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1、专题7 连词,专题7 连词,考点直击,【考纲解读】,专题7 连词,连词是一种虚词,用来连接单词、短语、从句或句子,不单独用作句子成分。连词按其性质可分为并列连词和从属连词。常见考点如下:,专题7 连词,1并列连词的用法,(1)表示并列关系的连词:and,neithernor,not onlybut also,bothandNeither you nor I am right.你和我都不正确。(2)表示转折关系的连词:but,yet,while,however I failed again,but I wont give up.我又失败了,但我不会放弃的。,专题7 连词,(3)表示因果关系的连词

2、:so,thereforeI got up late,so I didnt catch the early bus.我起床晚了,因此我没赶上早班车。(4)表示选择关系的连词:or,eitherorWork hard,or you will fall behind.努力学习,否则你会落后的。,专题7 连词,提示(1)bothand意为“和都”,连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。(2)neithernor意为“既不也不”;not onlybut(also)意为“不但而且”;eitheror意为“或者或者”。它们连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词的形式通常与离其最近的主语保持一致,即遵循“

3、就近原则”。,专题7 连词,【典例1】Dont play with your brothers toy,_ he will feel unhappy.Aand Bor Cso Dthen 答案 B,专题7 连词,【典例2】_ Henrys mother _ his father speaks English.They only speak Chinese.AEither;or BNeither;nor CBoth;and DNot only;but also 解析 B根据“They only speak Chinese”可知Henry的妈妈和爸爸都不说英语。表示“两者都不”用neitherno

4、r。,专题7 连词,2从属连词的用法,专题7 连词,专题7 连词,专题7 连词,专题7 连词,专题7 连词,专题7 连词,【典例3】Ill write a letter to you _ I arrive in New York.Aas soon as Buntil Csince Dfor 解析 Aas soon as意为“一就”;until意为“直到”;since意为“自从以来”;for意为“因为”。句意:我一到纽约就会给你写信。故选A。,专题7 连词,【典例4】In Britain,you must reach 18 _ you want to drive a car.Abecause B

5、though Cif Dso 解析 Cbecause意为“因为”;though意为“尽管”;if意为“如果”;so意为“因此”。句意:在英国,如果你想开车,你必须满18岁。故选C。,专题7 连词,【典例5】Did you call Jim back?I dont need to,_ well have a meeting together tonight.Athough Bunless Cbecause Dif 解析 Cthough意为“尽管”;unless意为“除非”;because意为“因为”;if意为“如果”。根据答语句意“我不需要,因为我们今晚将一起开会”可知选C。,专题7 连词,考点

6、过关,()1.2015安徽Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he came to China.Abefore Bwhen Cuntil Dsince()2.2015安徽_ the sun was not yet up,many people were already taking exercise in the square.AAs BIf CThough DBecause,D,C,句意:尽管太阳还没有升起,但是许多人已经在广场上锻炼了。though意为“虽然,尽管”。,专题7 连词,()3.2015安徽Spend more time

7、 talking with your parents,_ they may not well understand you.Aor Bso Cand Dbut()4.2015安徽Smile to the world,_the world will smile back to you.Anor Bbut Cor Dand,A,D,句意:对世界微笑,世界也会对你微笑。前后句为顺承关系。故选D。,专题7 连词,()5.2015安徽The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier _ we take action to protect them.Asince Bif

8、Cuntil Dunless,D,句意:如果我们不采取行动保护它们,河流会变得越来越脏。unless意为“除非;如果不”。,专题7 连词,()6.I wonder why more and more people are taking up fishing these days.You know,youll find its really fun _ you try it.Aonce BbecauseCbefore Dsince,A,句意:“我想知道为什么现在越来越多的人开始从事钓鱼。”“你知道,一旦你尝试一下它,你会发现它真的很有趣。”once意为“一旦”。,专题7 连词,()7.2015合

9、肥包河区模拟Take your time,_ youll make another mistake.Athen Band Cbut Dor,D,专题7 连词,()8.2015合肥50中模拟Hurry up!The bus is coming.Wait a minute.Dont cross the street _ the traffic lights are green.Aafter Buntil Cwhile Dsince,B,专题7 连词,()1.2015沈阳_ you use your dictionary often,your spelling will improve.AWheth

