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1、Towards Operational ExcellenceLEAN Practitioner Program,Total Productive Maintenance全面生產性維護,Visual Management 目視管理,Lean,Value Stream Mapping 价值流程圖,Material Control 物料控制,TPM 全面生產性維護,Layout Optimization/Cell 布局優化Cell,SMED/Quick Changeover 快速切換,Error Proofing 防錯法,Performance Metrics 績效指標,Theory Of Cons

2、traints 瓶頸理論,Lean Diagnostic 精益診斷,Change M&Waste E 改變觀念&消除浪費,Lean Overview 精益概述,Lean Tools 精益工具,There are many tools and techniques in the Lean tool box,all suited to different applications and circumstances.在LEAN工具箱中有許多工具和技巧,它們可以用于各種不同的情況.,Training Objectives 培訓目的,After completion of this training

3、you should be able to 完成此課程后妳應該能夠:Understand what TPM is 理解TPM是什么Have an overview of Autonomous Maintenance activities 有自主維護的概念Understand Equipment Losses 理解設備損失Able to focus on equipment improvement using OEE 能用OEE來關注設備的改善,1960s PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE預防維護“I operate.you fix”我操作.你維修”,1970s PRODUCTI

4、VE MAINTENANCE 生產性維護“Recognition of Equipment Maintenance Issues at Plant Design Stage”“在設計階段強調設備維護”,1980s TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE 全面生產性維護“Productive Maintenance with Total Employee Participation”“全面維護,全員參与”,The importance of excellent asset stewardship is now recognized by the worlds leading m

5、anufacturing companies as a critical success factor.卓越的固定資產管理目前已被世界領先的制造公司作為一個關鍵的成功因素,Introduction 介紹,什么是全面生產性維護(TPM)?,Total Productive Maintenance or TPM in short is a concept of optimizing equipment effectiveness through total employee involvement 全面生產性維護(簡稱TPM)是通過全員參与來改善机器一生的總性能.TPM aims to reduc

6、e statistical variability on equipment by improving the equipment performance in order to achieve a more robust and predictable process TPM目的在于改善机器的績效,降低机器的統計波動,來達到更可靠的工序.Production,maintenance&engineering crew support each other and understand how their roles interact in order to work towards Zero

7、Breakdown,Zero Accident,Zero Defects 生產維修和工程的同事互相支持理解相互的職責共同達到零故障零事故零不良,TPM-Potential benefits 潛在好處,Overview of Autonomous Maintenance 自主維護概述,Objectives 目的 Improve machine and work productivity 提高產能 Improve employee morale 提供雇員士氣 Improve work satisfaction 提高工作滿意度 Reduce unplanned downtime 降低非計划停機時間

8、Reduce speed loss 降低速度損耗,Operational Roles 運作角色,In TPM maintenance is asking for manufacuturing assistance.在TPM中維修請求生產幫助In TPM manufacturing is asking for maintenance assistance.在TPM中生產請求維修幫助Both departments are the wheels of the same car.兩個部門相當于同一輛車上的輪子,Operator 操作員,Maintenance 維修員,Change Attitude

9、態度改變,Dramatic change in attitude 在態度上的戲劇性變化 Old attitude 老的態度 it is no the operators responsibility to perform cleaning and inspection 清洁和檢查不是員工的責任 all equipment will eventually give faults and failure 所有設備終究會有毛病和故障 all faults and failures of equipment can be rectified by maintenance 所有毛病和故障都須維修員來處理

10、 New attitude 新的態度 We share responsibility for caring of our machine,as if they are extensions of our limbs and arms 我們要分擔責任來看護機器把機器當作我們的四肢,Benefits of Atuonomous Maintenance自主維護的好處,Benefits of Autonomous Maintenance include 自主維護的好處Improve Productivity 提高生產力Improve Quality 改善品質Reduced Cycle Time 降低周

