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1、樱桃老师Jessica2017-,樱桃老师手把手教你“玩转”26个单个字母音,01,For Children1.Teach letter sound2.Practice3.Apply,For Teachers,英国教师详细教学方案,02,01,For Children,Are you ready to have some fun?,Phase2,Main Purpose:We are learning to listen,read and write letter s.,What are we learning today?,s,snake,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之一个字母(边听边说),Hear

2、 it and Say it(边听边说)1.What is it in the picture?-Yes,its a snake,s-s-s-snake.2.Which letter looks like a snake?-Yes,its letter s!3.Please read the sound after me:s s s s s 4.Do the action when you say the s sound(请边说边挥动手如蛇一般比s的字型),Teach:,Names start with s,Do you know any names start with s?s-s-s-Si

3、mon s-s-s-Sams-s-sSavannah s-s-s-Sarahs-s-s-Sid s-s-sSandraDo you know any places/countries start with s?S-s-s-SpainS-s-s-Scotland,Practice:,Listening Activity 1,请注意听,告诉我哪些单词有s的发音,哪些单词没有?,Practice:,3.Practice:,Right answers!,sun 2.rat3.lad 4.sock,Listening Activity 2,Where is the s sound?Is it at th

4、e beginning,in the middle or in the end?,Practice:,Right answers!,sat 2.locks3.east 4.soft,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之一个字母(边看边说),二:See it and say it(边看边说)Please put your finger at the snakes mouth.用手指从蛇嘴慢慢移动到蛇尾,边比划边说s-s-s,等手移到蛇尾的时候说snakes-s-s s-s-s-snake Do the action as you say the sound s 请边说s边做动作,Teach:,Test you

5、r speed看看有多快!,When you see picture s,please say the sound s-s-s;when you see picture snake,please say s-s-s-snake as fast as possible!看到字母卡,请快速说s,看到蛇图,请快速说s-s-s-s-snake。Are you ready?准备好了吗?,Practice:,What is this?,Ready for another go?Ready,Steady,Go!,Practice:,Next:What is this?,s-s-s-snake,Practic

6、e:,Learn s sound with Nellie and Ned 视频1,Lets watch the video and learn the s sound with Nellie and Ned.,Practice:,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之一个字母(边说边写),三.Say it and Write it(边说边写)将食指放在蛇嘴上,慢慢地将手指由蛇嘴移动下去,边写边说:Round the snakes head,slide down his back and round his tail.Now write the letter s in the air with your fin

7、ger!请用手指在空气中写字母s;Are you ready for some exercises?让我们一起来做做运动吧!Please write your letter s with your bum bum!扭扭屁股,写写字母!,2.Teach:,请爸爸妈妈一起来!,请在爸爸妈妈手心上写字母s;接着请在爸爸妈妈的背上写字母s;交换角色Have a go writing on the board.找一根最喜欢的彩笔,请在白板/黑板/纸张上写下字母s,Practice:,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之一个游戏视频 2,Activity:What begin with letter s?Lets wa

8、tch the video clip and tell me the correct answers!,Practice:,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之一首儿歌(1),I am learning letter s(Tune:London bridge falling down)I am learning letter s,Letter s,letter s.I am learning letter s,s,s,s,s.(make sound of s)Snail starts with letter s,Letter s,letter s.Snail starts with letter s.s,s

9、,s,s.(make sound of s)Spider starts with letter s,Letter s,letter s.Spider starts with letter s.s,s,s,s.(make sound of s)Skunk starts with letter s,Letter s,letter s.Skunk starts with letter s.s,s,s,s.(make sound of s),Apply,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之一首儿歌(2),I like saladsI like salads,yes I do,I like salads,yes I

10、do,I like salads,yes I do,And my tummy loves them too!(rub tummy)I like spaghetti,yes I do,I like spaghetti,yes I do,I like spaghetti,yes I do,And my tummy loves it too!,Apply,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之一首儿歌(3)-视频3,A Sailor went to sea,sea,seaA sailor went to sea,sea,sea.To see what he could see,see,see.But all tha

