1、计算机英语,软件学院,2,1.课程的性质和任务 计算机专业英语是计算机及软件工程专业本科生的必修课。通过本课程的学习,提高学生阅读和理解计算机英文资料的能力,增强学生科技英语的写作水平及对外交流能力。,计算机英语课程教学计划,3,2、课程教学的基本要求(1)学习和掌握专业英语基础知识,包括常 见的专业英语词汇、语法、句型和常用的 表达方法;(2)掌握专业英语的阅读理解方法与翻译技 巧;(3)掌握专业英语的写作方法;(4)培养学生对专业科技文献的读、听、说、写能力;(5)培养学生从英文资料中获取知识和信息 的能力。,4,3、教学方法与教学形式(1)本课采用多媒体教学,以教师讲授为主,学生听课为辅
2、,使学生对课程内容有比较深刻的理解和较全面的掌握;(2)课上教师采用讲练式、讨论式等教学方式;课下学生可采用个别化自主学习、协作学习等多种学习方式。,5,4、教学内容和时数分配表,6,教学内容和时数分配表(续),7,教学内容和时数分配表(续),8,5、课程总学时 本课程开设一学期。课堂教学:36学时(18周,每周2学时)6、成绩考核 学完本课的成绩计算方法:平时占50%,期末闭卷考试50%。平时成绩计算方法:平时考勤、课堂表现、练习等。7、教材和参考书 参考书1:计算机英语 Computer English(刘艺 王春生 主编 机械工业大学出版社)参考书2:计算机专业英语(第3版)(王小刚 主
3、编 机械工业出版社),9,8、上课时间和地点 2班 星期三上午 第1大节 W7204 1班 星期三上午 第2大节 W1101 9、教学反馈 E-mail:cuixiang_ 电话:2759253,10,第一讲 专业英语的特点与学习技巧 1.1 专业英语的特点 专业英语是在普通英语基础上结合专业知识、语言知识,并充分重视其语言的“专业化”而发展起来的一门课程。它不是简单的“普通英语加专业词汇”,而是一种语言与专业知识的综合课程。与普通英语相比较,专业英语具有如下特点:(1)专业词汇的特殊性 专业英语文献中包含大量的专业词汇、专业术语、名词性词组、合成词等等。这些专业词汇和术语具有特殊的拼法和读法
4、,表示特殊的意义。例如,computer,network,CPU,BASIC,VBScript,parallel computer,11,(2)语句结构的特殊性 a)专业英语中为了表达复杂的概念或为了准确、细致地描述事物或过程,常常使用长句。而造成长句的直接原因有三方面:(i)修饰成分过多;(ii)并列成分多;(iii)语言结构层次多。例如,An information system consists of all the components that collect,manipulate,and disseminate data and information.,12,b)为了体现科技知识
5、的客观性,科技文体中常常使用被动语态,说明书和使用手册常用祈使句。因为在很多情况下,动作的执行者可以是任何人,不需要强调或根本不知道真正的执行者。Example 1:A system is defined as a collection of related components that interact to perform a task in order to accomplish a goal.Example 2:Connecting the Monitor 1)Connect the power cord for your monitor to the power port on t
6、he back of the monitor.2)Plug the power cord for the monitor into a nearby outlet.,13,c)在时态方面,专业英语主要使用一般现在时。因为专业资料所涉及的内容(如科学定义、定理、方程式或公式、图表等)一般没有特定的时间关系,所以专业英语主要使用一般现在时。例如,The third-generation computers appeared on the market in 1965.These computers could do a million calculations a second,which is
7、1000 times as many as first-generation computers.,14,d)为了强调句子的某个部分(如 主语、宾语、状语,但不能是定语、表语或谓语),专业英语中常用“It”句型结构。例如,Example 1:CPU controls the entire computer system.It is CPU that controls the entire computer system.Example 2:That a computer cannot run without a CPU is evident.It is evident that a compu
8、ter cannot run without a CPU.Example 3:That any map can be colored with five colors has been proved.It has been proved that any map can be colored with five colors.,15,Example 4:He read three books in the library yesterday.It was three books that he read in the library yesterday.(强调宾语)It was in the
9、library that he read three books yesterday.(强调地点状语)It was yesterday that he read three books in the library.(强调时间状语)Example 5:Temperature drops because of the rain.It is because of the rain that temperature drops(强调原因状语),16,Example 6:Mary usually goes to school by bus.It is by bus that Mary usually
10、goes to school(强调方式状语)e)“notuntil”句型的强调结构为“It is not untilthat”,其中把否定词not转移到until前面。Example 7:Heat was not considered as a form of energy until the 19th century.It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.Example 8:It seems that these two branches of science are mu
