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1、浅析苔丝之死AbstractTess of DUberville, is a famous work of Thomas Hardy. This work describes the tragedy of Tess. Tess tragedy coagulates with much more different color of the society and person. It destroys this daughter who was born in nature, and owned mans simple natural character. The novels subtitl

2、e calls Tess “a pure woman”, after Tess loses chastity, she kills the man, but the female of this earth is innocent. She has persevering vitality, contending with not only destiny by possessing singly, but society, the families, individuals etc. She has another heavy factor to make this pure and gre

3、at female head for destruction eventually. In her life, there are three main persons who directly affect her. The first one is Alec, who rapes her and becomes the direct murder. His appearance changed Tess all. The second one is Angle, who is the accessory and also the best lover of Tess. The third

4、one is Tess herself. Besides, the society and the family affect Tess whole life largely. Thus, in this paper, the author makes some detailed discussion and analysis of these factors.Key Words:Chastity; destiny; murder; 摘要德伯家的苔丝是汤马思哈代的著作之一。这部作品描写了具有大自然纯朴本性的苔丝的悲剧一生。苔丝的悲剧凝聚着社会和个人多重色彩,各种复杂的因素交织成一种强大的压力,

5、摧毁了这位生于自然,具有大地般朴实本性的女儿。小说的副标题称苔丝是“一个纯洁的女人”,在作家的眼中,她虽失身又杀人,但这位大地之女是无辜的。她有着顽强的生命力,以独有的方式和命运抗争,但社会、家庭、个人等多重因素最终使这位纯真的大自然之女慢慢走向毁灭。在这些原因中,有三个很重要的人物直接影响到苔丝的整个人生。第一个就是亚雷,他奸污并成为了谋杀她的直接凶手。他的出现改变了苔丝的一生。第二个就是安吉儿。他是帮凶,同时也是苔丝最爱的人。第三个人就是苔丝自己。除此,社会以及家庭等因素也在很大程度上影响了苔丝。因此,作者将在本文当中对以上因素做出探讨与分析。关键词:贞洁;命运; 谋杀. Introduc

6、tionNo profound experience, no good work, as the saying goes for hundreds of years. In the novel of Tess of DUrberuilles, the author introduced a pure girl in his novel, who becomes a murder. And what reduce Tess to be a murder? Is it only because the rape of Alec? And what was the real love? Was th

7、e love between Tess and ? If the girl could be more confident, or more courageous, could the result be changed?In the “first phase” of the novel, Alec DUrberville takes the advantage of the innocence of Tess. Later, in the third part, she then fell deeply in love with Angle Clare, an affluent agricu

8、lturist. Tess soon alienates by revealing her earlier encounter with DUrberville. Tess of DUrbervilles demonstrates a great deal about the themes of the novel as well as the character of Tess. The book was supposes to reveal the versatility of Tess character. However, it also revealed a good deal th

9、at helps us understand Hardys central theme of the book. It was because the versatility of Tess herself that makes her unique. However, she was a woman of purity and fortitude. Most of scholars and readers attribute Tess death to Alec only. But the author of this paper thinks that Angle, Tess, and t

10、he society are also the factors, besides Alec. I. The Famous Work, Tess of DUrberville, and Its Great WriterA. The Setting of the NovelThe 19th century is a prosperous period in English literature. There is a most impotent writer, we cant forget, and He is Thomas Hardy. He is just the author of my s

11、ubject. Tess of DUrbervilles is generally regarded as Hardys finest novel. This is a brilliant tale of love, betrayal, seduction, duty, sin and rule. At last, this is a tragedy.In tragedy, the reader, often sympathizes and empathizes with the protagonist who attains “wisdom through suffering.” Tess,

12、 who is a so virtuous girl, why did Hardy give Tess, a virtuous girl, a sorrowful destiny? Here, we should turn our eyes to the authorThomas Hardy. His work reflected the deep changes of social economy, moral and custom, after the capitalism invaded into the England country. Not only, he wrote the p

13、eoples tragedy, especially womens tragedy, and reveals the false of capitalism.Tess of DUrbervilles published in 1891, which is the most remarkable work of Hardy. It has displayed one by a short lifetime of heroine, Tess, and pressing tragedy experience, the world tragedy. Facing a bourgeoisie on th

14、is account, superstructures such as morality and religion has initiated open one challenge.Tess of DUrbervilles is an extraordinarily beautiful book, as well as an extraordinary moving one. It is a tragic tale of a beautiful and innocent peasant grill that is the victim, not only of her Victorian en

