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1、本科毕业论文(设计)外 文 翻 译原文:The choice of payment method in European M & AGlobal M&A activity has grown dramatically over the last ten years, bringing with it major changes in the organization and control of economic activity around the world. Yet, there is much about the M&A process that we do not fully un

2、derstand, including the choice of payment method. Given the large size of many M&A transactions, the financing decision can have a significant impact on an acquirers ownership structure, financial leverage, and subsequent financing decisions. The financing decision can also have serious corporate co

3、ntrol, risk bearing, tax and cash flow implications for the buying and selling firms and shareholders. In making an M&A currency decision, a bidder is faced with a choice between using cash and stock as deal consideration. Given that most bidders have limited cash and liquid assets, cash offers gene

4、rally require debt financing. As a consequence, a bidder implicitly faces the choice of debt or equity financing, which can involve a tradeoff between corporate control concerns of issuing equity and rising financial distress costs of issuing debt. Thus, a bidders M&A currency decision can be strong

5、ly influenced by its debt capacity and existing leverage. It can also be strongly influenced by managements desire to maintain the existing corporate governance structure. In contrast, a seller can be faced with a tradeoff between the tax benefits of stock and the liquidity and risk minimizing benef

6、its of cash consideration. For example, sellers may be willing to accept stock if they have a low tax basis in the target stock and can defer their tax liabilities by accepting bidder stock as payment. On the other hand, sellers can prefer cash consideration to side step the risk of becoming a minor

7、ity shareholder in a bidder with concentrated ownership, thereby avoiding the associated moral hazard problems. Unfortunately, due to data limitations, this seller trade off can not be easily measured.Under existing theories of capital structure, debt capacity is a positive function of tangible asse

8、ts, earnings growth and asset diversification and a negative function of asset volatility. Firms with greater tangible assets can borrow more privately from banks and publicly in the bond market. Since larger firms are generally more diversified, we expect them to have a lower probability of bankrup

9、tcy at a given leverage ratio and thus, greater debt capacity. These financing constraint and bankruptcy risk considerations can also reduce a lenders willingness to finance a bidders cash bid, especially in relatively large deals. In assessing potential determinants of an M&A payment method, our fo

10、cus is on a bidders M&A financing choices, recognizing that targets can also influence the final terms of an M&A deal. However,if a targets financing choice is unacceptable to the bidder, then the proposed M&A transaction is likely to be aborted or else the bidder can make a hostile offer on its own

11、 terms. For a deal to succeed, the bidder must be satisfied with the financial structure of the deal. Bidder and target considerations:* Corporate Control Bidders controlled by a major shareholder should be reluctant to use stock financing when this causes the controlling shareholder to risk losing

12、control. Assuming control is valuable, the presence of dominant shareholder positions should be associated with more frequent use of cash, especially when the controlling shareholders position is threatened. To capture this effect, we use the ultimate voting stake held by the largest controlling sha

13、reholder. A bidder with diffuse or highly concentrated ownership is less likely to be concerned with corporate control issues. In line with this argument, Martin (1996) documents a significantly negative relationship between the likelihood of stock financing and managerial ownership only over the in

14、termediate ownership range. Therefore, we incorporate the possibility of a non-linear relationship between the method of payment and the voting rights of a bidders controlling shareholder by estimating both a linear and cubic specification for the ultimate voting control percentage of the bidders la

15、rgest shareholder. In our robustness analysis, we also estimate a spline function for this variable.Corporate control concerns in M&A activity can manifest themselves in more subtle ways. Concentrated ownership of a target means that a stock financed acquisition can create a large blockholder, threa

16、tening the corporate governance of the acquirer. If the seller is closely held or is a corporation disposing of a division, then ownership concentration tends to be very concentrated. This implies that financing the M&A deal with stock can create a new blockholder in the bidder. While the risk of cr

17、eating a new bidder blockholder with stock financing is higher when a target has a concentrated ownership structure, this is especially ture when relative size of the deal is large. To capture the risk of creating a large blockholder when buying a target with stock financing, we employ CONTROL LOSS,

18、 the product between the targets control block and the deals ralative size. The relative deal size is computed as the ratio of offer size (excluding assumed liabilities) to the sum of a bidders equity pre-offer capitalization plus the offer size. The targets controlling blockholder is assumed to hav

19、e 100 % ownership for unlisted targets and subsidiary targets. * Collateral, Financial Leverage and Debt CapacityWe use the fraction of tangible assets as our primary measure of a bidders ability to pay cash, financed from additional borrowing. COLLATERAL is measured by the ratio of property, plant

20、and equipment to book value of total assets. Myers (1977) argues that debtholders in firms with fewer tangible assets and more growth opportunities are subject to greater moral hazard risk, which increases the cost of debt, often making stock more attractive. Hovakimian, Opler and Titman(2001) find

21、that a firms percentage of tangible assets has a strong positive influence on its debt level.We also control for a bidders financial condition with its leverage ratio, FINL LEVERAGE. Since cash is primarily obtained by issuing new debt, highly levered bidders are constrained in their ability to issu

22、e debt and as a consequence use stock financing more frequently. A bidders financial leverage is measured by the sum of the bidders face value of debt prior to the M&A announcement plus the deal value (including assumed liabilities)divided by the sum of the book valve of total assets prior to the an

23、nouncement plus the deal value (including assumed liabilities). This captures the bidders post-deal leverage if the transaction is debt financed. This measure differs from Martin(1996) who uses a pre-deal bidder leverage measure adjusted for industry mean and reports an insignificant effect.Bidder s