11、tually dependent.(it形式主语)看起来这两个学科是相互依赖的。,17,f)为了表示假设或可能性不大的情况,专业英语中也常用虚拟语气。例如 Example1:If there were no gravity,we should not be able to walk.Example2:The problem could of course be less if there were fewer students attending the same lesson.Example3:I just wish there were someone as passionate and
12、eloquent as you.,18,g)科技文章还经常使用其他一些特定句型,如下所列:(1)It is evident that a well lubricated bearing turns more easily than a dry one.显然,润滑好的轴承,比不润滑的轴承容易 转动。(2)It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting.看来这两个科学分支是相互依存,相互作用的。,19,(3)Computers may be classified as analog
13、 and digital.计算机可分为模拟计算机和数字计算机两种。(4)The switching time of the new-type transistoris shortened three times.新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三倍。(或缩短为三分之一。)(5)This steel alloy is believed to be the best available here.人们认为这种合金钢是这里能提供的最好的合金钢。(6)Electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed as light.电磁波传送的速度和光速相同。,20,(7)Mi
14、crocomputers are very small in size,as is shown in Fig.5.如图5所示,微型计算机体积很小。(8)In water sound travels nearly five times as fast as in air.声音在水中的传播速度几乎是在空气中传播速度的五倍。(9)Compared with hydrogen,oxygen is nearly 16 times as heavy.氧与氢比较,重量大约是它的十六倍。(10)The resistance being very high,the current in the circuit
15、was low.由于电阻很大,电路中通过的电流就小。,21,(11)Ice keeps the same temperature while melting.冰在溶化时,其温度保持不变。(12)An object,once in motion,will keep on moving because of its inertia.物体一旦运动,就会因惯性而持续运动。(13)All substances,whether gaseous,liquid orsolid,are made of atoms.一切物质,不论是气态、液态,还是固态,都由原子组成。,22,(3)专业英语中图表和数据的广泛性 在
16、专业英语中,插图、插画、表格、公式及数字所占的比例较大。(4)专业英语论述的严谨性与逻辑性 因为科技类专业文章主要是为了阐明某一客观事实、演绎某一论点或理论,故在文章结构上对论述要求很严格,既要严谨又要符合逻辑。,23,(5)专业英语的精练性 精练性指专业英语在表达形式上要求简洁、精练。希望用尽可能少的单词来清晰地表达 原意,所以在专业英语中广泛使用非限定动词、名词化单词、词组及其简化形式。i)动名词的运用 动名词短语可用于取代时间状语从句。例1:Before it is executed,the program should be loded into main memory.相应的精练表达
17、形式是:Before being executed,the program should be loded into main memory.,24,例2:When we turn on the computer,the computer will boot from either a floppy diskette or from the hard disk.相应的精练表达形式是:On turning on the computer,the computer will boot from either a floppy diskette or from the hard disk.例3:Wh
18、en you use the mouse to click a button,you can select an option from a list.相应的精练表达形式是:By using the mouse to click a button,you can select an option from a list.,25,ii)分词的运用 使用过去分词可以取代被动语态的关系从句,使用现在分词可以取代主动语态的关系从句。例1:Your new computer is a powerful tool which is designed to handle all your business
19、and personal needs.相应的精练形式是:Your new computer is a powerful tool designed to handle all your business and personal needs.,26,例2:When(While/Once/If/Unless/Though)it is(was/has been)inverted,it becomes 相应的精练形式是:When(While/Once/If/Unless/Though)inverted,it becomes例3:As was mentioned above,it is a great
20、 result.相应的精练形式是:As mentioned above,it is a great result.例4:The plane which is flying above the mountain is a touring plane.相应的精练形式是:The plane flying above the mountain is a touring plane.,27,iii)不定式的运用 不定式短语可以替换表示目的、功能的状语从句或其他语句。例1:We modify this algorithm so that we can improve its speed.相应的精练形式是:
