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1、人教版(PEP)小学五年级上册英语全册表格式教案Unit 1 Whats he like?TopicUnit 1 Theme Whats he like? A 部分 Lesson 1 Aims1. 知识与能力目标句型:能够听、说、读、写句型:Is he young/funny?Yes,he is./No,he isnt.Whats she like? Shes kind.能够在情景中运用句型Is he/she young/? Whats he/she like?He/She is kind/询问并回答某人的性格或外貌特征能够在语境中理解单词know和句子Do you know Mr Young

2、?的意思,并能正确发音。能够理解对话大意,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并进行角色扮演词汇能够听、说、读、写单词:old,young,funny,kind,strict能够在语境中运用这些单词询问并回答关于人物性格或外貌特征的问题,或运用这些单词描述人物性格或外貌特征能够在有意义的语境汇总运用这些单词写出句子He/She/It is 2. 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标树立正确的审美观,避免以貌取人Key Points掌握strict的运用与发音熟练运用句型:Is he young/funny?Yes,he is./No,he isnt.Whats she like? Shes kin

3、d.Difficult Points掌握strict的发音一般疑问句: Is he young/funny?肯定回答:Yes,he is./否定回答:No,he isnt.AidsComputer,radio,blackboardTask Introduce your teachers to your friendsProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesStep1 Warm-upStep2PresentationStep3 PracticeStep3 ProductionStep4 SummaryStep5 HomeworkLets talk & learn1,Gr

4、eetings 2, Enjoy and sing a song: Whos your teacher?3, Groups Division 4,Introduce Oliver, then Lets try.1,教师呈现教材中和现实中教师的图片。Whos this boy/girl? 操练Do you know? No, I dont.Whos he/she? He/She is Miss/Ms/Mr a/your/ new teacher.2,指着图片继续问:Is he young? 操练young.紧接着下一张图片,图片显示教师是old.两者进行对比,操练。3,教师呈现人物图片提问:Is

5、 he/she young/old?学生回答:Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isnt.最后呈现Mr Young,问:Do you know Mr Young? 引导学生提问Is he?总结他的外貌或性格特征。引出He is funny,too.教学funny,通过拆音方式教学并提醒单词中有两个n。4,教师呈现书中各种教师表情,进行句型的操练。5,教师问:What kind of teachers do you like?学生回答:I like funny/young teachers.6,教师问:What kind of teachers does he like?听录音,

6、选择7, 教师问:Does Oliver know Mr Young?Is Mr Young an English teacher?听录音,回答。8,listen and imitate9, We know Mr Young is a music teacher? Who is Zhang Pengs science teacher? Miss Green.Is she?引出kind。10,Mr Li is a maths teacher.Is he?引出 strict11,Talk about your teachers and Ask and answer12,反义词大比拼:课件一次呈现两

7、个单词,如果两个单词是反义词,学生就大声读出,反之,不读.将学生分为两组,一组读一个单词.13,拼单词:呈现一些打乱顺序的单词,学生比赛最快拼出单词.14,教师举现实生活中的例子进行句型操练.完成任务: Introduce your teachers to your friends根据教师提供的图片,分小组运用今天所学句型,自行对话。总结今天所学的内容和德育渗透:树立正确的审美观,避免以貌取人。评出胜利小组。1,Listen and imitate Lets talk & learn2, Copy new words for four times and sentences for two t

8、imes.3,Introduce your teachers to your friends.歌曲热身,活跃课堂气氛,为新知识铺垫引入小组竞赛机制激发学习兴趣Lets try为Lets talk做铺垫Old new 对比通过各种方式操练单词让学生听音模仿,掌握正确的意群及语音、语调通过现实生活中的例子操练加强印象德育渗透:树立正确的审美观,避免以貌取人。作业分层Blackboard DesignUnit1 Whats he like?Part A Lets talk and lets learn A:Whos your teacher?B:Mr/MissA:Is he/she young/ol

9、d/funny/kind/strict? B: Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt.教后反思TopicUnit 1 Theme Whats he like? A 部分 Lesson 2 Aims1. 能够掌握字母-y的发音规则,即-y在单词词尾发/i/2. 能够读出符合-y发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合-y发音规则的单词3. 能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范Key Points能够掌握字母-y的发音规则,并读出符合-y发音规则的单词Difficult Points掌握和运用发音规则拼写单词AidsComputer,radio, blackboa

10、rd, cards, chalksTask能够掌握字母-y的发音规则,并读出符合-y发音规则的单词ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesStep1 Warm-upStep2PresentationStep3 PracticeStep3 ProductionStep4 SummaryStep5 Homework1,Greetings2,Free talk:Whos your Chinese teacher?Is he/she strict?Is he/she funny?Who is funny in your class?1,教师呈现一张图片:一个动作滑稽可爱的小娃

