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1、2014-2015学年人教版八年级英语上册期末检测题(有答案)(本检测题满分:100分,时间:60分钟)一、听力部分(满分15分). 听句子,选择正确的答语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)1. A. Theyll have a great time.B. If you do, youll be sorry.C. If you do, youll be late.2. A. Yes, I will.B. Laura.C. No, I wont.3. A. Because they are old.B. Because they have more experience than us.C.

2、 Because theyre teachers.4. A. Id like to buy a T-shirt.B. No, you cant.C. Youre welcome.5. A. Just so so.B. Not very good.C. Thank you. 听对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)听第一段对话,回答第6至7小题。6. What problem does the boy have?A. He passed the exam.B. He didnt pass the exam.C. He lost his wallet.7. What will h

3、appen if the boy tells his parents the truth?A. Theyll be upset.B. Theyll be angry.C. Theyll be happy.听第二段对话,回答第8至10小题。8. Why didnt the girl want Lily to copy the answers?A. Because she thought it was wrong.B. Because she thought it was right.C. Because she thought it was normal.9. What does the fat

4、her think of the matter?A. Lily is right.B. His daughter is right.C. Theyre both right.10. Whats the fathers advice for her daughter?A. She can call Lily.B. They can chat online.C. She can write a letter to Lily. 听短文,根据所听内容填入所缺的单词。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)Dear Miss Li,Im going to 11 a New Years party in ou

5、r classroom. But Im 12 about several things. First, I dont know when to have it. Next, I dont know if we can let students bring 13 to the party. The last one is what will happen if we watch a 14 at the party. You have a lot of experience. Im looking forward to your advice on 15 these problems.Yours,

6、Zhang Li二、笔试部分(满分85分).单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)16. How often does your brother use _ Internet? He uses it at _ least three times a week.A. the; theB. / ; theC. the; /D. an; /17. I think that half the class _ with you.A. to agreeB. agreeC. agreeingD. agrees18. If Mary _ late tomorrow, the teacher wont let he

7、r in.A. isB. will beC. beD. was19. Both my father and my mother _ playing tennis when they were young.A. likeB. likes C. liked D. to like20. Work hard, _ youll pass the exam.w W w .x K b 1.c o MA. andB. orC. butD. if21. _ great weather today!A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a22. Today is Childrens Day.

8、The children look _.A. laughB. sadC. boredD. happy23. May I have a talk with you? I have _ important to tell you.A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything24. Is Rick there?No, he _ for Beijing three days ago.A. leftB. leavesC. leavingD. leave25. Tom enjoys _ TV at night.A. watchesB. watchC. wat

9、chingD. watched26. He helped me _ my lost book.A. foundB. findC. findingD. /27. I think Cindy is _ student in our class.I dont think so. Linda is _ than her.A. smarter; smarter B. smarter; the smartestC. the smartest; the smartest D. the smartest; smarter28. We had great fun _ in the water.A. playB.

10、 to playC. playsD. playing29. _ Anna didnt feel well, she still went to school.A. BecauseB. UntilC. ThoughD. If30. Its cold, so we decided _ at home.A. stayB. to stayC. stayingD. stayed.完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)Basketball is a very popular game 31 the USA. People all like it. Most people can 32 it. A basket

11、ball is a round and big ball. Its 33 and 34 than a football. It is played between two teams. There are 35 players in each team. It was a fast, wonderful game with much moving and passing of the ball. Basketball is still a young game. Its over a hundred years old. Basketball is quite popular in China

12、, 36 . If you travel around China you will notice its very popular everywhere you go.Children often take a 37 to school and play it after school. In China some girls can play basketball 38 than boys. NBA games are very 39 in the world. More than 100 million people in 208 countries like 40 them on TV

13、. Basketball has become a more popular sport for people to watch, and many young people dream of becoming famous basketball players.31. A. in B. on C. from D. to32. A. have B. play C. watch D. take33. A.big B. biger C. bigger D. biggest34. A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest D. the heaviest35. A. two B.

14、 four C. five D. eleven36. A. again B. also C. so D. too37. A. basketball B. football C. volleyball D. soccer38. A. good B. well C. better D. best39. A. famous B. interesting C. boring D. good40. A. watching B. seeing C. looking D. playing.阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分)ATwo men were sitting together in a plane.

