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1、LNTU-Acc附录A内部治理结构与盈余管理瑞安戴维森,珍妮古德温-斯图尔特,帕梅拉肯特 1 前言最近在澳大利亚及海外的操纵会计行为的案件表明公司治理机制的重要性,强有力的公司治理涉及到与公司绩效水平监测的一个适当的平衡(Cadbury,1997)。在本论文中,我们以澳大利亚的公司治理为例探索治理机制与盈余之间的关系,因此,我们的重点是治理的监督作用。我们研究的是独立的董事局(ShleiferandVishny,1997),独立委员会主席,一个有效的审计委员会(MenonandWilliams,1994年),内部审计(Clikeman,2003年)和外部审计师的选择使用(贝克尔埃塔尔,1998

2、;弗朗西斯埃塔尔,1999)对盈余管理产生的影响。在此之前的研究已经调查了治理机制可以减少欺诈性财务报告的产生(比斯利,1996; Dechowetal,1996年)。这些研究认为有效的治理机制和真实的财务报告与违反一般公认会计原则(GAAP)呈负相关关系。不过,相对较新的研究领域是公司治理与盈余管理。Peasnell等(2000)研究表明盈余管理与董事会的独立性是负相关的,而另一些研究发现审计委员会与盈余管理之间存在显着的关系(Chtourouetal.2001; Xieetal,2001)。澳大利亚公司内部治理结构和盈利管理实践检验是具有前提条件的,而Peasnell使用的数据主要是研究美



5、制(场埃塔尔,2001)出版的研究和实证测试了各种盈余管理发生的动机,大致包括代理成本、信息不对称和外部因素影响非缔约方。然而,我们主要关心的是某些公司治理结构限制盈余管理,而不是具体的鼓励盈余管理出现的措施。虽然我们试图控制两个普遍应用盈余管理的动机:即,避免违反债务契约(DefondandJiambalvo,1991,1994)和避免政治成本,(WattsandZimmerman,1978;琼斯,1991年; Jiambalvo,1996年)。我们的方法是以董事会作为企业的代表性部分而不是确定一个强烈的带有盈余管理动机的子集。这样的公司往往是针对具体情况的子集(例如最近的经营模式的转变,敌



8、2000)预测,董事会的独立性可能与盈余管理负相关。然而他们并没有通过实证分析美国公司盈余管理与董事会独立性之间存在关系。因此,我们提出了如下假设: H1,0:盈余管理与董事会的独立性是负相关的另一个重要特点是董事会是否有一个主席和首席执行长(CEO)的角色分离。然而亚瑟和泰勒(1993)指出,当CEO也是董事会主席时,董事会的执行能力及监测作用会被削弱10。行政总裁被委任为主席一职可能导致权力的集中(比斯利,1996年)和可能的利益冲突,使公司治理结构水平下降。因此,我们提出了如下假设:H2,0:盈余管理与行政总裁和董事会主席“两职合一”负相关2.2.2 审计委员会为了更有效地履行其职责,董





13、下假设:H3:盈余管理与内部审计存在负相关2.2.4 外部审计一个公司的审计人员的选择是公司内部治理机制的一部分,可能与盈余管理相联系。研究数据表明,大型会计师事务所被认为比小型会计师事务所执行高品质稽核。然而诸如美国和澳大利亚安然公司的例子可能并非如此,大公司更注重财务报告,小公司更注重监控过程。大型审计公司有更多的资源和知识检测盈余管理,但是他们也有更大的动力保护自己的名声来巩固自己的客户群。过去的研究表明,5大会计师事务所审计的公司盈余管理水平低于没有聘用5大的公司。因此,我们预计选择5大审计师的公司不太可能进行盈余管理。因此,提出以下假设:H4:盈余管理与使用5会计师事务所审计人员负相

14、关。3 研究设计3.1样本选取我们的初始样本包括568个公司,其数据可以在公司网站或数据库中找到。财务资料和有关的董事会及审计委员会的资料可以在年报中查询。然而,年度报告有关内部审计的披露使用不是强制,因此, (3-1)式中:Ai,t-1表示公司 i 第 t-1 年末的总资产; DREVi,t为公司 i 在第 t 年和第 t-1 年的主营业务收入的差额; 为公司 i 在第 t 年和第 t-1 年的应收账款净额的差额; DRECi,t PPEi,t i公司第t年的固定资产;式中各变量除以期初总资产是为了消除公司规模的影响(2)非可控性应计利润的计算运用得出的各参数估计值,代入下列模型计算出研究样