11、t he could see,see,see.Was the bottom of the deep blue sea,sea,sea.,Apply,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之一首儿歌(4)-视频4,Are you ready to dance around?大家一起跳起来!,Apply,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之绘本,读书时间:Mini Book S,Apply,What begins with s?,读书时间:Mini Book S,Apply,What begins with s?,读书时间:Mini Book S,Apply,What begins with s?,读书时间:Mini Book

12、S,Apply,What begins with s?,读书时间:Mini Book S,Apply,We all begin with s!,读书时间:Mini Book S,Apply,The solar system song 太阳系歌-视频5,大家今天非常努力认真,想和大家分享一首我非常喜欢的太阳系的歌曲!the Sun-太阳 the Mercury-水星 the Venus-金星 the earth-地球 the Mars-火星 the Jupiter-木星the Saturn-土星 the Uranus-天王星 the Neptune-海王星,Apply,02,For Parent

13、s,请跟孩子一起玩起来!,游戏名称一:帮Alice 分类单词,准备事项:孩子最喜欢的毛绒玩具,有s及没有这个字母发音的单词卡片(可自制),如scarf,doll,cat,sock,pin,bus,snow等;或找到这些物品的实物或者图片供孩子参考。,游戏过程:让孩子帮助自己的毛绒玩具分类物品。以孩子玩具熊的口吻请求孩子帮助玩具熊学习字母s;玩具熊不知道如何将这些单词分类,麻烦孩子帮忙将有s音的单词放一个盒子,没有s发音的单词放另一盒子;提醒孩子字母s的发音可能在词首,可能在中间,也可能在词尾,引导孩子认真听家长读每个单词;有些孩子可能对于字母s发音在单词尾部或中间比较难,家长可以重读该发音,多

14、重复几遍,多次以后,孩子就明白要求。借助木偶玩具的亲子互动游戏,极大激发孩子的学习热情,让孩子在不知不觉中学到知识!,游戏名称一:帮Alice 分类单词(续),游戏二:打扮打扮字母s,准备事项:任何以s开头的单词图片,如sun sand snow star snail,s型字母,胶水,剪刀;游戏过程:和孩子一起将以s开头的单词图片剪下来,将这些图片全部贴在s型的卡片上,鼓励孩子边贴边说这个单词,并联想到和该单词有关的事情。,游戏三:关于s的游戏,s-sun s-snake s-snow s-snail s-star s-seahorse,游戏四:种豆子,准备事项:各种豆子,盘子,纸巾,水 游戏

15、过程:在盘子里放上剪好的s形的纸张,沿着纸张放上豆子,在盘子上贴上种植的日期,孩子观察豆子的生长情况;孩子每天观察s形的豆子,相信他很快就能牢记字母s的形状。,樱桃老师拼读5+1 之经典绘本,亲子阅读之-我最喜爱的s绘本:Splat the Cat Series By Rob Scotton 猫的宠物是老鼠?他们将发生哪些啼笑皆非的事情呢?,Apply,Splat the Cat 经典绘本知识点,Literacy文字表达:1.Look at the books on Splats bookshelf in his bedroom.Can you think of titles for othe

16、r books that he might like to read?2.There is a lot of speech in the story.Use this as a starting point for discussions about speech marks.标点符号使用Science 科学问题解决能力:face when he looked though the milk bottle.-放大镜的使用 PSHE社交情感知识:Look through the story for words that describe different emotions,e.g.impati

17、ent描写心情的单词Splat gives excuses to his mum saying why he cant go to school.Think about what an excuse is and why people use them sometimes.-人们如何找借口Think about how you felt on your first day at school.-开学第一天的感想Mrs.Wimpydimple teaches the class about how clever cats are.Think about how clever you are an

18、d what special talents you have.-孩子的强项-自信Seymour the mouse was very helpful in the story.Make a lost of ways that we can help others.-如何互相帮助,Apply,我最喜爱的s绘本,樱桃老师拼读5+1 体系,1.一个字母(听,说,读,写字母s)2.一首儿歌(多听,多读,多唱)3.一个亲子游戏(手工,口头合成分割单词等游戏)4.一本分级读物(引导鼓励孩子自己拼所学过的字母发音)5.一本关于含有该字母发音的经典绘本 一页课后练习题,Apply,课后实践内容,1.亲子游戏

