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1、习语强化,take a rain check,-Can you come over for dinner tonight?-Im up to my ears in work,so Ill have to take a rain check.take a rain check:改天吧,lost count,-Ever since your girlfriend moved to Bridgeport,you are always driving there.How many trips a week do you make anyway?-I have lost count,but I can

2、do it with my eyes closed.lost count:弄不清楚,be in another world,-Petes really out of it these days-Yeah,I know.Ever since he met Ann,hes been in another world.be in another world:精神恍惚;魂不守舍,make yourself at home,-Do you mind if I take off my jacket?-Of course not,make yourself at home.make yourself at

3、home:随意一点,save your breath,-Hey?John!John!-Save your breath.Hes out of earshot.save your breath:别白费口舌了,make sense,-The plot of that movie is hard to follow-It makes more sense the second time.make sense:有意义,能够理解,cost sb.an arm and a leg,-Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda-I sure did.It

4、must have cost him an arm and a leg.cost sb.an arm and a leg:非常昂贵,burn a hole in ones pocket,-Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet?-You know money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately.Maybe next month.burn a hole in ones pocket:很快地被花光,fill ones shoes,-Have yo

5、u heard that Professor Jones is retiring?-Yes.The faculty wont find anyone to fill her shoes.fill ones shoes:很好地顶替;,Is ice cold?,-Does Prof.Ford always come to class?-Is ice cold?Is ice cold?:当然了。,like apples and oranges,-Which game do you think is more difficult to learn,chess or bridge?-They are l

6、ike apples and oranges.like apples and oranges:用来表示无法相比的事物,look for a needle in a hay stack,-We are supposed to meet John here at the train station.-Thats like looking for a needle in a hay stack.look for a needle in a hay stack:大海捞针,meet each other half way,-My chemistry project is in trouble becau

7、se my partner and I had totally different ideas about how to proceed.-You should try to meet each other half way.meet each other half way:相互妥协,on the dot,-Did you and Amanda really meet exactly five minutes to two in front of the theatre?-Yes,we were both there on the dot.on the dot:准点、正点,once and f

8、or all,-I am going to tell that neighbor of mine to turn down that music once and for all-I see why you are angry.But Ive always found that the polite route is the most effective.once and for all:最后一次,out of this world,-Have you tried Susans apple pie?-I got the last piece.And it was out of this wor

9、ld.out of this world:非常好,play by ear,-Marty,are you doing anything special for your presentation in political science tomorrow?-Not really,because the class so often turns into a discussion,Ive decided to play it by ear.play by ear:随机应变,视情形而定,ring a bell,-That name just doesnt ring a bell with me.ri

10、ng a bell:令人想起某件事;听起来耳熟,six of one and half-a-dozen of the other,-I cant decide whether to take anthropology or geology this term.-Its six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.six of one and half-a-dozen of the other:半斤八两;没什么区别,stick with,-I wonder what this new flavor of ice cream tastes like?-I tr

11、ied it last week.If I were you,I would stick with an old favorite.stick with:继续做,坚持,straighten out,-I almost forgot.I still owe you ten dollars from the other night.Do you have change for a twenty?-Oh,not at the moment.Lets just straighten it out some other time.straighten out:扯平;结清,turn ones back o

12、n sb,-Hell turn his back on me if I ask for money.turn ones back on sb:不愿帮助sb,under the weather,-Its good to see you,Mary.How have you been?-Actually I have been feeling under the weather recently.under the weather:身体不适,bite off more than one can chew,-I hear youve been taking an advanced physics co

13、urse this semester.Hows it going?-I think Ive bitten off more than I can chew.bite off more than one can chew:贪多嚼不烂;心有余而力不足;不自量力;力不从心,break new ground,-His architectural design broke new ground in the field.break new ground:创新。,draw the line,-Paul expects me to clean the room every week.-Thats where

