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1、外研版九年级英语下册总复习资料 外研版九年级英语下册总复习资料九年级下册 dule 12 一、重点词汇:I根据首字母及句意提示写出下列单词。1hih f these frs f t_(交通) d u lie least ?2 Last eeend e t a tur b _(长途客车 ) t the Suer Palae 3 i pushed past the t_( 朝、向) his seat 4 The an as sing a _(香烟) in the train Par Shl is a s_ shl (中学 ) 6 I b_ (打赌)e are even better than Pa

2、r Shl at English 7 Everda ur teaher hes hih pupils are p_(在场) r a_(缺席的)8 PE i_(牵涉、包括)exerise, basetball and s n 9 Aftershl a_(活动),suh as sprts lubs and language s_(社团) are ppular 10There is a parents eeting ,s ur parents and teahers an tal abut ur p_(进步)。11PE stands fr Persnal Health and S_(安全) Edua

3、tin 。12F_(幸运的是), e dnt have exas in ever subet 二、重点短语II:翻译下列短语和句型。1Better get ba t r _ 2hat s it lie ?3 be full f _ 4 beause f _ tae a tur _ 6 g fr a lng al _7 shl leavers part _ 7 drea abut _8 set ff _ 10 at the start f _11 in a strng vie _ 12 get ff /n _13 be far aa _ 14 get tp grades _1 ae a spee

4、h _ 16 have a brea _17 stand fr _ 18 as ell as _19 instead f _ 20 have /tae exas _21 d athletis _ 22 aftershl ativities _23 at the end f _ 24 plent f _ 三、重点句子 III:根据中提示完成句子。1因为春节的原因,冬季成了中国最繁忙的季节。inter is _ _seasn in hina _ _ Spring Festival 2最好回去上了, 因为本学期结束我们还要考试呢。Better _ _ _r , beause eve gt exas

5、_ _ _ _ the ter 3这学期有许多有趣的事要做。There are _ _ fun things _ _this ter 4林经常梦见火车,梦见去首都,现在火车就在他面前,马上就要开车动身了。Lin ften _ _ the train and abut ging t the apital ,n it is _ _ _hi ,t _ _ sn 他拉着金的胳膊,眼中含着泪水,金把他推开了。He _ in _ _ ar, _tears in his ees, in _ hi aa 6我有火车票,号码正是你正坐着的那座位的号码。I have a tiet _ the nuber f th

6、e seat u are_ _7“那离这还有7个小时的距离,戴眼镜的人说,”“即使是10分钟的路,你也得让开。”“It is seven hurs _ _ here,” the an _glasses said ,“_ _ it is nl 10 inutes , u shuld _ ”8慢慢地,这个年轻人站了起,把烟扔在地板上,消失在火车那一头。Sll the ung an _ _, _ his igarette n the flr , and _ _ the train 9两个学校都很好,一所学校有的,另一所学校也有。_shls are ver nie, and_ shl has anth

7、ing the ther hasnt gt 10九点钟上,每节上一个小时,11:00休息一会,然后再上一节,然后一个小时吃中饭,在放学前我们还得再上两节。Lessns begin at 9:00 and _ fr an hur e _ _ _at 11:00, then _lessn , then lunh fr an hur e have _ _lessns befre shls finishes 11PHSE是关于吸烟、吸毒的危险以及其他别的内容。PHSE is abut the_f drugs and sing, _ _ _12在ADT程中,我们学习如烹饪之类的知识,还有画画和设计等。I

8、n ADT e als d things lie learning t _ _ _ draing and design 13关于学校的记忆,什么是最坏的事情?作业还有考试!hat is _ _ thing abut shl ?Her-and exas !四、重点语法1名词(名词的复数、名词所有格 ) 1)某国人变复数口诀:“中日不变英法变,其余S加后面。如:a hinese -_ a apanese -_a Frenhan -_ an Englishan -_an Arab _ a Geran -_ 2)以结尾的词变复数口诀:除“黑人英雄吃土豆西红柿”外,其余在词尾加esz-_ radi -_