15、vironment, but also of people, including he shiftless parents, her cruel seducer, Alec DUbervill and morally rigid husband, Clare, all of them that we cant omit.B. The Story of Tess of DUrbervilleThis novel caused a heck of a fuss when Thomas Hardy first published it. Originally titled A Pure Woman,

16、 the novel is considered as outrageous for a woman such as Tess to be seen as pure in Hardys eyes.Tess Durbeyfield is the peasant daughter of haggler John. John goes to get drunk in celebration and ends up so hammered that hes too ill to take some stuff which he has to sell in the horse and cart. He

17、 gets Tess and her little brother to do it instead. Tess falls asleep and the horse ends up in an accident and is killed. As a result, the overly sensitive Tess feels guilty, not realizing it is really Johns fault.Meanwhile her mother Joan has learned that a Lady DUrberville lives in a neighboring v

18、illage. She wants to send Tess to claim kin and learning that there is a master DUrberville, has notions that Tess, being a beautiful girl, will marry him. Tess really doesnt want to go but does out of guilt of the death of the horse. Alec, the young DUrberville, a nasty sleazy git who needs to be c

19、astrated and lusts after Tess. She goes home after Alec tries to buy her off.Tesss baby becomes ill, she christens the baby Sorrow in a touching ceremony with her siblings, but the child dies. Not long after, Tess gets work at Talbothays, a large dairy farm a good way away from her home town, and sh

20、e heads off there. This marks a happy spell in Tesss life. She meets Angle Clare who had been at the spring dance. His father is a parson but Angle doesnt want to be involved in the church and is learning the ways of farming instead. He falls for Tess, who is distraught after deciding not to get mar

21、ried. Angle persists tess fall in love and agree to marry. Tess, feeling unburdened, confesses freaks out and leaves Tess, although by law they are still married, and travels to Brazil.Tess in the meantime ends up working with some of her old dairymaid friends for a horrible farmer. She runs into Al

22、ec who accuses her of tempting him and guilt trips Tess into living with him, because her family is on the verge of homelessness and need the money. Having given up on and realizing his hypocrisy, she agrees. Angle comes home from Brazil having realized the error of his ways and tracks Tess. On find

23、ing her, he learns that she thinks its too late for them. He takes off and Tess gets into a fight with Alec, which ends in her stabbing him. She runs after, and they spend time together in an old mansion. After wandering the countryside for a while, Tess finds they are at Stonehenge, and feels at ho

24、me, having been described as a heathen in her home village. She tells that should she be caught she wants him to marry her sister Liza-Lu. The police catch up to her, and shortly after Tess is hanged.Tess of the DUrbervilles is a beautifully constructed story, which makes use of the hand of fate. It

25、 is the sweet and natural character of Tess that gives the book its exceptionality. The beautifully innocent child never seems to grow into a woman; she retains a dear innocence and vulnerability, which she had from the outset. Her purity of morals and spirit make her the perfect victim for such a s

26、mall-minded society, and I empathized with her in a way I have done with few characters in novels. It is difficult not to fall in love with her quiet courage, although it is easy to feel exasperated with her intense passivity. Her true, deep love for is another thing, which makes her endearing. As T

27、ess notes when asks if he loves her more than Tess did, no-one could because she would lay down her life for.The three-dimensional Angle is another attractive character. Initially you want to like him and by the later chapters you begin to empathies with him despite his rather rash and inconsiderate

28、 treatment of his wife. It is clear that he loves her, but its also fair to say that he doesnt feel the intense love that Tess does, given that he was so willing to treat her cruelly and with such narrow-minded hypocrisy. . The Factors of the Tess DeathA. Direct MurderWhen we read the book at the fi

29、rst time, it is easy to find the murder of Tess. Everything can be put on the Alecs head. If he didnt rape Tess, she cant become so pity. It is not difficult to see that Alec is a playboy. At the first appearance in the scenes, his dissolute made Tess not pleased. But he is a duck in fact, he own go

30、od manner, which made Tess parent misunderstand. In chapter 3, a young man appeared in the garden. He looked about twenty-four, tall and dark, with full red lips and a black moustache curled at the ends. “Well, my beauty, what can I do for you? ”he said, looking interestedly at her. As a bourgeoisie

31、 gilded youth, Alec is the vicious incarnation of this novel. It is formed distinct contrast exactly with Tess, who symbolizes the kindhearted and purify. But Alec put it into her mouth. He put roses in to her hair and filled her basket with strawberries and flowers. He gave her food to eat, and wat