21、We modify this algorithm to improve its speed.例2:We keep micrometers in boxes.Our object in doing this is to protect them from rust and dust.相应的精练形式是:We keep micrometers in boxes to protect them from rust and dust.例3:What does a fuse do?It protects a circuit.相应的精练形式是:The function of a fuse is to pro
22、tect a circuit.,28,iv)其他简化形式1)It is necessary to examine whether the new design is efficient.2)It is doubtful how accurate the results are.3)If it is possible4)As mentioned before,相应的表达形式是:1)It is necessary to examine the efficiency of the new design.2)The accuracy of these results is doubtful.3)If
23、possible,4)As before,29,1.2 专业英语的学习技巧 专业英语的学习包含对读、译、写、听、说能力的训练和培养,而且英语的读、译、写、听、说是相辅相成的过程。(1)阅读 专业英语文献一般篇幅大、内容多,因此既要读得懂,又要读得快。要培养这种阅读能力,就应该经过大量的阅读训练。在进行阅读训练时,可用钟表来计时。经过一定量的训练之后,就能达到所要求的速度。阅读能力的培养可以从难度较低的文章开始,逐步过渡到难度较大的文章。,30,(2)听、说 目前对专业英语的听、说能力还没有严格的要求,但随着专业英语应用的进一步深化,专业英语自然会对听、说提出一定的要求。在英语学习中听和说是分不
24、开的,听和说是相互促进的,只有在听得清楚的基础上,才能说得好。听力的训练可以借助各种媒体,如磁带、广播、电视、录像,也可借助各种环境,如英语角、讨论会、专题报告等。说的能力的培养,首先经常地读,经常地讲。不仅要熟练阅读书中的一些对话、短文等,而且要放声阅读,模仿文中的口语句型,最终达到举一反三,流利地说出类似的句子。只要持之以恒,就能培养良好的听说能力。,31,(3)写作 写作能力的培养应当遵循如下步骤:1)初期阶段先用中文构句,再用英文翻译组句。2)牢记并模仿英语表达的常用句型和结构,进行套用式的写作。3)熟悉英文表达的习惯和西方文化背景,写出较地道的英语。4)了解专业文体的特殊结构、特殊用
25、词和用语。5)训练用用英文进行思考和组句,逐渐抛弃由中文翻译英文的过程,形成习惯性英文写作。要达到熟练英文写作,没有捷径可走,只有踏 实学习和模仿。,32,(4)翻译 一般包括如下步骤:1)阅读:如果时间允许,可快速阅读一遍,明确句子大体结构,然后再仔细阅读,了解细节信息。在全面理解全句的基础上进行翻译。2)组织表达:将理解的内容合理地组织成中文句子,需要采用一定的修辞手段和翻译技巧。3)校对:译文完成后进行校对,以确保翻译 正确无误。,33,Exercises,1.写出10个计算机专业的合成词。2.写出10个计算机专业的缩写词。3.写出用动名词、分词、不定时简化 语句表达的句子各一例。,34
26、,第二讲 专业英语基础(1)英语常用符号、公式、方程的表示法,数字及其大小关系表示法 专业文献中大量使用各种符号、公式、方程等,应注意其英语表达方法。2.1 特殊符号 because therefore not great than not less than 例如,AB A is not great than B.AB A is not less than B.,35,and 例如,Both A&B are positive integers.is equivalent to例如,AB A is equivalent to B.at 例如,Wait you school morning.is
27、 parallel to 例如,AB A is parallel to B.integral dollar,36,2.2 常用希腊字母序号大写小写 英文 国际音标注音 1alpha a:lf2beta bet3gamma ga:m4delta delt5epsilon epsilon6zeta zat 7 eta eit 8 theta it 9lambda lambd 10 mu mju,37,序号大写小写 英文 国际音标注音 11 xi ksi 12pi pai 13rho rou 14 sigmasigma 15tau tau 16upsilon jupsilon 17 phi fai
28、18chi khai 19 psipsai 20 omegaomiga,38,2.3 分数、小数及百分比 a(one)half 0.2(naught,zero)point two 1/3 a(one)third 0.05 zero point zero five 1/7 one-seventh 6/7 six-sevenths 6 six per mil(thousand)2.4 表达式与方程 a+b a and(plus)b a-b a minus b a*b a times(multipled by)b a/b a over(divided by)b,39,a=b a equals(is
29、equal to)bab a is greater than bab a approximately equals bx x approaches infinity90 ninety degrees Centigrade 90 ninety degrees Farenheitdx differential xdy/dx first derivative of y with respect to x y=f(x)y is a function of x,40,2.5 另外一些常用的数学用语例1:5+3=8 Five plus three equals eight.例2:3*2=6 Three t
30、imes two equals six.例3:9=3 The square root of nine is three.例4:8的三次方根等于2 The cubic root of eight is three.例5:23=8 The cube of two is eight.例6:lg100=2 The common logarithm of one hundred is two.例7:5!=120 Factorial 5 is 120.,41,2.5 数字的英文表示法119:one nineteen.20 100:先说“几十”,再说“几”,中间用连字号连接,如 25:twenty-five
