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1、M3,U1,D:Word usage,1,.,1.As she _ the passengers on the train,She had a feeling that she was being watched,by a tall man.,2.,Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still _the traditional,customs(2008,湖北,),observe,观察,observed,庆祝,observe,keep/obey/follow the law,遵守法律,violate/disobey/break t

2、he law,违背法律,keep/celebrate/observe the Spring Festival,庆,祝春节,Win,P 50,1.have been observing,2.to observe the Spring Festival,3.observed the behaviour of deer,4.wandering around the store,5.under observation,They are shocked to find that in this town,the traffic rules are not strictly _,A.noticed,B.r

3、ecommended,C.observed,D.concerned,2.,The job market has changed and our _,to finding a job must change as well.,approach,approach,靠近,处理,方法,in the,way of doing/to do,with the method of doing,by the means of doing,with the approach to doing,with the solution to doing,approach/draw near/around the,corn

4、er/at hand,approach/deal with/do with/,cope with/address/handle/solve,Win,P 50,1.was approaching,2.approaching the problem,3.to solving this problem,4.approaches to the airport,5.approach of the final exam,PRACTISE:,_ the city center,we saw a stone,statue,of about 10 meters in height.,(,10,上海,35,),A

5、.Approaching B.Approached,C.To approach D.To be approached,3.,(2008,福建,)Whats the _ of having a,public open space where you cant eat,,,drink,or even simply hang out for a while?,sense,sense,1.,lose ones senses,2.,come to ones senses,3.,common sense,5.make sense,6.make sense of,7.in a sense,8.a sense

6、 of safety,/humour/,responsibility/justice,/direction,It makes no sense to do sth.,There is no sense doing sth.,Practise:,Dogs have a very good _ of smell and are often,used to search for survivors in an earthquake.,(,浙江,2008),A.sense B.view C.means D.idea,be suitable for,be fit for,be equal to,be q

7、ualified for,4.,The lawyer seldom wears anything other than,a,suit,whatever the season is.(2008,全国,),suit,suit,match,fit,2.Her shoes _ her dress.They look,very well.,A.suit B.fit C.compare D.match,1.,How about 8 oclock outside the cenima?,That _ me fine?,A.Fits B.meets C.satisfies D.suits,Win,P 51-P

8、52.,1.suit,2.match,3.fit/suit,4.fits,5.suited,6.suit,7.suit,5.,This new model of car is so expensive,that it is beyond the_ of those,with average income.(NMET 06,江苏,),reach,reach,reach a compromise,达成妥协,reach after,努力谋求;竭力达到;伸手想抓,reach back,回忆,回顾,reach for,伸手去拿,reach out,伸出,out of reach,beyond ones

9、reach,out of balance,失去平,衡,out of breath,out of comparison,无,可不拟,out of control,失去控,制,out of doors,户外,out of doubt,out of focus,偏离主题,out of job,失业,out of mind,忘记,out of practice,久不练习,out of question,没问题,out of reach,够不着,out of repair,发生故障,out of sight,在视野之外,out of step,不协调,out of stock,脱销,out of the

10、 question,不可,能,Practise:,(,2011,四川卷,).Always remember put,such,dangerous things as lives out of,childrens,_.,A.touch,B.sight,C.reach D.distance,At the railway station,,,the mother waved,goodbye to her daughter until the train,was _.,A.out of sight,B.out of reach,C.out of order,D.out of place,Win,P 5

11、2-P53,1.reached out for,2.reaching for,3.reached out,4.beyond the reach,5.within the reach,beyond recognition,beyond the line,字里行间以外的意思,beyond description,beyond imagination,beyond the visiting time,beyond the reach of,b,eyond ones power,beyond sb.,6.recognize,(,10,安徽),I,havent,seen,Sara,since,she,w

12、as,a,little,gir,l,and,she,has,changed,beyond_,A.,hearing,B,strength,C.,recognition,D.,measure,be recognized as,be+,过去分词,+as,be regarded as,be identified as,be described as,be pictured as,be looked on as,be thought of as,be considered as,be admitted as,be accepted as,be respected as,be honoured as,be

13、 treated as,in recognition of,in+n.+of,in praise of,in honor of,in memory of,in celebration of,in search of,in charge of,in control of,in place of,in possession of,in terms of,in view of,in support of,in favor of,in face of,in danger of,7.anxious,?,be+adj.+about,?,be anxious about sth.,?,be curious

