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1、 中国地质大学长城学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文题目 电影片名翻译技巧研究 系 别 外语系 专 业 英语 学生姓名 任雪 学 号 04106619 指导教师 张湘 职 称 讲师 2010年 5月10 日A Study on Translation Skills of Titles of FilmsA Graduation Paper Submitted byRen XueIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsForThe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn the Subject of English Language and

2、LiteratureSupervisor: Zhang XiangMay 10, 2010中国地质大学长城学院毕业论文任务书学生姓名任雪学号04106619班 级2006级英语专业翻译方向2班指导教师张湘职称讲师单 位外语系毕业设计(论文)题目电影片名翻译技巧研究毕业论文主要内容和要求:一 电影片名的特点和作用1特点 (1) 简洁 (2) 通俗 (3) 吸引2作用 (1) 信息 (2) 商业二 电影片名翻译的原则与技巧1功能对等2技巧(1) 结合文化背景 (2) 了解电影内容 (3) 考虑片名的美学特点四字格三 翻译方法1直译 (1) 以电影主角或故事发生地点为题 (2) 以电影主要内容为题2

3、意译 (1) 增补、省略 (2) 重构、改写3直译与意译相结合4音译四 结论总之,在电影片名翻译方面,还有很大的研究空间,也有很多的问题亟待解决。对于一部电影具体采取什么样的方式来翻译,方法并不是固定的,而是要用最合适的方法,以求达到最好的效果。毕业设计(论文)主要参考资料:1 Bassnett, Susan. Translation Studies. M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.2 Nida, E.A&Taber, C_R. The Theory and Practice of Translatio

4、n M.E.J Leiden: Brill, 1969.3 Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation. M.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.4 包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译 M.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司.2001.5 丁进.英语电影片名的翻译 D.山东大学,2008.6 范纯海.英语电影片名的翻译策略 M.武汉工业学院.7 冯庆华. 实用翻译教程 M.上海:上海外语教育出版社. 2008, (58, 61)8 姜姗.从归化和异化的角度看电影片名翻译 D.2007.9 刘

5、宓庆.新编当代翻译理论 M. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司.2005.10 廖国强.英汉互译理论、技巧与实践 M.国防工业出版社.200611 龙千红.英语电影片名佳译赏析 J.西安外国语学院学报,2003,(3)12 孙致礼.新编英汉翻译教程 M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.2003.13 谭载喜新编奈达论翻译 M北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999.14 王大鹏.英语片名翻译方法研究 D.东北财经大学.2007.15 王菁.电影片名的翻译 J.晋东师范专科学校学报,2004,(3).16 王恩冕.大学英汉翻译教程 M. 北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社.2004, (159,181)17 章振邦

6、.新编英语语法教程 M.上海:上海外语教育出版社.1983.毕业设计(论文)应完成的主要工作: 通过对于电影片名翻译的研究,发现英文电影片名汉译和中文电影片英译中的优点,以及翻译中所存在的问题.运用多种翻译技巧分析电影片名翻译,从而找到比较适合的翻译方法,能够更加准确,贴切的对电影片名进行翻译毕业设计(论文)进度安排:序号毕业设计(论文)各阶段内容时间安排备注1开题报告12月30前2初稿撰写1月10至寒假3修改定稿3月1日至4月30日4评阅毕业论文5月1日至15日5答辩5月15日至31日6综合评定成绩6月1日至5日7毕业实习、毕业论文相关资料存档6月10日前课题信息:课题性质: 设计 论文 课

7、题来源: 教学 科研 生产 其它发出任务书日期: 2009.11.19 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见:教研室主任签名:年 月 日 学生签名:中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告学生姓名任雪学号04106619专业班级2006英语系翻译2班指导教师张湘职称讲 师单 位外语系课题性质设计 论文课题来源科研 教学 生产 其它毕业设计(论文)题目 电影片名翻译技巧研究 A Study on Translation Skills of Titles of Films研究目的:通过对于电影片名翻译的研究,发现英文电影片名汉译和中文电影片英译中的优点 以及翻译中所存在的问题.运用多种翻译技巧


9、翻译还未形成完整的体系,对于同一电影片名的翻译,往往有多种版本。现在翻译界逐渐接受了这样一种理论:电影片名不同于一般的书名翻译,它是一种因实际需要而故意加进原本没有意义的一种传达方法, 有别于文学翻译那种严格依照作者本意, 力求神似的方法。因此, 作为广告翻译的电影片名翻译就可以改动得与原先完全不一样,以适应本土市场。但是即使是这样,英语电影片名也应该有章可循,力求达到“信”、“达”、“雅”的统一,而不应该为了追求单纯的经济利益而放弃一切原则去迎合观众。研究内容: 在观看和了解电影内容的基础上,对搜集来的电影片名的特点和作用进行分析。基于功能对等的原则下,阐述电影片名的翻译技巧。运用直译、意译