15、They were on a long journey. One of the men was a businessman. The other was a farmer. They sat without talking for a while, then the farmer said, “Lets do something to pass the time.”“What do you want to do?”the businessman asked.“We can ask each other riddles,” the farmer said. 新课 标 第 一 网“OK. Lets

16、 make rules first,” the businessman said. “If you dont know the answer to a riddle, you pay me 100. And if I dont know the answer, Ill pay you 100.”“Thats not fair (公平).You are a businessman with much knowledge. You know more things than I do. I am just a farmer,” the farmer said.“Thats true,” the b

17、usinessman said. “What do you want us to do?” “If you dont know the answer to a riddle, you pay me 100. And if I dont know the answer, Ill pay you 50,” the farmer said. The businessman thought about this, then he said, “OK. Thats fair. Who will go first?”“I will,” the farmer said.“Here is my riddle.

18、 What has three legs when it walks, but only two legs when it flies?”The businessman thought for a long time and said, “Mm, thats a good one. Im afraid I dont know the answer.” He gave the farmer 100, then he said, “Tell me the answer.”“I dont know,” the farmer said. Then he gave the businessman 50.

19、41. The story happened _.A. on a farmB. in a shopC. before a long plane journeyD. between two passengers42. What does the word “riddle” mean in this story?A. Something to win money.B. Something to help to make rules.C. A difficult question to find the answer to.D. A kind of game in doing business.43

20、. Why did the businessman agree to give more money if he lost?A. He made much more money than the farmer.B. He thought he knew more than the farmer.C. He was interested in making riddles.D. He was better at playing riddle games.44. The farmer _.A. didnt enjoy himself on his long journeyB. didnt want

21、 to pay even one dollarC. spent all his money on the plane ticketD. won fifty dollars by playing the riddle game45. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The two men made rules for their riddle game.B. The farmer was more clever than the businessman.C. The two men made their riddle game more interes

22、ting by playing it for money.D. The businessman knew the answer to this riddle.BNow machines are widely used all over the world. Why are machines so important and necessary(必要的)for us? Because they can help us to do things better and faster.A washing machine helps us to wash clothes fast. A printing

23、 machine helps us to print a lot of books, newspapers, magazines and many other things fast. Bikes, cars, trains and planes are all machines. They help us to travel faster than on foot.The computer is a wonderful machine. It was invented not long ago. It not only stores(贮存) information (信息)but also

24、stores numbers millions of times as fast as a scientist does.Lets study hard and try to use all kinds of machines to build China into a modern country.46. Machines can help us to do things better and faster, so they _.A. are difficult to makeB. are expensiveC. are important but not necessaryD. are v

25、ery helpful47. We have to travel on foot without _.A. bikesB. machinesC. planesD. trains48. Computers can store information and numbers _ a scientist does.A. a little faster thanB. as fast asC. much faster thanD. much more slowly than49. If we want to build China into a modern country, we must _.A.

26、study hardB. try to use all kinds of machinesC. invent many machinesD. A, B and C50. A printing machine can help us _.A. print a lot of booksB. read more booksC. invent many machinesD. wash clothes fastCIn many western schools, sports day is a big event. Children take part in competitive( 竞争性的 ) spo

27、rts, trying to break school records and take the first place.Sports days, or sports meets, are usually held in the warmer seasons, either at the beginning or the end of the school year. They are also called field days.Primary school sports days are fun. They usually have activities such as the egg-a

28、nd-spoon race and the sack race. Other events include the skipping race (跳绳) and the three-legged race. In middle and high schools, sports days include many of the common track and field events( 田径项目 ). They are more serious and competitive than primary school ones.Students parents and other relativ

29、es also come to the school on sports days. They watch children play. Many schools in the West have “mothers and fathers” races for parents to take part in!Although sports days are exciting, they also have some problems. According to some reports in the US, sports days have become too competitive to

30、be good for students. Some parents put too much pressure ( 压力 ) on the children. Some schools dont have “mothers and fathers” races any more as there is much fighting and cheating.51. What do children try to do when they take part in sports meets?_52. When are sports days usually held in the school

31、years?_53. What are primary school and middle school sports days like?_54. Who would come to the school to watch children play on sports days?_55. What does the writer think about sports days?_.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(每小题1分,满分5分)56. We had a w _ dinner at this restaurant.57. I think Ill stay at home and watc

