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1、Unit 3,.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(3分钟,10分)1.A z_ is a place to see many kinds of animals.2.P_ come from China.3.Wang Li is very s_.She learns things quickly.4.A g_ has a very long neck(脖子).5.These k_ are from Australia.,oo,andas,mart,iraffe,oalas,.单项选择(3分钟,10分)1.Why do you want to see the pandas?_ theyre very

2、cute.A.SoB.BecauseC.AndD.But2.I like elephants because they are_ smart.A.a kind ofB.kind ofC.kinds ofD.kind,3.Lets go and_ the koalas.A.lookB.look atC.watchD.see4.There are many_ animals in the zoo.A.kind ofB.kinds ofC.kindsD.kind5._ Anna like dolphins?Yes,she_.A.Does;likesB.Is;isC.Does;doesD.Do;lik

3、e,.句型转换(3分钟,10分)1.He likes koalas because theyre very cute.(就划线部分提问)_ _ he_ koalas?2.I like dolphins.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ you_ dolphins?Yes,I_.,Why does,like,Do,like,do,3.What about going to see the elephants first?(改为同义句)Lets_ _ _ the elephants first.4.do,want,see,to,you,why,the,tigers(连词成句)_?5.zoo,to,

4、welcome,the(连词成句)_!,go to see,Why do you want to see the tigers,Welcome to the zoo,.补全对话(3分钟,10分)从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,有两项多余。A.Why do you like them?B.Do you like elephants?C.What animals do you like?D.What are they?E.What do you want to see first?F.Where are they?G.Why do you want to see them first?,A:The

5、re are many new animals in the zoo.Do you know?B:Oh?1A:Giraffes,elephants,pandas,tigers,koalas,dolphins and penguins.B:Lets go and see them.A:OK.2B:I want to see pandas first.,A:3B:Because they are very cute.4A:I like elephants.B:5A:Because they are kind of interesting.答案:15.DEGCA,.用所给词的适当形式填空(3分钟,1

6、0分)1.There_(be)some lions and giraffes in the zoo.2.The animal isnt from_(Chinese).3.My friend Mary likes_(animal)very much.4.The elephants are very_(interest).5.Do you want_(see)your cousin this afternoon?,are,China,animals,interesting,to see,.从方框中选择适当的动物名称,完成下面的英语谚语(3分钟,10分)birds,dogs,lion,fish,ca

7、t1.Barking_ do not bite.吠犬不咬人。2.The best_ swims near the bottom.好鱼居深渊。3.To kill two_ with one stone.一石二鸟(一箭双雕)。4.A_ in the way.拦路虎。5.When the_ is away,the mice will play.山中无老虎,猴子称大王。,dogs,fish,birds,lion,cat,.根据图片完成对话(4分钟,10分)1._?Because theyre very smart.2._?Yes,I do.I like them because theyre inte

8、resting.3._?They are from China.,Why do you like elephants,Do you like dolphins,Where are pandas from,4._?Yes,she does.My sisterthinks theyre cute.5._?My mother likes them because theyre interesting.,Does your sister like penguins,Why does your mother like giraffes,.阅读短文,完成表格信息 Beijing Zoo has over

9、7,000 animals of more than 600 different types.You can see animals from all over China and the world.It is famous(著名的)for its giant pandas.From China there are pandas,monkeys,tigers and many rare birds and fish.There are elephants,lions and giraffes from Africa.From Australia there are kangaroos.You

10、 can see polar bears from the Arctic(北极)and brown bears from North America.,The biggest attraction(吸引力)is the pandas.They are clever animals and like to play.People love to watch them.,答案:1.Giant pandas 2.Australia 3.Africa 4.Polar bears5.North America,.根据句意及首字母和图片提示完成单词(3分钟,10分),1.Look!This is a ti

11、ger.I think its s_.2.Look at the lovely panda.She is kind of s_.3.I like giraffes.I think theyre tall and b_.4.Theyre penguins.Theyre f_ to us.5.Dolphins are c_ animals.They can play with balls on water.,cary,hy,eautiful,riendly,lever,.单项选择(3分钟,10分)1.Our English teacher is very_ to us.We are_.A.frie

