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1、Unit 4 When is the art show?,人教版(PEP)小学五年级英语下册,Part A(Lets learn&Ask and answer),2023/4/1,Lead in,swimming contest,mathstest,Chinesetest,English test,sportsmeet,There are some special days in April.,2023/4/1,Presentation,Lets learn,When is.?Its on.,April 1st April 2nd April 3rd April 4th April 5th,2

2、023/4/1,Childrens Day is in_.,June,June 1st,Childrens Day is on _.,2023/4/1,first,We live on the first floor.,基数词:one,短语:first time,简写:1st,2023/4/1,Lantern Festival is _this year.,on March 2nd,2023/4/1,second,The second boy is very smart.,基数词:two,简写:2nd,2023/4/1,My birthday is on April 3rd.,2023/4/1

3、,third,基数词:three,Autumn is the third season in a year.,简写:3rd,2023/4/1,2023/4/1,fourth,基数词:four,简写:4th,Who is the fourth girl?,2023/4/1,When is your birthday?,My birthday is on April 5th.,2023/4/1,fifth,基数词:five,Its on the fifth floor.,简写:5th,2023/4/1,When is the sports meet?,Its on April 5th.,2023/

4、4/1,在英文中,表示日期先写月份,再写日对应的序数词。如“10月1日”英文写作“October 1st”,读作“October the first”。注意日期前要用on做介词。,日期表达法,试着把下列日期用英文表述出来:7月5日 2月3日 11月2日,July 5th February 3rd November 2nd,2023/4/1,Ask and answer,Mar.5th:school tripJul.1st:singing contestSept.2nd:Miss Chens birthdayNov.2nd:English testDec.4th:maths test,When

5、is the English test?,Its on November 2nd.,According to the information,ask and answer with your partner.,2023/4/1,单项选择。,Exercise,()1.April is the _ month of a year.A.firstB.fourC.fourth()2.May is the _ month of a year.A.thirdB.fifthC.second()3.Sunday is the _ day of a week.A.first B.third C.fifth,B,

6、B,A,2023/4/1,Summary,(听、说、认读、写)词汇:first(1st)second(2nd)third(3rd)fourth(4th)fifth(5th),2023/4/1,Unit 4 When is the art show?,人教版(PEP)小学五年级英语下册,Part A(Lets spell),2023/4/1,Revision,Ask and answer,介词on后接具体日期。,2023/4/1,My birthday is in three more days.,Lead in,Look and read,Three more days,three more

7、days.,2023/4/1,I will be thirteen.,2023/4/1,My brother has a birthday,too.,A birthday,too.,A birthday,too.,2023/4/1,He has a birthday on the third of the month.,What about you?,2023/4/1,Presentation,Lets spell,Step 1:Read,listen and chant.,2023/4/1,你发现规律了吗?,three,thin,thirteen,maths,this,brother,tha

8、t,mother,2023/4/1,舌尖抵上齿背或放在上下齿之间,让气流从舌齿间的缝隙中挤出时摩擦成音。,舌尖轻抵上齿背或放在上下齿之间,让气流从舌齿间的缝隙中挤出摩擦成音。,2023/4/1,Listen,circle and say.,2023/4/1,Choose,write and say.,1.Thursday is his eleventh birthday.,3._,2._,2023/4/1,1.there fifth third2.maths birthday father3.that Thursday thin4.them three mother,选出每组词中th的读音不同

9、的一项。,Exercise,2023/4/1,Summary,语音(字母组合th):th:three,thin,thirteen,maths this,that,mother,brother,2023/4/1,Unit 4 When is the art show?,人教版(PEP)小学五年级英语下册,Part A(Lets try&Lets talk),2023/4/1,Main scene,2023/4/1,Look and say,Revision,Chinas National Day,New Years Day,Childrens Day,Teachers Day,Tree Plan

10、ting Day,May Day,2023/4/1,Ask and answer,A:When is _?B:Its in_.,2023/4/1,Presentation,Lets try,Lead in,2023/4/1,March.,April.,Listen and tick.,September.,February.,2023/4/1,Mr Jones:When is the sports meet,Zhang Peng?Zhang Peng:Its on April 4th.Mr Jones:Its next Friday,then.Good luck.Zhang Peng:Than

11、ks.,听力原文,2023/4/1,Presentation,Lets talk,Lead in,There are some other special days in May.What are they?,Lets watch,2023/4/1,Task1 Watch and think.,1.What are some other special days in May?,2.When is the school art show?,3.When is the reading festival?,艺术节,2023/4/1,Task2 Check the answers.,The scho