15、本公司的以资产计量的非可控性应计利润。NDAi,t/Ai,t= a1+a2(DREV-DREC)/ Ai,t+a3PPEi,t/ Ai,t (3-2)其中a1、a2、a3分别为a1、a2、a3的估计值NDAi,t :i公司第t年的非可控性应计利润(3)总应计利润TAi,t= NIi,tCFOi,tNIi,t是公司 i 第 t 年净利润CFOi,t是公司 i 第 t 年经营活动现金流量净额(4)可控性应计利润的计算根据研究样本公司的非可控性应计利润 NDA和总体应计利润 TA,计算可控性应计利润 DA:DAt=TAt-NDAi,tTAi,t研究样本公司i第t年的应计利润总额3.2.2公司内部治理



18、审计之间的关系或者使用5大会计师事务所与盈余管理之间的关系。虽然两个系数与假设一致为负但并不十分显著,因此我们认为假设3和假设4不成立。4.在模型的七个控制变量中,有四个与盈余管理有显著相关关系。盈余管理与净收入的变化、净收入有显著关系。同时,盈余管理与企业规模、与市场相关的股权激励负相关。但我们没有发现大股东持股比例与盈余管理存在关系。5.总结 通过本研究结果对那些尽量减少盈余管理方法及提高财务质量的人们来说具有重要作用。同时也暗示出应基于会计信息披露质量来优化公司内部治理结构的重要性。今后应加强对审计委员会的监督,强化公司内部审计职能,使其发挥更大的成效以减少盈余管理。当然 附录BInte

19、rnal governance structures and earningsmanagementRyanDavidson ,JennyGoodwin-Stewart ,PamelaKentAbstractThis paper investigates the role of a firms internal governance structures constraint in earnings management. It is hypothesized that the practice of earnings management is systematically related t

20、o the strength of internal corporate governance mechanisms,including the board of directors ,the audit committee,the internal audit function andthe choice of external auditor. Based on a broad cross-sectional sample of 434 listed Australian firms,for the financial year ending in 200,a majority of no

21、n-executive directors on the board and on the audit committee are found to be significantly associated with a lower likelihood of earnings management,as measured by the absolute level of discretionary accruals. The voluntary establishment of an internal audit function and the choice of audit are not

22、 significantly related to a reduction in the level of discretionary accruals. Our additional analysis,using small increases in earnings as a measure of earnings management,also found a negative association between this measure and the existence of an audit committee.Key words:Audit Committee;Corpora

23、te Governance;Earnings Management;Internal audit function1 IntroductionRecent cases of inappropriate accounting practices,both in Australia and overseas,have focused attention on the need for strong corporate governance mechanisms. Strong governance involves balancing corporate performance with an a

24、ppropriate level monitoring(Cadbury,1997). In the present paper,we explore the relationship between governance mechanisms and earnings management by firms in Australia and,hence,our focus is on the monitoring role of governance. The mechanisms we examine are an independent board of directors(Shleife

25、randVishny,1997),an independent board chair person,an effective audit committee(MenonandWilliams,1994),the use of internal audit(Clikeman,2003)and the choice of external auditor(Becker etal.,1998;Francis etal.,1999).Prior research has investigated the role of governance mechanisms reducing fraudulen

26、t financial reporting(Beasley,1996;Dechowetal.,1996;Jiambalvo,1996).These studies have established a negative relationship between effective governance mechanisms and financial reporting decisions that are in breach of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP). However,a relatively new area of

27、research is the association between corporate governance and earnings management. Peasnell et al(2000) document that earnings management is negatively associated with the independence of the board of directors,while other studies find significant relationships between audit committee characteristics

28、 and earningsmanagement(Chtourouetal.,2001;Xieetal.,2001;Klein,2002a). The examination of the association between internal governance structures and the practice of earnings management in Australian firms is motivated by several factors. With The Exception of Peasnell et al.(2000),which uses data,ex

29、isting research is predominantly US based. Therefore,we explore whether the internal governance-earnings management relationship holds in an institutional environmen where corporate governance is less regulated and choice of governance mechanisms is voluntary(VonNessen,2003). In Australia,at the tim