31、,100:one hundred101 1,000:先说“几百”,其后一般加一个and,再说“几十几”,如 336:three hundred(and)thirty-six 201:two-hundred and one 1000:one thousand,42,若数字是1000以上的数 从个位起,每三位为一整体来书写,每个整体间一般用逗号“,”相隔;第二个整体单位为thousand,第三个整体单位为million,第四个整体单位为billion,如:210,987,654,321=210109+987106+654103+321 1,723:one thousand(,)seven hund
32、red and twenty-three;2,041:two thousand and forty-one;264,359:two hundred and sixty-four thousand(,)three hundred and fifty-nine;,43,2.6 分数的表示法第一种:用基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母(除1以外用复数),中间用连字号连接。如:one-fourth;6/17:six-seventeenths;9/5:nine-fifths;4 5/8:four and five-eighths(2)第二种:分子和分母都用基数词,两者之间用单词over连接。如::one o
33、ver four;6/17:six over seventeen 4 5/8:four and five over eight;,44,2.7 倍数关系的表示法(1)要表示两个数A和B的倍数关系,比如,要表示长度A是B的6倍(即A比B大5倍),可用下列4种常见表达形式:1)A is six times longer than B 2)A is six times as long as B 3)A is longer than B by six times 4)The length of A is six times of that of B.,45,(2)若要表示的倍数关系小于1,比如要表示长
34、度A是长度B的1/6(即表示A比B少5/6)则可以下面四种表达形式来表达:1)A is six times shorter than B.2)A is six times as short as B.3)A is shorter than B by six times.4)The length of A is one-sixth of that of B.,46,(3)若要表示一个数量A其自身的变化情况,比如要表示A增加到原来的4倍(增加了3倍),或A减少到原来的1/4,则可以用下列 3种常见形式表达:1)A increased four times.2)A increased to four
35、 times.3)A increased by four times.4)A decreased four times.5)A decreased to four times.6)A decreased by four times.,47,2.8 绝对大小关系的表示法(1)A比B长(或短)10米 1)A is ten meters longer than B;2)A is longer than B by ten meters;(2)A增加(或减少)10米 1)A increased 10 meters;2)A decreased 10 meters;3)A increased by 10 m
36、eters;4)A decreased by 10 meters;,48,2.9 模糊数量的表达 当表达一个不准确、模糊的数量时,通常用 about(大约),or so(大约,近似),approximately(大约,近似),over(多于),less than(少于)等。例如,大约50左右 about 50;约50 50 or so;大约 37 over 37.,49,3.1 事件顺序表示“首先,其次,最后”的表示用“first,then,and last”,或者当每件事的延续时间比较长时用“The first,the second,the third,the fourth,”等顺序数词严格
37、地表示时间关系。例1:First,the circuit should be cleared,then,get the data ready,and last,a narrow-pulse is given to the terminal“write”.,50,例2:System development life cycle includes six phases:The first phase:Preliminary investigation;The second phase:System analysisThe third phase:System designThe fourth ph
38、ase:System implementationThe fifth phase:System maintenance,51,3.2 时间间隔表示表示两者之间“交替地”,“轮流地”一般用alternately。例如:这两台机器轮流工作:The two machines work alternately.表示“每隔”之意时,可用形容词形式alternate与前置介词搭配使用,他每隔一天来这里一次:He comes here on alternate days.电子束隔行扫描屏幕:The electronic beams scan the screen on alternate lines.,52
39、,当时间间隔多达两个以上时间单位时,“每隔”之意可用every 与一个具体数量词搭配的表示方法来表示,例如他每隔一天来这里一次:He comes here every two days.每60秒产生一个信号:A signal is given every sixty seconds.,53,3.3 一维空间关系表达1.若要表示一个物体有XX长(宽、高、深等),常用下面形式表达:It is XX long(wide,high,deep).It is XX in length(width,height,depth).即在具体数量后跟一个表示长、宽、高、深等的形容词 或跟一个介词in 再加一个表示长
40、、宽、高、深等的名词。例如:The wire is 10 meters long.或 The wire is 10 meters in length.,54,2.若要表示带有方向的长度,则要在长度词后面加上方向词,例如:左边50米处:50 meters away at left.汽车向东南方向行驶35米:The car moves 35 meters in the(direction of)southeast.该校园南北方向有300米长:The campus is 300 meters long north and south.,55,3.4 二维空间关系表达 在一个二维平面内,常有“长”、“
