,Large numbers of,_ people go travelling,during the National Day holiday.,4.With the development of technology,by the,year 2100,the journey might only take about,20 minutes in spacecraft that travel,at the,speed of,light,!,随着科技的发展,到,2100,年,乘坐以光速飞行,的宇宙飞船,行程或许只要大约,20,分钟!,at a/

9、the speed of,的意思是“以的速度”。,e.g.,小汽车正以每小时,100,公里的速度行驶。,at a speed of,The car is moving _ 100,kilometers per hour.,5.Food would most probably be,in the form,of,pills and would not be so tasty.,食物很大可能会以药片的形式存在,而且,味道没有那么可口。,in the form of,的意思是“以,的形式”。,e.g.,欢迎以钱的形式资助。,Help _ money will be,in the form of,we

10、lcome.,6.The gravity on Mars is only about,three-,eighths,of,that,on the earth.,火星上的重力大约只有地球上的八分之三。,在表示分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数,词。分子如果大于,1,分母须用复数形式。,分子、分母之间有无连字符均可。,e.g.1/3,one-third,2/5,two fifths,在做比较时,我们常用,that/those,指代句中,类者相同的那一部分。通常,that,用于指代,可数名词数或者不可数名词,those,用于指,代可数名词复数。此句中的,that,指代前面,的,gravity,。,e.

11、g.,火星上的空气要比起球上的稀薄很多。,The air on Mars is much thinner than,_ on the earth.,that,7.,Compared with,life on Earth,life on Mars,would be better in some ways.,与在地球上的生活相比,火星上的生活在有,些方面要好些。,compare with,意思是“,与,做比较”。,在句中是过去分词短语作状语,此时,with,和,to,可通用。,e.g.,与我们的那条路相比,这条路繁忙得多。,compared with,This road is quite busy

12、 _,ours.,8.Every student would have a computer at,home,connected to,interplanetary,network.,每个学生家里都有一台电脑与星际网络,连接。,connect to,意思是“与,连接”。,这里的,connected to,是过去分词后置作定,语,修饰,computer,。,connect to,表示“把,和,连,接起来,”。,e.g.,山姆想把鼠标和电脑连接起来。,Sam wants to _,connect the mouse,to the computer,_.,9.Life on Mars would b

13、e interesting,as well as,challenging.,火星上的生活,不仅有挑战性,还很有趣。,as well as,意思是“不但,而且,既,又”。注意这一短语在翻译成中文时,应先,翻译,as well as,后面的内容,再翻译前面的。,e.g.They visited the museum as well as the,zoo.,他们不但参观了动物园,还参观了博物,馆。,1.At present,our spacecraft are too slow,numbers,to carry large _ of people.,By 2100,the space shuttle

14、s might,speed,travel at the _ of light.,2.Scientists are not sure whether _,plants,could grow on Mars.,Food would probably be in the form of,_ and would not be so _.,pills,tasty,3.The gravity on Mars only about,three _(3/8)of the gravity on,eighths,Earth.,People would have to wear _,special,boots to

15、 prevent themselves from,_ off into space.,floating,4.Life on Mars will be _ than,better,_ on Earth in some ways.,that,space,People have more _.,_ would do most of our work.,Robots,Every student would have a,computer _ to an,connected,interplanetary computer network.,1.Make a short passage about,“,Life on Mars,”,.,2.Read the passages fluently.,


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