32、h the v _.58. He is upset because he lost his w _. And now he has no money.59. Many t _ like to wear jeans at school.60.Eating too much c _ is bad for your teeth.用所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分5分)61. When will you have the class _ (meet)?62. If it _ (rain) tomorrow, my father will take me to school in his car

33、.63. My mother advises me _ (study) for the exam.64. The boy keeps the problem to _ (him).65. I sometimes make _ (care) mistakes myself.句型转换(每小题1分,满分5分)66. Dont wear jeans to the party, or youll be the worst.(改为同义句) _ you _ jeans to the party, youll be the worst.67. I think there will be more pollut

34、ion in the future. (改为否定句)I _ _ there _ be more pollution in the future.68. You cant pass the exam if you dont work hard. (改为同义句)You cant pass the exam _ you work hard. 69. If I join the Lions, Ill become a great soccer player.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ become a great soccer player if you join the Lions?70. Hell

35、 come back in an hour. (就画线部分提问) _ _ _ he come back?.根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题1分,满分5分)71. 如果我有很多钱,我将环游世界。If I have a lot of money, Ill _ _ _ _.72. 我认为你应该上大学。I think you should _ _ _.73. 多吃蔬菜水果对你的健康有好处。_ _ _ your health to eat more vegetables and fruit.74. 在英语考试中我常犯粗心的错误。I often _ _ _ in English exams.75. 我们有问题

36、时不应该逃避。If we have problems, we shouldnt _ _ _ them.书面表达(满分10分)假如你是李锋,你的同桌黄明不喜欢英语,上课不认真听讲,不完成作业。请你给他提一些认真学英语的建议。要求:1. 内容可适当发挥,不少于80词。2. 意思清楚,语句连贯。Dear Huang Ming, Yours,Li Feng期末检测题听力原文及参考答案. 听句子,选择正确的答语。句子读一遍。1. What will happen if they have the party today?2. Who will you go to the party with?3. Wh

37、y can our parents give us good advice about our problems?4. Can I help you?5. This shirt is really nice on you. 听对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6至7小题。W: Why are you upset?M: I have a problem.W: Whats that?M: I failed the English exam. Im afraid to tell my parents about it. mW: What will happen if you tel

38、l them?M: If I tell them, theyll be angry. But if I dont tell them, Ill feel sorry. What should I do?W: I think theyll be angrier if you dont tell the truth. They would like an honest boy.听第二段对话,回答第8至10小题。W: Can you give me some advice, Dad?M: About what?W: My best friend Lily wanted to copy my answ

39、ers in the exam. I refused because I thought it was wrong to do that. But she was angry with me.M: Youre right. She shouldnt copy others answers in the exam. You can write a letter to tell her if she has questions, you may help her, but not just let her copy your answers. I think shell understand yo

40、u in the end.W: OK, let me try. Thank you, Dad. 听短文,根据所听内容填入所缺的单词。短文读两遍。Dear Miss Li,Im going to organize a New Years party in our classroom. But Im worried about several things.First, I dont know when to have it. Next, I dont know if we can let students bring potato chips to the party. The last one

41、 is what will happen if we watch a video at the party. You have a lot of experience. Im looking forward to your advice on solving these problems.Yours,Zhang Li15 ABBAC 610 BBABC11. organize 12. worried 13. potato chips 14. video 15. solving16. C use the Internet意为“使用因特网”,排除B、C两项;at least 为固定短语,意为“至

42、少”,排除B项,答案应为C。17. B half the class指“全班同学的一半”,谓语动词应用复数。18. A tomorrow是一般将来时的时间状语,而if引导的条件状语从句可用一般现在时表将 来,故选A项。 19. C 由时间状语when they were young可知此处应用一般过去时,故主句中的谓语动词应 用like的过去式liked。20. A 努力学习与考试及格是顺承关系,用and连接。21. B weather为不可数名词,故用what来引导感叹句。22. D look happy看起来高兴。23. C something用于肯定句中,意为“一些东西,一些事情”。根据句意“我有重要的事 情告诉你”知选C。24. A three days ago提示谓语动词用过去式。25. C enjoy doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。26. B help sb.(to)


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