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1、状语从句用法详解 一、时间状语从句Awhen, while, as, whenever;when, while, as表示主句谓语作和从句的谓语动作同时发生或几乎同时发生。1whenwhen表示点时间时,从句中用短暂性动词;表示段时间时,用持续性动词。When I got home, my family were already having dinner.我到家的时候,全家已在吃晚饭。【注意】当when意思是正当时候(and at that moment)时,when只能跟在前一分句之后。He was about to go to bed when the doorbel rang.他正要上

2、床,忽然门铃响了。They were watching the World Cup when suddenly the lights went out.他们正看着世界杯比赛,突然灯灭了。They had just arrived home when it began to rain.他们刚到家,天就开始下雨了。2whilewhile通常表示一段时间,从句中宜用持续性动词作谓语。Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。She fell asleep while she was reading the newspaper.她在看报的时候睡着了。while有时可以作并列连

3、词,表示对比,可译成而。I am fond of English while he likes math.我喜欢英语而他却喜欢数学。We slept while the captain kept watch.我们睡觉而上尉担任警戒。while有时可引导让步状语从句,意思是虽然。While they love the children, they are strict with them.虽然他们都爱他们的孩子,但却对他们要求严格。3asas表示 一边一边,强调从句和主句中两个动作交替进行或同步进行。They talked as they walked.他们边走边聊。as表示随着,此用法不用wh

4、en或while替代。As time goes on, its getting warmer and warmer.随着时间的推移,天气变得越来越暖了。4wheneverwhenever是when的强势语,它描述的不是一次性动作,而是经常发生的习惯性动作。You are always welcome whenever you come.无论你何时来都欢迎。Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us.每当我们遇上困难的时候,他们就来帮我们。Bbefore, after1before表示在一段时间之前。I must finish

5、all the work beforeI go home.回家之前我必须干完所有的活。He had learned English for three years before he went to London.他去伦敦之前已学了三年英语。提示:before 从句往往带有否定的含义,常译为:还没等到.就.;还没来得及就作此意时,从句中常见情态动词can/ could。He ran off before I could stop him.我还没来得及阻止他,他就跑掉了。The man hung up the phone before I could answer it.我没坐多久他就回来了。B

6、efore I could get in a word, he measured me. 我还来得及插话,他就给我量好了尺寸。【必背】before 常用句型 It will be + 时间段+before+ 一般现在时:要等多久才. It will be five years before we meet again.五年以后我们才能再见。It wont be long before+ 一般现在时:等不了多久就会 It will not be long before you regret what you have done.不用过多久你就会对你所作所为感到后悔的。It was +时间段+be

7、fore +一般过去时:等了多久就 It was minutes before the police arrived.过了几分钟警察才到。It wasnt long before+ 一般过去时:没等多久就 It was not long before I realized I was wrong.不久我就意识到我错了。【对比】It is/ has been +时间段+since +一般过去时:自从以来到现在已经有多长时间It is three years since the war broke out. 战争爆发以来已有三年。2after表在一段时间之后。Lets play football

8、after school is over.放学后我们踢足球吧。The sun came out soon after the storm stopped.暴风雨过后不久,太阳出来了。Ctill, until1until /till用于肯定句时,表示直到 为止,主句必须为持续性动词。 We shall wait until till he comes back.我们将一直等到他回来。 (注意它们的拼写) Everything went well until till that accident happened.直到发生那意外之前,一切都正常。2 Notuntil 表示直到才 ,主句通常要用短暂

9、动词 I didnt leave until she came back.直到她回来,我才离开的。 I could hardly understand the theory until my teacher explained it to me.直到老师向我解释我才理解了那个理论。必背:not until句型的倒装句:当not until位于句首时,主句中的主语、谓语要使用倒装语序。(Not until+助动词+主语+ 其他) Not until she stopped crying did I leave.直到她不哭了,我才离开的。not until 句型的强调句:句型(It is/ was

10、 not until.that) It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I recognized her.直到她摘下墨镜,我才认出她。Dsincesince自以来。主句中通常现在完成时,since从句一般过去时。Where have you been since I last saw you自上次我见过你之后,你去了哪里?Since she was young, she has been collecting stamps.她自年轻时起就一直集邮至今。It is three years since he began to smo

