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1、牛津英语9AUnit1 Know yourself Comic strip and welcome to the unit重点单词清单1.creative 形容词;有创造力的;创造性典例:My art teacher is very creative.我的美术老师很有创造力。联想:create v.创造,创建2.curious形容词adj.好奇的典例That boy was curious about everything he saw.那个男孩对他见到的一切事物都感到好奇。短语be curious about.感到好奇联想curiously adv.好奇地3.order 名词n.顺序图解记忆

2、法典例The house has been kept in good order.这栋房子保持得并井有条。 短语keep.in order使.保持井然有序拓展:order vt.命令;点菜,下订单order sb to do sth命令某人做某事The officer ordered the soldiers to advance quickly.那位军官命令土兵们快速前进。Would you like to order a salad?你想点份沙拉吗?grammar/名n.语法典例It isnt a dictionary but a grammar book.它不是一本词典,而是一本语法书。

3、注意grammar作“语法”讲时是不可数名词。5.neither conj. (否定句中)两者之一不典例Neither my father nor my mother enjoys music.我爸爸和我妈妈都不喜欢音乐。短语neither.nor .既.也不.拓展: neiter还可作代词,意为“两者都不”。当其作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。Neither of the two students is good at maths.这两个学生都不擅长数学。6.nor 连词conj.也不典例:I can give you neither an opinion nor any advice.我既不能

4、给你一个意见,也不能给你任何建议。考点深度解读1.It makes them fee good to share things with others.与别人分享东西使他们感觉很好。考点 make sb do sth让某人做某事make sb do sth意为“让某人做某事”。make 作使役动词,意为“使;让”,后跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。What he said made me laugh for a few minutes.他所说的话让我笑了好几分钟。知识拓展make sb do sth变被动语态时,不定式符号to需还原,即sb be made to do sth。The wo

5、rkers are made to work ten hours a day.工人们被要求一天工作十个小时。make sth into.意为“将某物制成.”He will make the paper into a boat.他要把这张纸折成-只船。make.out of.意为“用.:制造 , 。can you make a lantern out of a pumpkin?你会用南瓜做一个灯笼吗?考点: share分享;分担 ”必记share作动词,意为“分享;分担”,常用短语share sth with sb意为“和某人一起分享/合用/分担某物”。I used to share a des

6、k with my elder sister.我过去常常和我的姐姐合用一张书桌。May I share the umbrella with you?我可以跟你合用这把雨伞吗?2. Daniel is very clever, but he is modest and never shows off.丹尼尔很聪明,但是他谦虚,从不炫耀。考点: show off炫耀showoff是固定短语,意为“炫耀”。Tom likes to show off how well he speaks English.汤姆喜欢炫耀他的英语讲得有多么好。知识拓展on show展览,展示show . around ro

7、und.带领.参观3.He often comes up with new ideas.他经常想出新主意。考点:come up with想出(主意) 常考come up with意为“想出(主意)”,相当于think up。Tom quickly came up with a new idea for increasing sales.汤姆很快就想出了一个增加销售量的新主意。知识拓展comeback回来 comedown落下;下降come in进来 come on快点;加油,加把劲come from来自 come out出版;(花)开放come out .出来4.Im careless som

8、etimes.我有时粗心。考点:sometimes 有时 sometimes是副词,意为“有时”,在句中的位置比较灵活,可置于句首、句中或句尾。Sometimes she comes to visit her grandparents. = She sometimes comes to visit her grandparents. = She comes to visit her grand-parents sometimes. 有时她来看望她的(外)祖父母。易混辨析sometimes , sometime, some times与some timesometimes 副词 意为“有时”,多

9、用于一般现在时sometime 副词 意为“在(过去或将来的)某个时候”,指的是时间点some times 名词词组意为“几次/倍”,此时time为可数名词,意为“次数,倍数”some time 名词词组意为“一 .段时间”,指时间段Sometimes I have lunch at school.有时我在学校吃午饭。I will buy a computer sometime next year.明年某个时候我将买.台电脑He has been to Beijing some times.他去过北京几次了。It took him some time to finish his homewor

