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1、Do you have a soccer ball?,Unit 5,Section B period 11a-1d,Be brave!勇敢点!Hands up!多举手!Read loudly!大声读!,Hi!Im Mimi.Lets learn English.,Lets go.,I have,you have,they have.She has,he has,Mary has.Do I,do you,do they?Does she,does he,does Mary?I dont,you dont,they dont.She doesnt,he doesnt,Mary doesnt.,Le

2、ts chant,I have a basketball?Do you have a_?Yes,_ _.,He doesnt have a _ _._ he _ a _ _?No,_ _.,They_ _ _._?Yes,_ _.,She _ _ _ _ _.Does she have a _ _?No,_ _.,basketball,I do,soccer ball,Does,have,he doesnt,have a volleyball,Do they have a volleyball,they do,doesnt have a ping-pang bat,ping-pang bat,

3、she doesnt,soccer ball,Happy time,interesting 有趣的,令人感兴趣的,Woo!Its interesting.,What do you think of the video(你认为这个录像怎样)?,Ah!Its relaxing.,relaxing 轻松的,What do you think of the music?,Haha!Its difficult.,difficult 困难的,968746232978+7823576877869856343=,1+1=?,easy adj.容易的,不费力的,报告会,啊这个,boring 无聊的,令人生厌的,

4、Hm.Its boring.,Haha,its fun.,fun有趣的,令人愉快的,Jack:Mom,canIhavetwopiecesofcake,please?杰克:妈妈,我可以吃两块蛋糕吗?,Mom:Certainlytakethispieceandcutittwo!妈妈:当然可以-拿这块蛋糕把它切成两块吧!,好厉害呀,You did a great job!,great adj.极好的,美妙的,4.difficult adj.困难的,5.boring adj.无聊的,令人生厌的,3.relaxing adj.轻松的,2.fun adj.有趣的,令人愉快的,1.interesting a

5、dj.有趣的,令人感兴趣的,Lets read.,6.great adj.极好的,美妙的,7.easy adj.容易的,不费力的,difficult,boring,relaxing,fun,interesting,good,好记忆,好眼力,Game 1,great,easy,1.interesting c 3.fun 5.relaxing.2.boring 4.difficult.,e,a,d,b,Match the words with the pictures.,Lets do it.,1a,Look at the pictures and guess what he/she says.(

6、看图片猜猜他或她说了什么),That sounds_.,Lets play computer games.,Game 2,fun,Which group is the luckiest(最幸运的)?,Lets watch TV.,Lets play basketball.,That sounds _.,That sounds_.,boring,interesting,That sounds_.,That sounds_.,difficult,good,Lets play soccer.,Lets play volleyball.,That sounds_.,relaxing,Lets play

7、 computer games.,4.difficult,2.boring,5.relaxing,3.fun,1.interesting,1b Listen and check()the words that you hear in 1a.,Lets listen.,1c,Listen again.What does Paul say about these activities?Fill in the blanks,play computer games(1)()play volleyball(2)()watch TV(3)()play basketball(4)(),interesting

8、,difficult,boring,fun,Listening materials(听力材料)A:Hi,Paul,Lets play computer games.B:That sounds interesting,Jenny.but I dont have a computer.A:Well,do you have a volleyball?B:Yes.A:Then lets play volleyball.B:Oh,volleyball is so difficult-A:OK,lets watch TV.B:That sounds boring.Hmmm-Lets play soccer

9、!Do you have a soccer ball?A:No,I dont.B:Oh.Well,do you have a basketball?A:Yes,I do.Lets play basketball.B:That sounds fun!,疯狂模仿秀,Lets read loudly.,大声读!,只有三个组哟,A:Do you have a.,B:Yes/No,I dont.,play tennis,play computer games,play soccer,play baseball,play volleyball,play basketball,watch TV,good/i

10、nteresting/difficult/boring/fun/relaxing/.Lets play,Chain work,A:Lets.,B:That sounds,Lets have a competition(竞赛),Which group can make more conversations?比一比哪组能编更多的对话可参考以下句型:Hello,.Do you have a?Yes,I do./No,I dont.I have a lets.That sounds./sorry,I dont like Lets play.,也只有三个组哟,SUMMARY 总结,What have y

11、ou learned in this class?,单词,短语,句子,interestingfundifficultboringrelaxing,play computer gameswatch TVplay soccer,Lets.That sounds.,收获多多,1.Lets(踢足球).-That sounds(很有趣).2.Lets play basketball.-I(没有)a basketball.Lets play ping-pong.-That sounds(那太好了).3.you(你有)a baseball bat?-No,I dont.Lets(看电视).-That sou

12、nds(很无聊).,play soccer.,interesting.,dont have,Do,boring.,watch TV.,have,good.,Rush to answer 抢答,play soccer,play volleyball,play baseball,play basketball,play tennis,play pingpong,play sports做运动,Thinking:What is the most important in our life?在我们的生活中什么是最重要的?,Health健康,Money金钱,Fame名声,Right权利,Feeling感情

13、,1,00000000,0,00000000,Lets play sports every day and keep healthy.Then we can have a good body and mind to study better.(让我们每天都做运动吧并保持我们的健康然后我们才会有一个好的身体和大脑去更好地学习).We are strong(强壮),and then we can make our country(国家)strong.(少年强则中国强),Come on,everyone!,Homework:写一篇作文,介绍你和你的家人喜欢的运动,并写出理由。(字数50左右)参考句型:I like.I think it is.My father likes.He thinks its.My,Thank you.Goodbye!,Ok!Lets say goodbye!,


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