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1、1,Section A 第一课时(1a-1c),Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth.,人教版 九年级下册,2,litter v.乱扔 n.垃圾;废弃物,3,bottom n.底部;最下部,4,fisherman n.钓鱼的人,5,1a,Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution.Write them in the box below.Then add more words.,6,noise pollution _,air pollution _,water pollution _

2、,loud music;cars;building house;ships;planes,smoking;factories,factories;rubbish;littering,7,The river was dirty.Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish.,But it used to be so clean!,1c,Role-play the conversation.Then make your own conversations about the kindsof pollution in 1a.,8,Yes,but p

3、eople are throwing litter into the river.,Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up!,9,littering 乱丢废弃物 litter 作不可数名词,意为“垃圾;废弃物”。如:There were piles of litter on the streets.街上有一堆一堆的废弃物。There will be fines for people who drop litter.乱扔垃圾的人将被罚款。,Language points,10,litter 作及物动词,意为“把.弄得乱

4、七八糟”。如:Dont litter up the floor with scraps of paper.别往地上乱丢纸屑。It is antisocial to leave ones litter in public place.在公共场所遗弃杂物是妨害公共利益的。,Language points,11,litter 还可作不及物动词,意为“乱扔废弃物”。如:Please dont litter.请勿乱扔纸屑杂物。Why do you always litter up the table with all these newspapers?你为什么总是将报纸乱丢,把桌子弄得乱糟糟呢?,Lan

5、guage points,12,1.The street _ _ _(充满了)rubbish.2._(litter)causes pollution.3.Factories are putting _(pollute)water into the river.,is full of,Littering,polluted,13,4.The city _ _(过去)be so clean.5.We should play a part in _(clean)the city up.6.There _ _ _(过去有)so many trees on the hills.,used to,clean

6、ing,used to be,14,7.根据汉语意思完成句子。不要将房间弄得乱糟糟的。_ _ _ the room.8.She painted herself thick and _.A.ugly B.uglify C.uglily D.ugliness,Dont litter up,A,15,完成课后提升作业。,16,书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。陆游,17,Section A 第二课时(2a-2d),Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth.,人教版 九年级下册,18,coal n.煤;煤块,ugly adj.丑陋的;难看的,19,wooden adj.

7、木制的;木头的,20,plastic adj.塑料的 n.塑料;塑胶,21,takeaway n.外卖食物,bin n.垃圾箱,22,2a,Listen to the interview.Circle the Kinds of pollution that Jason andSusan talk about.,23,1.The air is badly polluted because there are _ on the road these days _2.Factories that burn coal also _ the air with a lot of black smoke.3

8、.There is also too much rubbish and waste.People _ things every day.4.People are also littering in _like parks.This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.,2b,Listen again and complete the sentences.,24,听力巩固训练,1.I _ _ _ able to see stars in the sky,but now I cant see them clearly.2.The air _ _ r

9、eally _ around there.3.People are also _ in public places.4.The factories that burn _ also _ the air with a lot of black smoke.,used to be,has become pulluted,littering,coal pollute,25,The air has become really polluted around here.Im getting very worried.,Yes,I used to be able to see stars in the s

10、ky.,The problem is that,2c,Use the information in 2a and 2b to role-play conversations between Jason and Susan.,26,Jason and Susan,what are your ideas for solving these problems?,Well,to cut down air pollution,we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,27,Yea

11、h,or ride a bike.There are other advantages of bike riding.Its good for health and it doesnt cost anything!,Great ideas!What about waste pollution?,28,Mmm,I think simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping can help.I started doing that a year ago.,Me,too.Also,I never take wooden chopsticks or

12、plastic forks when I buy takeaway food.I use the ones at home.,29,And remember to throw rubbish in the bins and keep public places clean and beautiful for everyone.,So together,ouractions can make a difference and lead to a better future!,30,1.People are also littering in _ like parks.This is turnin