11、娃。教师引导学生说little baby,并采用自然拼读法进行操练。2,师生看图对话:Whats this? Its a little baby. Is he/she funny? Yes, he/she is.教师再呈现一个伤心娃娃,让学生尝试描述图片,The little baby is happy. I am sorry.3,教师问:Why I am sorry? Listen and find out.No candy for the baby.学生根据已学发音规则尝试写出单词。教师引导观察candy, happy, sorry,baby这几个单词,寻找他们在词性和发音上的共同点,帮助

12、学生发现:The letter ysounds /i/ in these words.4,教师再次播放歌谣录音,学生找出还有字母y发/i/的单词。学生学唱。5,教师引导学生说出已学过y发/i/的单词。Body,sunny,rainy,snowy,cloudy,many等。1,教师呈现书本中listen ,number and say部分,学生用拆音法拼读单词。以小组竞赛方式,流利准确者获胜。2,读一读,辨一辨。教师一次呈现两张含有字母y的单词卡片,请学生以小组比赛形式。1,教师呈现几幅图片并给出与本课所学有关的单词,让学生进行对话。2,完成书本listen,write and say。听录音根

13、据图片将正确的单词写在横线上。补全句子后,可以自行选择自己最喜欢的一句抄写在横线上,并注意知道学生在单线上抄写英语句子的规范格式。请学生总结:字母-y的发音规则,即-y在单词词尾发/i/完成活动手册相应部分复习旧知运用现在新教材倡导的自然拼读法字母-y的发音规则,即-y在单词词尾发/i/拓展旧单词,增加印象增强音形义间的联系最后落实到写。强调书写三大规则总结回顾Blackboard DesignUnit1 Whats he like?Part A Lets spelly/i/教后反思TopicUnit 1 Theme Whats he like? B 部分 Lesson 1 Aims1.知识与

14、能力目标句型:能够听、说、读、写句型:Whats Wu Yifan like? Hes hard-working.回答某人的性格或外貌特征能够在语境中理解Ms Wang will be our Chinese teacher.的意思,并能正确发音。能够理解对话大意,按照正确的意群及语音、语调朗读对话,并进行角色扮演词汇能够听、说、读、写单词:polite,hard-working,helpful,clever,shy能够在语境中运用这些单词询问并回答关于人物性格或外貌特征的问题,或运用这些单词描述人物性格或外貌特征能够在有意义的语境汇总运用这些单词写出句子He/She/It is 3. 情感态

15、度、文化意识、学习策略目标树立正确的审美观,避免以貌取人Key Points掌握hard-working的书写,shy的发音熟练运用句型:Whats Wu Yifan like? Hes hard-working.Difficult Points掌握hard-working的书写,shy的发音熟练运用句型:Whats Wu Yifan like? Hes hard-working.AidsComputer,radio,blackboardTask Introduce your friends ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesStep1 Warm-upStep2

16、PresentationStep3 PracticeStep3 ProductionStep4 SummaryStep5 HomeworkLets talk & learn1,Greetings 2, Enjoy and sing a song: Whos your teacher?3, Groups Division 4,通过课件复习Part A 的知识1,复习旧知识引导到Ms Wang,Ms Wang is a new teacher.利用课件解释Miss 与Ms的区别。并提问:Whats she like?2,播放Lets try.学生回答。3,教师问:Whats she like?播放

17、Lets talkA:She likes Chinese and music.B:She is kind,but sometimes she is strict.揭晓答案并正确朗读句子,教授sometimes。4,根据实际情况询问学生新教师,He/She is a teacher. He/She will be your new teacher.教授will be5,listen and imitate6,Ms Wang will be Johns new Chinese teacher.John meets Ms Wang in the morning.What are they talki

18、ng about?Whats John like?引导学生He is polite.操练并进行德育渗透。7,出示助人为热的图片,Whats he like? Hes helpful.操练8,对读音准确的同学夸奖,You are clever.操练9,教师呈现两张图片Tom is clever.Jack is clever,too. Tom gets 100 in the test,but Jack gets 60,why?引导学生回答hard- working.注意ar, or的发音。10,复习上节课y/i/的发音, Who is shy in the picture?操练shy11,list

19、en and imitate12,sharp eyes13,观看图片,师生问答:Whats Wu Yifan like?Hes .14,完成教材中的match and say每个同学根据自己实际情况运用今天所学单词和句型向小组同学介绍自己的朋友。总结今天所学的内容和德育渗透:做一个有礼貌,努力,上进的人。评出胜利小组。1,Listen and imitate Lets talk & learn2, Copy new words for four times and sentences for two times.3, Introduce your friends.歌曲热身,活跃课堂气氛,为新知