11、期時間Reduce Speed Loss 降低速度損耗Reduce Equipment Maintenance Cost 降低設備維修成本Improve team work and cross functional relationship 加強團隊合作和相互關系 Value of Autonomous Maintenance 自主維護的价值Change of work culture from“I can only operate this machine”to“machine is a part of my duty”改變工作文化,從“我是這台設備的操作員”到“設備是我職責的一部分”Equ

12、ipment problems are opportunities for improvement 設備的問題也就是改善的机會,Training 培訓,To develop a knowledgeable operator 培養有見識的員工 How equipment functions?設備怎么運作?What common problem occurs?什么樣的常見問題發生?How to detect problems through five senses/feeling?怎樣通過五官/感覺來發現問題?That there is something FUNNY?有趣嗎?why and ho

13、w those simple problems can be prevented?這些簡單的問題怎樣預防?To make manufacturing an active partner with process engineering and maintenance for improving overall performance of machines 將生產部變成PE和ME的積极伙伴來改善機器的總效能,How to achieve Autonomous Maintenance 如何達到自主維護,5S Management 5S管理 Visual Management 目視管理 Stand

14、ardized Work 標准化作業 Equipment operation skill enhancement 提高設備操作技術 Break down barriers 打破障礙 High level maintenance management 高水平維護管理 Ownership responsibility 主人翁精神 Transfer of PM activities to operator 員工參与技術性的維護活動 All employees involved 全員參与,Autonomous Maintenancefor assembly line 裝配生產線自主維護,The key

15、 focus of a Lean factory is to establish a process system which is Fast,Flexible&Predictable 精益工厂的核心目的是建立一個快速的靈活的和可預見的系統 All equipment sets dont perform at a same fixed rates all the time.Equipment sets perform with variable standards of performance 所有的設備不會一直以同樣的速度工作它們有自己的變異 Each piece of equipment

16、in a progressively arranged line is dependant on the event of other equipment in the line.This is called statistical fluctuation of dependent events 每台設備的產能依存于這條生產線其它設備的運行狀況這叫做獨立事件的統計波動,Statistical fluctuation 統計波動,When each piece of equipment is not producing at a predictable tact time the effects

17、are 當每台設備不以妳期望的節拍生產時會導致:High inventory holding at random locations to cushion downtime 庫存會隨机的堆積在工序中來應付停機Non linear flow of parts 產品不會直線性的連續流動Bottlenecks starve for parts or are not optimised 瓶頸工序挨餓或者優化不夠Therefore you need to reduce the variability by improving equipment performance to improve the pr

18、oductivity(UPMH)rather than adding WIP or investing on capital 所以提高生產力,你必須降低設備的變異,而不是增加WIP或者購買設備,Statistical fluctuation 統計波動,Equipment Losses Understanding理解設備損失,The seven big losses 七大損耗,Down Time:停机Equipment failure(breakdowns)設備故障Preventive Maintenance 預防維護Setup and adjustment 切換和調整Speed Losses:

19、速度損失Idling and minor stoppages 點點停Reduced speed 速度低下Defect:不良Process defects-due to scrap and quality 過程不良-運行中產生的不良品Reduced yield-machine startup 開机品質低下-啟動產生的不良品,TPM Equipment ImprovementTPM 設備改善,The tools which are used to improve equipment lossess include 用來改善設備損耗的工具有:Set Up Time Reduction 快速切換Err

20、or Proofing 防錯法5S and Task Transfer 5S和責任轉移KANBAN&Drum Buffer Rope 看板鼓緩沖器繩子Equipment FMEA&Six SigmaVisual Control System 目視管理Standardised Work 標准化作業,TPM-Approach 步驟Analysis Correction Prevention,分析,預防,改良,Analysis 分析,Solving maintenance problems requires in-depth understanding of equipment performanc