10、er BIfCThough DWhile,语法专练,B,专题7 连词,()2.2015六安裕安区模What do you think of the shoes?I dont think they fit me.They are _ too big _ too small.Aeither;or Bnot only;but also Cneither;nor Dboth;and,A,答语句意:我认为它们不适合我,它们不是太大就是太小。eitheror意为“不是就是”。,专题7 连词,()3.2015合肥包河区模You wont study well _ you really know how to

11、 study.Aif Bwhen Cunless Dafter,C,专题7 连词,()4._ John failed to climb to the top of the mountain several times,he didnt give up.AAlthough BBecause CWhether DUnless,A,专题7 连词,()5._ Tom _ Mary speaks good Chinese,so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.Aeither;or Bnot only;but also

12、Cneither;nor Dboth;and,B,根据“他们能与中国学生很好地交流”可知,汤姆和玛丽汉语说得都很好,又根据谓语动词是第三人称单数,故选B。,专题7 连词,()6.2015合肥寿春中学模拟I will try my best in the English speech _ I may fail.Wonderful!I will support you all the time.Awhen Buntil Cunless Dthough,D,专题7 连词,()7.2015合肥38中二模Why didnt you try your best to get on the bus?I tr

13、ied to,but it had started moving _ I could get on it.Abefore Bafter Csince Dif,A,答语句意:我尽力了,但是在我上车前,车已经开始移动了。before意为“在之前”。,专题7 连词,()8.2015合肥38中二模Be quick,_ well miss the beginning of the show.Aor BbutCand Dunless,A,专题7 连词,()9.2015上海Would you like to go to the cartoon show with me?It sounds like fun,

14、_ Im too busy.Aso BforCor Dbut,D,答语句意:听起来很有趣,但是我太忙。表示转折关系用but。,专题7 连词,()10.Mom,when will dad come back?I miss him very much._ he finishes his task,he will come back to see you.AAs long as BAs soon as CEven though DEven if,D,专题7 连词,()11.Liu Yang dreamed that she could go into space some day,_ her dre

15、am came true in 2015.She became Chinas first female astronaut.We are all proud of her.Abut BsoCor Dand,D,前后两个句子表示顺承关系。故选D。,专题7 连词,()12.Youd better take the map with you _ you wont get lost.Aas long as Bas soon as Cnow that Dso that,D,句意:你最好随身携带地图,为的是不会迷路。so that表示“为了;以便”。,专题7 连词,()13.Because of the

16、heavy traffic,it was already time for lunch break _ she got to her office.Awhen Bduring Csince Dwhile,A,句意:由于交通拥挤,她到办公室时,已是午休时间了。when意为“当时候”。,专题7 连词,()14.I could speak _ French _ Chinese,but luckily I could talk with them in English.Aeither;or Bnot only;but also Cneither;nor Dboth;and,C,根据“但是幸运的是,我能

17、用英语与他们交谈”可知,法语和汉语我都不会说。neithernor表示“两者都不”。,专题7 连词,()15.2015徐州Jim is always so busy _ he has little time for his family.Aif Buntil Cthat Dwhich()16.2015贺州_ Bob is very tall,_ he cant play basketball.A/;but BAlthough;butCBecause;so D/;although,C,A,although和but不能连用,排除B;because和so不能连用,排除C;根据句意“鲍勃很高,但是他不

18、会打篮球”可知选A。,专题7 连词,()17.2015随州What do you think of this soap opera?I think its very boring,_ my mother cant wait to watch it every day.Aand Bbut Cor Dso,B,根据答句句意“我认为它很无聊”和“我妈妈每天迫不及待地想看它”两个句子之间存在转折关系。故选B。,专题7 连词,()18.2015梅州I was watching TV_ my brother was writing an email at home at this time last ni

19、ght.Aas soon as BafterCuntil Dwhile,D,句意:昨晚这个时候我在看电视,而我的哥哥在家写电子邮件。while意为“然而”。,专题7 连词,()19.I hate traveling by air _ you usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes off.Abecause Bthough Cuntil Dunless,A,专题7 连词,()20.2015鄂州We will certainly enter a good high school _ we work hard.Yes.Our dream will come true by working hard.Aas soon as Bas long asCas far as Deven if,B,句意:只要我们努力学习,我们一定会进入一所好的高中。as long as意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。A,


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