9、 pht-_Negr _ her -_ tat-_ptat _ angar_ pian -_ 3)复合名词前面是an, an 变复数时,构成复合名词的两个词全部变成复数,如果是其他词,变复数时,只要把后面的名词变复数形式。如: a an dtr -_ a an teaher _ a b student -_ a banana tree -_ 4)不可数名词的数量的表达方法。 一条新闻_ 两片面包_ 几滴水 _ 几箱苹果_ ) 名词所有格表示名词之间的所有关系。有两种表达方式。一种是“s”所有格, 一种是f 所有格。如: 教师节_ 母亲节_ 李明的书包_ 杰克的父母_ 汤姆和杰克的房间(共有)_

10、 汤姆和杰克的房间(各自所有)_ 房间的门_ 树上的叶子_ 我父亲的朋友_我父亲的一个朋友_2,冠词 冠词分为不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词。 1)不定冠词表示泛指某人或某物,在第一次提到某人或某物时,常常用不定冠词,如: I have gt _ ne puter _ plane is a ahine that an fl 2)不定冠词用在表示时间、速度、价格等意义的名词之前,有“每一”之意如: e usuall have a part ne _ ee 3)定冠词表示“特指”,用于双方都知道的人或物,以及上面提到过的人或物,还可以表示世界上独一无二的事物。 Give e _ b ,please I

11、have gt _ ne puter , _ puter is ver sall D u n _ in red ? _ earth ges arund _ sun 4) 定冠词常常用于序数词、和最高级前面,以及对年各个人或物进行比较时起特指作用的比较级前。 He is _ taller f the t a is _ first b t get t shl )用在姓前面表示一家人或夫妻俩,如: _Greens are athing vies n 6)用在某些形容词前表示一类人。 _ung shuld tae gd are f _ld 7) 元音前面用an , 辅音前面用a, 注意是指读音而不是指

12、字母。如: There is _:h”and _ “u “in the rd “hur “ I have gt _ ubrella She is _unhapp girl and she bught _ useful b 8) “the+序数词”表示“第几-”“a+序数词”表示“又一,再一”,如: The apple is s deliius , and I uld lie t eat _ send ne 9)某些词组中有定冠词和没有定冠词意思不同。如: His father is ill s he has t sta _ His father is a dtr and rs _ A in h

13、spital B, in the hspital 10) 有些地方不使用冠词如: e an pla _ pian ell, but e ant pla _basetball A the/ a B the / the / , the D the , /3 数词1)熟记下列数词基数词:11_ 12_13_1_ 20_30_40_0_ 百_千_百万_十亿_序数词:第1_第2_第3_第_ 第8_第9_第12_第20_基数词变序数词口诀:基变序,有规律,末尾加上th, 一、二、三,特殊记,八去t,九去e, ve要用f替 ,遇见变ie,后跟th 莫忘记。要想变成几十几,只变个位就可以。倍数或次数:一次_两

14、次_三次_2)分数的表示法:子基母序,分子大于一,分母加s, 如: 1/3 _ 2/_ 3/7_3年代的表达法:如:在19世纪70年代 in_4)年龄的表达“ 如:在她四十多岁时 in _ 注意两组词组的区别: A t hundred hundreds / thusands /illins / billins f _ B a nuber f _ the nuber f _如:Tda there are _ students learning English A hundred f B thusands illins f D, 3 billin f 4 代词1)人称代词 主格 _ _ _ _ _

15、 _ _ _ 宾格_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2)物主代词 形容词性_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 名词性 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3)反身代词_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 如:She teahes _( e) English He is t ung t l after _( he ) This puter is _(she ) , _( I ) is n the des 4) 疑问代词:_ _ _ _ _ 不定代词, 如:_在运用代词时,要注意1) it ,ne that的区别,如:2)几组不定代词的区别,如: A little / a little , fe / a fe ;