21、e 解決維修問題需要對設備的性能有深刻的理解Necessary to truly understand cause&effect 需要真正理解因果關系What information do you currently have to understand equipment issues 目前你有哪些信息來了解設備問題?Maintenance records 維修記錄Daily performance records 每日生產記錄Quality records 品質記錄Operator experience 員工經驗Direct observation 直接觀察Equipment vendor

22、 data 設備厂家資料,Analysis 分析,Correction 改良,A process to ensure that the equipment is being used correctly(manufacturing technology)and managed correctly(human functions)确保設備正确地使用和正确地管理Design reliability 設計可靠性Equipment build reliability 制造可靠性Installation reliability 安裝可靠性Operation reliability 操作可靠性Mainte

23、nance reliability 維修可靠性,The detection and restoration of abnormalities to sustain the reliability of the equipment at an acceptable level.設備異常的發現與修复需使設備的可靠性達到一個可接收水准,Prevention 預防,Develop Best Practice Routines and Standardize開發最好的例行檢查並使之標准化Conditions o f Use 使用條件installation precision 安裝精度Assembly

24、precision 裝配精度Function 功能Environment 環境External appearance 外貌Dimensional precision 尺寸精度Material/Strength 材質/力度,Predictive Maintenance 預防維護,Measurements used to predict failures before they occur 故障發生前的預見性測量Preventive Maintenance is time or schedule based 預防維護是定時的Predictive Maintenance is performed w

25、hen indicators show an impending failure 預見性維護當某些指標顯示設備將要出故障時采取的行動Most common types of Predictive Maintenance are 預見性維護常用類型:Pressure&temperature measures 壓力和溫度測量Vibration analysis 振動分析Thermobarography 溫度計Eddy current testing 渦流測試 Oil analysis 機油分析Liquid penetrant testing 液態滲入劑測試Ultrasonic testing 超聲

26、波測試Radiographic testing X射線測試,Addressing Unplanned Downtime突出無計划停机時間,Maintenance strategies for equipment must be tied to operational metrics and must include 設備維修策略必須與生產指標緊密結合:Prioritization of maintenance based on bottleneck/constraint analysis&status 瓶頸工序優先維修Plans to reduce frequency of unplanned

27、 breakdowns(MTBF)-both major and minor 計划降低非計划停機的頻率大的停機和小的停機Plans to reduce duration of repair times including response times(MTTR)計划降低維修時間包括回應時間Plans to improve effectiveness of repairs 計划提高維修效率Plans for improvement of next generation equipment 計划下一代設備的改善,key metrics for equipment TPM measurement M

28、TBF and MTTR 設備維護管理的關鍵指標 MTBF 和 MTTR Target:reduce the Life Cycle Cost(LCC),optimize the effectiveness of equipment with lower cost.目標:降低設備總的壽命周期成本(LCC),以最少的成本發揮設備最佳的效能.1.MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure)設備穩定性高低的指標-平均故障間隔時間,一般以小時(hr)為單位.2.MTTR(Mean Time To Repair)設備維修性高低的指標-平均修理時間,一般以小時(Min)為單位.,Measu

29、rement of Success 成功指標,TPM success measurement 成功指標Productivity improved 生產力提高Equipment down time reduced 設備停機時間減少Employees knowledge/skill improved 雇員知識/技能提高Cross functional team work improved 不同工作的團隊合作加強The one magic number which will indicate most/all of the above improvement is Overall Equipment

30、 Effectiveness(OEE)percentage 以上的改善可用一個魔術指標OEE(總体機器效能)來表示,Measurement of Success 成功指標,OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness(總體機器效能),重點:主要用于貴重和瓶頸工序的机器設備1)知道哪里是主要的損失;2)避免公司不必要的采購,幫助集中改善已有的設備狀態.,OEE 定義,Overall Equipment Effectiveness 總體機器效能,簡稱 OEE,它是一种更好的了解机器狀態和明确什么是限制提高效率的測量指標.,OEE 定義,OEE是由以下三個指標組成:開机率(

