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1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?Section B,Lead in,What kind of music do you like?Why?Which singer do you like best?,1b Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave.Write A for Alex and D for Dave next to each opinion.,1c Listen again and take notes.,1d Ask your friends and parents what ki

2、nd of music they listen to and why.How does the music make them feel?,Write a passage according to the chart in 1d.You may begin like this,My friend Wang Lin likes pop music.Because its very popular.It makes him feel relaxed.My friend Wang Jian,2a Discuss the questions with a partner.,1.Do you have

3、a favorite singer or band?2.Do you have a favorite song?3.What facts do you know about your favorite singer,band or song?,2b Read the passage and complete the fact sheet on page 63.,Country Music Fact Sheet,Where it is from:_What kind of music it is:_A famous country music place in Nashville:_ A fam

4、ous country music singer:_The number of records he has sold:_,The southern states of America.,Country music.,A Country Music Hall of Fame Museum in Nashville.,Garth Brooks.,More than 120 million.,2c Read the passage again and underline the main ideas.Then use the underlined text to write short answe

5、rs to the questions below.,First paragraphWho is Sarah?Where is she from?What does she like?,She is a student.,The USA.,Country music.,Second paragraph,What is country music?What is country music about?Third paragraphWhat is Sarahs dream?Who is Garth Brooks?,Its a traditional kind of music.,Its abou

6、t modern life in the US.,It is her dream to go to Nashville.,He is one of the most successful musicians in American history.,3a Think of a singer or writer you know well.Make a list of facts about him/her.Think of the following:,Name:_Time:_Reason:_Famous songs or books:_How many CDs or books:_Feel:

7、_,1.What do you think _ this dress?Do you think it looks good on me?2.The little boy was so hungry that he didnt put his spoon _ at all.He just kept on eating.3.She grew_ in a small town,although she lives in a big city now.4.For homework,our teacher told us to write _ our summer vacation.5.At the e

8、nd of the day,the bus brought us _ to our school.,1.Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box.,down,of,about,back,up,of,down,up,about,back,Self Check,2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.,joined,have read,started,have learned,bought,hasnt listened,have list

9、ened,sing,saw,havent had,3 Make a list of the things you have done and the ones you havent done yet this week.Then ask two other students.,1.How does it make them feel?它使他们感觉如何?【自主领悟】句中make属使役动词,后跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,即make sb.do sth.意思为“使某人做某事”。例如:Our English teacher often makes us copy English words.我们的

10、英语老师常让我们抄写英语单词。,知识点精讲,【归纳拓展】make后跟复合宾语的类型(1)make+宾语+名词(作宾语补足语)例如:Most pop singers make music their career.大多数流行歌手把音乐当作他们的职业。(2)make+宾语+形容词(作宾语补足语)例如:New technologies make life easier.新技术使生活更容易了。,(3)make+宾语+过去分词(作宾语补足语)例如:Can you easily make yourself understood in English?你能用英语轻易地表达你的思想吗?(4)make+宾语+介

11、词短语(作宾语补足语)例如:“Make yourself at home,”the hostess said to me as soon as I entered the house.我刚一进门,女主人就对我说:“别客气,就像在你自己家一样。”(5)make+宾语+从句(作宾语补足语)例如:What has made China what she is today?是什么让中国变成今天的样子?,【活学活用】硬的座位会让顾客们吃得迅速。Hard seatscustomersquickly.Soft music can make us feel relaxed.(改为同义句)Soft music

12、can make us.答案:make;eatrelaxed,2.Ever since then,she has been a fan of American country music.自从那时起,她就成了一个美国乡村音乐迷。【自主领悟】(1)句中ever since用作连词,意为“自从”,相当于since,ever起强调作用,后跟表示时间点的单词、短语或句子(一般过去时),主句常用现在完成时。例如:I have known him ever since he was a child.自从他是个孩子起,我就认识他。(2)a fan of意为“迷”,复数形式为:fans of.,如a fan

13、of soccer一个足球迷,相当于a soccer fan。,【图解助记】fan的不同词义,【活学活用】大卫自从中学毕业就当了厨师。David_ _a cook ever since he _ middle school.Mr.Green came here in 2012.(改为同义句)Mr.Green has been here _ _ 2012.我们班大多数同学是流行音乐迷。Most of the students in our class are _ _ pop music.答案:has been;leftever sincefans of,3.Many songs these da

14、ys are just about modern life in the US,such as the importance of money and success,but not about belonging to a group.目前很多歌曲仅仅是关于美国现代生活的,如金钱和成功的重要性,但却与群体归属无关。,【自主领悟】(1)句中belong to意为“属于某(群)人”,其中to是介词。后接名词或代词作宾语。一般不用于进行时态以及被动语态。例如:The future belongs to you.未来属于你们。The Porsche belongs to the woman next