10、、直译与意译相结合以及音译的方法,对具体的片名进行分析,解说。提纲:一 电影片名的特点和作用1特点 (1) 简洁 (2) 通俗 (3) 吸引2作用 (1) 信息 (2) 商业二 电影片名翻译的原则与技巧1功能对等2技巧(1) 结合文化背景 (2) 了解电影内容 (3) 考虑片名的美学特点四字格三 翻译方法1直译 (1) 以电影主角或故事发生地点为题 (2) 以电影主要内容为题2意译 (1) 增补、省略 (2) 重构、改写3直译与意译相结合4音译四 结论总之,在电影片名翻译方面,还有很大的研究空间,也有很多的问题亟待解决。对于一部电影具体采取什么样的方式来翻译,方法并不是固定的,而是要用最合适的

11、方法,以求达到最好的效果。研究方案:1搜集大量的电影片名,在对影片内容进行了解的基础上,对其进行分类。 2对搜集来的电影片名进行分析,发现其翻译技巧上的特点。 3 运用翻译上直译、意译、直译与意译相结合、音译的方法分别对电影片名的翻译进 行研究。进度安排: 12月30前 开题报告 1月10至寒假 初稿撰写 3月1日至4月30日 修改定稿 5月1日至15日 评阅毕业论文 5月15日至31日 答辩 6月1日至5日 综合评定成绩预期结果:对于电影片名的翻译能够进行较粗略的分类,并发现其中的不足和问题。通过对大量电影片名翻译策略与技巧的分析,找到合适的翻译方法,达到推荐影片的商业目的和传达异国文化的目

12、的。参考文献: 1 Bassnett, Susan. Translation Studies. M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.2 Nida, E.A&Taber, C_R. The Theory and Practice of Translation M.E.J Leiden: Brill, 1969.3 Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation. M.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20

13、01.4 包惠南.文化语境与语言翻译 M.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司.2001.5 丁进.英语电影片名的翻译 D.山东大学,2008.6 范纯海.英语电影片名的翻译策略 M.武汉工业学院.7 冯庆华. 实用翻译教程 M.上海:上海外语教育出版社. 2008, (58, 61)8 姜姗.从归化和异化的角度看电影片名翻译 D.2007.9 刘宓庆.新编当代翻译理论 M. 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司.2005.10 廖国强.英汉互译理论、技巧与实践 M.国防工业出版社.200611 龙千红.英语电影片名佳译赏析 J.西安外国语学院学报,2003,(3)12 孙致礼.新编英汉翻译教程 M. 上海:上海

14、外语教育出版社.2003.13 谭载喜新编奈达论翻译 M北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999.指导教师意见:指导教师签名:年 月 日教研室意见:审查结果: 同 意 不 同 意教研室主任签名:年 月 日Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my Ms Zhang Xiang, my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing

15、of this paper. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this paper could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Zhang Xianbin, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teache

16、rs at the Department of English who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past years.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my classmates who gave me their

17、 help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the paper. Ren Xue May 10, 2010【摘 要】 电影作为一种雅俗共赏的艺术形式,既具艺术性,又具商业性。随着国际交流的日益频繁,越来越多的外国电影涌入我国的电影市场,同样中国的电影也越来越频繁的出现在海外的市场。电影的翻译不仅是商业的需要,也是文化交流的一种重要形式。电影片名是一部电影的重要组成部分,它承担着传达电影的信息,吸引观众等功能。一个好的电影片名,除了能够吸引

18、观众之外,还能为电影带来巨大的商业利益。本文从电影片名的特点入手,分析了英语电影汉译与中文电影英译的主要技巧,并对每一技巧进行分析,说明当前的电影片名翻译,还是在功能对等的理论指导下进行的,并未形成一套完整的理论。 本文从直译和意译的角度探讨了中英文电影片名翻译的问题,指出直译和意译在电影片名翻译方面各自起到的作用,并通过具体例子来说明这两种翻译策略的应用。最后指出,在当前电影片名翻译中,直译和意译在一定时间内是要并存的。【关键词】 电影片名翻译;功能对等;直译;意译;音译【Abstract】 Movie as a type of art caters to both refined and

19、popular tastes. Its functions are not only in art but also in commerce. Along with international communication becomes frequently, more and more foreign films emerge in our countrys movie market, similarly Chinas movies also more and more frequently appear in overseas market. The translation of movi

20、e is not only service for the commercial need, but also for the cultural exchange. The film title as an important component of the movie, it undertakes the function to transmit movies information and attract the audience. A fabulous film title besides could attract the audience but also could bring

21、huge commercial interest. This article begins with character of film title then analyzes the main skill about the English-Chinese translation between English film and Chinese film .And analyze every style of skill deeply, explaining that the current film title translation is still under the function

22、al equivalence theorys instruction and not form a set of complete theories.This article has discussed the Chinese and English film title translation from the literal translation and the free translation, pointing each function of literal translation and free translation in film title translation. An