19、:请家长找时间和孩子一起玩任何一个关于S发音的游戏2.必须做的阅读:请家长和孩子一起阅读我们提供的字母发音S的绘本PDF和一起听音频。3.配套阅读:可选择樱桃老师自然拼读5+1绘本或其他绘本来配合阅读。4.学习记录:请记录你和孩子一起学习的过程,Apply,必做作业,Homework 1,樱桃老师自然拼读5+1 到底有什么?-以元音字母o教学举例说明 o orange 教学目的purpose:听说读写字母o,如何在家帮助孩子学拼读?和樱桃老师一起玩转字母o,This vowel has two sounds.One short sound says o as in orange/olive.O

20、ne long sound says oa as in old/comb.为了避免孩子混淆长短音,建议先从短音开始。,Lets start our new sound!-o,1.Lets look at the picture.What is this?Yes,its an orange,o-o-o-orange.2.please look at the letter card and say o-o-o sound.3.Now lets listen to the jolly phonics song,do the action and say o-o-o.(食指上下动,好像在开和关按钮),

21、5+1之一个字母发音(听说读写)-说与读,用食指描写字母o,边写边说英语正确写法:Go up and over the hill from right to left,and curl right around to form a circle(which sits on the writing line)为孩子提供视频,书写准确无误。,5+1之一个字母发音(听说读写)-说与写,听出下列单词中哪些含有短音o,哪些没有?,5+1之一个字母发音(听说读写)-听与说,下列单词中字母o的发音在哪里?Where is the o sound in the following words,in the b

22、eginning or middle?这样的游戏目的是让孩子有目的地听字素在单词的位置,培养耳朵的敏感度。,5+1之一个字母发音(听说读写)-听与说(续),关于字母o的几个手工-父母与孩子一起玩游戏,做手工,不仅陪着孩子一起学习,更是促进了亲子关系。,5+1之一个游戏,大量研究表明,英语不是母语的孩子,因没有足够的英语环境,儿歌成为磨练孩子英语嘴巴最好最快的方式之一。樱桃老师自然拼读5+1一书“一首儿歌”环节,添加自编儿歌,这为孩子改编歌词提供了便利的机会;孩子在改编歌词的过程中,不但扩大了词汇量,也更愿意大声唱出来。I like o word food!I like omelets,yes

23、I do,I like omelets,yes I do,I like omelets,yes I do,And my tummy loves them too!(rub tummy)I like oranges,yes I do,I like oranges,yes I do,I like oranges,yes I do,And my tummy loves them too!,5+1之一首儿歌,5+1 之一个练习题,练习题可以帮助孩子更好地掌握所学的知识,有趣的题型更是让孩子做到停不下来!,Do you still remember letter c?It makes c sound a

24、s in c-c-c-cat.,提醒 1:c两种发音,It has two sounds.One hard sound says k as in cat/cap.One soft sound says s as in city/cinema.Today we are going to learn the soft sound as in city!,c两种发音,我们一起来看视频,soft c怎么发音?,How to make the soft c sound?,C 什么时候发s的音?Lets watch the video together!,When to make soft c sound

25、?,Please read these words-sound them out!cat citycot cent cut cycle crab-clap,Hard c or soft c?What have you noticed?,Lets find out!,Hard c or soft c?,Hard c Also consonant:clap/crab,k 相对应三个字素c/k/ck,如何判断什么时候用“c/k/ck”?给孩子一些单词,引导他们总结规律(有些外来词如koala,kangaroo不属于该规则范畴),提醒 2:c/k/ck?,catcotcutclap,kettlekey

26、Kitekylie,backtickflock,让我们一起来看一看视频吧!,C or k?-视频,Do you still remember letter g?It makes g sound as in g-g-g-gift.,提醒 3:g两种发音,It has two sounds.One hard sound says g as in gorilla/goat.One soft sound says j as in gym/giraffe.Today we are going to learn the sound as in giraffe/gym.,g两种发音,Lets find ou