32、ched her, while she quietly smoked a cigarette. She looked more adult and womanly than she really was. Alec could not take his eyes off her. She did not know as she smiled innocently at the flowers that behind the cigarette smoke were the cause of future sorrow in her life. At the last, he actually

33、wrapped the coat of religion, and be further intensified commit primes. At the hardys time, there were so many people using religion to cheat other people, it is the hypocritical. Furthermore, it is highly entertaining even while it does not lay everything out in an easy-to-follow story, and even th

34、e climax moves so quickly that it is easy to leave the theater and not know exactly what happened. In chapter 19, she said, “its too late! Because you persuaded me, you with your fine words! As you did when you seduced me! You told me he would never come back! But he did! And you helped my familytha

35、ts how you persuaded me so cleverly. But when I believed you and came to live with you, he came back! And now I have lost him a second time, and this time for ever! He will hate me now!” she turned her tear-stained face and Mrs. Brooks could see how she was suffering. And he is dying; he looks as if

36、 hes dying! It will be my fault if he dies! You have destroyed my life and his! I cant bear it, I cant! The man spoke sharply, and after that there was silence. Just then she noticed a mark on ceiling. It seemed to be spreading. It was red, and when she stood on the table and touched it, it looked l

37、ike blood. She ran up to listen at the bedroom door again. The dead silence was broken only by a regular drip, drip, drip. She ran wildly put into the street and begged a man she knew to come back with her. Together they hurried upstairs and pushed open the bedroom door. The breakfast lay untouched

38、on the table, but the large knife was missing. They found it in Alec dUrbervilles heart. He laid on the bed, pale, fixed, dead, still bleeding. Soon the news spread all over Sandbourne that Mrs. Brooks guest had been killed by his young wife. Yet, it also suggests, in good surrealist fashion, that “

39、knowing”is not everything, that “seeing”and “believing” are good options. From these examples, how can we find the benefit of the religion? It is seems that many people believe the Buddhism like me in China. It easy made us doubts the foreign religion. With this doubt, I went to library. There is a

40、book named THE PROPHET, which is written by Caly, who is Lebanese. The title page is “the first philosophy in poem”. There is a unit in this book, ON RELIGION. An old priest said, speak to us of religion. And he said: Have I spoken this day of aught else? Is not religion all deeds and all reflection

41、? And that which is neither deed nor reflection, but a wonder and a surprise ever spring in the soul, even while the hands hew the stone or tend the loom? Who can separate his faith from his action, or his belief from his occupations? Who can spread his hours before him, saying,“This for God and thi

42、s for myself: This for my soul, and this other for my body?” All your hours are wings that beat thrush space from self to self. He wears his morality but as his best garment was better naked. The wind and the sun will tear no holes in his skin. And he who defines his conduct by ethics imprisons his

43、songbird in a cage. The freest song comes not through bars and wires. And he to whom worshipping is a window, to open but also to shut, has not yet visited the house of the house of his soul whose windows are open from dawn to dawn. Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you ente

44、r into it take with you your all. Take the plough and the forge and the mallet and the lute. The things you have fashioned in necessity or for delight. For in reverie you cannot rise above your achievements nor fail lower than your failures. And take with you all men: For in adoration you cannot fly

45、 higher than their hopes nor humble yourself lower than their despair. And if you would know God be not therefore a solver of riddles. Rather look about you and you shall see him playing with your chidden. And look into space, you shall see him walking in the cloud, outstanding his arms in the light

46、ning and descending in rain. You shall see him smiling in flowers, the rising and waving his hands in trees. In this poem, I find this sentence,“he who wears his morality but as his best garment were better naked.”B. AccessoryAfter scanning the cause of Alec, people should put their eyes to other on

47、es. It is Angles turn. Many people will think that Angle is also a casualty. He is another tragic personage image in this book. He is from a middle class family. He has his idea and ambition. Neither Angle Clare nor his family has originally chosen farming as a profession for him. When he was a boy,

48、 people admired his great qualities. Now he is a man, no particular purpose in life. He is unwilling to the field serves for the God against him selfs will. And he hopes to do something for the people. Angle explains that in fact he does not in fact wish to enter the Church like his brothers, becaus

49、e the Churchs views are too strict and do not allow free thinking. It makes him to be treachery of his family and religion. His open mind made him to be loved with a country girl, which is not fit for her family. is the angle in Tess heart. His love to Tess owns the purity of first love, fervor and impressments. He is deeply dump aged by Tess puerility. Angle thinks “What a fresh and pure daughter of nature that dairymaid is!” He seems to remember something about her, which brings him bac


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