12、ol art show and the reading festival.,Its on May 1st.,Its on May 5th.,3.When is the reading festival?,1.What are some other special days in May?,2.When is the school art show?,2023/4/1,Language point,When is Childrens Day?,Its on June 1st.,例如:,课文原句:When is the art show?Its on May 1st.,询问某一节日具体日期的句型,

13、句型结构:When is+节日?Its on+月份+序数词.,问句用于询问某一节日的具体日期,when意为“什么时候”,其答语通常为“Its on.”,on 后加具体的日期,it在本单元指代节日、活动、生日等。,2023/4/1,月份的首字母要大写。例如:May the first 5月1日。在用英文表达某年某月某日时,其顺序一般为月、日、年。例如:May the first,2014 表达的是:2014年5月1日。,2023/4/1,in用在月份前面,on用在某一天前面,后接具体的时间。,The school art show is in May.,The May Day is in May

14、,too.,The reading festival is on May 5th.,The shool art show is on May 1st.,Can you tell me the difference between in and on?,2023/4/1,Lets talk,Talk about the holidays with your partner.,Childrens DayMay DayChinas National DayNew Years Day,When is_?,Its on_.,Childrens Day,June 1st,2023/4/1,艺术节是文艺工作

15、者及艺术家、艺术爱好者之间学术交流与学习的重要渠道。是当地政府和组织为提高人民群众的艺术欣赏水平、丰富人民群众精神文化需要的主要举措。也是促进当地文化艺术消费,繁荣艺术品市场、促进经济发展、提高自身形象的重要措施之一。,中文名:艺术节基本概念:特定时间举办的文化艺术活动主要发祥地:亚洲,The art show,2023/4/1,Exercise,选择正确的单词完成句子。,1.Today is June _(1st/1th).2.She _(like/likes)to get a birthday card.3.There _(are/is)some special days in April

16、.,1st,likes,are,2023/4/1,Summary,(听、说、认读)词汇:special 句子:When is the art show?Its on April 1st.,2023/4/1,Unit 4 When is the art show?,人教版(PEP)小学五年级英语下册,Part B(Lets learn&Ask and write),2023/4/1,Revision,Ask and answer,2023/4/1,Lets read,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,2023/4/1,She is an actress.When is her birthd

17、ay?,Its on September 12th.,9月12日,2023/4/1,简写:12th,twelfth,基数词:twelve,twelfth,基数词变序数词口诀:“基”变“序”有规律,ve要用f替,再加th.,2023/4/1,How old is she?When is her birthday?,Its on April 20th.,1991年4月20日,2023/4/1,twentieth,twentieth,简写:20th,基数词:twenty,基数词变序数词口诀:“基”变“序”有规律,整十先把词尾y改为ie,再加th.,2023/4/1,Is she beautiful?

18、When is her birthday?,Its on January 30th.,1月30日,2023/4/1,thirtieth,简写:30th,thirtieth,基数词:thirty,基数词变序数词口诀:“基”变“序”有规律,整十先把词尾y改为ie,再加th.,2023/4/1,He is a player.How old is he?When is his birthday?,Its on September 21st.,1998年9月21日,2023/4/1,twenty-first,twenty-first,简写:21st,基数词:twenty-one,基数词变序数词口诀:“基

19、”变“序”有规律,表示“第几十几”,只变个位就可以。,2023/4/1,He is a singer.Hes from China.When is her birthday?,23rd,twenty-third,Its on July 23rd.,7月23日,2023/4/1,twenty-third,简写:23rd,twenty-third,基数词:twenty-three,基数词变序数词口诀:“基”变“序”有规律,表示“第几十几”,只变个位就可以。,2023/4/1,Sum-up,2023/4/1,Look and write,2023/4/1,Practice,Group work,Ma

20、ke a survey.,调查组内成员的生日,看哪一组同一月过生日的人数多,则获胜。,2023/4/1,Exercise,我会排排序,1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._,twelfth,twentieth,twenty-first,twenty-third,thirtieth,2023/4/1,Summary,(听、说、认读、写)词汇:twelfth(12th)twentieth(20th)twenty-first(21st)twenty-third(23rd)thirtieth(30th),2023/4/1,Unit 4 When is the art show?,人教版(PEP)小学五年