13、g beautiful places into ugly ones.ugly 作形容词,意为“难看的;丑陋的”,指人、动物或事物的外貌或道德上令人反感。还可表示“有敌意的;阴险的;不祥的”,在句中可作表语或定语,反义词为comely,beautiful。如:The fairy changed the ugly old woman into a frog.仙女把那个丑陋的老女人变成了一只青蛙。,Language points,31,2.There are other advantages of bike riding.advantage作名词,意为“有利条件,优点,优势”,反义词为disadva

14、ntage。如:He had the advantage of a good education.他具备受过良好教育的优势。What is the advantage of using nuclear power?使用核能有何好处?,Language points,32,advantage还可作及物动词,意为“有利于;使处于优势”。如:It would advantage him to go abroad.出国会对他有好处。It would advantage you to work hard.努力工作对你会有益。,Language points,33,3.Its good for healt

15、h and it doesnt cost anything!be good for意为“有益于;适于”,后接名词或动词-ing形式。如:Whisky can be good for you if taken in moderation.威士忌酒如饮用适度是有益的。Do it up.Itll be good for you.把它喝完,它对你有益。,Language points,34,1.(2013山东青岛)-How much is the ticket to Central Park?-A one-way ticket _$40,and you can _ anther$20 for a ro

16、und-trip.A.costs,pay B.cost,spend C.pay,spend D.spends,pay2.The poor old man lived in a little _ hut.A.wood B.woodenly C.woodenness D.wooden,A,D,35,完成课后提升作业。,36,书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。陆游,37,Section A 第三课时(3a-4c),Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth.,人教版 九年级下册,38,shark n.鲨鱼,fin n.(鱼)鳍,39,cruel adj.残酷的;残忍的,

17、harmfuladj.有害的,40,3a,Read the passage about sharks and complete the fact sheet below.,41,42,1.Many people do not realize they are killing a whole shark _ they enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup.2.Sharks are at the top of the food chain,_their numbers drop,the oceans ecosystem will be in danger.,when,so,

18、3b,Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,43,3.Many think that sharks are too strong to be endangered,_ they are wrong.4._ there are no scientific studies to support this,a lot of people believe that shark fins are good for health.5.Sharks may disappear one day _ we

19、 do not do something to stop the sale of shark fins.,but,Although,if,44,GrammarFocus,45,Joe:_ you ever _(take)part in an environmental project?Ken:Yes,I have.I _(help)with a Clean-Up Day last year.It was _(consider)the biggest clean-up project this city _ ever _(have).Joe:How many people _(take)part

20、?,Have,taken,help,considered to be,had,had,have taken,4a,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,46,Ken:I _(think)more than 1000 people _(come)to help out.Joe:Thats fantastic!I guess everyone in this city is _(try)to improve the environment.Ken:Yes,we cant afford to _(wai

21、t)any longer to take action!,think,have come,trying,waiting,47,4b,Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verbs from the box.,48,People _ think that big things _ be done to save the earth.Many forget that saving the earth begins with small things.For example,you _ save electricity by turning o

22、ff the lights when you leave a room.You _ also use reusable bags instead of plastic bags.I think its a great idea that you now _ pay for plastic bags in some stores.,may,must,can,can,have to,49,And instead of driving to school or work,you _ ride your bike or walk.If its far,you _ take the bus.All th

23、ese small things _ add up and become big things that _ improve the environment.Lets take action now!,could,can,might,can,50,I think that everyone should use public transportation.,I disagree.Its difficult for parents with young children to use public transportation,4c,Make a list of things that peop

24、le can do to help the environment and discuss your list with your partner,51,1.Save the Sharks!save作动词,意为“救,拯救”,后常跟介词from。如:He saved the boy from the big fire.他从大火中救出了那个男孩。The dog saved the girls life.那只狗救了女孩的命。,Language points,52,拓展:save作及物动词,意为“储蓄,贮存;节省”。如:She saved her strength for the last minut

25、es of the race.她保存体力,准备在比赛的最后几分钟冲刺。save作不及物动词,意为“节省;存钱;贮存物品”。如:Some animals save for the future.一些动物为未来之需储存食品。,Language points,53,2.When people catch sharks,they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean.cut off有以下几种意思:切断(水、电);中断;关掉。如:Their water supply was cut off 他们的水源被切断了。切下来;剪下来