24、ize is likely to influence its financing choices. Larger firms are more diversified and thus, have proportionally lower expected bankruptcy costs. They also have lower flotation costs and are likely to have better access to debt markets, making debt financing more readily available. Thus, cash finan

25、cing should be more feasible in the case of larger firms. Larger firms are also more apt to choose cash financing in smaller deals due to its ease of use, provided they have sufficient unused debt capacity or liquid assets. Further, the use of cash allows the bidder to avoid the significant costs of

26、 obtaining shareholder approval of pre-emptive rights exemptions and authorizations and the higher regulatory costs of stock offers. We measure bidder assets size by the log of pre-merger book value of assets in dollars(total assets). In addition to bidder control and financing considerations, we ne

27、ed to take into account several other bidder characteristics.* Relative Deal Size, Bidder Stock Price Runup and Asymmetric InformationHansen (1987) predicts that bidders have greater incentives to finance with stock when the asymmetric information about target assets is high. This information asymme

28、try is likely to rise as target assets rise in value relative to those of a bidder. Yet, stock is used in relatively larger deals, it produces more serious dilution of a dominant shareholders control position. Finally, as bidder equity capitalization rises, concern about its financing constraint fal

29、ls, since there is a relatively smaller impact on its overall financial conditon. We proxy for these effects with REL SIZE, which is computed as the ratio of deal offer size (excluding assumed liabilities)divided by the sum of the deals offer size plus the bidders pre-offer market capitalization at

30、the year-end prior to the bid.Both Myers and Majluf (1984) and Hansen (1987) predict that bidders will prefer to finance with stock when they consider their stock overvalued by the market and prefer to finance with cash when they consider their stock undervalued. As uncertainty about bidder asset va

31、lue rises, this adverse selection effect is exacerbated. Martin (1996) finds evidence consistent with this adverse selection prediction. For a sample of publicly traded targets, Travlos (1987) finds that stock financed M&A deals exhibit much larger negative announcement effects than cash financed de

32、als. He concludes this is consistent with the empirical validity of an adverse selection effect. We use as a proxy for bidder overvaluation (or undervaluation), calculated from a bidders buy and hold cumulative stock return over the year preceding the M&A announcement month.In addition to bidder con

33、siderations, we need to take into account typical target considerations. These preferences are related to risk, liquidity, asymmetric information and home bias.T1. Unlisted Targets and Subsidiary TargetsWe use an indicator variable, UNLISTED TARGET, to control for listing status where the variable t

34、akes a value of one if the target is a stand-alone company, not listed on any stock exchange and is zero for listed targets and unlisted subsidiaries. When an M&A deal involves an unlisted target, a sellers consumption/liquidity needs are also likely to be important considerations. These sellers are

35、 likely to prefer cash given the illiquid and concentrated nature of their portfolio holdings and the often impending retirement of a controlling shareholder-manager. Likewise, corporations selling subsidiaries are often motivated by financial distress concerns or a desire to restructure toward thei

36、r core competency. In either case, there is a strong preference for cash consideration to realize these financial or asset restructuring goals. A likely consequence is a greater use of cash in such deals, since bidders are frequently motivated to divest subsidiaries to finance new acquisitions or re

37、duce their debt burden. As noted earlier, these two target ownership structures are also likely to elicit bidder corporate control concerns given their concentrated ownership. Thus, bidders are likely to prefer cash financing of such deals, especially as they become relatively large.T2. Cross-Indust

38、ry Deals and Asymmetric InformationSeller reluctance to accept bidder stock as payment should rise as the asymmetric information problem worsens with greater uncertainty about bidder equity value and future earnings. This problem is also likely to be more serious for conglomerate mergers. In contras

39、t, sellers are more apt to accept a continuing equity position in an intraindustry merger, where they are well acquainted with industry risks and prospects. T3. Cross-Border Deals, Local Exchange Listing and Home BiasIn cross border deals, selling stock to foreign investors can entail several proble

40、ms. We are concerned with the possibility that investors have a home country bias in their portfolio decisions as documented in Coval and Moskowitz (1999), French and Poterba (1991) and Grinblatt and Keloharju(2001), among others. This can reflect a foreign stocks greater trading costs, lower liquid

41、ity, exposure to exchange risk and less timely, more limited access to firm information. T4. Bidder Investment OpportunitiesHigh growth bidders can make an attractive equity investment for selling shareholders. MKTTO-BOOK, defined as a market value of equity plus book value of debt over the sum of b

42、ook value of equity plus book value of debt prior to the bid, measures a bidders investment in growth opportunities.We expect a higher market to book ratio to increase a bidder stocks attractiveness as M&A consideration. High market to book is also correlated with high levels of tax deductible R&D e

43、xpenditures, along with low current earnings and cash dividends. These firm attributes lower a bidders need for additional debt tax shield, making cash financing less attractive. These attributes are also attractive to high income bracket sellers due to their tax benefits. Jung, Kim and Stulz (1996)

44、 document a higher incidence of stock financing for higher market to book buyers.Source: Mara Faccio and Ronald W.Masulis, 2005 “The choice of payment in European mergers & acqusitions”.The Journal of Finance, Volume 60 Issue 3, pp. 1345-1388.译文:并购支付方式在欧洲的选择在过去的十年,全球并购活动已显著增长,同时带来组织的重大改变和在世界各地的经济活动的







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