30、e of the present study(2000),listed companies were not required to have an audit committee or an internal audit function. Furthermore,corporate regulators favour principles-based approach to governance rather than a rules-based approach(ASX,2003). Although a similar approach exists in the UK,Peasnel

31、letal.(2000)examine only the relationships between earnings management and the proportion of outside directors on the board and the existence of an audit committee. We extend this research by exploring the effect of additional audit committee variables such as size and frequency of meetings as well

32、as the independence of members. We also extend board independence to examine whether the separation of the chief executive and board chair roles is associated with earnings management. A further contribution is the inclusion of internal audit as a governance mechanism that is likely to be associated

33、 with a reduction in the level of earnings management. While there has been increasing emphasis on the role played in governance by internal audit,no prior earnings management studies have included this variable. Australia is an ideal setting to examine this issue as evidence suggests that many list

34、ed companies in Australia do not have an internal audit function. Goodwin and Kent(2003)report that the use of internal audit is associated with the size of the company and its commitment to strong corporate governance and risk management.Our principal tests,using absolute discretionary accruals to

35、measure earnings management,suggest that a lower level of earnings management is associated with the presence of non-executive directors on the board. We also find a negative association between earnings management and audit committees comprising a majority of non executives,but no relationship betw

36、een earnings management and committees comprised solely of non-executives. Our results do not support a relationship between earnings management and the use of internal auditor the choice of a Big 5 auditor. Additional testing,using small positive changes in earnings as an indication of earnings man

37、agement,suggests that audit committees are associated with this measure of earnings management.These results have important practical implications because of the heightened interest in corporate governance matters from governments,regulators and standard setters.The remainder of the paper is divided

38、 into four sections. Section 2 provides the theoretical background for the study and develops the hypotheses.Section 3 outlines the research method used to test the hypotheses. It also discusses the measurement of earnings management through the estimation of discretionary accruals.Section 4 reports

39、 the present studys results. Section 5 concludes by discussing the implications of the research findings,highlighting potential limitations and considering future areas for research.2 Theoretical background and hypotheses2.1Earnings Management The preparation and disclosure of true and fair financia

40、l information is central to corporate governance,as it provides stakeholders with a foundation to exercise their rights,in order to protect their interests(OECD,1999). However,earnings management,defined as the practice of distorting the true financial performance of (a) company (SEC,1999,p.3),effec

41、tively weakens this monitoring mechanism as it might conceal poor underlying performance. The published literature has developed and empirically tested a variety of motivations for earnings management to occur(Fields etal.,2001). These fall broadly within the categories of agency costs,information a

42、symmetries and externalities affecting non-contracting parties. However,we are primarily concerned with the extent to which certain corporate governance attributes limit the opportunity to manage earnings,rather than specific incentives for earnings management to occur. Although we attempt to contro

43、l for two widely documented motives for earnings management;namely,avoiding breaching debt covenants(DefondandJiambalvo,1991,1994) and avoiding political costs(WattsandZimmerman,1978;Jones,1991;Jiambalvo,1996), our approach is to examine a board cross-section of firms rather than identifying a speci

44、fic subset with strong incentives to engage in earnings management. Such subsets of firms are often context specific(e.g. recent managerial change,hostile takeover or new capital raising)and these contexts are likely to be endogenous to the internal governance mechanisms we examine.2.2 Internal gove

45、rnance structureThe internal governance structure of a firm consists of the functions and processes established to oversee and influence the actions of the firms management. The role of these mechanisms in relation to financial reporting is to ensure compliance with mandated reporting requirements a

46、nd to maintain the credibility of a firms financial statements(Dechow et al.,1995).The mechanisms that we examine in the present study are the board of directors,the audit committee,the internal audit function and the choice of external auditor.2.2.1 Board of directorsFama and Jensen(1983a,b)recogni

47、ze the board as the most important control mechanism available because it forms the apex of a firms internal governance structure.In terms of monitoring financial discretion,an effective board of directors should ascertain the validity of the accounting choices made by management and the financial i

48、mplications of such decisions(NYSE,2002).From an agency perspective,the ability of the board to act as an effective monitoring mechanism is dependent upon its independence from management(Beasley,1996;Dechow et al.,1996).Board independence refers to the extent to which a board is comprised of non-executive directors who have no relationship with the firm beyond the role of director. A non-executive director is defined as a director who is not employed in the companys business activities and whose role is to provide an outsiders contribution and oversight to the board of directors(


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