15、 door.这辆保时捷属于隔壁的那个女人。(2)belong to后还可跟表示团队、时代、地域的名词,表示“是的成员;来自(某个时代或某地)”。例如:She belongs to the school computer club.她是学校计算机俱乐部的成员。,【温馨提示】“物+belong to+人”可转换为“物+be+所有格或名词性物主代词”。例如:The house belongs to my uncle.=The house is my uncles.这房子是我叔叔的。,【活学活用】这件夹克衫是谁的?Who does this jacket?The soccer belongs to T

16、om.(改为同义句)The soccer.答案:belong tois Toms,4.Hes sold more than 120 million records.他已经出售了1.2亿多张唱片了。【自主领悟】(1)million为数词,意为“百万”,当和其他数词连用表示具体数时不加s。例如:two million books两百万本书(2)million和of连用表笼统数时必须加s,即millions of意为“数百万;许多;无数”。例如:Millions of people in the world are sending and receiving e-mails every day.世界

17、上数百万的人每天都在接发电子邮件。,【活学活用】这座城市大约有两百万人口。There are about people in this city.答案:two million Every year,people around the world come to visit the Summer Palace.A.10 millions B.10 millions ofC.million of D.millions of,5.Have you introduced this singer/writer to others?你曾经把这位歌手/作家介绍给其他人吗?【自主领悟】introduce在句中

18、用作及物动词,意为“介绍”。introduce sb.to sb.意为把某人介绍给某人,还可用于introduce oneself做自我介绍。例如:Please allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you.请允许我向你介绍我的朋友伍德小姐。,【活学活用】玛丽把她的同学介绍给她的父母。Maryher classmatesher parents.她向新同学们先做了自我介绍。She to her new students.答案:introduced;tointroduced herself,6.the first line in the song

19、/book这首歌/本书的第一行【自主领悟】line是可数名词,意为“行;排”,常用短语还有:on line在线的;stand/wait in line站成一行/排队等候。例如:The students all stand in line to get their new books.学生们排队取新书。,【图解助记】各种各样的“线”,【活学活用】诗的最后两行我已经忘了。I have forgotten_ _ _ _of the poem.请排队买票。Please_ _ _for the ticket.答案:the last two linesstand in line,.单项选择1.Look,t

20、here are many boys and girls playing soccer on the playground.So,I think soccerbe popular here.A.can B.mayC.should D.must2.Jay Chou is asinger.A.pop B.classicalC.rock D.folk,知识点精练,3.slowly after dinner is a good habit.A.Walk B.WalkingC.Walked D.Walks4.The mother makes her sonthe dogs house once a we

21、ek.A.clean B.to cleanC.cleans D.cleaning5.The number of people in the bandmore than five.A.be B.am C.is D.are,6.Mary has read a lot of books about Chinese history.A.ever since 2010B.ever since three yearsC.ever since she has come to ChinaD.ever since she comes to China7.The farmers have plantedtrees

22、 on the hill.A.million B.three millionsC.million of D.millions of,8.The toy bear on the bedLinda.A.is B.belongsC.belongs to D.is belonging to9.My sister wants to studyin Australia.A.out B.abroadC.due D.modern10.Im sure he will be one ofin the world.A.fast runner B.fast runnersC.the fast runner D.the

23、 fastest runners,11.My sister kept onme question after question.A.ask B.asksC.asked D.asking12.Lin Dan enjoyedin playing badminton.A.success B.succeedC.successful D.successfully,13.We learning physics last year and wea lot about it already.A.start;learn B.started;learnedC.started;have learned D.have

24、 started;have learned14.What do you thinkour new library?Very nice.A.of B.up C.with D.for15.He came back this morning,but wehim yet.A.see B.dont seeC.have seen D.havent seen,.完成句子1.你最喜欢的流行音乐是什么?Whats your favorite?2.这首歌曲听起来更像京剧。This song Beijing Opera.答案:1.pop music2.sounds more like,3.他的话让你有何感受?do

25、his wordsyou feel?4.你的朋友在这个乐队里吗?Is your friend?5.他的歌我大多都已听过。Ialreadyto most of his songs.答案:3.How;make4.in the band5.have;listened,6.校长已经向我们介绍新英语老师了。The head teacher the new English teacherus.7.我已经读完这本书的最后一行了。I have read of the book.答案:1.has introduced;to2.the last line,8.格林小姐让我们写写我们的校游。Miss Greenus

26、 our school trip.9.西游记是吴承恩写的。Journey to the West was Wu Chengen.10.现在她已经录制多少张CD了?How many CDsshenow?答案:3.told;to write about4.written by5.has;recorded,.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空do,actual,succeed,south,beautiful1.Shelikes to go to work on foot.2.Kunming is in thepart of China.3.Last Sundays party was a great.4.They enjoyed theof the island.5.We have alreadysome research on it.答案:1.actually2.southern3.success4.beauty5.done,HomeworkWrite a report according to the list you make.You may begin like this.,Custom makes all things easy.有个好习惯,事事皆不难。,


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