26、。如:They cut off the heads of their captives 他们把俘虏的头砍了下来。,Language points,54,孤立。如:The enemy soldiers were cut off from their headquarters敌军同总部的联系被切断,成了孤军。The flood cut off the villagers from the rest of the world洪水切断了村民们与外界的联系。剥夺继承权。如:He has cut his son off without a penny 他取消了儿子的继承权,一便士也不给。,Language

27、 points,55,【拓展】关于cut的用法:cut down 削减;砍倒;杀死;删节;胜过 cut in 插嘴;超车;插入 cut into 打断;侵犯 cut out 切断;删去;停止;关掉 cut back 削减;修剪;(美)倒叙cut short缩短;打断;缩减 cut from 从上切下 cut through 刺穿;抄近路走过 cut down on 削减,减少 cut up 切碎;抨击 cut away 切掉,砍掉,Language points,56,1.(2014潍坊)-Are Betty and LingLing still living in Beijing?-No,t

28、hey _ to Qingdao.A.will move B.are movedC.have just moved D.move2.(2014黔西南)I _ my homework for a long time,I really miss it.A.left B.went away fromC.have left D.have been away from,C,D,57,3.(2013福建泉州)-If we take a shower instead of bath,more water _.-I agree with you.A.has saved B.can save C.can be

29、saved4.I was _ in the middle of the telephone call.A.cut off B.cut downC.cut in D.cut away5.People who _ sports must be in condition.A.join B.join in C.take part in,C,A,C,58,完成课后提升作业。,59,书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。陆游,60,Section B 第四课时(1a-1e),Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth.,人教版 九年级下册,61,The traffic is so

30、 heavy.It causes air pollution.So what should we do?We shouldnt waste water and electricity.What should we do?,62,pollution,63,The traffic is so heavy.,64,waste water,65,waste electricity,66,_ stop riding in cars _ recycle books and paper _ turn off the lights when you leave a room _ turn off the sh

31、ower while you are washing your hair _ dont use paper napkins,1a,What can we do to help save the earth?Rank these items from the easiest(1)to the most difficult(5).,67,Recycling paper is really easy.,I agree.But its hard to stop riding in cars.,1b,Compare your answers in 1a with your partner.,68,1c,

32、Listen and check()the things that Julia and Jack talk about.,69,70,1d,Listen again.Check()the things that Julia is doing now the things she will do in the future and the things she would never do.,71,We really shouldnt use paper napkins,you know.,I know.I stopped using them last year.,1e,Make a conv

33、ersation using the information from the chart above.Say what is true for you.,72,Recycling paper is really easy.recycle 作动词,意为“回收利用;再利用”,过去式为recycled,过去分词为recycled,现在分词为 recycling,第三人称单数为recycles。如:Chemical constantly circulate or recycle in the system.化学物质在系统中不断循环或回流。The sole reason the Recycle Bin

34、 exists is to implement an undo facility for deleted files.回收站存在的唯一理由就是实现文件删除的撤销工具。,Language points,73,1.Its hard _(stop)driving.2.We shouldnt _(use)paper napkins.3.Take your own bags when _(shop).4._(save)endangered animals is very important now.,to stop,use,shopping,Saving,74,5.My uncle is greener

35、.He stopped _ paper napkins last year.6.You look tired!You should stop _ your work and have a good relax!A.to do B.doing C.to doing,using,B,75,完成课后提升作业。,76,书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。陆游,77,Section B 第五课时(2a-3b),Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth.,人教版 九年级下册,78,throw away扔掉;抛弃,pull.down拆下;拆毁,79,gate n.大门,bott

36、le n.瓶;瓶子,80,president n.主席;负责人;总统,inspiration n.灵感,81,2a,Look at the title and the pictures in 2b.Can you guess what the passage is about?,82,Amy Hayes house,It is built out of rubbish.,The windows and doors come from old buildings around her town that were pulled down.The top of the house is an ol