14、 I draw the line.draw the line:拒不容忍,do the trick,-Ive been trying to get the furnace started,but I cant find the right switch.-Here,I believe this one in the back will do the trick.do the trick:达到理想的结果,听力,1.新旧六级比较具体变化:题型增多,分值由20上升至35,时间也相应从20分钟变为35分钟。(1)老六级Section A:10 short conversationsSection B:3

15、 passages or compound dictation,听力,(2)新六级Section A:8 short conversations and 2 long conversationsSection B:3 passagesSection C:compound dictation(11个空),基本知识,听不懂怎么办?1)音的问题2)语速的问题,基本知识,美音和英音区别:A.美音中元音开口特别大,而英音开口特别小(fast,ask,bath,answer)B.辅音浊化:美音中清辅音在两个元音夹击下可能变为浊辅音(water,matter)C.儿化音:美音中如果字母加上 r 则产生儿化音

16、,基本知识,重读和弱读can,cantI have been sick four days./for days.blackboard,greenhouse,基本知识,2)语速的问题 常见的连读方式:A.辅音+元音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头Not at all.Check it out.,基本知识,B.辅音+辅音:在一句话中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以辅音开头,后一个辅音发音,前一个不发音。Good night!First thing,基本知识,技巧和规律 六个技巧:听前:快速阅读选项;预测内容和题型 听中:理解大意,抓住主题;注意短语 听后:选择相近的选项

17、;争取去找对立的选项,基本知识,如何正确阅读选项?scan,关键要抢时间扫读、略读。找异同点,先纵读再横读,基本知识,注意三点:不要轻意地改动自己的第一选择 要果断选择答案 勇于放弃,听力复习策略,1、精听和泛听的关系:考前一个月以内最好只精听,不泛听;一个月之外以泛听为主,精听为辅。2、模拟题与真题的关系:考前一个月之内只真题,不要做模拟题;一个月之外,随意做什么题(建议不要做模拟题)。3、每天至少安排35分钟练习,其间不间断地专心听4、多听、多记、多总结5、考前一周要注意调整自己的生物钟,进考场之前可以先听听英文歌或以前的题目热身。,小短文,短文题材:天文、地理、科幻、科学、文化、教育、风

18、俗、历史、人物、日常生活,一、3种题型,1.细节题2.推理题3.主旨题,一、3种题型,1.细节题:what,when,why,where,what,howWhat happened.in this passage?Who was responsible for.?Why did.?Where did accident take place?How can.?How many.?In what way.?When will.,3种题型,2.推理题:不要掺杂自己的主观理解。What can we infer from the passage?What the passage tell us abo

19、ut?What could possibly have if.?What do we learn from the passage?,3种题型,3.主旨题:(注意首尾句的作用)What is the passage mainly about?What is a main idea of the passage?What does the passage mainly discuss?What do we learn from the passage?What can be concluded from the passage?What is the best title for the pas

20、sage?,八种短文类型,1.小故事2.名人段落3.学校教育体制4.特殊机构以及西方文化5.日常生活6.灾难危机7.调查研究8.新闻,八种短文类型,1.小故事主要类型:幽默故事、奇闻轶事三个考点:(1)首三句:交待故事背景以及主人公遇到什么问题(2)主人公做出了什么样的计划或决定以及原因(3)故事往往会以非常生动的结局收尾,通常主人公做了出人意料的举动或说了意味深长的话,然后要推测其言外之意,八种短文类型,2.名人段落考过的名人:政治家、总统、艺术家、商人、作家、运动员、球星、科学家、教师 三个考点:(1)开篇句会对某个人物进行简介,有时候会给出生和死亡年代(2)名人做过的著名的大事(3)名人

21、的历史地位评价,八种短文类型,3.学校教育体制 考过的类型:美国中小学、私立学校(private school)、公立学校(public school)、宗教学校(religion school)、美国某学校特殊的教育体制方法三个考点:(1)开篇句会对学校进行简介以及提出基本问题(2)经常会出现师资、生源、宿舍、图书馆、课 外活动、办学力量、逃学旷课等等相关的介绍(常出现数字题)(3)学校的解决办法以及独特的方面,八种短文类型,4.特殊机构以及西方文化 a.特殊机构类:银行、餐厅、法庭、监狱、图书馆、市政设施、政府当局等等三个考点:(1)开篇句会对某种机构进行简介,有时会带出所在地点、国家等等

