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1、教 案2006 2007 学年 第 1 学期系 部 外 语 系 教 研 室 英语专业基础教研室 课 程 名 称 综合英语(一) 任课专业、年级、班级 英语0603-0604 教 师 姓 名 袁 琼 职 称 讲师 使 用 教 材 综合教程1 湖 南 商 学 院 教 务 处 制湖 南 商 学 院 综合英语(1)课 程 教 案Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye课时安排 4授课时间第4周周1第1-4节第4周周4第1-4节教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次) (1) New words and phrases(2) Understanding of the text(3) Gram

2、mar points教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点):Course information n Aim of the coursen To give the freshmen a thorough understanding of the importance and ways of mastering of the 5 English skills: Listening/ Speaking /Reading/ Writing /TranslatingPre-reading questions.1. Have your family moved from one place to anot

3、her? If you have, how did you feel when you were going to be away from the old house forever?2. Have you ever attended a funeral of sb. you know very well? If you have, what were you thinking when you saw him for the last time?Text Analysis n Part I (para1-4) The problem the author was confronted wi

4、th.n Part II (para5-13)Grandpa illustrates the meaning of “never say goodbye”.n Part III (para14-20)The authors understanding of “never say goodbye”.Part One: (Paragraphs 1-4) Main idea: bringing up the problem the author was confronted with: it is hard to overcome the sadness as the moment of parti

5、ng drew near. So he turned to his grandpa for help.l Para. 1: beginning of the story -introducing the backgroundl Para. 2-4: the author learned from his grandfather the implication of “goodbye”.Questions for thoughtn Q1: What did you learn form the first part? What is the problem confronted the auth

6、or?n Q2: Why was the author seized with the anguish of moving from his home?n Q3: Why did the author shudder and shed tears when the final day came? n Q4: Why did his grandfather advise him not to use the word “goodbye” to friends?(1) Vocabulary: confront, anguish, gracefully, laughter and tears, ha

7、ven, porch, shudder, well up, rest, through ones tears, stare off into, conspicuously, kneel, hoarse, evil, tiny, bring back, beloved, breathing, note(2)Teaching procedures: a. Greetings b. Duty report c. Discussion d. Analysis of the text.1.讨论、思考题、作业:Exercises 参考资料(含参考书、文献等):授课类型(请打):理论课 讨论课 实验课 练习

8、课 其他 教学过程设计(请打):复习 授新课 安排讨论 布置作业 教学方式(请打):讲授 讨论 示教 指导 其他 教学资源(请打):多媒体 模型 实物 挂图 音像 其他 湖 南 商 学 院 综合英语(1) 课 程 教 案授课题目(教学章、节或主题): Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye课时安排4授课时间第5周周1 1-4节第5周周4 1-4节教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):Grasp the usage of all the language points learned in the text, get familiar with the text, know t

9、he difference教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点): Language points: 1. confront: be faced with and have to deal with be confronted with: be faced with e.g. Whenever we are confronted with any difficulties, we shouldnt give up what we are doing.A soldier often has to confront danger and death.confront sb. with sb./sth

10、. Examples1.她面对罪证供认不讳.When confronted with the evidence of her guilt, she confessed. 2.这种新的制度一开始将会面临很大困难。The new system will be confronted with great difficulties at the start.“confront” vs. “face” 都含“面对”的意思。confront”: 指“遇到”、“面对”、“使.对立”, 此词系正式用语, 如: She confronted the vital question of being bankrup

11、t. 她面临要破产的重大问题。 face: 指“正视”、“面对”、“不想逃避”, 属口语体, 语气比confront强, 如: Lets face the facts instead of evading them. 让我们面对现实, 不要逃避。2 anguish: n. pain, very great pain 苦闷,痛苦 v. 使.极苦闷,使.极痛苦in anguish The child was badly hurt and was in anguish all the evening.Nothing can take away the anguish of losing a chil

12、d.什麽都不能解除失去孩子的巨大悲痛.mental anguish 心理苦闷3. brief as it was : although it lasted a short timen as: although: thoughn P 8. Ex IIIn Rewrite the following sentencesn Though he was poor,n Although I was very tired,4 Touched with the laughter and tears of four generations: touched with the happiness and bit

13、terness of four generations. The sentence implies that “the house which had seen and/witnessed the joys and sorrows of the four generations of my family. 5 well: 涌出, 涌现n (of liquid) flow or start to flown Blood welled (out) form the cut.n well outn well upn well forthn e.g. She was so moved that her

14、 tears welled (up, forth, out) in her eyes6. Starel 1) look steadily for a long time, esp. in great surprise or shock E.g. He sat staring into space, thinking deeply.l 2) be very plain to see; to be obvious E.g. The lies in the report stared out at us from every paragraph. l * stare off: stare away;

15、 to move ones eyesPart Two: (Paragraphs 5-13) n By narrating his sad experience of the loss of his eldest son during the war, grandpa illustrates how one can overcome the sad feeling resulting from the loss of someone dear to him by recalling not the moment of parting but the happy times spent toget

