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1、建筑环境与能源应用工程专业人才培养方案Cultivation Plan for Building Environment and Energy Engineering Major一、培养目标:1. Cultivation Goal:建筑环境与能源应用工程专业培养的本科毕业生应具备从事本专业技术工作所需的基础理论知识及专业技术能力,是可以在设计研究院、工程建设公司、设备制造企业、运营公司等单位从事采暖、通风、空调、净化、冷热源、供热、燃气等方面的规划设计、研发制造、施工安装、运行管理及系统保障等技术或管理岗位工作的复合型工程技术应用人才。 This program provides studen

2、ts comprehensive abilities and initiative knowledge to be an engineer in HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Engineering). Graduates will be engaged in the field of HVAC, including civil heating, industrial ventilation, air-conditioning, air purification, cold and heat source, and urban

3、gas supplying system. They will elementary have abilities of planning, design, research, manufacturing, construction and installation, operation management, project budget, and system security in the field of HVAC.二、基本规格:2. Basic Requirements:毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力:1). 具有应用语言(包括外语)、图表、计算机和网络技术等进行工程表达和交流

4、的基本能力;2). 较系统地学习本专业领域必需的技术基础理论知识,包括:工程热力学、传热学、流体力学、建筑环境学、流体输配管网、热质交换原理与设备、自动控制等;3). 具有综合运用所学专业知识与技能,提出工程应用的技术方案、进行工程设计以及解决本专业一般工程问题的能力。4). 了解本专业相关法律法规、技术标准与规范,初步具有城市供热系统、建筑通风、空调制冷、燃气供应等公用设备工程设计能力;5). 了解一般建筑构造及工程项目建设程序,掌握工程技术经济分析及现代管理科学的基本原理方法,具有一定的建筑环境及设备系统的测试、调试、运行管理的能力和室内环境系统评价分析能力,能够参与制定智能建筑系统方案;

5、6). 具有应对本专业领域的危机与突发事件的初步能力。Graduates should acquire knowledge and abilities as follow:1). Abilities of applying language (including a foreign language), figure, computer or network technique in engineering expression and engineering communication;2). Knowledge of the main curricula including Enginee

6、ring thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics, Building environment, Fluid transmission and distribution network, Principle and equipment of heat, Theory of automatic control;3). Comprehensive use of knowledge and abilities in technical proposal, engineering design, and general engineering pro

7、blem of building environment and energy engineering major;4). Knowledge of related regulations and standards, ability to design the civil heating system, industrial ventilation, refrigeration and air-conditioning, urban gas supplying system;5). Knowing about the building structure and procedure of t

8、he project, grasping economic analysis and theory of modern management, having abilities to test, run and manage the indoor environment and equipment system, and the abilities to make a scheme of intelligence building system;6). Initial abilities of coping with crisis and emergency events of buildin

9、g environment and energy engineering major.三、修业年限:标准4年,弹性学制37年。3. Duration of Study: 4 Years, lexible time 37 years。四、主干学科:土木工程4. Major Subjects: Civil Engineering五、核心课程和特色课程:核心课程:(1)工程热力学、传热学、热质交换原理与设备;(2)工程力学、流体力学、流体输配管网;(3)机械设计基础、自动控制原理;(4)电工与电子工程技术、建筑与能源系统自动化;(5)建筑环境学、房屋建筑学;(6)暖通空调、空调用制冷技术、锅炉与锅炉

10、房设备、建筑环境测试技术。特色课程:(1)冷库工程;(2)空调用制冷技术;(3)低温贮粮与通风技术。5. Core courses and featured courses:Core courses:(1) Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Heat-Mass-Transfer Theory and Equipment;(2) Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Pipe net for Fluid Supply;(3) Fundamentals of Machinery Design, Theor

11、y of Automatic Control;(4) Electric Engineering and Electron Technique, Building and Energy Systems Automation;(5) Building Environment, Building Architecture;(6) HVAC, Refrigerating Technology for Air-conditioning, Boiler Technics and Equipments, Measurement Technology in Environment.Core courses:(

