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1、4/2/2023,Unit 6 Work quietly!Part A,4/2/2023,Hello,Sarah!Do,oh,do.Hello,John!Do,oh,do.Hello,Mike!Do,oh,do.Hello!Hello!Hello!,Warm-up,Lets sing.,4/2/2023,What is lost?,Lets play a game.,speaking,sleeping,playing,drinking,jumping,swimming,4/2/2023,do morning exercisesdoing morning exercises(正在)做早操have

2、classhavingclass(正在)上课read a bookreading a book(正在)看书eat luncheating lunch(正在)吃午饭listen to musiclistening to music(正在)听音乐,短语新朋友,Presentation,4/2/2023,What are they doing?它们在干什么?They are eating lunch.它们在吃午饭。Whats the little monkey doing?那只小猴子在干什么?Its playing with its mother.它在和妈妈玩耍。,句子新朋友,4/2/2023,Ch

3、en Jien and Mike are at the zoo.,What can they see?,4/2/2023,Look at the pandas.,What are they doing?,They are eating lunch.,Yes!They like bamboo.,4/2/2023,Whats the little monkey doing?,Its playing with its mother!,4/2/2023,The elephant is drinking water.,4/2/2023,Questions.,1.What are the pandas d

4、oing?_2.What is the little monkey doing?_3.What is the elephant doing?_,They are eating lunch!,Its playing with its mother.,Its drinking water.,4/2/2023,用所给卡片说句子,看哪组的小火车开得又快又好!,小火车开起来,4/2/2023,doing morning exercises,Whats the boy doing?,He is doing moring exercises.,4/2/2023,eating dinner,What are

5、they doing?,They are eating dinner.,4/2/2023,listening to music,Whats the girl doing?,She is listening to music.,4/2/2023,reading a book,Whats the boy doing?,He is reading a book.,4/2/2023,having an English class,What are the students doing?,They are having an English class.,4/2/2023,Lets play a gam

6、e.,用大小声练习刚学的词组。,4/2/2023,Lets learn.,4/2/2023,Ask and answer in pairs.,Its 7:30 p.m.What is Chen Jie doing?,Shes listening to music.,4/2/2023,Practice,Mike is listening to music.,Zhang Peng is reading a book.,4/2/2023,John和Jenny动物园玩,他们看见了什么动物?这些动物在干什么呢?把他们的对话表演出来吧!看哪一组表演得最好。,小小交际家,4/2/2023,Test,选择合适

7、的答案。,1.We are _ pictures in the garden.take B.takeing C.taking 2._ they watching TV in the library?A.Am B.Is C.Are,C,C,4/2/2023,is she a class having(.)_ are pandas what doing the(?)_,连词成句。,She is having a class.,What are the pandas doing?,4/2/2023,用所给单词适当形式填空。,1.Li Ming usually _books(read).2.My fa

8、ther is _ morning exercises in the park.(do)3.What are you doing?-I am _ lunch.(eat),reads,doing,eating,4/2/2023,Homework,走进生活,晚上你的家人都在干什么呢?把它们都写成一篇小作文吧。,4/2/2023,Unit 6 Work quietly!Part B,4/2/2023,Hello,Mike.Hello,Chen Jie.Hello,hello!How are you?This is Mary.This is willy.Nice to meet you.How are

9、 you?Im fine.Im fine.Thank you,thank you very much.Im fine.Im fine.Thank you,thank you very much.,Lets sing a song.,Warm-up,4/2/2023,Lets chant.,Do,do,doing morning exercises.Have,have,having class.Eat,eat,eating lunch.Read,read,reading a book.Listen,listen,listening to music.,4/2/2023,单词短语新朋友,Prese

10、ntation,keep保持某种状态 keep to the right靠右keep your desk clean保持你的课桌整洁 talk quietly 小声讲话 turn 顺序 take turns 按顺序来,4/2/2023,No eating!禁止进食!Talk quietly.小声说话。Keep your desk clean.保持课桌整洁。Anything else?还有其他事吗?Here they are.它们在这儿。Please take turns.请按顺序来。,句子新朋友,4/2/2023,If youre talking in the library.,Please

