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1、译林版5A Unit2 A new student(p2)公开课课件,2023/3/31,Lets talk,?,How many desks and chairs are there in the classroom?Is there a computer?Are there any pictures?,Look and say,Try to retell,This is Nancys new school.There is/are Its/Theyre on thefloor.,the second floor,the third floor,the first floor,基数词 one

2、 twothree,序数词first(1st)second(2nd)third(3rd),Lets learn(Grammar time),one first,two second,three third,基数词,序数词,表示第几时,需要在序数词前加上the,如,在一楼表示为on the first floor,Lets try(练一练)On the _ floor,theres a _,theres a _,on the_floor.Open the _,close the _,on the fist floor.On the _ floor,there are _,there are _,

3、on the_floor.Open the _,close the _,on the fist floor.,Is there a computer in the classroom?,Yes,there is.,Grammar time,Is there a TV in the classroom?,No,there isnt,A:Is there a music room in the school?B:No,there isnt.,Lets look and say,A:Is there a library in the school?B:No,there isnt.,A:Are the

4、re any computer rooms in the school?B:Yes,there are.,A:Are there any art room in the school?,B:No,there arent.,Is there?,Yes,there is.,No,there isnt,Are there?,Yes,there are.No,there arent.,Lets talk(和同桌交谈),This is my classroom,Lets try(练一练)在下列句子中填上适当的be动词:1.There a new building in the school.2.Ther

5、e some books in the bookcase.3.There some water in the glass.4.There an egg and some flowers in the basket.5.There some hamburgers on the plate.6.There two teachers and a student in the office.,is,are,is,is,are,are,将上面的句子改为一般疑问句,there a library in the school?Yes,is.Where is it?Its on the floor.,ther

6、e peaches in the basket?No,there.There are some pears.How many are there?There are five.,Is,there,second,Are,any,arent,pears,Lets try,(练一练),there an art roon in your school?Yes,there is.Is it on the second floor?No.Its on the floor.,there any girls in the playground?No,there.There some boys in it.,I

7、s,first,Are,arent,are,Lets try,(练一练),How many chairs are there in the classroom?,There are eight.,How many balls are there in the classroom?,There are two.,How many pictures are there in the classroom?,There are two.,How many computers are there in the classroom?,There is one.,Read and find the rule

8、(四人一组讨论找找规律),How many _ are there _?,在(地方)有多少(东西)?,东西,地方,Tip:How many 后面的名词一定要用复数,There are+数量.There is one.,Tip提示,多少学生多少老师多少教室多少医生多少盒子多少课桌和椅子,how many studentshow many teachershow many classroomshow many doctorshow many boxes,how many desks and chairs,How manys are there?,32,Lets talk(同桌问答),How man

9、ys are there?,16,How manys are there?,1,How many art rooms are there in the school?,There are four.,How many table tennis rooms are there in the school?,There are six.,Lets try(练一练)对画线部分提问:1.There are seven pens in the pencil case.2.There are forty students in the classroom.3.There are eleven dogs n

10、ear the house.4.There are four books on the desk.,(Lets read),Lets sum up(总结)There be 句型的一般疑问句:(把be动词提到句子的开头去),单数或不可数名词用is:Is there a/an in the?Yes,there is./No,there isnt.,复数用are:Are there any in the?Yes,there are./Yes,there arent.,any 一些用于一般疑问句和否定句,Learning tip 提示,3.“There be句型”改为一般疑问句的方法:一提二抄三改 1

11、)将be动词(is,are)提到句子的开头 2)其他部分照抄 3)句号改为问号 注意:原句中有some的要改为any.,Learning tip 提示,There are five desks in the office.,(对画线部分提问),How many 问数量(有多少个),How many+名词复数+are there+地点(in/on.)?,答句:There is one.(只有一个)There are+数词,Learning tip 提示,Homework(家庭作业),1.finish the period of EB.(课课练第二课时)2.writeMy school(作文,不少于50个词),


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