12、1) Cold Store Engineering;(2) Refrigerating Technology for Air-conditioning;(3) Low-temperture aeration for grain storage.六、授予学位及毕业学分要求:6. Credit requirements of degree and graduation本专业的学生,在校期间必须修满本培养方案所规定的176.5学分方能毕业。其中必修课149.5学分,选修课27学分(专业选修课8学分,其它选修课19学分)。Students shall earn no less than 176.5 c

13、redits within the duration of academic study, respectively 149.5 credits for compulsory courses, 27 credits for elective courses (including 8 credits for professional elective courses, and 19 credits for other elective courses). 符合国家学位规定和河南工业大学学位授予条件者,授予工学学士学位。Those who can satisfy national stipulat

14、ions of academic degree and the requirements of Henan University of Technology degree conferral, shall be granted with Engineering Bachelor Degree.七、各类课程设置结构比例表7. Diagram of Proportions of courses: 七、各类课程结构比例表 Table of Courses Structure课程类别及学分比例CoursesClassified and Credits Distribution 课程模块(课群)Cour

15、ses Module(Course Series)应修类别及学分Courses Nature and credits总学分数Subtotal Credits必修required 选修 elective通识教育课程General Education Courses( 34.28%)人文社科类Humanities and Social Sciences 39270.5自然科学Science Basics17.50技术技能General Skill05通识教育实践34学科平台课程College Required Courses( 26.85 %) 40.5849专业平台课程Specialized C

16、ourses(13.71 %)16824专业实践类课程Specialized Practice Courses( 25.16%)课内模块(含毕业论文(设计)Course Module ( including Academic Dissertation)3333总 计grand total149.527176.5百分比percent84.6515.35100注:人文社科包括:思政和军事类、形势与政策、英语类、体育、艺术类、职业教育课;自然科学包括:数理类;技术技能包括:计算机类。思政和军事类、形势与政策、英语类、体育、职业教育课、数理类为必修课;艺术类、计算机类、数学实验以及第二课堂为选修课。

17、学院如果设置课程模块(群),就按照表格填写;如果没有建课程模块(群),可以合并单元格,灵活填写。八、教学进程计划表(一)通识课程8.1 General Curriculum1)本专业学生通识课程需修满70.5学分。2)数理类课程:数学修读高等数学A,修满11.5学分;大学物理修读大学物理A,同时选修物理实验A。3)本专业学生修读大学英语模块。4)计算机类课程,本专业学生最低选够5学分,计算机语言建议修读VB程序设计。5)艺术类课程,最低选够2学分,组课程安排在第二学期;组课程理工科类各专业安排在第三学期。6)第二课堂学分至少修够4学分,由学生处、团委负责统一组织安排。1) The genera

18、l education courses are required to learn 70.5 credits for the students of civil engineering.2) Mathematics and Physics Courses: Students should study Advanced Mathematics A (11.5 credits) and Physics A (6 credits), and physical experiment A (2 credits) should be taken.3) The Group of College Englis

19、h should be taken. 4) Computer Courses: At least 5 credits are compulsory. Fundamentals of Computer Programming VB (3 credits) is proposed to study in Group II.5) Arts Courses: At least 2 credits are compulsory. The Group I is arranged in the 2nd semester, and Group II is arranged in the 3rd semeste

20、r.6) Second Classroom: At least 4 credits are compulsory. The organization and arrangement is in charge of the department of students and the Youth League Committee of our university.(二)学科、专业课程8.2 Academic and Professional Courses八、教学进程计划表Teaching Schedule课程类别Courses Classified课程代码Course Code课程名称Cou

21、rse Name学分Credits学时Teaching Hours考核方式Mode of Examination修读学期Semester最低学分要求Minimum Credits备注Notes总计Hours课内Credit Hours实验上机Experiment Operation课外Extracur学科平台课程Courses for disciplinary platform必修Compulsory courses52110834线性代数Linear Algebra2.5464600考试Exam34152110833概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical S

22、tatistics3545400考试Exam351510805工程制图 CEngineering Drafting C35848100考试Exam151510109机械设计基础 BFundamentals of Machinery Design B3 544860考试Exam552310906电工与电子技术 BElectric Engineering and Electron Technique B4 72 60120考试Exam451416040工程力学 BEngineering Mechanics B4 72 6660考试Exam352310908自动控制原理Theory of Autom

