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1、核心段的扩展,一篇议论文包括一个介绍段,,2-3,个核心段和一个总结段。一,般来说,考官最看重的是核心段质量,因为从字数和内容来,说都占到了一篇议论文的绝大部分。因此,在学习任何一种,具体议论文题型之前我们应该了解如何顺畅地扩展核心段。,从一个,topic sentence,到一个完整核心段的过程有很多方法,,此课件的任务和目的就是教会大家如何连贯流畅地把一个,topic sentence,往下降,最终形成闭环的论证逻辑。,2020/3/28,Topic sentence,的基本原则,1.,与题目紧密相关,不能随心所欲,一般来自,原题观点改,写,(,不可避免会重复,不用担心,),或者,稍微往下

2、细化,;,2.,TS,必须是一个自己有把握能扩展的方向,否则写不动;,3.,大部分情况下,Topic sentence,只引出一个具体的,idea,,然后,针对这个,idea,进行扩展。但有的时候方向给得比较宽,能,引出,2,个以上的分论点。这主要是为了字数或者回应题目,的要求。,第一种方案,最合常规,?,TS(,一般是一个影响,/,结果,)+,原因解释,/,降层解释,/,进一步的,结果,/,对比解释,/,举例,+,(如果需要可以重复,TS,),?,可以只用其中一种扩展方法,也可以,2-3,种组合使用。,原因解释,+,举例解释,-,互联网的使用导致隐私威胁(牢记背,诵),?,On the ot

3、her hand,these benefits do have a potential cost,with regard to,loss of privacy.,This is because,everything that,internet users do is recorded by companies,like Google and,Facebook,and there is not much that the typical user can do,to prevent it.,For example,internet users should bear in mind,that a

4、ll of their emails and searches are saved,and that,Google might know more about their activities than their,families do.,As far as Facebook is concerned,its users seem,happy to reveal the identities of their friends and families,as,well as,their daily activities,even though,this private,information

5、is stored definitely.,If,it fell into the wrong hands,it could represent a real threat to peoples freedom and,privacy.,原因解释,+,举例解释,-,鼓励学生给老师评分,?,Encouraging students to criticize or grade their teachers contributes to,improving teaching quality.,(This is partly because),complaints from the,former he

6、lp the latter to become aware of the defects in their teaching,methods.,For example,if,a large proportion of students complain about,the difficulty of math classes,the teacher will improve the situation by,making more explanation or slowing down the pace of learning.,Apart,from that,as,important dec

7、isions including merit reviews,pay raises,and,promotions are based in part on these evaluations,teachers must treat,feedback carefully and do everything possible to make improvements in,their teaching,such as,spending more time helping students with their,homework.,这个片段里有两次原因解释,?,原因解释,+,对比,-,早上学对孩子的

8、好处,?,Another,advantage of going to school at an early age is that,children develop faster socially.(,针对前面,socially,的解释,省,略了,This is because)They make friends and learn how to get,on with other children of a similar age.(,没有举例,但是用上,学和在家待着作为对比,)This is often not possible at home,because,they are the o

9、nly child,or,because,their brothers or,sisters are older or younger.,自己练习,?,不可否认不同年纪的人有不同的购物习惯。(这是因为),随着年纪增长,人们的需求和兴趣在不断变化,这导致他,们花钱在完全不同的商品或者服务上。比如说,小孩子把,零花钱全花在零食和玩具上,而年轻人则开始追逐时尚,,购买潮流的鞋子和衣服。中年人的钱主要被用来改善生活,质量比如更大的房子和更好的汽车,而老年人则只愿意花,钱在健康相关的产品上。,自己练习,?,在家工作效率低,因为有分心和干扰,比如说宠物或者小,孩子,降层解释,+,举例,-,稳定的心态对体育

10、比赛的作用,On the other hand,many people believe that,a good mentality,to a great extent,determines the results of sports competitions.,More specifically,athletes aiming at winning medals must be,able to stay calm throughout a game or not easily give it up even,in an uphill battle.,One of the most obviou

11、s examples,of this is,the shooting competition,where,the ability to focus on the target,without being affected by the crowds is far more important than,the physical strength.,降层解释,+,进一步的结果,-,网络购物的好处(牢记背诵),Another significant advantage is that the buyer can,have more,control,over the process.,Price c

12、omparison websites make it,easier to find bargains,shopping can be done at any time of the,day or night,and shoppers can browse for as long as they like,without pressure from sales assistants,.This means that shoppers,can become more astute and knowledgeable about the products,they are buying.Becaus

13、e of the greater competition involved in,trading within a large market,sellers may have to improve the,quality of their products.,最后并没有举例而是针对前面的三,种细化进一步分析带来的结果。,自己练习,-,家长对孩子的影响,?,不得不承认,家长对孩子有着巨大的,影响,。具体来说,家,长塑造了孩子的,性格,生活习惯和价值观,。比如说,如果,家长把空闲时间用来读书而不是玩电脑游戏或者浏览社交,网络,孩子也会培养阅读的习惯而不是沉迷于虚拟世界。,自己练习,网络购物让消费者

14、能更好控制购物过程,?,网络购物让消费者有更多的控制,-,具体来说,-,价格对比,/,购物,时间,/,不受销售人员的压力,比如说,那些要照顾婴儿的,妈妈们可以,.,年代对比,为什么越来越少的人选择骑车出行,?,Another cause is that a greater variety of means of transport,are available to daily commuters today.,In the pa,st,riding a,bicycle was the main choice for many people to go to work or,for fun.,T

15、oday,however,people living in cities and towns can,have a wider range of choices,including more bus lines,underground railways,taxies and even the Uber service.Any,of these is more efficient and comfortable than cycling and,therefore this traditional way of transport has been losing,popularity.,只有举例