16、her.n Para. 5-9: The grandpas intention of saying “it isnt just the roses that are beautiful; it is that special place in your heart that makes them so.”n Para 10-13: The telling of the story related to the rosebush. The message of the text is conveyed in Para. 137. Whisper: 1) speak or say very qui

17、etly so that only a person close by can hear E.g. She whispered a warning to me and then disappeared.2) (of the wind, etc) make a soft sound 飒飒地响 E.g. The leaves of the trees were whispering in the wind. 8. It isnt . that 强调句型 stress patternn It isnt just the rose that are beautiful: It is that spec

18、ial place in your heart that makes them so.n That special place in your heart makes them beautiful.n It is that place in your heart that makes them beautiful. n P 9 Ex IV Part Three: (Para. 14-20): By the way he behaved when confronted with another sad moment-the loss of his grandpa, the author show

19、s us that he came to understand what his grandpa had taught him.9. Lock it away within youl Fasten it firmly in your mind; l imprint it on your mind; l bear it in your mind and never forget it. 10.summonn V. 召唤; 传唤(被告等); 请n summon the witnessn summon a meeting/conferencen summon sb./sth.n summon sb.

20、 to do sth.n summon sb. to sth.n summon sth.(courage, strength, energy,etc.) up11. in that place in your heart where summer is an always time.n In that place in your heart where there is always sunlight and warmth. / which is always filled with joy and happiness. Here SUMMER is a metaphor. n “Always

21、” here is used by the Grandpa as an adjective, which revealed that he was not well-educated. n *Sociolinguistic knowledge: Your accent betrays you.12. partn V.分开, 使分开, 使分离n part ones hometownn 离别故乡n part ones hair in the middlen 从中间把头发分开n part company withn 跟.分手绝交; 跟.意见不合n part from 离开, 同.分手n part w

22、ith 离开, 放弃, 出让5. Sentence paraphrase. 讨论、思考题、作业: Go over the all the language points and review Unit 2.参考资料(含参考书、文献等):授课类型(请打):理论课 讨论课 实验课 练习课 其他 教学过程设计(请打):复习 授新课 安排讨论 布置作业 教学方式(请打):讲授 讨论 示教 指导 其他 教学资源(请打):多媒体 模型 实物 挂图 音像 其他 湖 南 商 学 院 综合英语(1) 课 程 教 案授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Exercises for Unit 1 课时安排4授课时间第6周周

23、1 1-4节第6周周4 1-4节教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): 1)vocabulary 2)Grammar 3)Sentence paraphrase教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点): Step 1 Distinguish the synonyms:1) Shudder& shake shudder: vi shudder at + object shake: vi and vt2) answer & replyAnswer: (vt) when a question is asked, any words or actions in return is regarded

24、 as an answer.Reply (vt+ that, vt+ “ ” clause, vi + to ) an answer in the form of a statement appropriate to the question.Step 2 Dictation Step 3 Writing practiceHow to place the modifiers: 限定词+数词+ 描绘性形容词+表特征的形容词+表颜色的形容词+表类属的形容词+名词性定语+ NounStep 4 Listening exercises讨论、思考题、作业: Go over the all the lan

25、guage points and review Unit 2.参考资料(含参考书、文献等):授课类型(请打):理论课 讨论课 实验课 练习课 其他 教学过程设计(请打):复习 授新课 安排讨论 布置作业 教学方式(请打):讲授 讨论 示教 指导 其他 教学资源(请打):多媒体 模型 实物 挂图 音像 其他 湖 南 商 学 院 综合英语(1) 课 程 教 案Unit 2 What Happened to Manners?课时安排 4授课时间第7周周1 1-4节 第7周周4 1-4节 教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):(1) Good Manners: definition discu

26、ssion(2) Understanding of the text(3) Vocabulary教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点): Teaching procedures:(1) Greetings(2) Introduction to the text(3) Pre-reading questions1) Show some examples of good manners and bad manners.Good manners: speak gently in public, say “thank you” when others do you a favor, say “excus

27、e me” when you bother others, table manners: eat softly, quietly, help the weak, the poor, the old, the disabled, do not laugh at others, being punctual, making up Bad manners: stare at others, never use polite words, bad table manners, do not respect others and their behavior, talk loudly in public

28、, spit, litter everywhere, spy on others privacy 2) Tell the difference between “manner” and “manners”Manner: a persons outward bearing, way of speaking, etc.Manners: behavior “social behavior” ,polite or well-bred behavior.(4) General understanding of the text.(5) Language points: get away, pull ou

29、t, host, compliment, bother, etc.1. get away: succeed in leaving ; escape, esp. from the scene of a crime; have to admit the truth of sth esp. sth unpleasant2. appreciation ( n.) appreciate(v.) : Appreciation ( n.) : an understanding of the good qualities or worth of sth; a judgment of the worth or

30、fact of sth3. bother: 1) to cause trouble: will it bother you turn the radio on? 2 ) cause inconveniences to oneself: Bother with, bother about: Dont bother with those details. Bother to do: You neednt bother to lock the door. 4. barrel 1 ) a round container: a beer barrel, a barrel of 2 ) put sth.