22、(2)机构的运作方式(3)给特殊群体带来了什么样的便利,有时会有些评价,八种短文类型,b.文化类:好莱坞电影、芭蕾舞、音乐剧等三个考点:(1)开篇句会对其进行简介(2)人们选择它的原因,它的独特之处(3)它的创作人员以及创作原因,八种短文类型,5.日常生活 主要类型:a.说明文:汽车、电脑、服装、餐饮、书籍、宠物、旅游休闲等等 三个考点:开篇句会对其进行简介 它的独特之处以及人们选择它的原因 它的未来趋势和变化,八种短文类型,b.议论文:代沟、辍学、上网、女权主义、健身运动等 三个考点:提出论点 正反两方的论点 总结,八种短文类型,6、灾难危机 六大类:环境污染;资源短缺;人口爆炸;交通问题;

23、犯罪现象;吸毒、离婚、自杀等现象 三个考点:(1)开篇句会提出一个社会热点问题,分析现象特点以及形成原因(2)它的危害之处(3)人们的解决办法,八种短文类型,7、调查研究 主要类型:国外某个大学或研究机构进行的某项特殊的调查试验研究 四个考点:(1)开篇句会以一个日常生活事实来引出话题(2)步骤、目的、结果,会出现数据比较(3)对结果进行分析并得出相关推论(4)有时会出现专家的意见,八种短文类型,8.新闻 考查类型:一般是不好的事情 考点:(1)自我介绍(2)介绍事情的起因、经过(3)当局正在采取什么措施,短文听力八大原则,1.重复原则 2.强调原则3.因果原则4.转折原则5.开头原则6.尾巴


25、而易见的表达方式提醒我们,例如:“indeed(真正的)”、“certainly(当然)”、“Just remember(一定要记住)”、“And again.(再说一遍)”、“Most importantly(最为重要的是)”、“One thing I should mention(我应该提及的是)”、“Make/Be sure to(一定要)”等等。,2.强调原则,2)解释强调:听短文时,要注意那些“本身含义上带有解释性质的词或结构”。比如:“,which is/that is(那就是说)”显然,“which is/that is”引导的定语从句是为防止我们考生听不懂前面的内容(生僻的词或

26、概念),而特意添加上去,用来进一步加以解释的。所以这种解释性的定语从句理所当然就成了强调考点所在的重要标志。类似的结构如“What I mean is”、“All that means”等等不胜枚举。,2.强调原则,3)举例强调:听短文时,要注意那些“带有举例或列举性质的词或结构”。比如:“for example(例如)”因为例子总比道理简单易懂得多。命题人也知道:考生明白了后面的举例,自然也就理解了前面的概念,然后再考前面的概念也就顺理成章了。这点显然跟解释原则类似。所以这种举例或列举式的结构也成了强调考点所在的重要标志。类似的结构如“for instance”、“such as”“name

27、ly”、“takeas an example”等等不胜枚举。,2.强调原则,4)级别强调:听短文时,也要注意那些“带有比较级或最高级性质的词或结构”。比如:“much higher than”,因为有比较就有观点,是观点就是考点。所以这种它们也经常是表明考点所在的重要标志。类似的结构还有“-er”、“-est”、“more”、“most”、“mostly”、“first”、“last”、“majority”、“minority”、“above all”等等。,2.强调原则,5)结论强调:听短文时,要特别注意那些“带有结论、总结性质的词或结构”。比如:“I concluded that(我的结论