16、,-,互联网的最大好处,?,The greatest advantage of the internet is that it makes,communication much easier between people.,For example,when,studying abroad,international students could be less,bothered by the problem of homesickness,as,they are,enabled by instant communication tools,such as Facetime,to,talk wi

17、th their families on a daily basis.,In addition,people,suffering from the same disease are able to establish an,online community,where,they can share inspiring stories of,fighting the disease as well as useful information for recovery.,只有举例,-,简单的生活方式有利于解决环境问题,?,It is evident that living a simple lif

18、e makes great contributions,to combating environmental challenges.,For example,if,people choose to spend holidays at home reading a classic,novel,rather than,having a trip abroad,they will help reduce,greenhouse gases emitted by the flights and vehicles used,during their journeys.,Similarly,instead

19、of,pursuing the latest,fashion trend,people who,purchase clothes and shoes,moderately contribute to saving the resources used for,production and reducing the amount of rubbish.,只有举例,-,科技有助于保留传统生活方式,?,Technology can positively contribute to the keeping alive of,traditional skills and ways of life.,Fo

20、r example,the populations,of some islands are too small to have normal schools.,Rather,than,breaking up families by sending children to the,mainland,education authorities have been able to use the,Internet to deliver schooling online.,In addition,the Internet,and modern refrigeration techniques,are

21、being used to keep,alive the traditional skills of producing salmon,because,it can,now be ordered from,and delivered to,anywhere in the,world.,只有举例,-,媒体带来的文化信息,On the one hand,I admit that getting acquainted with the,culture of different places across the world has become,incredibly easy and conveni

22、ent with the help of media.,For,example,there are thousands of books and magazines,such as,Lonely Planet,vividly picturing how people live their daily lives in,a city thousands of miles away from the reader.Information,about their food traditions and festival celebrations can be,accessed at almost n

23、o cost of time and money.,In a similar way,watching movies brings viewers close to a lifestyle totally,different from their own.Indian movies,for example,let people,know how important singing and dancing is to the Indian.,第二种情况,?,TS,是一个笼统的方向,引出,2-3,个分论点。,2020/3/28,支持校服的理由(牢记背诵),?,People in favour of

24、 students wearing school uniforms believe,that it has a number of benefits.,1).,Firstly,requiring students,to wear uniforms helps reduce peer pressure.When everyone,in the class is dressed in the same way,they are not likely to,talk about the price and taste of clothes.As a result,no one,would feel

25、a sense of superiority or prejudiced.,2).,In addition,the rule of wearing school uniforms keeps the campus safe.,This is because those who are not members of the school can,be easily recognized and kept outside.There are consequently,fewer possibilities of some incidents,such as theft or gang,bullyi

26、ng on campus.,联系外星人的好处,?,On the one hand,from the perspective of some optimists,there may be great benefits,to searching alien life forms.,1).,It,is likely that our neighbours in space would lend us their far,more advanced technologies to solve a series of problems on,the Earth.For example,environme

27、ntal pollution could be,eradicated and life-threatening diseases could be cured if we,could be technologically improved by our alien friends.,2).,What is more,with their help and assistance,human beings,may be able to make a significant step forward to live beyond,the Earth.This means that we would

28、no longer be afraid of,facing any catastrophe that might destroy our home planet.,?,On the one hand,there are two reasons why some people say,we are more dependent on each other now,.1).Firstly,the,cost of living,has increased so dramatically that life is more,complex and difficult.Young adults,for

29、example,have to rely,on their parents for financial help when renting a flat or,buying a house.Housing prices are higher than ever,and if,relying on themselves it would be impossible for many young,people to pay a deposit and a mortgage.2).Secondly,people,want a better quality of life,for their fami

30、lies.This means that,both parents usually need to work full-time,and they depend,on support from grandparents and babysitters for child care.,自己练习,?,住在楼房高层的人们享受一些好处。首先,他们有更好的,视野景观。比如说,他们可以看到城市的全貌以及城市外,面的自然风景。其次,高层住户享受更好的生活环境,因,为家里会有更好的光线和通风,这对保持房间卫生有很大,帮助。,举办奥运会的好处(,TS,有预告的效果),?,Holding the Olympic

31、Games allows the host country to reap,benefits in terms of,economic growth,and,public health,.,With,regard to the former,millions of people are attracted to the,host county to watch world-class sports games and to,experience the local culture,both of which,bring in billions of,dollars in cash and cr

32、eate a large number of job opportunities.,The other contribution made by hosting this international,event,is that an interest in sports will,be developed in the,public as the government builds more sports facilities and,introduces knowledge of various sports.,As a result,they,would become more physi

33、cally active,and the level of health,in the general population could be improved.,学习外语的两个原因,-,(,TS,有预告的效果),On the one hand,working or traveling abroad,is the main and,even only motivation behind some people taking foreign,language courses in their spare time.With regard to the former,job seekers wit

34、h the ambition to pursue better career,development in other countries have to be equipped with great,fluency in a new language.If not,the chance to be employed by,giant companies,such as IKEA or DELL,would be extremely,narrow,especially for people from developing countries.As for,international touri

35、sts,learning a few words and phrases of the,local language could make a holiday trip much more exciting,because being able to communicate with locals allows them to,engage more in the local culture and customs.,自己练习,在家工作让人们可以灵活安排时间和享受舒适的环境。,With,regard to the former,在家工作的人可以按照自己的情况来决,定工作和休息。比如说,,The other benefit is that,人们可,以很舒服地在家工作。比如说,没有必要穿正装或者,high,heels,,可以选择最舒服的衣服。,


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