小学 牛津英语《6B Unit 5 Seasons B、C版块》教学设计.doc

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1、小学 牛津英语6B Unit 5 Seasons B、C版块教学设计 复习课本想设计成新授第一课时,可事实上学生基本都知道了,只有改成复习课。一、 教学内容B版块单词和C版块句型二、 教学目标1. 知识目标复习:四个季节新单词 spring, summer, autumn(fall), winter,天气类单词 hot, cold, cool warm, sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy句型: 1 Whats the weather like in? Hows the weather in ? Its 2 Is it ? Yes, sometimes its

2、 3 Which season do you like best? I like best. Why? Because its I can2. 能力目标能运用本课所学新单词和新句型与同伴交流各自喜欢的季节和理由3. 情感目标根据当地季节特征欢迎其他地方的学生来本地游玩三、 教学重难点单词和句型的运用四、 教学准备单词卡,ppt五、教学过程Step1: Warming up课前播放常州恐龙园的视频介绍(一分钟左右),激发学生来常州玩的兴趣。呈现我和学生的合影共四人组成的免费导游团,邀请学生到常州来玩。但学生没有我的电话号码,由此作为一个激励方式让学生积极和我对话然后发给他我的号码卡片。Step2

3、 : Presentation and practice1. 复习Seasons and spring, summer, autumn, winter既然要去常州我们当然要了解一下常州的天气和季节情况。呈现今天的主题Seasons,T: Today we will talk about the 4 seasons. What are they?SS: 齐答 spring, summer, autumn, winterT: 板书T: Its spring now, I think Nanjing is very nice in spring. Now Id like to show you so

4、me pictures about my city.呈现常州四季图片, 红梅公园(spring春天) 红梅公园 (summer夏天) 红梅公园 (autumn秋天) 红梅公园(winter冬天) T: From the pictures we know in different seasons we have different weather, right?Ss:yes.在四张图片呈现温度计图,学习hot,warm,cool and cold学生跟读,然后用chant来巩固季节和天气Chant:Spring is warm,Summer is hot.Autumn is cool but w

5、inter is not.Its very cold so lets do some sport.2.复习 sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowyT: Now we have learned some words about weather, 将刚才所学的几个单词贴到黑板上,然后呈现表示sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy,windy的天气图标,让学生说出是什么单词,然后将单词和天气图标贴到黑板上)3单词拓展本环节老师们评价较好。:将cool,cold等单词设置超级连接,拓展以下英语谚语:1In the fire(大火), the fireman is as

6、cool as a cucumber(黄瓜).在大火中,这个消防员镇定自若。2 My feet are as cold as ice, nurse. Can I have a hot water bottle? 护士,我的脚非常冷,可以给我一只热水瓶吗? 3Teachers should not treat(对待) their students as cold as ice. 教师对待学生不应冷若冰霜。4Teacher should treat students as warm as toast(烤面包). 教师应该温和地对待学生。5 Peter, dont go out now. Its r

7、aining cats and dogs.Peter,现在别出去,外面下着倾盆大雨。4 复习句型Whats the weather like in ? Is it ?返回到天气汇总图那一页面:常州有这么多的天气,那么,哪些季节各有哪些天气呢?可以问我,怎么问?A: Whats the weather like in ? 或者Hows the weather in ?B: Its A: Is it ? B: Yes,/ No, Pair work practice 根据图标和句型练说常州其他三个季节情况summerautumn winter usuallysometimes In Changzh

8、ou, its usually in .Sometimes its ,sometimes its.呈现我学生及2号导游 Cherry,她想知道南京的天气,请听她的问题:Q1 : Whats the weather like in Nangjing in spring?Q2: What do you usually do?Q3: Do you fly kites in spring?讨论南京秋天的季节和人们的活动,提供句型:In summer, its,we The weather in autumn is, we Its in winter, we 5复习句型Which season do y

9、ou like best? Why?s呈现3好导游学生Peter,他也有问题,请听:Whats your favourite season? Why?Pair workA: Hi, *. Which season do you like best?B: I like best.A: Why?B: Because its I can 6. Listening comprehension前两次没有使用这个环节,您看需要让学生听我最喜欢的季节吗?反问学生是否知道我最喜欢的季节和原因听录音回答问题: Which season do I like best? Why?(听力内容中并不直接说出我喜欢的季节

10、而是通过描述让学生猜出这个季节以及这个季节的天气。)Which season do I like best? Listen carefully.The weather in my favourite season is usually sunny, and sometimes its rainy. I like it best for 3 reasons. First, I can have a long holiday in this season. That means I can visit some beautiful places like Hainan, Yunnna or oth

11、er places. Second, I like this season best because there are lots of different fruits, like grapes, peaches, pears and watermelon. Theyre really delicious. Third, I can teach my little son how to swim. Now do you know my favourite season?Seasonsreasons 1 How do you know its summer? You like summer b

12、est.2 Retell in this way:You like summer best, because you can visit some beautiful places, you can eat a lot of fruits, And you can teach his son how to swim.Step3 Consolidation1 让学生配着音乐和解说欣赏一下常州四季人们的活动,回答:Which season in Changzhou do you like best? Why?2阅读一篇关于常州四季天气和人们活动的短文,完成填空。The seasons in Cha

13、ngzhou自编短文,是否太简单?In this season, the students have a long holiday. Most children like it best because they can go swimming and eat ice-creams. 待添加的隐藏文字内容2 Season Weather In this season, the weather is nice, trees turn green and flowers start to grow. People like to visit Hongmei Park and watch flowe

14、rs there. Season Weather In this season, people put on warm clothes and sometimes it snows, so we can make snowmen with friends. Season Weather Its getting cold and most trees are turning brown. People usually go to the countryside(乡下) and pick oranges. Season Weather Step4 拓展运用环节 T: Do you want to

15、play in the 恐龙园?When is the best time to visit it?步骤一:呈现4好导游Tina,观看她的介绍视频(大意:学生自己最喜欢的季节,来常州游玩最佳季节是春天,欢迎来常州游玩。)回答问题:When is the best time to visit Changzhou?我校学生独立表达视频Hello, dear friends. Im from Changzhou Xingyun School. Changzhou is a nice city. It is beautiful in 4 seasons.I like spring and summer

16、 best, because spring is warm so I can go to watch the flowers in Hongmei Park. In summer, I can go swimming in China Dinosaur Park in the evening. Thats exciting.The best time to visit Changzhou is spring because its warm and sunny, you can watch the flower show in Hongmei Park and you Im sure you

17、can have a good time in China Dinosaur Park because there are lots of exciting games in the park.Welcome to Changzhou and welcome to our school. See you.步骤二:仿照视频中学生的说话模板,向常州学生介绍当地的天气情况。1, 自己最喜欢的季节和原因2, 你认为来当地最好的季节和原因Talk Show.Hello, dear friends. Im from School. is a good place. It is beautiful in 4

18、 seasons.I like best, because I can .The best time to visit is , because its , you can .Welcome to and welcome to our school. See you.Step5 Homework1 Interview your family member(s) and write a short passage about his/her favourite season.2 Make a plan to visit Changzhou, you can call me.最后肯定所有人都表现好,留下联系方式。灵活运用:在聊天中了解学生,并让学生对自己发问,然后通过我的爱好唱歌来引入课前歌曲中包含seasons的一段,和学生一起唱, “We had joy, we had fun 我们有过欢笑有过快乐we had seasons in the sun 也曾共享阳光季节but the hills that we climb 但我们一起爬山的日子were just seasons out of time 已永逝不复返了


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