11、ke.他开始抽烟到现在已三年了。Eas soon asas soon as.可译为一就,用来表示主从句的动作是紧接着发生的。He rushed home as soon as he got the good news.他一得到这个好消息就奔回家。【必背】一就还可以用on /upon doing 结构来表示。On arriving home he called up Lester.=As soon as he arrived home, he called up Lester.他一到家就给莱斯特打电话Fhardly when, no soonerthan这两个短语都表示刚就,可以互换,主句通常用

12、去完成时。He had no sooner started out than he felt homesick.他刚出发就想起家来。He had hardly started his speech when someone rose to refute his points.他刚开始发言,就有人站起来反驳他的论点。【注意】当hardly(=scarcely), no sooner位于句子的开头时,主句须用倒装语序。Hardly had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door woke her up.她刚要睡着,忽然敲门声把她吵醒。No sooner

13、 was the frost off the ground than the work began.地上的霜一消散,人们就开始工作了。Gonceonce作连词时,也相当于as soon as,但它含有的条件意味更浓,它引导的从句较短。Once you begin, you must continue.一旦开了头,你就应当继续下去。Once you see him, you will never forget him.你一旦见过他,就不会忘了他的。1.We were swimming in the lake_suddenly the storm started. A.when B.while C

14、.until D.before2.It was evening_ we reached the little town of Winchester. A.that B.until C.since D.before3.You can eat food free in my restaurant_you like. A.whenever B.wherever C.whatever D.however4.Scientists say it may be five or six years_it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

15、A.since B.after C.before D.when5. We told that we should follow the main road_we reached the central railway station. A.whenever B.until C.while D.wherever6.It is almost five years_we saw each other last time. A.before B.since C.after D.when7.Simon thought his computer was broken_his little brother

16、pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on. A.until B.unless C.after D.because8.The American Civil War lasted four years_the North won in the end. A.after B.before C.when D.then9.-Did Jack come back early last night? -Yes.It was not yet eight oclock_he arrived home. A.before B.when C.that D.unt

17、il10.“You cant have this football back_you promise not to kick it at my cat again.”the old man said firmly. A.because B.since C.when D.until11.I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel_I heard the steps. A.while B.when C.since D.after12.-How long do you think i

18、t will be_China sends a manned spaceship to the moon? -Perhaps two or three years. A.when B.until C.that D.before13.-Why didnt you tell him about the meeting? -He rushed out of the room_I could say a word. A.before B.until C.when D.after二、地点状语从句地点状语从句通常由where, wherever(where的强势语)A. wherewhere 在地方,去地

19、方Where I live there are plenty of trees. 我住的地方树很多。 I found my books where I had left them.我的书在我原来放的地方找到了。B. whereverwherever在任何地方,无论哪里Wherever you go, you should do your work well.不论到什么地方,都要把工作做好。Wherever I am I will be thinking of you. 不管我在哪里我都会想到你。 三、原因状语从句 原因状语从句是表示原因和理由的从句。引导原因状语从句的有as, because,

20、 since, now (that),Abecause因为Because I like it, I do it.因为我喜欢,所以我才干。He couldnt have seen me, because I was not there.他不可能见过我,因为当时我不在那儿。【注意】because等词不能与 so连用。【误】Because he was careless, so he failed in the exam.because后接陈述句;复合介词because of后不能直接跟that从句或者是没有引导词的从句,其后可接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等。He is here becau

21、se of you (that). 他为你(那事)而来这里。He left the company because of what the boss said at the meeting. 他离开了这家公司,是因为老板在会上讲的话。【正】I cant do the work because of my illness. 【正】I cant do the work because Im ill. Bsince 既然。引导的从句大多置于句首Since you are all here, lets try and reach a decision.既然大家都来了,咱们就设法做出一个决定吧。Cas

22、由于。一般多用于句首。As he was not well enough, I had to go without him.由于他身体欠佳,我只好不带他去了。四、目的状语从句 引导目的状语从句的主要连词有so that, in order that等,从句中常常使用一些情态动词,如can, could, may, might, should等。A so that,in order that表示为了,以便,一般放在主句之后。They hurried so that they might not miss the train.他们为了不误火车,才急急忙忙的。In order that everyo

23、ne present might hear her clearly, she raised her voice again.为了使在场的每个人都能听清楚,她再次提高了声音。【注意】当主从句的主语一致时,so that和in order that引导的目的状语从句可以转换成相对应的动词不定式结构。We got up early so that we would arrive in time.为了能及时赶到,我们起得很早。They hurried so that they might not miss the train. They hurried so as not to miss the tr

