
上传人:laozhun 文档编号:4063335 上传时间:2023-04-02 格式:DOC 页数:6 大小:22KB
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1、答 案一、填空题1、8;14;、中国特色社会主义道路;建成 2、中国特色社会主义;科学发展观 3、47.3;载人航天;载人深潜;24、相同人口;法律 5、革命;现代;正规 6、全面双向;经济合作7、合法权益;话语权8、先进性;学习型 9、生命力;凝聚力10、六;科技实力;居民收入;影响力11、理论创新;新论断12、发展理念;人才强国13、以人为本;人民共享14、社会;生态文明;生态良好15、求真务实;理论创新16、小康社会;中国特色社会主义17、时代特征;中华民族18、理论创新;民生;公平正义19、封闭僵化;改旗易帜;道路;体系;制度20、生态文明;全面发展;富强民主文明和谐21、科学发展观;




5、人治澳、高度自治67、和平统一68、台独、九二共识69、和平、发展70、平等互信、包容互鉴、合作共赢71、独立自主、和平解决、恐怖主义72、和平共处五项原则、以邻为伴、睦邻友好73、二十国集团、上海合作组织74、造福人民、居安思危75、执政能力建设、解放思想、从严治党、思想建设76、马克思主义、共产主义77、人民服务、以人为本78、民主集中制、人民民主79、广纳天下英才80、知识、人才二、单选81-85:AAAAB 86-90:CADCA 91-95:BCBAC96-100:AABCA 101-105:BABAC三、多选106:ABCD 107:ABC 108:AB 109:ABC 110:A

6、B111:ABCD 112:AB 113:ABCD 114:ABCD 115:ABCD116:ABCD 117:ABCD 118:D 119:BCD 120:ABD121:AC 122:ABCD 123:ABCD 124:ABCD 125:ABC126:ABCD 127:ABD 128:ABCD 129:BCD 130:ABCAcknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guida

7、nce. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I a

8、m also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through thes

9、e years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her con

10、stant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into

11、the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.


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