10、k.他花了一.些时间完成他的家庭作业。 5.Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.我和我的父母都认为我不会成为一名好会计。考点:neither.nor. 既不.也不. 常考neither.nor.是并列连词,意为“既.也.可在句中连接两个并列的成分。当其连接两个主语时,谓语动词要与离它最近的主语在人称和数上保持致,并且用肯定形式。Neither he nor I am a doctor.我和他都不是医生。Mary neither likes maths nor (likes) history.玛丽既不喜欢数学也不

11、喜欢历史。The shoes are neither too large nor too small. They fit me well.这双鞋既不太大也不太小。它们正好适合我。易混辨析neither.nor. ,both. .and.与either.orneither.nor.既.也不. 谓语动词的数遵循“就近原则”both.and. (两者)都 连接并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式either.or.或者. 或者. 谓语动词的数遵循“就近原则”我的父母都是老师。Reading重点单词清单1 .born形adj.天生的典例Some people are born clever.有些人天生聪明。

12、短语be born出生She was born in London on April 29,1923.她于1923年4月29日在伦敦出生。2.impress I/动v. .留下印象典例The girl impressed her friends deeply with her sense of humor.这个女孩以她的幽默感给她的朋友们留下了深刻的印象。联想impression n.印象3.praise/ preiz/名n.赞扬,表扬典例Who doesnt like pubic praise?谁不喜欢公众表扬呢?注意praise是不可数名词。拓展:praise v.表扬;称赞;赞扬 pra

13、ise.for .因.而表扬He praised his team members for their performance.他因队员们的表现而称赞了他们。4.general/ 形容词adj 总的,普遍的:首席的典例The general opinion is that the conference was a success.最遍的观点是这次会议是成功的。短语:in general通常;总的说来5.race/ reis/图n.竞赛;赛跑典例You must win the relay race.你们必须赢得这场接力赛近义competition n.竞赛 contest n.比赛进作竞赛赛跑

14、”讲时,常与介词sin连用,可引申为“竞争”。6 lead/li;d/名n. 领先地位;榜样典例-He took the lead in the last lap.他在最后一圈时领先。短语take the lead处于领先地位拓展lead v.引导;带领7 challenge/ tfaelnd3/名n.挑战典例This examination is a real challenge.这次考试是一次真正的挑战。短语face a challenge面临挑战take on/ accept a challenge接受挑战,应战8.connect /动V.连接典例We forgot to connect

15、 the computer to phone line.我们忘了把电脑与电话线连接了。注意pay attention to中的to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词,attention 可用much,more, a little等词(组)来修饰。短语connect.to/ with.与.相连,连接起来9. miss/ mis/名n.错误,过失典例:He could hit his target one hundred times without a single miss.他打靶能百发百中。拓展:miss v.错过;漏掉;想念n.小姐(用于姓名或姓之前,是对未婚女子的称呼)Miss Rose m

16、issed the bus.错过公共汽车。10. attention/名 n.注意,专心典例Please pay attention to what I am saying. 请注意(听)我所说的话。短语pay attention to 注意:attract catch/ draw/ get ones attention 引起某人的注意11. pioneer/名n. 先锋,开拓者典例As a surgeon, he was a great pioneer.作为一名外科医生,他是一一个了不起的先锋。短语Young Pioneer少先队员12. carelessness名n.粗心助记:care(

17、D.关心) +-less(形容词后缀) +-ness(名词后缀)= carelessness 典例:She complained about his carelessness. 她抱怨他的粗心。联想: careless adj.粗心的carelessly adv.粗心地13. devote/动v.把.贡献,把.专用于典例:She would like to devote herself to education.她想投身于教育。短语:devote.to.把.注意:devote.t.中的to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。14. suitable/形 adj.合适的;适宜的典例The prog

18、ramme is not suitable for children.这个节目儿童不宜。短语be suitable for适合联想suit v.适合;合身考点深度解读1. .so Im always searching for something better or different. .以我总是寻找一些更好的或者与众不同的东西。考点: search for寻找,搜寻 中常考search for是固定短语,意为“寻找,搜寻”,for后接被寻找的人或物。He searches his pockets for his keys.他翻遍了自己的口袋找他的钥匙。I searchedformywatc