27、t!,Hard g or soft g?,Hard g Also consonant:glad/grab,gym goat giantgapgiraffe gotgentleman,How to read these words?,Do you still remember double consonant ss?1.Lets look at the picture.What is this?Yes,its grass,g-r-a-s-grass.2.please look at the letter card and say s-s-s sound.,提醒 4:Floss Rule-ss,D

28、o you still remember double consonant ll?1.Lets look at the picture.What is this?Yes,its,its a bell,b-e-l-bell.2.please look at the letter card and say l-l-l sound.,提醒 4:Floss Rule-ll,Do you still remember double consonant ff?1.Lets look at the picture.What is this?Yes,its,its cliff,c-l-i-f-cliff.2.

29、please look at the letter card and say f-f-f sound.,提醒 4:Floss Rule-ff,Do you still remember double consonant zz?1.Lets look at the picture.What is this?Its the bees buzz,b-u-z-buzz.2.please look at the letter card and say z-z-z sound.,提醒 4:Floss Rule-zz,Do you still remember the rule?,提醒 4:Floss Ru

30、le,Lets sing the Floss Rule song.,提醒 4:Floss Rule-song,In English Q q does not have a sound of its own.It is always followed by u.It has the same sound as the letters k and w blended together.所以这个字母发音有2个,但看成是一个整体!,提醒 5:Special letter-Q q,大部分时候,b都是发音的,如bag/black/tab/table.,提醒 6:Silent b,大部分时候,c都是发音的,

31、如cat/cinema.但当c紧跟s的时候,c不发音;,提醒 7:Silent c,大部分时候,e都是发音的,如egg/elephant但当e在结尾时,e不发音;,提醒 8:Silent e,大部分时候,g都是发音的,如goat/gift/tag,提醒 9:Silent g,大部分时候,h都是发音的,如hat/house;但有些单词,它们来源于法语,h就不发音。(it is usually silent in words that are of French origin such ashour,honest,heir,and honor.),提醒 10:Silent h,大部分时候,k都是发

32、音的,如kick/key;但如果k紧跟n的时候,k不发音,提醒 11:Silent k,大部分时候,w都是发音的,如window/wind;There are a few words in English that begins with wr.These words sound as though they begin with r.,提醒 12:Silent w,观看silent letters视频,Silent letters 视频,The letter X is very special!It has two parts to the sound it makes-a combinat

33、ion of the/k/and/s/sounds linked together.But it is still only one sound!box-b-o-k-sfox-f-o-k-sFix-f-i-k-s,提醒 13:One letter two sounds!,“Y”也可以当作元音来使用哦,虽然它是一个辅音字母!Y在单词前,就是辅音;Yes,yet,yard,yarnY 在单词中,或单词尾部,就是元音!Mummy,baby/fly/fry,提醒 14:letter Ypart time vowel,Y 发I 的长音/ie/:cry/fry;fly/sky Y 发e的长音/ee/:Ba

34、by;happy;sunnyWhy?,提醒:letter Ypart time vowel,Why y is so sneaky?He robs/e/and/i/!He takes their soundand makes them cry!,提醒:Meet sneaky Y!,Yas a longI:The letterymakes the long sound ofiwhen it comes at the end of a short one syllable word that has no other vowel.Examples:cry,try,my,fly,byYas a lon

35、gE:Whenyoreyends a word in an unaccented syllable,(In words of two or more syllables)theyhas the long sound ofe.Examples:money,honey,many,key,funny,silly,baby,提醒:Rules:I or E?,What is this animals name?What sound does it make?Name:sound:duck quack,提醒15:Letter Names,Do you know the names and sounds o

36、f these letters?Name:Sound:,提醒:Letter Names,Lets read and write the uppercase letter.,提醒:Read and Write大写字母,Lets read and write the uppercase letter.,提醒:Read and Write大写字母,如何根据第一阶段的教学内容,搜寻最适合自己与学生的内容。,如何备课?,Phase 2整体教学方案整理,Phase 2整体教学方案整理,教学视频与教学计划,英国老师如何教自然拼读:,Phase 2樱桃老师网课教学安排,Set 1,Set 7,Set 6,Set 5,Set 4,Set 3,Set 2,Any questions?,Thank you!,


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