41、宽”、“面积”、“几何形状”等需要用英文表达。平面形状大小的表达它长3米,宽2米 It is 2 by 3 meters.它6米见方 It is 6 by 6 meters.或 It is 6 meters square.试比较上面最后一句与 It is 6 square meters.(6平方米),56,2.二维平面几何形状的表达 axis of abscissa 横轴x-axis x轴axis of ordinates 纵轴y-axis y轴origin(of coordinates)坐标原点positive direction 正轴negative direction 负轴value o
42、f the abscissa 横坐标值value of the ordinates 纵坐标值the coordinates 坐标值,57,curve 曲线 wave 波形maximum of the curve 曲线的最大值minimum of the curve 曲线的最小值point of inflection 曲线的拐点point 点line=plane curve 直线angle 角 right angle 直角acute angle 锐角obtuse angle 钝角,58,corresponding angle 同位角strait angle 平角(180)supplementar
43、y angle 补角 axis of symmetry 对称轴 figure 图形 symmetrical figure 对称图形triangle 三角形equilateral triangle 等边三角形isoceles triangle 等腰三角形,59,right-angled triangle 直角三角形acute-angled triangle 锐角三角形obtuse-angled triangle 钝角三角形vertex 顶点side 边 base 底边perpendicular 垂线 altitude 高catheti 直角边hypotenuse 斜边,60,quadrilate
44、ral 四边形irregular quadrilateral 不规则四边形Parallelogram 平行四边形 square 正方形 rectangle 矩形,长方形rhombus=rhomb=lozenge 菱形trapezoid 梯形 diagonal 对角线polygon 多边形regular polygon 正多边形,61,irregular polygon 正多边形circle 园center 圆心circumference 圆周 diameter 直径radius 半径arc 弧形 sector 扇形 ring=annulus concentric circles 同心圆 cha
45、racteristic curve 特性曲线curve of relation 关系曲线 axis of time 时间轴,62,Exercises 1 1.Translate the following words into Chinese(1)two-sevenths(2)forty degrees Farenheit(3)A times b(4)a is less than b(5)Six per mil(6)a is greater than b(7)A approximately equals b(8)Y is a function of x(9)a minus b(10)x app
46、roaches infinity,63,2.Translate the following sentences into English(1)这根电缆的长度是那根电缆的长度的3倍。(2)第二代计算机的体积是第一代计算机的体积的1/10.(3)新计算机的速度将增加2倍。(4)这根电线的长度比那根电线的长度长20米。(5)这种计算机的使用寿命增加了10年。(6)这种存储器的容量大约是那种存储器的3倍。(7)初学者应该先学面向对象技术的基本概念,再学面向对象技术的三大机制,最后再学面向对象的分析与设计。(8)机器人沿西北方向移动了80米。(9)如果没有程序的控制,计算机就无法运行。(10)正是计算机
47、科学技术的发展才使得人类进入了信息时代。,64,答 案,1、The length of this cable is three times that of that cable.2、The volume of the second generation computers is one tenth of that of the first generation computers.3、The speed of new computers will increase twice.4、This wire is longer than that one by 20 meters.,65,5、The
48、life of this kind of computers increased ten years.6、The capacity of these memories is about three times that of those memories.7、First,beginners should learn the concepts of object-oriented technology(OOT),then,learn the three mechanisms of OOT,and last,learn the analysis and design of OOT,66,8、The
49、 robot moved 80 meters in the direction of northwest.9、Without the control of program,computer couldnt run.10、It is the development of computer science and technology that makes human enter the information age.,67,第三讲 专业英语基础(2)多维空间位置关系的表达、否定的表示法3.二维平面位置关系的表示 一般把一个平面分成九个部分作为基本参照位置,而这九个部分分别具有固定的名称,如下图
50、所示:A:the upper/top left 左上角 B:the upper central/middle 中上位置 the top central/middle C:the upper/top right 右上角,68,D:the middle/central left 中(偏左)E:the central/middle 中央 the mid-central F:the middle/central right 中(偏右),69,G:the lower/bottom leftH:the lower middle/central 中(偏)下 the bottom middle/central