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1、,广告创意Adivertising creativity,What is Ads,Appreciation of some Ad slogans,What is advertising creativity,Appreciation of some Ads,What is ADs,The art of convincingconvince yourselfconvince the consumersconvince the clientconvince the partner,Adivertising creativity,Advertising creativity is to highli

2、ght the product features and brand content th1rough unique technology and creative thinking so as to attract more attention and acheive the purpose of sales promotion.,Now lets see some creative print ads,Adidas+10The combination of the peoples body is very interesting and smartly express the spirit

3、 of unite and teamwork.,Federal ExpressThe fire trucks have to be delivered by the FedEx to the scene of fire,which is ironic to the fire department and meantime stress the high speed of FedEx.,Detergent(清洁剂)Afraid of the detergent,the spilled coffee has to run away from the floor quickly.,This ad i

4、s about some magazine which stresses the print effect.The mouse is so lifelike that it scares the lady off.,This is an ad of pesticide(杀虫剂).The pesticide is so effective that the frog has nothing to eat but to beg for food.,Nestle Coffee.Nestle coffee is with you at every moment.,GymYou can see how

5、strong you become after you work out!,Postal ServiceIf you really want to touch someone,send them a letter.,Toothpaste牙好,胃口就好,三星AnycallThe screen becomes a cars window in this ad.A parking ticket is stuck on the screen.The ad highlights the operation speed of the cellphone.,人生之路无捷径,成长难免有创伤-邦迪创可贴,Fiv

6、e Kinds of Advertising Creativity,故事情节加解说(费德勒耐克网球广告)无语言纯故事(戛纳广告节环保广告)电影剧情型(Johnnie Walker 系列广告)音乐型(耐克:i feel pretty)广告歌型(未来广告 心在一起),Ad slogan(广告词),The ad slogan is a very important part of an ad.The application of rhetoric(修辞)can make the ad easier to remeber therefore attract more consumers.There a

7、re many kinds of rhetoric,including quoting(引用),metaphor(比喻),personification(拟人),hyperboles(夸张),antithesis(对仗),rhetoric question(反问)and so on.,quoting,I think,therefore iMac!-AppleThis slogan originates from the old saying I think,therefore I am(我思故我在).,metaphor,Dove:牛奶香浓,丝般感受.The slogan is classic

8、because it describes the feeling of smooth all by some simple words and give the consumers so much space to think.,personificationPoetry in motion,dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)hyperbolesTake TOSHIBA,take the world!拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子),antithesisWe integrate,you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)No bu

9、siness too small,no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司),Some classic ad slogans,Good to the last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)Obey your thirst 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。Dare for More 突破渴望(百事可乐)Coke is it.就是可口可乐。Always Coca-Cola.永远是可口可乐。Life Begins Here

10、.生活从这里开始。(可口可乐)万有引力,从苹果开始!(苹果公司),Thank you,新闻宣传,促销,公共关系,广告,注意,兴趣,欲望,记忆,行动,The emotional thinking in ADs is the study of discovering,exploring and communicating with potential emotion in people so as to cause people psychological resonance,therefore acheiving the purpose of attracting more attention

11、and sales promotion.,广告创意中一般强调有情有意。只有“情如春雨细如丝”,才能使人在潜移默化中受到美的感染。情感思维案例 案例1-热情与激情 案例 2-爱情 奥妮 润发100 案例 3-亲情,案例:热情与激情,引亢高歌,案例:爱情 奥妮 100年润发,案例:亲情,兄弟之情,案例:轻松,幽默,广告创意不只是文字的表面。高明的广告创意不是明言直说,而是旁敲侧击,剑走偏锋。或是寄寓想象、或是借助形象往往是欲擒故纵、避实就虚,一句话:贵在含蓄。这种方式实际创作中常常是“言犹尽而意无穷”,不要把什么都说“白”,而是留下一个“灰色地带”,把没有说出来的话借助于特定的意境让消费者自己去领会。,广告口号的翻译随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。(速效救心丸)A friend in need is a friend indeed.“要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝”Applying“Dabao”morning and night,Makes your skincare a real delight.国酒茅台,相伴辉煌。Good and vigorous spirit,


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