28、是)”,不可否认,结论性言语在哪里都是最重要的,所以这种带有结论、总结性质的词或结构也经常标志着考点的存在。类似的结构还有“conclusion”、“summarize”、“make a summary”、“in brief”、“in short”、“in a word”、“finally”、“all in all”、“to sum up”等等举不胜举。,2.强调原则,6)对比强调:听短文时,还要特别注意那些“带有对比性质的词或结构”。比如:“compare to(与相比)”这种带有对比性质的词或结构也标志着考点就在周围。类似的结构还有“unlike”、“similar to”、“in con

29、trast to(与对照)”、“differently”、“alike”、“on the other hand”“instead”、“likewise”、“in the same way”等等。,3.因果原则,听短文时,要特别注意那些“含有因果含义的词或结构”。原因类:1)because 2)because of 3)due to 4)since 5)as 6)for 7)The reason is 8)Thats why 9)By reason of 10)Owing to,3.因果原则,结果类:1)so 2)so that 3)therefore 4)thereby 5)hereby 6)

30、thus 7)As a result 8)consequently 9)hence 10)accordingly,3.因果原则,Trade unioners say that we must thank the unions for the great improvement in working conditions in the last hundred years.It is now against the law for union members to go on strike without the support of their union.This kind of strik

31、e is called the unofficial strike and was common until recently.Employers feel that unofficial strikes were most harmful because they would not be predicted.However,these unofficial strikes still occur from time to time and some unions have also refused to cooperate with the law.As a result,the gene

32、ral picture of the relations between workers and employers in Britain has gone from bad to worse.13.What conclusion can be drawn from this passage?A)Trade unions in Britain are becoming more popular.B)Most strikes in Britain are against the British law.C)Unofficial strikes in Britain are easier to d

33、eal with now.D)Employer-worker relations in Britain have become tenser.答案:D,4.转折原则,听短文时,还要特别注意那些“含有转折含义的词或结构”。1)but 2)however 3)nevertheless 4)while 5)yet 6)unless 7)except for 8)actually 9)in fact 10)practically 11)virtually 12)as a matter of fact 13)To tell you the truth,4.转折原则,Another problem is

34、that the members of the Biramichi fishing cooperative are overfishing.Fishes are caught when they are on the way upstream to lay eggs.Consequently,not enough fish are left to reproduce in large numbers.The members of the cooperative say that they have already reduced their annual catch by 60 percent

35、.However,my study indicates that they took fewer fish because there were fewer fish to catch,not because they were trying to preserve fishes.Q:Why was the annual catch of the fish in the Biramichi river reduced according to the speaker?A)There were fewer fish in the river.B)Over-fishing was prohibit

36、ed C)The local Chamber of Commerce tried to preserve fishes.D)The local fishing cooperative decided to reduce its catch.答案:A(2003年1月),5开头原则,听段子时,要特别注意听清“段子开头的一两句话”。往往TOPIC(主题)会在这一带出现,而主题必为考点。,6尾巴原则,同样,还要特别注意听清“段子结束时的一两句话”。往往Conclusion(结论)会在这一带出现,而结论也必为考点。,7.人名原则,听短文时,不论是文科段还是理科段,只要出现人名的地方,往往“埋伏着”考点。

37、因为后面通常会有一道题会问这个人的地位、作用和所做出的特殊贡献。故含有人名之处经常为考点。,7.人名原则,Every year,for example,thousands upon thousands of people run in one race,the Boston Marathon,the best known long distance race in the United States.In recent years,there have been nearly 5,000 official competitors and it takes three whole minutes

38、 for the crowd of runners just to cross the starting line.You may have heard the story of the Greek runner Pheidippides.He ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the great victory 2,500 years ago.No one knows how long it took him to run the distance.But the story tells us that he died of

39、 the effort.Today no one will die in a Marathon race.But the effort is still enormous.,7.人名原则,15.What happened to the ancient Greek runner Pheidippides?A)He won the first prize.B)He died because of fatigue.C)He fell behind the other runners.D)He gave up because he was tired.,8.问答原则,听短文时,还要特别注意那些“含有一问一答或自问自答形式的句子或结构”。往往问题就会做为考题,而对问题的回答就是考点所在,即正确答案的出处。,


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