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1、,实验室安全知识讲座Lectures on LabSafety实验室入门知识Bascknowledge for labs主讲:薛卫东教授Lecturer:Pro.Xue,兰州化学实验室爆炸引发火灾实验室安全知识讲座Lectures on LabSafety实验室入门知识Bascknowledge for labs主讲:薛卫东教授Lecturer:Pro.Xue讲座内容:Agenda为什么要进行实验室安全教育necessity for lab safety lecture二、进入实验室应具备的基本知识basic knowledge of entering labs三、实验室安全防火应掌握的基本常

2、识ABCs of fire prevention in labs、为什么要进行实验室安全教育necessity for lab safety lecture爱护生命 for your safety保护学校财产 for assets safety关注生命关注实验室安全性保证实验顺利进行 for the success of yourexperiments培养安全意识 enhancing your safetyawareness,讲座内容:Agenda为什么要进行实验室安全教育necessity for lab safety lecture二、进入实验室应具备的基本知识basic knowledg

3、e of entering labs三、实验室安全防火应掌握的基本常识ABCs of fire prevention in labs,、为什么要进行实验室安全教育necessity for lab safety lecture爱护生命 for your safety保护学校财产 for assets safety关注生命关注实验室安全性保证实验顺利进行 for the success of yourexperiments培养安全意识 enhancing your safetyawareness,电器设备老化 ectronic Plants Aging2008-1-24乐山土壤肥料检测中心爆炸e

4、xplosion in labs of leshan soil testing center起因:设备老化,导致电线短路shortcircuit caused by plant aging led to the fire后果:房间内一堆放化学试剂的电冰箱突然发生爆炸。aftermath:a refregirator full of chemical reagent exploded,电线短路 power cable shortcircuit20071月24日凌时1分,位于莫斯科四南城区的尸蒙巴各族人民友谊大学(简称“友大”)发生特大火灾。a serious firehappened at 1:

5、17AM on Nov 24 2003 in lumumba friendshipuniversity in southwest mosco结果:造成41人死亡,162人受伤。死伤者均为来自亚洲、非洲的留学生。据最新公布的数字,有46名中国学生被烧伤或跳楼逃生时摔伤11人死亡。The fire caused4 I death and162 InJuries.The victims areinternational students from asia and Africa.46 Chinese students wereinjured or dead when they escaped or

6、jumped out of the building,违规使用“热得快”烧水 Usingsuperpower water heater2008年11月14日早晨6时10分许,上海商学院徐汇校区宿舍楼602女生寝室失火。a fire happened in Shanghai businesscolleges female students dorm 602 room at 6 10 AM in2008HnD原因:违规使用“热得快”烧水,水烧干引发火灾。The water heater dried allthe water and then caused fire结果:4人因跳楼死亡。4 stud

7、ents died when they tried to escape viajumping down the building,2、缺乏安全意识 weak safety awareness2006-12-5成都中医药大学氢气瓶爆炸 hydrogen gascans exp l oded in Chengdu traditional medicinecol lege on Dec.5 in 2006这是背面起因:氢气泄漏,不通风,接手机。Talking on the phone inhydrogen leakage and stuffiness environment caused theex

8、plosion.后果:1死5伤。It caused one death and5 InJuries.,缺乏安全意识 weak safety awareness2007328兰州理工大学活性焊实验室发生火灾 a fire happenedIn Lanzhou polytech college labs in 2007起因:学生在实验室做焊接实验时,火花喷岀引燃墙边的杂物燃烧。后果:一名学生的手指被轻微灼伤。记者现场采访时,因吸入毒气而导致咽喉肿大、肺音不清,咳嗽厉害等。Sparkling from the weldingexperiment set fire to the nearby infl

9、ammable stuff.one students finger wasinjured and reporters at the spot felt uncomfortable strongly,3、实验操作不当 misoperation in labs2008-7-11云南大学生物实验室爆炸 explosion in Yunnanuniversity labs多中国起因:收集实验废料时,因操作不当引发爆炸。后果:整个颌面部组织糜烂,左手完全被炸碎,右手的拇指和食指末端关节被炸断。Misoperation when collecting waste materials causedthe f

10、ire and the operators face,left hand and two fingers on right handwere all seriously injured,实验操作不当 misoperation in labs2010-6-3兰州化学实验室爆炸引发火灾 explosion inLanzhou chemistry labs caused fire in 2010起因:石油醚燃烧爆炸后果:实验室损失惨重库房被烧为灰烬,但幸好没有人员伤亡。chemical reagent in the lab caused the fire andHeavy losses,and fortunately no one was injured,


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