24、ain.五、结果状语从句 引导结果状语从句的连词有:that, so (that), so-that, such-that等。结果状语从句通常置于主句之后。Bso.that 如此以致。其引导的果状语从句有如下四种结构:1so + 形容词/副词 + that-从句The village is so small that it cannot be shown in the map.这村子太小,所以这地图上没有。The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward.风刮得那么大,我们简直寸步难行。2so + 形容词 + a/ an + 单数

25、名词 + that-从句It was so hot a day that tey all went swimming.天是那么的热以致他们都去游泳了。He made so inspiring a speech that everybody got excited.他发表了如此鼓舞人的演讲以致大家都很激动。3so + many/few/much/little +复数名词+ that-从句I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over.我摔了许多跤,以至于浑身青一块,紫一块。He has so few friend that h

26、e often feels lonely.他朋友很少,所以经常感到孤独。He drank so much wine last night that he felt terrible.昨晚他喝了那么多的酒,他觉得很不舒服。【注意】little表示小的时候,前面用suchHe is such a little boy that he cant lift the box. 他是这么小的小小孩,提不到那个箱子Csuch. that such.that 如此以致。其引导的结果语从句有如下四种结构:1such + a/an + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 + that-从句 Jenny is such a

27、clever girl that all of us like her very much.詹妮是如此聪明的女孩,以至我们都非常喜欢她。2such + 形容词 +复数名词+ that-从句 He gave such important reasons that he was excused.他说出了这么重要的理由,得到大家的谅解。3such + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + that-从句He made such rapid progress that the teacher praised him.他的进步很快,老师表扬了他。1.If you are traveling_the customs

28、 are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do. A.in which B.what C.when D.where2.In peace,too,the Red Cross is expected to send help_there is human suffering. A.whoever B.however C.whatever D.wherever3.-Mom,what did your doctor say? -He advised me to live_the air is fresher. A.in where

29、B.in which C.the place where D.where4.Parents should take seriously their childrens requests for sunglasses_eye protection is necessary in sunny weather. A.because B.though C.unless D.if5.Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,_this was a memory she especially treasure

30、d. A.as B.if C.when D.where6.Roses need special care_they can live through winter. A.because B.so that C.even if D.as7.Id like to arrive 20 minutes early_I can have time for a cup of tea. A.as soon as B.as a result C.in case D.so that8.Youd better take something to read when you go to see the doctor

31、_you have to wait. A.even if B.as if C.in case D.in order that9.His plan was such a good one_we all agreed to accept it. A.so B.and C.that D.as六、条件状语从句 引导条件状语从句的有 if, unless, so/ as long asA.if If he doesnt come at 8, we wont wait for him. 如果他八点不来,我们就不等他了。 We shall go there unless it rains tomorrow.

32、 如果明天不下雨,我们将去那里。Bunlessunless = if not意思是如果不、除非。They will go tomorrow unless it rains.除非明天下雨,否则他们会去的。(They will go tomorrow if it doesnt rain.)I wont let you in unless you show me your pass.如果你不出示通行证,我就不让你进来。(= I wont let you in if you dont show me your pass. )Cso long as, as long as, 只要As So long a

33、s we dont lose heart, well find a way to overcome the difficulty.只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的方法。七、方式状语从句方式状语从句常由as, as if /as though等词引导。Aas,其引导的方式状语从句通常位于主句后Do in Rome as the Romans do.入乡随俗。Leave things as they are.让一切顺其自然。Please do as you are told.请按照人家告诉你做的去做。(也可说Please do as told.)Bas if, as though由as if

34、 或as though引导的状语从句可以用陈述语气表示可能符合事实的情况,用陈述语气,表示所说情况是事实或实现的可能性较大;也可以用虚拟语气的一般过去时或过去完成时表示与现在或过去不符的或与事实相反的情况。汉译常作仿佛似的,好像似的。It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon. 看来天气很快就会好起来。(实现的可能性较大,谓语用陈述语气。)She looks as if she is ill.看上去她好象是生病了。由as if 或as though引导的状语从句也可以用虚拟语气表示与事实不符或与事实相反的情况。a. 表示与现在事实不相符,用