23、d according to concrete example to explain the two kinds of translation how to use in film title translation. Finally point out that in the current film title translation, literal translation and free translation will coexist for a long time.【Key Words】 film title translation; functional equivalence

24、; literal translation; liberal translation; transliterationTable of ContentsChapter One Introduction1Chapter Two The Features and Functions of Titles of Films22.1 Features of Movie Titles22.1.1 Concision22.1.2 Earthliness22.1.3 Attraction22.2 Functions of Movie Title32.2.1 Information Function32.2.2

25、 Commercial Function32.3 Summary4Chapter Three Film Title Translation Principle and Skills53.1 Principle53.2 Skill63.2.1 Combine with cultural background63.2.2 Understand the movie content73.2.3 Consider Aesthetic Characteristicsfour-character7Chapter Four Translation Method94.1 Literal Translation9

26、4.1.1 Take Leading Roles or Place as the Title94.1.2 Take the Main Content as the Title104.2 Liberal Translation104.2.1 Adding and Omitting114.2.2 Recasting and Rewriting134.3 Combination of Literal Translation and Liberal Translation134.4 Transliteration144.5 Summary15Chapter Five Conclusion16Bibli

27、ography17Chapter One IntroductionNowadays with the rapid development of science and technology audio-visual media is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. Movie title translation is undoubtedly one of the commonest forms of translation encountered in everyday life in our contempo

28、rary society. Therefore, movie title translation research as an important branch of practical translation studies came into being. The film title could deliver important information about the film to the audience and it can grip the attention of the audience at first sight. A good translation of mov

29、ie titles will undoubtedly contribute a lot to the charm of the film. It should not only reveal the theme of the movie concisely and comprehensively, but also should generalize the content of the film tersely and succinctly. Currently the film title translation has not formed a complete system and t

30、here is no unification standard. For the same film titles translation often has a lot of translation editions. One film was translated in very different ways. The translation of one film even has mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Internet, the publication magazine and many kinds of translation

31、editions. But each kind of translation transmits different information so the effects they got are unlike. This article plans from the film title characteristic and the film title translation function to carry on the discussion.Chapter Two The Features and Functions of Titles of Films2.1 Features of

32、 Movie TitlesAlthough film is a kind of literary form it possesses some unique features which make it different from other literary forms. Audiences are usually read the film titles firstly. Good film titles will impress the audience deeply. Let people feel desire to watch the movie. Undoubtedly fil

33、m titles play the role in advertising for the film. Features of movie title include the concision, the earthliness and the attraction.2.1.1 ConcisionBecause the title of film featured with high generality, we can say that concision is the major and distinctive characteristic. The title usually shows

34、 the main role or story of the movie with very few words. The majority English titles often with three to five words, they are simple and brief. And Chinese titles usually use idioms or four character words as the title. For instance, the title of Titanic is very succinct, it tells audiences the pla

35、ce where story take place with one word, at the same time summarize the movie content highly.2.1.2 EarthlinessFilm title besides the function of generality, it also considers whether the audience can accept or not. So titles wont use the glossary which too difficult to understand, the ordinary audie

36、nce could accept and understand. And it also conforms to the films characteristic of suiting both refined and popular tastes.2.1.3 AttractionIn the movie market a film whether success is judged by box office. It is the movies biggest duty to attract the audience to watch, at the same time its also t

37、he titles biggest duty. Guarantee that the audience can understand and accept titles, movies regularly use some new words in titles to attract the audience.2.2 Functions of Movie TitlesMovie titles condense the main theme of the film. Film titles main function is to help the audience to understand t

38、he film and give them some information about the movie. Movie is a kind of spiritual product with art attributes. At the same it is also a kind of material product with merchandise attributes. Movie title is not only a symbol of film and it is an important component of the movie too. In order to att

39、ract the audience and increase the box office receipts. So the film titles also have commercial factors. Hence the functions of film title include informative function, commercial function.2.2.1 Information FunctionThe informative function of movie title is reflected by helping the audience to know

40、about some facts and relevant information about the movie. Film titles contain a large number of content, titles should accurately express the information which movie contains. Audiences can get a lot of information through movie title then they could choose which one to watch. Translated titles als

41、o need to express the information which original titles contain precisely. For example, Original Sin, the title was translated into 枕边陷阱 in Taiwan, people may think it is a thriller at first sight. It completely didnt express the meaning that the movie wanted to convey. And this work was translated

42、into 原罪 in Mainland China. Just use the literal meaning of the original English name but the translation is very appropriate. Even without knowing the content of the movie, people can easily get some information that the movie wants to express from the title. While “original sin” is also the problem

43、s westerners prefer to discuss. So this title is not only conveying the information and content the movie contains, to a certain extent, it reflects the cultural level.2.2.2 Commercial FunctionIn the modern society the box office is a key factor to judge whether a movie is successful or not. The movie besides as one kind of artistic form, but also has the commercial value. Translators usually tend to make titles attractive, avoid using plain words and make movie box office power loss. Shooter was translated in


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