31、實際開机時間 vs.可生產時間)產出率(實際生產數 vs.實際開机時間理論生產數)合格率(合格數 vs.實際生產數)OEE是三個指標的綜合反映,它避免為了提高其中一個指標而犧牲另外兩個的可能性.,開机率,X,產出率,X,合格率,=,總体机器效能,損失可以歸為以下几類:-,生產速度損失 缺少員工 待料 暫停 實際加工時間与標准工時不一致,突發性停机/調整 生產過剩 机器計划時間不精确 在計划開机中加入過多的寬放,報廢 退貨 外觀不良,宗旨:一切与計划不一致都是損失,OEE 定義,OEE 總体机器效能,OEE 總体机器效能,OEE=,(開机率)x(產出率)x(合格率),A公司每班上班總時間為540

32、分鐘,其中用餐時間与休息為 60分鐘,上班前的交接班為10分鐘,每班操作前點檢時間額定為10分鐘。9月6日每班訂單量為10k,每小的生產標准時間為2.76秒,當日換工程与調整總共花了30分鐘設備中途故障与修复的總時間為15分鐘。請計算這一班的開机率(Availability)?,開机率計算習題:,A公司每班上班總時間為540分鐘,其中用餐時間与休息為 60分鐘,上班前的交接班為10分鐘,每班操作前點檢時間額定為10分鐘。9月6日每班訂單量為10k,每小的生產標准時間為2.76秒,當日換工程与調整總共花了30分鐘設備中途故障与修复的總時間為15分鐘。另外這一班生生產過程中小停止10次,每次額定估

33、算值為2分鐘最終在未加班的情況下,實際產出9k.請計算這一班的產出率(Performance)?,產出率計算習題:,A公司每班上班總時間為540分鐘,其中用餐時間与休息為 60分鐘,上班前的交接班為10分鐘,每班操作前點檢時間額定為10分鐘。9月6日每班訂單量為10k,每小的生產標准時間為2.76秒,當日換工程与調整總共花了30分鐘設備中途故障与修复的總時間為15分鐘。另外這一班生生產過程中小停止10次,每次額定估算值為2分鐘最終在未加班的情況下,實際產出9k.其中有312個產品必 須重工,238個報廢品,238個中200個是換工程過程中產生 的不良,剩下38個則是生產迂程的原材料不良引起的報

34、廢品請計算這一班生產產品的合格率(Quality)?并計算其OEE值?,合格率計算習題:,一台繞線机可工作時間為24小時,某天故障停机4hrs.產出3800pcs,其中不良率為5%,此机器UPH為210pcs/hr.問題:此繞線机的OEE是多少?,OEE Formula Calculation OEE公式計算,OEE shows how many good parts the equipment is actually producing which can be sold to customers versus how many it should be ideally producing.

35、OEE顯示了設備實際能生產多少可賣給客戶的良品 VS.設備理論可生產多少產品At a bottleneck operation any loss is an opportunity as a bottleneck equipment determines the throughput of the plant and therefore“prints money for the plant”.瓶頸的損失是一大机會.因為瓶頸設備決定了工厂的有效產出因導致工厂能否賺錢.Measuring the OEE at the bottleneck becomes critical and it acts

36、as a compass towards improvement opportunities.衡量瓶頸的OEE變得關鍵,因為它扮演了改善机會的指南針,OEE as a key Lean Metrics精益指標-OEE,OEE indicates at what level the equipment is available for production and where the major losses are by categoryOEE 顯示了設備的生產能力和主要的損失在那里This forms an excellent measure to determine at what OEE

37、 point would Capital Investment be required(e.g.After a maximum achievable OEE goal is attained)形成一個优秀的指標:OEE達到多少來則需要培加固定投資OEE is also a key metrics in equipment improvement pillar of Total Productive Maintenance.OEE指標也是TPM的設備改善支柱.,OEE as a key Lean Metrics精益指標-OEE,5、世上最美好的事是:我已经长大,父母还未老;我有能力报答,父母仍然







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