20、识铺垫将Miss 与Ms进行区别对比新教师情况贴近学生生活德育渗透:有礼貌,帮助人练习巩固新知作业根据学生情况进行分层Blackboard DesignUnit1 Whats he like?Part B Lets talk and lets learnA:Whats like?B:He/Shes .教后反思TopicUnit 1 Theme Whats he like? B 部分 Lesson 2 Aims1, 能够在图片的帮助下读懂日记的内容2, 能够在语境中理解新单词robot,made,speak,finish的意义3, 能够按照正确的意群及语音、语调和语气朗读日记内容4, 能够完成读

21、后练习5, 能够设计一个机器人并写出三个描述其特征的句子Key Points读懂文章,仿写句子Difficult Points仿写句子AidsComputer,radio, blackboard, chalksTaskProceduresContentsMethodsPurposes. Pre-reading.While-reading. Post-reading.Summary& homework Warm upRead & writeRead & writeLets checkLets wrap it upSummaryHomework1,Greetings2, I know a peop

22、le.He likes to say “Thank you”.He can help his parents sweep the floor. He can speak Chinese and Englishh. He is very clever.教师引导学生理解speak,Can you speak Chinese and English?3,Wu Yifan has a friend. He can speak Chinese and English. Who is he?教师呈现Robin,教学robot.4,Who made him? Whats he like? Read and

23、answer my question.学生找到第一幅图:My grandpa made him. 教授made。第二幅图:Robin is short but strong.句型: _ is _ but_.5,教师呈现第三幅图片,请学生说出这幅图片中Robin的特点。6, 第四幅图片:Whats Robin like in this picture? What does he do?教学句子:He makes me finish my homework.7, 播放录音跟读,注意意群、语音、语调和语气。1完成读后活动Read and tick or cross.2, 自己设计机器人,将它画出来,

24、并向同桌描述它的特点。3, 仿写句子描述机器人特点。4,完成Lets check5,Lets wrap it up.教师先让学生感知人称代词的用法。引导学生观察is,are 分别和he/she 和we/you/they搭配的规则。I , we ,you, it 的搭配的规则。进行相应练习1. 复习Read & write2, 完成练习册相应部分3,自主学习Story-time 部分通过guessing形式让学生引起兴趣介绍新型机器人教授阅读技巧,画重点注意意群、语音、语调和语气。语法小知识为新加部分,应与学生详细介绍Unit1 Whats he like?Part B Read and wri

25、te & letscheck教后反思Unit 2 My weekTopicUnit 2 Theme My week A 部分 Lesson 1 Aims4. Learn the new words: Monday, Thuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekend.5. Learn the key sentences: 1) What do you have on Thursdays? / 2) I have maths, English and music. /6. Enable students to use

26、the key sentences to talk about their school timetable.Key Points1.能听、说、读、写单词“Monday”,“Tuesday”,“Wednesday”,“Thursday”,“Friday”,“Saturday”,“Sunday”和“weekend”。2.能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“Whatdoyouhaveon?”,“Ihave”。Difficult Points1.表示星期的单词的学习。2.单词“weekend”的含义。AidsThetape recoder,tape, wordcardsandPPTTask Talk

27、about the school timetable(有时间完成)ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposes. Warm-up. Preview.Presentation. Practice . Summary& homeworkMain sceneLets tryLets talk Lets learnNew wordsKey sentencesLets playSummaryHomeworkSharp eyes: What class is it? Chinese class, English class, maths class, art class, PE cl

28、ass, music class, computer class, science class1. Free talk: What do you have today?2. Listen and fill the blank: What about John?1. Listen and answer the question: What does John have on Thursdays?2. Listen again and choose: What does Grandpa have on Thursdays? A. a cooking class B. a maths class3.