23、atic Control2.5 46 4600考试Exam551416046流体力学Fluid Mechanics3.5 64 6040考试Exam451414106工程热力学Engineering Thermodynamics3.5 64 6040考试Exam451414107传热学Heat Transfer3.5 64 5860考试Exam551414108建筑环境学 ABuilding Environment A2 36 3420考查Check551414109流体输配管网Pipe net for Fluid Supply 2.5 46 4240考试exam.551310002普通化学C

24、hemistry2362880考试exam251414110热质交换原理与设备Heat-Mass-Transfer Theory and Equipment2 36 3420考试exam.6选修Elective courses51413011房屋建筑学Building Architecture1.5 282800考查check5851411072粮仓建筑与结构Crain Storage Architecture and Structure1.5 28 28 00考查check451412257工程经济学 BEngineering Economics1.5 282800考查check451412

25、256工程招投标与案例分析BProject Bidding and Case Analysis B1 18 18 00考查check651412267房地产开发与经营Estate Development and Management1.528 28 00考查check652110831复变函数Functions of Complex Variable2 36 3600考查check451410421建筑环境与设备工程导论Introduction to Building Environment and Energy Engineering118 18 00考查check151414112冷库工程

26、Cold Store Engineering2.0 36 3600考查check651414112建筑能耗模拟与分析Building Energy Simulation and Analysis1.5 28 2800考查check651414113低温贮粮与通风技术Low-temperture aeration for grain storage1.5 28 2800考查check5专业平台课程Courses for professional platform必修Compulsory courses51414114暖通空调HVAC472 64 80考试exam.61651414115空调用制冷

27、技术Refrigerating Technology for Air-conditioning2 36 3420考试exam.751414116供热工程Heating Engineering 2 36 3240考试exam.651414117锅炉房工艺与设备Boiler Technics and Equipments2 36 3420考试exam.751414118通风及洁净技术Air-cleaning Technic2 36 3420考试exam.651414119建筑节能技术ABuilding Energy Saving Technic A2 36 3600考试exam.751414120

28、建筑与能源应用系统自动化Automatization of Buiding and Energy System 2 36 342 0考查check7选修Elective courses51414121室内建筑给排水Water Supply and Drainage in Building2 36 3600考查check6851414122建筑电气工程Building Electrical Engineering1.528 2800考查check551414123专业英语Professional English1.5 28 2800考查check551414124建筑设备施工技术Construc

29、ting Technic of Building Equipments 2 36 3600考查check751414125建筑环境测试技术Measurement Technology in Environment2 36 3240考查check6(末)51414126燃气供应工程Gas Supply Project2.5 464600考查check6(初)51414127建筑设备施工组织与经济Arrange and Management in Construct of Building Equipments 1.5 28 2800考查check751414128蓄冷工程技术Cold Accum

30、ulation 1.5 28 2800考查check6(末)51414129暖通空调热泵技术Heat Pump in HVAC1.5 28 2800考查check7(初)51414130暖通空调工程设计方法与系统分析Design of HVAC System1.5 28 2800考查check7(末)51414131建筑防排烟Building Smoke Control and Extraction1.5282800考查check651414132互联网与建筑智能化Internet and Intelligent Building 1.5 28 2800考查check6面向全校选修课51414

31、133暖通与能源CAD HVAC and Energy CAD1.5 28 12160考查check5专业实践类课程Practice Courses必修Compulsory courses54710002金工实习Metalworking Practice2 2周考查check23351414134认识实习Professional Practice2 2周考查check5(初)51414135生产实习Constructive Practice 3 3周考查check6 (末)51414136机械设计基础课程设计BMechanical Design Practice B11周考查check5514

32、14137暖通空调课程设计Air-conditioning Design3 3周考查check6(末)51414138供热工程课程设计Heating Project Design2.0 2周考查check7(末)51414139冷热源工程课程设计Cold and heat source engineering Design3.0 3周考查check7(末)51414140规范及设计手册阅读Standard and Design Manual Reading1 18 考查check7851414141毕业实习Practice for Graduate2 2周考查check851414142毕业设计HVAC System Design for Graduate14 14周考查check8最低学分要求106注:专业选修课中面向全校开设的特色选修课,请在备注里标注出来。注:要求专业人才培养方案中英文对照


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