19、hintheroom.我在房间里找我的手表。辨析:search与searchforsearch,后直接跟地方或人,表示“在某地搜索或搜某人的身”search for,后接要寻找的人或事物searchthevillage在村子里搜寻searchtheman搜那名男子的身searchforthegirl寻找那个女孩考点 形容词修饰不定代词的用法 重要形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词要放在不定代词之后。There is something important in todays newspaper.今天的报纸上有一些重要新闻。Dont worry. There is nothing serious. 别

20、担心。没什么严重的。2.Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago and started to work for the sales department in a big company.苏宁在五年前放弃了她作为一名会计的工作,开始在一家大公 司的销售部工作。考点: give up放弃 中常考give up是固定短语,意为“放弃”,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。Give up为动副短语,当宾语为代词时,代词要放在短语中间。We didnt give up hope.我们没有放弃希望。Smoking is bad for y

21、our health. Youd better give it up.吸烟对你的健康有害。你最好戒掉它。知识拓展give back归还 give off发出(气味、光等)give away赠送;分发 give in 屈服3.You either take the lead or fall behind. 你要么领先,要么落后。考点either.or.或者.常考ether.or.意为“不是.就.或.或.”在句中连接两个并列的成分(主语、谓语宾语、表语或状语)。当其连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词要与离它最近的主语在人称和数上保持致。Either you or Jenny can go to the

22、 museum. The other has to stay at home and clean the house.(连接主语)或者你或者珍妮可以去博物馆,另一个人不得不留在家里打扫房子。Either say sorry to us or get out. (连接谓语)或者向我们道歉,或者出去。He is either a doctor or a teacher. (连接表语)他不是一名医生,就是一名老师。They are going travelling either by train or by plane. (连接状语)他们将或者乘火车或者乘飞机去旅行。4.Im ready to ta

23、ke on new challenges any time. 我准备好随时接受新的挑战,.考点be ready to do sth准备好做某事 常考ready是形容词,意为“准备好的”。Be ready to do sth是固定结构,意为“准备好做某事”We are ready to go for a holiday.我们准备好去度假了。I am ready to do the work for you.我已经准备好为你做这项工作了。知识拓展get ready for的用法get ready for意为“为.做准备”,其后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。My father is get

24、ting ready for going abroad.我的父亲正在为出国做准备。5.To us,a miss is as good as a mile.对我们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。句型分析“A miss is as good as a mile.”是英语谚语。 考点as good as 积.乎样,简直是 理解as good as用作习语,意为“和.几乎一样,简直是”The model plane is as good as a real one.这个飞机模型几乎和真 的一样。The matter is as good as settled. 这件事等于解决了。 知识拓展as.as.意为“

25、与.”第一个as是副词,后接形容 云词或副词的原级,第二个as是连词。6 We cant afford to make any mistakes,. 我们承担不起犯任何错误(所造成的后果) .考点 afford to do sth承担得起做某事 常考afford意为“买得起承担得起”,常与can, could, be able to等连用,后接名词代词或动词不定式。常用短语afford to do sth 意为“承担得起做某事”。I cant afford (to buy) a new house.我买不起一座新房子。The jacket is too expensive. I cant af

26、ford it. 那件夹克衫太贵,我买不起它。7 All of us know that its necessary to pay attention to every detail.我们都知道,注意每一个细节很有必要。考点: pay attention to注意 常考pay attention to意为“注意”,to在这里作介词,后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。Pay attention to these warning notices. 注意这些警告牌。This point is very important. You should pay attention to it.这一点很重要.你应

27、该注意一下它。8. Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients.粗心不仅对我们自己而且对病人来说都将是一场灾难。考点 not only.but als.而. 常考not only.but also.意为“不但.而且. ”,其中的also可以省略,此短语连接相同的句子成分或并列句。当其连接并列的主语时,谓语动词应与but also后的主语在人称和数上保持一- 致。Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching TV.不但我,而且汤姆

28、和玛丽也喜欢看电视。Not only Tom and I but also Mary is fond of watching TV.不仅汤姆和我,而且玛丽也喜欢看电视。注意not only.but also.连接两个简单句时,not only放在句首,表示强调,这时句子要用部分倒装形式。Not only does my brother like English, but also he likes maths.我的哥哥不但喜欢英语,而且喜欢数学。9 .Liu Haos team members find it difficult to work with him.刘浩的团队成员发现很难和他共事