35、一般过去时The teacher treats the pupil as if he were her own child. 这位老师对待这位学生就像自己的亲生孩子一样。b. 表示与过去事实不相符,用过去完成时He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lighting. 他那样子就像被雷击了似的。c. 表示与将来事实不相符,用would/ might/ couldIt looks as if it might rain. 天看上去好像要下雨。(不大可能下雨)八、比较状语从句 比较状语从句由as, than引导。Aas.as, the same

36、as用于同等程度级的比较。否定句用not so/as - as, not the same -as。Our country is as big as the whole of Europe.我们的国同整个欧洲一样大。The result was not asso good as I had expected.结果不如我预料的那么好。She works in the same building as my sister.她和我的妹妹在同一大楼上班。Bthanthan表示不同程度级的比较It rains mor often in Shanghai than in Beijing.上海下的雨比北京的

37、多。He is two inches taller than his father.= He is taller than his father by two inches.他比他爸爸高两英寸。Cthe more., the more.这是表示比例的比较,意思是越就越。第一个the more 也可以看成是一个条件。The more you read, the better you understand.你看的书越多,你懂得就越多。(= If you read more, you will understand better.)The busier he is, the happier he f

38、eels.他越忙越开心。The more difficult the questions are, the less likely I am to be able to answer them.问题越困难,我就越可能回答。【必背】倍数的表达法:一些常见的倍数比较句型。倍数+ 名词(+of +比较对象)。常用名词:age, size, width, length, depth等。His father is double /twice his age.他爸爸的年龄是他的两倍。Our new school is four times the size of the old one.我们的新学校是老学

39、校的四倍。倍数+asas+ 比较对象His father is twice /double as old as he (is).他爸爸的年龄是他的两倍。Our new school is four times as big as the old ne.我们的新学校是老学校的四倍大。倍数+形容词/ 副词比较级+than+ 比较对象Our new school is three times bigger than the old one.我们的新学校比老学校大三倍。The room is twice the size of that one.= The room is twice as big a

40、s that one.The room is twice bigger than that one.1._you call me to say youre not coming,Ill see you at the theatre. A.Though B.Whether C.Until D.Unless2.-What would you do if it _ tomorrow? -We have to carry it on,since weve got everything ready. A.rain B.rains C.will rain D.is raining3.You must ke

41、ep on working in the evening_you are sure you can finish the task in time. A.as B.if C.when D.unless4._youve tried it,you cant imagine how pleasant it is. A.Unless B.Because C.Although D.When5.In time of serious accidents,_we know some basic things about first aid,we can save lives. A.whether B.unti

42、l C.if D.unless6.We wont keep winning games_we keep playing well. A.because B.unless C.when D.while7. _environmental damages is done,it takes many years for the ecosystem to recover. A.Even if B.If only C.While D.Once8.How can you expect to learn anything_you never listen? A.in case B.even if C.unle

43、ss D.when九、让步状语从句让步状语从句由although, though, however, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whether(是否), no matter (who, what, etc), even if, even though等词引导。Aalthough, though这两个词意思一样,都解释虽然,尽管。 Although he is young, he is very clever.他尽管年轻,但很聪明。 Though he is poor, he is happy.他虽然穷

44、,但很快乐。Beven if, even though即使,两者可以通用。 We wont be discouraged even if though we fail ten times.我们就是失败十次也不泄气。 Even if though you fail, you will have gained experience.纵然你失败,你也会得到一些经验。Cno matter (who, what, where, when, etc)这几个词引导的让步状语从句语气十分强烈。 This is not true, no matter who says so.不管谁这么说,都不对。 Do it

45、no matter what others say.不管别人怎么说,尽管干。 No matter how bus he was, he studied English every day.不管他多忙,他都每天坚持学习英语。Dhowever, 在意思上和用法上都等于no matter how However (=No matter how) expensive it may be, Ill take it.无论它有多贵,我也要买下它。Fwhether.or (not) . whether.or (not) .意思是不管还是。 Whether you believe it or not, its

46、true. 不管你信不信,这是真的。Gas连词as,同though一样,也可以引导让步状语从句,但从句中要用特殊语序。 Young as he is, he knows a lot.他虽然年轻,但懂得很多。(= Though he is young, he.) Cold as it is, the children play outdoors.虽然天气冷,但孩子们仍在户外玩。1. _tomorrow,our ship will set sail for Macao. A. However the weather is like B. However is the weather likeC. Whatever is the weather like D. Whatever the weather is lik


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