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1、Here are many shops.Lets do some shopping.,clothes shop,fruit shop,sports shop,stationery shop(,文具店,),toy shop,1.,How much,is this/that+,n,.?,Its,2.How much,are these/those+,n,-s?,Theyre,Grammar Focus,Questions,Answers,How much is the hat?,Its five dollars.,How much is this T-shirt?,How much is that

2、 brown,sweater?,How much are these socks?,How much are those black,trousers?,Its seven dollars.,Its eight dollars.,Theyre two dollars.,Theyre nine dollars.,How much is/are.?,这一句型常用来询问价格。如果询问不可数物,品或单数商品的价格,用,How much is.?,。,How much is this T-shirt?,这件,T,恤衫多少钱?,Its seven dollars.,七美元。,如果询问多个可数物品的价格,则

3、用,How,much are.?,。,How much are these pencils?,这些铅笔多少钱?,Theyre two dollars.,两美元。,知识链接:,句型,Whats the price of.?,也可用于询问,价格。,注意:,当,of,后名词是复数时,系动词,be,仍,用,is,。,Whats the price of these shoes?,这些鞋子多少钱?,拓展:,how much,还可用来询问,数量,,意为,“,多少,”,其后接,不可数名词,。,how,many,也可用来询问数量,意为“,多,少,”,,但其后接,复数可数名词,。,How much rice i

4、s there in the bag?,袋子里有多少米?,How many books does she have?,她有多少本书?,用,how much,或,how many,填空。,How much,1._ _ are these things?,How many,2.,_ _ students are there in your,class?,3._ _water is in the bottle?,How much,4.The shorts are very good.,How much,_ _are they?,How much,5.I want a pair of pants._

5、_ are they?,How many,6.Look at the picture._ _ birds are,there in the tree?,3a,Make sentences in the chart with,the words in the three boxes.,T-shirt hat trousers,skirt sweater socks shorts,shoes jacket bag,How much is?,How much are?,the yellow T-,shirt,3b,Look at the pictures and write the,question

6、s and answers.,1.How much is the hat?_,Its five dollars.,Its ten dollars.,2.How much is the bag?_,Its six dollars.,3.How much is the T-shirt?_,How much are the socks,4.,_?Theyre three,dollars.,How much is the sweater,5.,_?Its nine,dollars.,How much is the skirt,6.,_?Its eight dollars.,3c,Student A,l

7、ook at the pictures in 3b,for a minute and then close your,book.Student B,ask questions.,A:How much are the socks?,B:Um,theyre three dollars.,Pair work,A:Can I help you?,B:Yes,please.I want,A:What color do you,want?,B:Blue.,A:How much,B:Its/Theyre,A:Ill take it/them.,Thank you.,B:You are welcome.,$2

8、1,$8,shoes,$13,bag,$19,T-shirt,$11,trousers,$3,hat,socks,翻译下面的句子。,1.,这件红色的裙子多少钱?,100,元。,How much is the red skirt?,_,Its one hundred yuan.,_,2.,这条蓝裤子多少钱?,30,美元,.,How much is this pair of blue trousers?,_,It is thirty dollars.,_,写出同义句,How much is the sweater,?,_ _ _ _ the,Whats the price of,sweater?,

9、How much are the socks,?,Whats the price of,_ _ _ _,the,socks?,选择:,A,1,),_ is your watch?,Its eighty,yuan.,A.How much,B.What,C.How,D.What color,B,2,),How much _ do you have?,A.sock,B.water,C.pear,D.shirt,D,3,),_ socks does he want?,A.How much,B.What,C.How,D.How many,Mary buys a new sweater,for her,f

10、ather,.,She knows her father wants a new,sweater.And her father likes blue.,Do you want to buy anything for your,parents?,Do you know your parents?,Thing,s,Father,Mother,Report:,Price,My father likes I buy for my father.,My mother likes I buy for my mother.,Make a survey like this.,Name,What do,What

11、,you have?,color?,Jim,shoes,black,and,white,How,much?,¥,29,Report like this:,Jim has shoes.Theyre black and white.,Theyre 29 yuan.,补全对话,?,Clerk:,Can,I help you?,want/,please,?,Mom:Yes,.I,a pair of pants,need,for my daughter.,?,Clerk:What,color,does,she like?,?,Mom:Blue.,about,?,Clerk:What,this pair?,?,Mom:Oh,how,much,are they?,?,Clerk:25 dollars.,?,Mom:Can it be cheaper?,cant,?,Clerk:Sorry,I _.,take,?,Mom:Ok,Ill _ it.Here is the,_.Thank you.,money,?,Clerk:_ _ _.,You,are,welcome,


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