29、。考点:“find+it+adj. +to do sth发现做某事. 常考“find+it+adj. +to do sth意为“发现做某事.”,it是形式宾语,动词不定式是真正的宾语。I find it difficult to sing Beijing Opera well.I want to give it up.我发现要唱好京剧很难,我想放弃它。知识拓展find后面可以接“宾语+宾语补足语”,宾语补足语可以用形容词(短语)、名词(短语)、介词短语、动词-ing形式或过去分词来充当。I found the job boring. 我发现这个工作令人厌烦。He woke up and fou

30、nd himself in a hospital bed.他醒来发现自己躺在医院的床上。10.Fang Yuan sends most of her time on her work.方圆把她大部分的时间花在她的工作上。考点: spend.on.在.上花费.spend作动词,意为“花费(金钱时间);度过。spend 的主语必须是人,常用结构:spend. .on sth表示“在某事某物上花费.”. ;spend.( in) doing sth表示“花费.做某事”。Kitty often spends too much money on clothes. 基蒂经常在衣服上花很多钱。Many te

31、enagers often spend much time ( in) playing football.许多青少年经常花很多时间踢足球。易混辨析spend,take ,cost与payIt takes my mother four hours to do the housework every day.妈每天花四个小时做家务。The car cost him around ten thousand dollars. 那辆小汽车花了他大约一万美元。I paid a very high price for the house. 我花了很高的价钱买下了这座房子。Grammar 并列连词and,bu

32、t,or和so的用法英语中的连词是连接单词、短语或句子的词,不能单独作句子成分,按其性质可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。并列连词可用来表示并列关系、转折关系、选择关系或因果关系等。1. and的用法and意为“和,又”,表示并列关系,用来连接表示对等成分的单词、短语或者句子Our maths teacher is very kind and patient. 我们的数学老师非常和蔼而且有耐心。I cooked lunch. And I washed some clothes.我做了午饭,还洗了一.些衣服2).and险了表示并列关系外。还可以表示目的和结果等关系。Come and see my

33、family.来见见我的家人。(see 表示目的)Be careful, and you will make fewer mistakes. 仔细点儿,你犯的错误就更少,( make fewer mistakes表示结果2.but的用法but意为“但是”,表示转折关系,连接意思相反的成分。Our school is very small but beautiful.我们的学校很小但很漂亮。The car is very old, but it runs very fast.这辆小汽车很旧,但它跑得很快。3. or的用法or意为“或者”,表示选择关系。Which do you like bett

34、er, juice or cola?果汁和可乐,你更喜欢哪个?or用于否定句中,表示“也不 I cant speak English or French. 我不会讲英语,也不会讲法语。在英语中,“祈使句+or+简单句”是一种常用句型。在该句型中,or意为“否则”,祈使句相当于一个条件,可以和if引导的条件状语从句进行转换。Put on your coat, or you will catch a cold.=If you dont put on your coat, you will catch a cold.穿上你的大衣,否则你会感冒的。4. so的用法so意为“因此,所以”,表示因果关系,

35、用来连接两个简单句。It began to rain, so we went home.天开始下雨了,所以我们回家了。注意连词so和because不能用在同一个句子中。Hewasill,sohedidntgotoschool=Hedidntgotoschoolbecause hewasill.因为他病了,所以他没去上学。并列连词both.and.notonly.bu(also) either.or.和neither.nor.的用法1.both.and .和.(两者)都.连接两个并列的成分(如主语谓语、宾语等)。当其连接并列的主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。BothKateandTomarefro

36、mClassThree,GradeOne.(连接主语)凯特和汤姆都来自一年级三班。LucycanspeakbothItalianandGreek.(连接宾语)露西会讲意大利语和希腊语。2. not only.but (also) . 意为“不.而且.,与both.and.的用法几乎相同。Han Mei not only writes but also draws very well.韩梅不但写得好,而且画得也非常好。3.either.or 意为“或者.或.要么You can either stay at home or go shopping on Sunday.星期天你可以待在家里或者去购物