16、an /uh ; se / an B: all / bth , nne /neither , eah /either /ever everne / ever ne3) 当形容词或else修饰复合不定代词sething等时,常常放于不定代词后面,如: 一些好词的东西_ 某些重要的事_IV选择正确的选项完成句子。 1The eather in Hefei is lder than _ in Beiing in inter A it B that thse D this 2 -h has a puter ? - I have _, d u lie _? A it / it B that / it n

17、e / it D ne / ne 3 There is _ in tdas nespaper A ne sething B, anthing ne iprtant nthing D nthing ne 4 e plant an trees n _ side f the street A nne B an either D bth It as a lng urne, but _ f the fur felt bred A, neither B bth , nne D all 五、 知识点运用。V用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(illin)f peple visit the Great all ev

18、er ear 2The _(nine ) lessn is ver eas 3r Sith learned hinese as his _(t ) language 4uld u give e _( ne ) re hane ?hat as the ppulatin f hina at the end f _( tent ) entur 6These _(use )are s lvel, dnt hurt the 7There is n _( r ) t la the bed here 8He rushed ut f the r ithut _( sa ) a rd 9I bet e are

19、even _( gd ) than Par Shl at English 10I ill sta here until I a 18 if I _ (pass) the exa 11Their shl is as big as _( e )12Bs and girls , help _( u ) t se fruit 13The are athing TV instead f _( revise ) fr the test 14Neither shl _( have ) a big siing pl 1There are an nie_( tat) here, lets tae se _(ph

20、t )f the V单项选择。1 The train ill _ in t hurs, please be hurr A set ut B set dn , set ff D, set up 2 The train as _ peple and I had t stand fr ver 6 hurs A filled f B full f fill ith D full ith 3 This plane an fl at re than _ the speed f the sund A, send B, t , tie D, third 4an u tell e h an _ u ant t

21、get ?Asheeps B fish phtes D range -Exuse e ,h has a nife ? - I have _, d u ant _? A ne / ne B ne / that ne / it D it / ne 6 He fund _ diffiult t g t sleep beause f the nis hildren A, that B / h D it 7 There is _ uie in the fridge, uld u g aand bu se ? A a little B a fe little D uh8 T ,u are ld enugh

22、 , I thin u an l after _ A u B ur urself D self 9 hn and I uldnt get int the huse beause _ f us had a e A nne B bth neither D either 10 -Is everne here ? -es _ A T isnt here B Nbd is absent Nbd is present D, ait a ent 11 -L, here es the bus -N hurr Dnt get n it _ it has stpped A hen B after until D

23、sine12 T as ell as his friends _ ell untain n A visits B are visiting is visiting D visit13 -I dnt lie listening t the nert - I dnt ,_ A als B t as ell D。either14 He desnt n _Frenh beause he has studied it fr nl _ees A uh, a fe B little , a fe fe , a little D a fe , a bit1 _ u dnt lie English , u sh

24、uld stud it hard beause it is useful A Althugh B hile Even D Even if 名词专项练习1 -an I ust have a tr ? -Sure , It desnt _ if u give e a rng anser A atter B truble ind D are2 -here is T ? -Hes left _ saing that he has sething iprtant t d A an exuse B, a sentene nes D a essage 3 I reeber n that da _ ae ne

25、 after anther t ur fail A gd piees f nes B piees f gd nes a gd piee f nes D a piee f gd nes4 -hat is in the _? -There are se _ and _ in the A phts; ptates, radis B phts ; ptates ; radies phtes ; ptats , radis D phts ; ptats ; radies The dtr red fr _ after 12 l A t re hurs B anther t hur t anther hur

26、 D re t hurs 6 hen I hurriedl gt t the airprt , the lad at the ind tld e that there ere n _ left n that plane A plaes B seats spae D r 7 The usi ade e thin f the _ f a running strea A shut B nise vie D sund 8 As there ere nt enugh hairs in the par , the had t sit n the _ A grund B earth land D field

