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1、Build on it.I will stick to my faith and work even harder. I believe my dream will come ture sooner or later.一、交际用语1、Afternoon sir, Where to? Please get me to the airport.2、Are you sure about that? Oh, yes, I am absolutely positive.3、Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? At the office.4、Can I take yo

2、ur order now? Just a moment, Two friends are coming.5、Do you like watching football matches? Football? No, it is a waste of time.6、Dont take too long at the coffee shop. It is 14:05. I see, we have 30 minutes left.7、Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? Sorry sir, I m a stranger here

3、myself.8、Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? In half an hour.9、Excuse me, dose this bus go to the bookstore? No, youd better change at the nest stop.10、Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? On your right, itll leave in 5 minutes.11、Have you got a table for four, w

4、aiter? Yes, sure. This way, please.12、Hello, could I speak to Don? Who is speaking?13、Help yourself to the steak, Maggie? Thank you, Helen.14、How do I get to Cairo? You could catch the 9:30 flight and change at Paris.15、Hurry up, the lecture begins at 2:00. Dont worry. Weve got 20 minutes.16、I have

5、an appointment with Dr. Johnson. Please wait for a minute, he is busy now.17、I have not seen Belly for 10 years. Neither have I.18、I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as hes promised.Do not worry, he always keeps his word.19、I wonder if Tim could control the situation. Well, if he

6、 cant control it, no one can.20、I m trying to call Marie, but theres no answer. Really? Maybe she is out.21、Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2 floor? On the ground floor.22、Is there a drugstore near here? Yes, there is a big one.23、Is this the motel you mentioned? Yes, its as quite as we expecte

7、d.24、Ive got two tickets for the match, shall we go and watch it together? Why not? Lets go.25、Joe will come to the party at Jane and Lans, wont he? Yeah, hes bringing his cousin Sandy.26、Lets take a walk? Yes, lets.27、Look, 25% off. The 2500 camera is on sale today. Yeah, a surprising bargain. Ill

8、buy it.28、May I give you a hand? Thank you, you are so kind.29、May I help you, Madam? Yes, Id like 2 kilos of oranges.30、Must I do the washing-up tonight? Leave it if you are exhausted.31、Oh, you are back at work, how was your holiday? We had rain everyday and stayed at the hotel most of the time.32

9、、Thanks a lot, youve gone to so much trouble. Its no trouble at all.33、The lecture given by professor Smith was really interesting. I could not agree with you more.34、Oh, you are back at work, how was your holiday? We had rain everyday and stayed at the hotel most of the time.35、What do you find dif

10、ficult in learning English? Listening and speaking.36、What do you think about this story? I like it very much.37、What kind of TV program do you like best? Its hard to say. Actually.38、What subjects are you studying? Im studying philosophy.39、What would you like, tea or coffee? Coffee, please.40、What

11、s the weather like in your hometown? Its cold in winter and hot in summer.41、Which language do you speak at home? English, most of the time.42、Who has done your hair, Susan? My hair stylist.43、Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? Sorry. I have an appointment with Dr. Brown.44、Will you have some

12、 dessert, Judy? No, thank you, Im on a diet.45、Will you please turn down the TV? Sorry, I have not realized you are sleeping.46、Would I borrow your CD of English songs? I am sorry, it is not at hand now.47、Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? Of course not.二、词汇与结构1、What I enjoy mos

13、t is that I can have a holiday from work.2、What they are doing has never been done before.3、Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.4、The majority of people agree with him.5、A15-year-old boy was arrested for stealing 22 charity boxes from local shops.6、A new hotel is being built in t

14、he center of town at the moment.7、After winning the bid, major construction began in Beijing.8、All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, however.9、Although I am a good swimmer, I do not like swimming in the sea.10、An adyiser said in China a sandwich course should be one year work, one

15、 year college?11、Ann is studying politics at university.12、Are trees being planted along the road right now.13、Are you free in July? No, I am studying with my parents in July.14、Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago, who are you waiting for?15、Before she began to study at Beijing univer

16、sity, she had worked in a factory for five years.16、By the end of this year, I will have saved enough money for a holiday.17、China is in the east of Asia.18、Could you please pay me in advance.19、Did you have a neighbor who was always poking his nose into your business.20、Dont worry, your watch is be

17、ing repaired and you can have it in no time.21、Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.22、He adjusted himself quickly to the new condition of his work.23、He has been working in the laboratory the whole morning.24、He asked me where I came from.25、He goes to school by bike, and the journey takes h

18、alf an hour.26、He is a Kind-hearted and respectable gentleman.27、He is the man whose dog bit me.28、He is very keen on football.29、He seldom dose his homework at school on weekdays, dose he?30、He spends a quarter of the days sleeping.31、He was over the moon about his new job.32、His parents will be di

19、sappointed with him if he fails the examination.33、History is the story of whatever happened to the people before today.34、I am leaving for new York in three days time.35、I can do that job by myself.36、I have lived here since 1997.(1) Why did Mrs sharp have to move to Greenleas? Because her house in

20、 the downtown area was knocked down.(2)When she got married, she lived together with her parents for some time.(3)How did she know so many people? Because they were either her relatives or schoolmates.(4)The sentence “ I had one neighbour who has always poking her nose into our business” in the last

21、 paragraph Means I had one neighbour who always showed interest in our private affairs.(5)What does this passage mainly deal with? What the extended family is like.2、)原文第一句)Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity.