29、 Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.4. Role play the convention Talk about students week schedule and learn the new words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, weekend1. Game: high voice and low voice, one by one, group by group, clapping game, mi

30、ssing game2. Listen and repeat1. Say a chant together, and then try to let students to make a new chant.2. Task: Talk about the school timetable. (有时间完成)Lets see what we have learn today.1. Copy the new words, 5 times for each word.2. Copy the key sentences, 3 times for each sentence.3. 复习、熟读 lets t

31、alk & lets learn 部分4. 完成练习册相应部分通过游戏复习所学知识,活跃学生思维,同时为新课做铺垫。让学生感知lets talk的核心句型”What do you have on”, “I have”为新知识的教授做准备。通过听音回答问题,既是对学生听力的训练,同时又引出本节课的核心句型及新单词Thursday 和cooking通过谈论学生的课程表来学习新单词,与学生生活贴切,较容易引起学生的学习兴趣,同时巩固了核心句型通过不同的方式训练更能激发学生的兴趣通过chant方式,学生更有兴趣提高学生的语用能力复习小结,加深印象 Blackboard DesignUnit2Mywee

32、k Part ALetstalk&letslearnMondayTuesdayWednesdayWhatdoyouhaveon ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday weekendIhave/ Wehave教后反思TopicUnit 2 Theme My week A 部分 Lesson 2 Aims1. 能够掌握字母组合ee/ea的发音规则,即在单词中发长音/i:/。2. 能够读出符合ee/ea发音规则的字母,并能根据发音拼写出符合ee/ea发音规则的单词。3. 能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范4. 完成“Letswrapitup”的任务,初步接触简单的构词法

33、,发现简单的构词规律。Key Points1.通过大量的听读操练,掌握元音字母/i:/在单词中的发音。2.完成“Letswrapitup”的任务,初步接触简单的构词法,发现简单的构词规律。Difficult Points1.短元音/i/和长元音/i:/的比较和辨析。2.完成“Letswrapitup”的任务,初步接触简单的构词法,发现简单的构词规律。AidsThetape recoder,tapeandPPTTask Find friends for the words including “ee” and “ea”. ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposes. Wa

34、rm-up. Preview.Presentation.Practice. Summary& homework一The chant of lets spell二The song: Days of the weekFree talk一Read,listen and chant二Lets wrap it up一New wordsListen, repeat and circleListen,write and say二Complete the wordsSummaryHomeworkStudents listen to the chant, and try to chant after the t

35、apeSing the song together.一Ask questions according to the chant:Do you like to read? / 二Ask the question: What can you hear from the song?1. 通过free talk 引导学生说出I like to read/eat/ drink tea/repeat, 并解释tea和repeat的意义2. 板书核心词汇read,eat,tea,repeat,引导学生观察并找出单词中相同字母的组合ea。教师请学生读单词,体会字母组合ea的发音。3. Listen to th

36、e chant and find out the words including “ea”4. Listen again and chant after the tape, 并请几位同学朗读歌谣5. Listen and read the words after the tape教授Monday 和bedroom的单词组合方法Show some new words and let students try to read. Then let students find friends for the words including “ee” and “ea”. New words: bee,

37、see, feel, meat, sea, meal, dealComplete the practiceComplete the practiceStudents finish the practice by themselves.Lets see what we have learn today.1. 熟读the chant.2. 复习ee和ea的发音规律,即lets wrap it up 的单词组合规律。通过chant 活跃课堂氛围,并让学生初步感知新知识。活跃课堂氛围,并复习表示星期单词。为引出单词read,eat,tea,repeat做铺垫。复习星期一到星期天的单词。引出单词read

38、,eat,tea,repeat培养学生观察能力。培养学生语音辨别能力。关注学生ea的发音是否到位。学生跟读单词feet,beef,meet,tea,read,eat,感知字母组合ee和ea的发音/i:/让学生更容易理解单词的拼写规律,有助于提高学生自主学习能力。巩固ea和ee的发音规律,提高学生的自主学习能力。培养学生听音读词能力。提高学生听音能写的能力。培养学生写的能力及单词组合规律的运用。复习小结,加深印象Blackboard DesignUnit2 Myweek Part ALetsspell& PartB Letswrapitupfeet tea read meet eatMon+da

39、y=Monday bed+room=bedroom教后反思TopicUnit 2 Theme My week B 部分 Lesson 3 Aims1. Learn the new phrases: wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football.2. Learn the key sentences: 1) Do you often read books? / 2) Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3. Enable students to use the key sentences to tal

40、k about weekend activities.Key Points1.能听、说、读、写单词“wash”,“watch”,“do”,“read”和词组“washmyclothes”,“watchTV”,“dohomework”,“readbooks”,“playfootball”。2.能灵活运用句型“Doyouoftenontheweekend?”询问他人的周末活动。Difficult Points1.新词汇和新词组的学习。2.能灵活运用所学句型介绍自己的周末活动。AidsThetape recoder,tape, wordcardsandPPTTask Do a survey of your classmates weekend activities(有时间完成)Blackboard DesignUnit2Myweek Part B Letstalk& lets learn readbooks playfootball Doyouoften washmyclothesin this park/ on the weekend? dohomework watchTV Yes,Ido./No,Idont.ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposes. Warm-up. Preview.Presentation. Practice. Summary& ho


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