21、级英语下册,Part B(Lets try&Lets talk),2023/4/1,Revision,Free talk,B:My birthday is on _.,A:My birthday is on September 4th.When is your birthday?,2023/4/1,Presentation,Lets try,Lead in,2023/4/1,Listen and tick.,2023/4/1,听力原文:,Mike:I have a new cousin.Look at his photo.Chen Jie:Hes so cute!When is his bir

22、thday?Mike:Its on March 2nd.Chen Jie:How old is he now?Mike:Hes 15 days old.,2023/4/1,Presentation,Lets talk,Lead in,Mike and Chen Jie are talking about birthdays.,2023/4/1,Task1 Watch and think.,1.When is Mikes birthday?,2.When is Chen Jies mothers birthday?,2023/4/1,Task2 Check the answers.,His bi

23、rthday is on April 4th.,Her mothers birthday is on April 4th,too.,1.When is Mikes birthday?,2.When is Chen Jies mothers birthday?,2023/4/1,Language point,如何询问某人的生日在哪天,课文原句:When is your brthday?My birthday is on April 5th.,句型结构:问句 When is+ones birthday?答句 Ones birthday is on+具体日期./Its on+具体日期.,2023/4

24、/1,由于询问“某人的生日在哪天”,ones可以是名词所有格形式(Johns,your sisters.),也可是形容词性物主代词(your,his,her),When is Grandpas birthday?Its on March 3rd.,例句:,2023/4/1,Practice,Excuse me,can I ask you some questions?When is your birthday,Sarah?My birthday is on January 1st.Thats New Years Day!Yes!,Tips:两人一组,练习对话。,2023/4/1,Make a

25、survey,Tips:询问你的同学或者朋友,他们的生日是在什么时候,并且记录下来。,2023/4/1,Exercise,()1.When is New Years Day?Its on January _.A.one B.first()2._ birthday is on April 4th.A.My B.I()3.When is _ birthday?A.Mum B.Mums,单项选择我最棒。,A,B,B,2023/4/1,Summary,句子:When is your birthday?My birthday is on April 4th.,2023/4/1,Unit 4 When i

26、s the art show?,人教版(PEP)小学五年级英语下册,Part B Read and write&Lets check&Lets wrap it upPart C Story time,2023/4/1,Warm up,Lets chant,2023/4/1,1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,Lets read,2023/4/1,12th,20th,30th,23rd,21st,2023/4/1,Lead in,2023/4/1,2023/4/1,Presentation,Read and write,Listen and read.,2023/4/1,First step

27、:,Fast reading,1.How many diaries?2.Read the passage quickly,then put the pictures in order!,2023/4/1,Second step:,Intensive reading,Read the passage carefully,answer questions.,2023/4/1,Read and match.,Their eyes are open.They have white fur.They can walk.,May 3rdApril 26thApril 21st,Now write two

28、sentences about the kittens.1._ 2._3._,Their eyes are open on April 26th.,They have white fur on April 21st.,They can walk on May 3rd.,2023/4/1,Lets check,Listen and number.,Lets check,4,3,2,1,2023/4/1,Listen again and tick or cross.,1.()The girls birthday is on July 7th.2.()The boys birthday is on

29、May 10th.3.()The womans birthday is on October 2nd.4.()The mans birthday is on December 13th.,2023/4/1,1.Boy:Whats your name,please?Girl:My name is Summer.Boy:Is your birthday in summer?Girl:Yes.My birthday is on July 7th.2.Boy:Can you come to my birthday party this Saturday?Girl:Let me think.Its Ma

30、y 10th.Yes,Im free.Boy:Great!See you then.,听力原文:,2023/4/1,3.Woman:When is your birthday?Man:My birthday is on October 2nd.Woman:Thats next Sunday.Man:Yes.4.Woman:Its my birthday soon.Man:When is it?Woman:Its on December 13th.Man:Its this Friday.Woman:Yes.,2023/4/1,Lets wrap it up,Fill in the table.,

31、Finish the sentences.1.I see _ horses in the picture.(ten)2.My birthday is on July _.(two)3.Mothers Day is on the _ Sunday in May.(two)4.It is _ oclock.(three)5.There are _ people in his family.(eight),ten,2nd,second,three,eight,four,six,eight,1st,2nd,3rd,5th,7th,9th,10th,2023/4/1,Summary,(听、说、认读、写)词汇:first(1st),second(2nd),third(3rd),fourth(4th),fifth(5th),twelfth(12th),twentieth(20th),twenty-first(21st),twenty-third(23rd),thirtieth(30th).句子:1.When is the art show?Its on May 1st.2.When is your birthday?My birthday is on April 4th.,2023/4/1,2023/4/1,


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