12、nd;friendB.friendly;friendC.friend;friendlyD.friendly;friends2._ do you like dogs?Because theyre friendly and clever.A.WhatB.WhenC.WhyD.Where,3.What_ pen pals do you have in the USA?A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.another4.Lets_ the zoo.I want_ the pandas.A.go;seeB.to go;to seeC.to go;seeD.go to;to see5

13、.I like tigers_ my sister doesnt.A.andB.butC.becauseD.or,.补全对话,每空一词(4分钟,10分)A:Hey,Linda.Lets see the koalas.B:Why do you 1 to see koalas?A:2 theyre cute.B:Well,what 3 animals do you like?A:I also like pandas.What 4 you?B:I like pandas,too.I think theyre friendly 5 cute.A:Well.Lets see the pandas fir

14、st.B:OK!Lets go.答案:1.want 2.Because 3.other 4.about 5.and,.阅读理解 Elephants are the biggest(最大的)animals that live on land.Only some kinds of whales(鲸)are bigger(较大的),but theylive in the sea.The elephant is the second tallest animal in the world.Elephants are the only animals that have a long nose that

15、 is called a trunk.They can use the trunk like a hand.With its trunk,an elephant can pick up a 270 kg tree,or pick up one peanut.Elephants have the biggest ears of all the animals.Their tusks are the biggest teeth.,There are two kinds of elephantsAfrican elephants and Indian elephants.Indian elephan

16、ts are also called Asian elephants.Elephants are very strong and very smart.People have used elephants for hard work for thousands of years.,阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)()1.Elephants are the biggest animals in the world.()2.Trunk is the longest nose in the world.()3.“Tusk”in Chinese means“尾巴”.()4.Elephants can d

17、o hard work.()5.Elephants ears are bigger than any other animals.,.选词并用其适当形式填空(3分钟,10分)relax,play,be,year,leaf1.The elephant is only two_ old.2.Koalas are from Australia.They like to eat_.3.The lion is lazy.He usually sleeps and_ 20 hours every day.4.Please_ quiet in the library.5.I like_ with my fr

18、iends after school.答案:to play/playing,years,leaves,relaxes,be,.单项选择(3分钟,10分)1.Dolphins are friendly_ people.A.forB.toC.withD.at2.Koalas often sleep_ the day,but get up and eat leaves _ night.A.at;duringB.during;atC.at;atD.during;during,3.Elephants like to eat_.A.grassB.meatC.fruitD.noodles4._ other

19、animals does your son like?A.WhyB.WhereC.WhatD.Which5.Jim usually sleeps for 9 hours_.A.every dayB.everydayC.dayD.at the day,.完成句子(4分钟,10分)1.难道这些狮子不是来自非洲的吗?_ these lions from Africa?2.他每天睡8个小时。He_ 8 hours_ _.3.大象喜欢吃草,而老虎喜欢吃肉。Elephants like_ _ _,but tigers like to eat_.,Arent,sleeps,every day,to eat

20、grass,meat,4.人们通常在白天工作,晚上睡觉。People usually work_ the day and sleep_ _.5.我的宠物狗聪明又可爱,因此我非常喜欢它。My pet dog is_ and_,_ I like it very much.,during/in,at night,clever,cute,so,.阅读理解根据下面的叙述找出正确的图片,1.It lives in Australia.Its not a bear.But it looks like a toy bear.Its short and fat.It lives and sleeps in th

21、e eucalyptus(桉树)trees.It only eats eucalyptus leaves.2.It is from Africa.It has a very long neck and long legs,so it can reach the leaves on a very tall tree.3.It lives in China.Its white and black.It likes eating bamboos.It is very shy and its very fat.People love it a lot.,4.It lives in a cold world.Its also black and white.Its a bird,but it cant fly.It can walk on the ice and swim in the sea.5.Its a kind of sea animal.It can swim very fast.We can see it in a zoo.Its very clever and can play with a ball.答案:15.CEDAB,


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