37、。4. neither.nor.意为“既不.George can speak neither German nor Russian.乔治既不会说德语,也不会说俄语。元(注意当not only .but(also) .either.or和neither.nor.连接并列的主语时,谓语动词要与高它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”。Not only you but also Li Lei is coming here.不但你而且李雷也要来这儿。Either you or I am wrong.不是你错了,就是我错了。Neither Lily nor Jim is a student

38、.莉莉和吉姆都不是学生。Integrated skills重点单词清单1 appear/动V. 出现典例A group of birds appeared in the sky.天空中出现了一群鸟。反义disappear U.消失联想appearance n.外貌;出现We mustnt judge a person by appearance.我们不可以以貌取人。2 fixed/形adj.固定的典例:Car plants have high fixed costs. 汽车厂的固定成本很高。联想fix D. .固定;修理powerful/形adj.有力的;强大的助记power(n.力量)+-f

39、ul(形容词后缀)=powerful(词缀记忆法典例Russiausedtobeaverypowerfulcountry.俄罗斯曾是一个非常强大的国家。4lively/形adj.活泼的;生气勃勃的助记live(adj.活的,有生命的)+-ly(形容词后缀)=lively词缀记忆法典例MsLiisanoutgoingandlivelyperson.李女土是个开朗活泼的人。联想liveadj.活的;现场直播的.居住-living adj.活的;健在的-+alive adj.活着的;在世的常用词缀-ly一般情况下是副词后缀,但也可用来构成形容词,如friendly(adj.友好的),lovely(a

40、dj.可爱的),lonely(adj.孤独的)等。5.practical/形adj.实际的助记practice(U.实践)去掉e+-al(形容词后缀)=practicalI词缀记忆法典例 Your invention is not practical. 你的发明不实用。常用词缀*-al为常用的形容词后缀,以它结尾的形容词有political( adj.政治的),coastal( adj.沿海的)等。6 divide/动v.分开,分典例Lets divide ourselves into two groups!让我们分成两个小组吧!短语divide.into.把.分成.7 shape/动v.使成

41、形,塑造典例He shaped the clay into a vase.他将黏土塑成了一个花瓶。短语shape.into.把.塑造成.拓展shape n.外形;形状 in the shape of. .的形状Whats the shape of the box?那个盒子是什么形状的?考点深度解读1 Some people believe that people born under the same animal sign may have similar personalities. 一些人认为出生在同一生肖的人可能有相似的性格。考点1 similar相似的.His bike is sim

42、ilar to mine. 他的自行车与我的相似。2.depends on your date of birth 取决于你的出生日期考点 depend on取决于;视.而定depend on是动词短语,意为“取决于;视.而定”,不能用于进行时态,也没有被动语态。The way to go to school depends on where the students live. (学生们)上学的方式取决于学生们住在哪里。知识拓展depend on还可表示“依赖;依靠”。You cant depend on your parents forever.3.It is you who shape y

43、our未来都掌握在你的手中。考点:强调句的用法,强调句的结构为“It is+被强调部分that/who. 。强调句通常强调句子的某- 成分没有实际意义,只是引出被强调的成分。如果被强调的成分是表示人的词,且为句子的主语时,引导词用that或who都可以;如果被强调的部分是其他成分,引导词用that.It was Tom who/ that found my pen in the classroom yesterday.昨天在教室里找到我的钢笔的是汤姆。It was in front of the bank that the old lady was robbed.那个老妇人是在银行前面被抢劫的

44、。4. It is said that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave,据说在虎年出生的人很勇敢。考点 It is said that. 据说. 运用It is said that.意为“据说.”。 其中it是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语,be said是被动语态形式。It is said that people can live to be 120 years old in the future.据说将来人们能活到120岁同类归纳“It is+动词的过去分词+that从句”的句型It is believed that.人们相

45、.人们认为It is known that.众所周知.It is reported that. 据报道.It is believed that health is above wealth. = People believe that health is above wealth. 人们认为健康重于财富。I think we can read about these for fun, but we shouldnt believe in them.我认为我们可以为了娱乐读一读这些东西,但我们不应该相信它们。考点 believe in相信某人(或事物)的存在;信任 必记believe in是固定短语,意为“相信某人(或事物)的存在;信任”。Do you believe in God?你相信上帝的存在吗?Jim is an honest man and we believe in him.吉姆是一个诚实的人,我们信任他。Task重点单词清单1


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