11、talk quietly.,4/2/2023,If you are doing your homework on the desk.,Please keep your desk clean.,保持某种状态,4/2/2023,If we are working in the classroom.,Work quietly.,4/2/2023,Can you show me the English books?,OK,here they are.,Ahh,talk quietly.,4/2/2023,Can I read the books here?,Yes.Of course.,Anythin

12、g else?,Yes,keep your desk clean.,4/2/2023,Question:1.What can John do?_2.Can Tom read the books here?_3.What will Tom do?_,He can show Tom the English book.,Yes,he can.,He will keep his desk clean.,4/2/2023,Say and act in groups.,4/2/2023,If you get on the bus.,Take turns.,4/2/2023,If you are on th

13、e way.,Keep to the right.,4/2/2023,Talk quietly.,4/2/2023,Keep your desk clean.,4/2/2023,Keep to the right.,4/2/2023,Work quietly.,Practice,遇见这种情况你会说些什么呢?,4/2/2023,Keep your desk clean.,4/2/2023,Talk quietly.,4/2/2023,Keep to the right.,4/2/2023,Take turns.,4/2/2023,Keep your room clean.,4/2/2023,To

14、m这位新朋友来到图书馆,你会提醒他注意些什么规则?你们会说些什么?各小组根据情景编写对话,并表演出来吧。,小小交际家,4/2/2023,Test,选择合适的答案。,1.The window is dry._ it.Go and clean.Goes and clean.Go and cleans,A,4/2/2023,选择合适的答案。,2.-What is Grandma doing?-_She is sleeping.She sleeps.She is sleep.,A,4/2/2023,用所给单词适当形式填空。,1.No _.(eat).2.My father is working.Ple

15、ase _quietly.(keep)3.She is _ to music in the classroom.(listen),eating,keep,listening,4/2/2023,Homework,走进生活,爱丽丝正在家里听音乐,这时妈妈走进她的房间告诉她小声些,因为爸爸在工作。提示词:keep quiet(保持安静),4/2/2023,Unit 6 Work quietly!Part C,4/2/2023,Hello,Sarah!Do,oh,do.Hello,John!Do,oh,do.Hello,Mike!Do,oh,do.Hello!Hello!Hello!,Warm-up,

16、Lets sing.,4/2/2023,gorilla大猩猩popcorn爆米花exciting令人兴奋的,单词新朋友,Presentation,4/2/2023,Look at the sign.看这个标志。,句子新朋友,4/2/2023,Whats the boy doing?,He is doing moring exercises.,4/2/2023,What are they doing?,They are eating dinner.,4/2/2023,What are the students doing?,They are having a class.,4/2/2023,ex

17、cited,4/2/2023,gorilla,4/2/2023,popcorn,4/2/2023,This is a sign.Look at the sign.,Keep to the right.,4/2/2023,Keep your desk clean.,Look at the sign.,4/2/2023,Talk quietly.,Look at the sign.,4/2/2023,I love the film.,Yes.This gorilla is great!,4/2/2023,Wow!The gorilla is eating bananas.,Its so big a

18、nd strong.,4/2/2023,Whats that noise?,Im eating popcorn.,4/2/2023,Its so exciting.,Yes,it is.,4/2/2023,Shh!Talk quietly.,Sorry!,4/2/2023,Look at the sign.,Oh,no!,4/2/2023,Practice,Question:1.Is the gorilla eating bananas?_2.What is Zoom doing?_3.Whats the sign?_,Yes,it is.,It is eating popcorn.,Keep

19、 clean.,4/2/2023,Act out the story in groups.,4/2/2023,Test,选择合适的答案。,1.Keep _ the right,please.on B.at C.to 2.The film is _.A.exciting B.excited C.excite,C,A,4/2/2023,the look at sign(.)_ can books I the read here(?)_,连词成句,Look at the sign.,Can I read the books here?,4/2/2023,用所给单词适当形式填空。,1.My father often _some excises.(do).2.My mother is _ sports.(play)3.What are you doing?-I am _ breakfast.(eat),does,playing,eating,4/2/2023,Homework,走进生活,把今天所学的故事读给爸爸妈妈听吧!,


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