37、d boat turned upside down.And the gate in front of her house is made of rocks and old glass bottles.,2b,Read the passage and complete chart below.,83,Jessica Wongbags,Old jeans,Handbags.,Wang Taos art pieces,Old cars,They can be put at home.The more popular works can even been seen in art shops arou

38、nd the city.,84,2c,Fill in the blanks with the forms of the phrases in the box.,85,1.Amy Hayes lives in the UK.Many of the old buildings in her neighborhood were _.2.All the rubbish and old things in Amys neighborhood were then _ when Amy built her house.,pulled down,put to good use,3.Amy is very cr

39、eative.She _ her front gate _ rocks and old glass bottles.She put an old boat on top of her house.,builtout of,86,5.Though Jessicas bags are made from old clothes,her bags are _ being cute and useful.6.Wang Tao _ makes large pieces of metal art that look like animals or humans,_ makes smaller pieces

40、 for the home.,known for,not only but also,4.Jessica Wong sells her bags in a small shop,but she has also _ an online business to sell them.,set up,87,2d,Underline the words in the passage based on the words below.What are the differences?,88,2e,Make a list of things that need to be done to save the

41、 environment.Which things can be done by common people every day?Which things have to be done by governments and organizations?Discuss these with your group.,89,1.Which parts of the town/city have a nice environment?Why are they nice?2.Which parts need to be improved?Why?,3a,Think about the environm

42、ent inyour town/city and complete thechart below.,90,91,In your letter,describe the environmental problems in your town/city.What are the problems?Where are they?What or who is causing these problems?,3b,Write a letter to the city mayor about the problems and your suggestions.,92,Then,give suggestio

43、ns or possible ways to solve the problems.,I think thatWe should/couldI suggest,93,1.Do you often throw away things you dont need anymore?throw away有以下几种意思:扔掉,丢弃;浪费(机会、优势或好处)。如:I never throw anything away.我从来不扔任何东西。He has throw away a good opportunity.他已经失去了一个良好的机会。,Language points,94,错过(机会等),放过;未能很

44、好利用(机会等)。如:Dont throw away this opportunity.不要错过这个机会。You are throwing away your chance of becoming a success.你在错过成功的机会。浪费(时间、金钱等)乱花(钱等)。如:It will be time and money thrown away.这将是浪费时间和金钱。You are throwing your money away,buying such useless things.你买这些没有用的东西是在浪费钱。,95,2.Have you ever thought about how

45、 these things can actually be put to good use?put sth.to good use意为“好好利用;从某事物中获益”。如:Sometimes,however,the ability of bars to deform appreciably in torsion is put to good use.但是,有时要利用杆件在扭转时具有可观变形的能力。The waste water,after being filtered,was put to good use.废水经过过滤,得到了很好的利用。His experience is being put t

46、o good use there.他的经验现在正在那里很好加以利用。,Language points,96,3.The windows and doors come from old buildings around her town that were pulled down.pull down有以下几种意思:把拉下。如:His hat was pulled well down over his eyes so that nobody would guess his true identity.他把帽沿拉得很下,几乎遮住了眼睛,使人猜不清他是谁。破坏;拆毁(建筑物)。如:It is easy

47、 to pull down the old world than to build the new.破坏旧世界容易,但要建设新世界就难了。,Language points,97,挣得。如:He pulls down quite a lot of money in his new job.新工作使他挣了许多钱。Tow always pulled down the highest grades in school.汤姆在学校总得最高分。使身体虚弱。如:A really bad cold pulls you down and leaves you feeling very miserable.重感冒

48、会使你身体虚弱,让你感到很难受。,Language points,98,用介词填空。1.The desk was made _ wood _ my father _ my home.2.The paper was made _ wood and was made _ books _ the printing factory.,of,by,in,from,into,in,99,1.房顶是一个旧船倒过来使用的。The _ of the house _ _ _.2.大门是用石头和玻璃瓶做的。The gate is made _ rocks and glass _.3.王涛因用来自旧车的铁做艺术品而闻名。Wang Tao _ _ _ _ iron from the old cars to make art pieces.,top turned upside down,of bottles,is known for using,100,完成课后提升作业。,101,书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。陆游,


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