31、or packing sth. into a barrel :All the cements has been barreled3) (slang) move at a high speed: The car is barreling over a speedway.6) How to appreciate the last sentence of Part Four? Now how wonderful it would be if we were able to have everyone behave towards one another?Step 3Technique learnin

32、g: metaphor, simile7)Sentence Paraphrases8)Exercises(vocabulary exercises, grammar exercises, translation exercises, exercises for integrated skills)讨论、思考题、作业:Homework: think about ways of dealing with emergency situations.参考资料(含参考书、文献等):授课类型(请打):理论课 讨论课 实验课 练习课 其他 教学过程设计(请打):复习 授新课 安排讨论 布置作业 教学方式(请

33、打):讲授 讨论 示教 指导 其他 教学资源(请打):多媒体 模型 实物 挂图 音像 其他 湖 南 商 学 院 综合英语(1) 课 程 教 案授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Exercises for Unit 2 课时安排 4授课时间第8周周1 1-4节第8周周4 1-4节教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):1)Grasp the usage of all the language points ;2)get familiar with the text; 3)know the difference教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点): Step 1 Distinguish the

34、synonyms:1) compliment & praise1 praise (un) in praise of compliment(cn)2 praise(vt) praise sb for sth: means to express approval for ones achievements or qualities Compliment (vt) compliment sb on sth: means praise given insincerely as an empty formality or as a self-interested gesture, as well as

35、to a genuine admiration.(flatter sb on sth and praise sb for sth)2)appreciate & enjoy1 vt enjoy oneself: to be happy (Br.E) enjoy sth, enjoy doing sth(Am. E) (informal) enjoy yourself: have an nice time2 vt appreciate: enjoy and recognize the good qualities or worth of sth to understand fully(not in

36、 the progressive forms) to be thankful or grateful for vi appreciate in value: Houses in this area have all appreciated since the new road was built.3) Precious & priceless1 precious: emphasizes the fact that something is valuable, rare and important, and should not be wasted, lost or used badly.2 p

37、riceless: refers to something that is worth a lot of money or that cannot be calculated in monetary terms.4) notice & see 1 notice vi vt not in progressive forms: observe; notice + sb do / doing sth ; notice +wh- ; notice + that2 see is a general wordStep 2 Dictation Background information: Mothers

38、Day : 1Date: The second Sunday of May 2 Origin: An American daughter whose name is Anna felt children often neglected their mother, she hoped Mothers Day would increase respect for parents and strengthen family bonds.Step 3 Listening exercises.讨论、思考题、作业: Go over the all the language points and revie

39、w Unit 3.参考资料(含参考书、文献等):授课类型(请打):理论课 讨论课 实验课 练习课 其他 教学过程设计(请打):复习 授新课 安排讨论 布置作业 教学方式(请打):讲授 讨论 示教 指导 其他 教学资源(请打):多媒体 模型 实物 挂图 音像 其他 湖 南 商 学 院 综合英语(1)课 程 教 案Unit 3 When Lightening Struck课时安排 4授课时间第9周周1 1-4节 第9周周4 1-4节 教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次): (1) Vocabulary(1) Text analysis(2) Sentence Paraphrase教学内容(

40、包括基本内容、重点、难点): Teaching procedures:(1) Greetings(2) Duty report(3) Listening exercise(4) Group work: speech contest on the topic of “emergency situation”.(5) pre-reading questions:1) Have you read anything about an air crash before?2) What would you act under emergent circumstances? (hijacking)(6) T

41、ext analysis: main idea, structural analysis (7) Language points: lightening, slam, jolt, swerve, scramble, figure, potato, fonfide, indiscriminate, etc.1. Swerve (vi) swerve to: The car swerve to the right. swerve from: I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter.2. Put away 1 put st

42、h in the place where iti s usually kept : He is in the habit of putting the books away after he reads them. 2 save for later use: She puts away some money each month.3. Pull oneself together: control myself to become calm: He was able to pull himself together in the face of danger.4. confide: 1 conf

43、ide (to sb) thatShe confide to me that she had been in jail for 5 years.2 confide in sb : Ann felt she could confide in her brother.5. transfer 1 move from one vehicle to another: At London we transferred from the train to a bus.2 move from one place , job position etc to another: He has got himself

44、 transferred from a rural school to an urban one. 6. lament 1 vt. lament the death of a friend2 vi. Lament for a friend; lament over ones misfortunes 3. n. (cn.) a funeral lament (8) Technique learning: metaphor, simile(9) Text comprehension: chorological order.(10) Exercises: (vocabulary exercises, grammar exercises, translation exercises, exercises for integrated skills)讨论、思考题、作业:Go over the all the language points and preview the exercises.参考资料(含参考书、文献等):授课类型(请打):理论课 讨论课


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