22、。(后文省略)(1) What does the word “extraordinary” mean in the title? Very unusual and surprising.(2) The sentence “my husband thought I was bored”in paragraph 4 meant that my husband thought I felt Dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do home.(3)The word “section” in paragraph 4 most probably me

23、ans here Part of the sail route(4)Which of the following is neatest (closest) in meaning to “rough” in the sentence “One night the sea. was very rough” in paragraph 5? not smooth because of huge waves.(5) The last paragraph suggests that The qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those f

24、or a dancer.3、(原文第一句)When I was a little girl, my brother and I collected stamps for many years.。(后文省略)(1) This passage mainly tells us The author and her brother had am unforgettable experience in collecting stamps.(2) According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office On Saturdays(3) t

25、heir mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England win, but she did not tell them why. Why do you think she did that? She wanted to give them a surprise.(4) What dose the sentence “we were over the moon” mean? We were extremely happy about it.(5) What is the best

26、title for this passage? A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps.4、(原文第一句)Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman.。(后文省略)(1) The topic sentence of paragraph I is Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman(2) T he topic sentence of paragraph 2 is He was unhappy after he retired.(3) Whic

27、h of the following statements can best express the main idea. of paragraph 3? He bought a small crockery factory in secret and started work again.(4) What is the central idea of the last paragraph? Since he started working again, Morgan Rees had expanded the company considerably, which has enriched

28、his retired life.(5) The passage mainly deals with How Morgan Rees Iived his retired life more happily by turning to work again。5、(原文第一句)Benjamim Disraeli,the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said,“London is not a city,it is a nation。”。(后文省略)(1) Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disra

29、eli s statement is an understatement?Because he thinks London is _a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity(2) Why does the writer think new arrivals are an advantage to London?Because they have regularly increased its character and prosperity (3) London is regarded as the most cultur

30、ally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _Many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds。(4) The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _Young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures(5) The passage mainly deals with _The cultural di

31、versity in London6、(原文第一句)“Listen,that s not rigth。” “Look,you dont understand !。” “Sorry,I dont follow。”。(后文省略)(1) Which of the following learners is NOT mentioned in the passage?Sensory learner(2) Which of the following is not true about the visual learners?They remember peoples names quickly(3) W

32、hich of the following describes best the auditory learners?They prefer to listen rather than watch(4) From the fourth paragraph,the kinaesthetic learner tends to _do more physical exercises(5) According to the passage,the drawback of being a visual learner is _he cannot concentrate on things7、(原文第一句

33、)The chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low。But you cam avoid risk in the following ways。 。(后文省略)(1) This passage mainly focuses on _How to avoid crimes both at home and in the street(2) If you want to guarantee your safety at home,you should _Never leave the keys with workmen si

34、nce they can easily make copies(3) Based on the passage,if you notice someone following you,its better for you to _Go to public places(4) Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?Because its convenient for us to report to the police in case there is a burglary(5) From the passage,we can infer

35、that we might be victims if _We cannot part with the money when being attacked8、(原文第一句)To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains。 。(后文省略)(1) According to this passage,the umbrella was probably first invented _In ancient China(2) Which of the following statem

36、ents is not true about the umbrella?The umbrella changed much in style in the 18th century(3) A strange feature of the umbrellas use is that it was used as _A symbol of honour and power(4)In Europe, the umbrella was first used against the rain_ In Roma(5)This passage talks mainly about_ The history

37、and use of the umbrella9,(原文第一句)People travel a lot with Heaven Air because they know they will get what they want(后文省略)(1)Heaven Air is the name of_ An airline(2) Traveling with Heaven Air is _ Quick and safe (3) Heaven Air can take you to Paris_ Any time in a week(4) Most flight of Heaven Air go t

38、o _ Both big and small cities(5) According to the advertisement, Heaven Air believes it is _ The best in the word 10,(原文第一句)Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. She told us about caring for her mother(后文省略)(1)What dose this passage mainly deal with? Lilys daily experien

39、ce as a carer of her 91-year-old mother,(2) Their breakfast form Monday to Saturday usually includes_ Toast(3) Which of the following is TRUE, based on the passage? The usually have breakfast together at home(4) From the passage, we learn Lilys mother_ Is good looking (5) How does Lily feel about ca

40、ring for her mother? She feels she is bound by it but she has no other better choice.11,(原文第一句)Ann is our only daughter, My wife and I have two sons, and Ann is the youngest in the family, but shes twenty-five now .(后文省略)(1)According to the passage, when Anna was a child, she _got an illness (2) It

41、can be inferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is _ mainly a womans responsibity (3) What does “take after” mean in the first sentence of paragraph 2? look like (4) My daughter and I have little in common in terms of_ character (5) From the passage , we can see the

42、authors description of his daughter is_ affectionate 12,(原文第一句)A 15-year-old boy, who was first found guilty or theft at the age of 12,was convicted of stealing 22 charity boxes yesterday from local shop.(后文省略) (1)The boy was caught stealing while he was _dressed up as woman representative from the

43、Charity Help A id (2) Which of the following is NOT true according to the second paragragh? He had been arrested and thrown into a reform school 8 times. (3) Why did one of the shop owners call the police? Because the boy answered the call in a rude way (4) According to the judge, why did the boy be

44、come a criminal? Because he came from a single-parent family. (5) What does the title of the passage suggest? The boy who pretended to be a woman charity worker was spotted 37、I prefer tea to coffee.38I regret to say that Im unable to help you.39I was busy with my paper when I heard someone moving a

45、bout in the room above.40I do not have to finish my homework now,I can do it at the weekend.41If I get the new job ,I will buy a better car.42If you go by car,youll get there within 40 minutes.43If you have made a decision,please stick to what you want.44Im in Greece at the moment,I like the weather here.45In china,children have to start school at seven.46In the fifties last century many new cities grew up in the desert.47It was convenient living close to work.


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