27、 9 This is _ bedr, the tin sisters lie it ver uh A Anne and ane B, Annes and anes Annes and ane D Anne and anes 10 T bags are n the table The are _ A the tins B the tins tins D tins11 A sign ith the rds _ is ften fund in a bus A N PHTS BN SING N ENTR D N PARING12 -an I help u ? -es, Id lie _ fr tin

28、daughters A t pair f shes B t pairs f she t pair f she D t pairs f shes 13-_ is the prie f this up ? -10 dllars A H an B H uh hat D H expensive14 -Exuse e , is the superaret far fr here ? - N it is abut _ A 7 inutes al B7 inute drive 7 inutes al D 7 inutes drive1 hen Aerian elebrate Thansgiving Da ,

29、 the ften eat _ A n aes B ndles Ture D breads 冠词专项练习I 填入适当的冠词, 在不需要冠词的地方划“/”1 -hat is _ date tda ? - it is a 162 English is _ useful language language in _ rld 3 Please pa attentin t ur spelling, u have drpped _”d” and _ “n” in the rd “ednesda “4It is ging t rain , please tae _ unbrella ith u He is

30、_ hnest b , s e all lie hi 6 T lies plaing _pian , but hn lies plaing _ basetball 7 In the United States , Fathers Da falls n _third Sunda in une 8_ Naning is ne f _ ldest ities ith _lng histr 9 -Please give e _ ring hen u arrive 10 e have three eals _ da , e have _ breafast at 6:00II单项选择1 T bught _

31、 interesting b _ b is als ver useful A an ; The B a; The an ; A D a ;A2 In rder t ae it lear, I ust g up t _ send flr and as hi _ send tie A the , a B the ; the a; the D a; a 3 -hat uld u lie fr _ breafast , r Stt? - Three piees f bread ith _ up f bla tea ,please A a ; a B /; the a, the D / a 4 -It

32、is _ nie da , isnt it ? -es, hat _ fine eather ! A a; a B the ; the a; / D the ; / It is said that _ ubrella as invented ver 4 hundreds ears ag b hinese peple A a B an the D /6 -T, d u n _ ne lub in ur shl ? -f urse, I a ne f its ebers A a B an / D the 7 _ung ust l after _ ld A The ; a B A; the The

33、; the D A, a8 _ nuber f students have gne t Beiing A / B A The D An 9 There are _fe istaes in ur her dnt ae _ sae istaes again A a ; a B a; the the ; a D the ; the 10 -H des ur father g t r ?-_A B a bie B n feet B the ar D B bus 数词专项练习I 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 e all n Lessn eans _( five ) lessn in English 2 A

34、nther a f saing the nuber “three quarters “ is three _(fur ) 3 aes ,iss hites _( t ) sn is ver exited that his parents ill have a part fr his _( nine ) birthda 4 h sas the ld ant learn English ell ? grandpa began t learn English in his _(sixt ) It is reprted that _( thusand ) f hildren die f hunger

35、r diseases in Afria ever ear II单项选择1 an freign friends spe highl f _ Beiing lpi Gaes A 29 B 29th the 29th D the 292 All fans thught the faus singer staed in _ that night Hever, he didnt A R 908 B the 908 R 908 the R D the R 9083 Althugh I have read this funn str three ties , I d lie t read it _tie A

36、 a send B the send a furth D the furth 4 iss hen has tld us she as brn in _, but she ls uh unger A the 1970 B 1970s the 1970s D 1970s hinese peple ill never frget the terrible and sad da -_ A2008,a 12 B a 12,2008 2008,12 a D 12,2008 a 6 -H ld is ur usin ? -abe u ant iagine -he is nl _A eightnthld B eightnths ld eight nths ld Deight nths ld 7 -ust I get t the eeting at 10:1 ? -es, u ust reeber the tie _ A fifteen t ten B fifteen past ten a quarter t eleven D a quarter past eleven 8 -H an freigners ar


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