14、about,?,be embarrassed about,?,be excited about,?,be nervous about,?,be puzzled about,?,be upset about,?,be enthusiastic about,be anxious to do sth,be anxious to do,be anxious for,be dying to do/for sth.,be eager to do/for sth,be longing to do/for sth.,long to do,be desperate to do/for sth.,8.attrac

15、t,与注意力有关的词组,a,ttract ones attention,g,et/catch/seize/draw ones attention,f,ocus/fix/concentrate ones attention on,d,istract/shift ones attention from,pay attention to,_by the beauty of nature,the girl from,London decided to spend another two days on the,farm.,(2004,辽宁卷,),Niagara Falls is a great tou

16、rist _,drawing,millions of visitors from all parts of the world.,A.Interest B.view C.scene D.attraction,Attracted,E:Revision of the other words in this unit,hesitate,attach,ignore,.,(,2011,湖北卷),21.“Tommy,run!Be quick!,The house is on fire!”the mother shouted,with_ clearly in her voices.,A.near B.rud

17、eness,C.regret D.panic,nowhere,be nowhere to be seen/found/heard,bet nowhere/somewhere/anywhere,差得远,nowhere near/far from,We only had$100 and that was _ to buy a,new computer.,A.nowhere near enough,B.near enough nowhere,C.enough near nowhere,D.near nowhere enough,Step Two:Phrases,1.in sight,in dange

18、r,in debt,in despair,in detail,in difficulty,in disorder,in effect,in jam,in mood,in supply,in tears,in trouble,in need,We give dogs time,space and love we can,spare,and _,dogs give us their,all.(,江西卷,2010),A.in all,B.in fact,C.in short,D.in return,1.People try to avoid public transportation,delays

19、by using their own cars,and this,_creates further problems.,2007,湖,北卷,A.in short,B.in case,C.in doubt,D.in turn,His efforts to raise money for his program were,_because no one showed any intention to,take a cent out of their pockets.(2009,湖北卷,),A.in place,B.in sight,C.in effect D.in vain,When she fi

20、rst arrived in China,she wondered,what the future might have _ for her,but,now all her worries are gone.,(,2008,年湖北卷),A.in need,B.in time,C.in preparation,D.in store,2.,Come to ones aid,come to an end,come to a conclusion,come to light,come to oneself,3.stare at,stare at,look at,glance at,glare at,4

21、.rather than,rather than/less than/other than/more than,1.(2011,全国卷,30),The,form,cannot,be,signed,by,anyone_,yourself.,A.rather,than,B.other,than,C.more,than,D.better,than,Rather than _ on a crowded bus,he always prefers,_ a bicycle.,A.ride;ride B.riding;ride,C.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding,Step thr

22、ee:Sentence structures:,1.The tall man was nowhere to be seen.,2.Once out in the street,she walked quickly,towards her usual bus stop.,3.Polly found herself staring up at the face of,an old man with a beard.,4.Outside,wherever,she looked the fog lay like,a thick,grey cloud.,5.As she walked along the

23、 narrow street,she heard the sound of footsteps,approaching,but by the time,she,reached the corner of the street,the,footsteps were gone.,6.I heard it was going to be cloudy this,afternoon,followed by a storm.,7.One explanation is that womens sense,of smell is better developed than that of,men,and i

24、s linked to recognizing the,smell of babies.,This is a very interesting book.Ill buy it,,,_.,(2006,陕西,20),A.how much may it cost,B.no matter how it may cost,C.however much it may cost,D.how may it cost,In peace,,,too,,,the Red Cross is expected to send,help_there is human suffering.(2006,江西,27),A.wh

25、oever,B.however,C.whatever,D.wherever,2008,辽宁卷第,28,题:,_ hungry I am,I never seem to be able to,finish off this loaf of bread.,A.whatever,B.Whenever,C.Wherever,D.However,2012,全国卷,II,第,6,题:,What shall we do tonight then?,_,whatever,you want.,A.Help yourself,B.Its a deal,C.No problem,D.Its up to you,2012,山东卷第,21,题:,When you are done with the book,just gi,ve it to Lucy or Helen or _.,A.whoever B.wherever,C.whatever,D.however,


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