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1、电大英语试题答案 试卷号:2204试卷代号:2204 第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B 【Wrong)并将答案写在答题纸上。 1- where are you from? - l am from Paris. ARight BWrong 2- Would you like a cup of tea? - No, Im fine, thanks . ARight BWrong 3.- London is a bit less modern than Shanghai. - I agree with y

2、ou. I think London is just as modern as Shanghai. ARight BWrong 4.- Shall we ask my friends to play guitar? Yes, lets. ARight BWrong 5.- Hello, could I speak to Doctor Brad Jennings, please? - This is Brad Jennings speaking. ARight BWrong 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分) 6-25题:阅读下面的句子,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳

3、选项,并在答 题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6. Thank you for replying _ my e-mail. Ato Bof Cfrom 7.I like sitting in the cafes, _ the newspapers and _ people . Aread, watch Breading, watching Cread, watching . I can hear the noise from cars _. A. in night B. at night C. at evening 9. You can ask questions about any detail

4、 _ to this meeting. A. relate B. to relate C. relating 10.Do you need any rice? I can get some _ you _ the supermarket. A. to, from B. for, to C. for, from 11. Do you come here _? - Yes, Im a member of the health club. I come twice a week to swim. A. much B. many C. soon 12. Look, Im getting too fat

5、. I must do more exercise. - _ A. Yes, you should work out. B. Yes, you should watch out. C. Yes, you should run out. 13. Would you like something to drink? - _, please. A. Two cups of waters B. Two cup of waters C. Two cups of water 14. I dont like the weather here. Its often _. A. depressing B. de

6、pressed C. depressive 15. I _ reading novels _ watching movies. I like my own imagination when I read them. A. would rather, than B. prefer, to C. prefer, than 16. I usually have breakfast _ about a quarter past seven. A. at B. for C. pair 17. I have a reservation for a _ room. Adouble Bcouple Cpair

7、 18. The microwave oven isnt working at the moment, but Ill repair _ soon. Ait Bone Csome 19. How long does the bus? -About half an hour. Aspend Btake Cuse 20. Can I use the cooker in the kitchen? -Sorry, you _. Acannot Bcan not Ccant 21. How _ time are you going to spend with me? Amany Blot Cmuch 2

8、2.You need to make an appointment with a doctor before the doctor _ you. A. tests Bexamines C. looks 23.Whos going to _ the washing-up? A. do B. go Cmake 24. They will meet again _ tonight. Athem Bthemselves C. each other 25. Banks open _ Monday _ Friday. A. from, to B. between, to Cfrom, and 第三部分句型

9、转换(共计15分,每小题3分) 26-30小题:根据括号里的提示或利用括号里的词语改写下列句子,并将答案写在答题纸上。 26. The nurse has lunch between 12.00 and 1.00 pm.(改为否定陈述句) 27. I have to go to work that day.(改为一般疑问句) 28. He is interested in learning English.(用What 对划线部分提问) 29.Jane will go to Japan on duty for about five days.(用how long 对划线部分提问) 30.You

10、 cant wait here.(改为祈使句) 第四部分 阅读理解(共计20分) 31-35题:阅读下列短文,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选 的字母符号。(共计10分,每小题2分) Xiaoyan: Okay, Polly, what TV programmes do you like? Polly: Well, I dont like serious programmes, but I always watch the late news. Xiaoyan: Yes, the news is Okay, but I like serious programmes

11、. I like documentaries. I dont understand English comedy. Do you like nature programmes? Polly: Yes. I do. Is there a nature programme this evening? Xiaoyan: Yes. Australian Nature at half past seven.Polly: OK. When does it finish? Xiaoyan: At half past eight. I like watching London Lives. Its start

12、ing now. Theres real English in it. Polly: OK. Ill turn it on. 31.Xiaoyan and Polly are talking about TV programmes. ARight BWrong 32. Xiaoyan likes sports. ARight BWrong 33.Polly likes nature programmes. ARight BWrong 34. Australian Nature lasts an hour and a half. ARight BWrong 35.Xiaoyan wants to

13、 watch London Lives because she can learn real English from it. ARight BWrong 36-40小题:阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(Right)还是错误 ( Wrong)并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(共计10分,每小题2分) I am Carlos. I am from America, but I love Italian food. I have to take the orders and serve the food. I have two free evenings a week. But I

14、 always have to work on Friday and Saturday evenings when the restaurant is busy. The wages are not good, but I am nice to customers so I get a lot of tips. I am permanent so I get holiday pay- three weeks a year. I go back to America and I see my family. There I dont have to serve food my mother se

15、rves me! 36. Carlos is a _. Abig restaurant owner Bchef C. waiter 37. Carlos likes _ food. AItalian BBritish C. American 38. Carlos works _. Ain the daytimes Bin the evenings C. at lunchtime 39. The restaurant is usually busy _. Aon Friday and Saturday afternoons Bon Friday and Saturday eveningsC. e

16、very day 40. Carlos gets _. Aholiday pay Bno tips from the customers C. good wages 第五部分翻译(共计15分,每小题3分) 41-45题:英译汉。将下列英文句子翻译成中文,并将答案写在答题纸上。 41. John is more interested in reading than I am. 42. I have an English class four times a month. 43. What about taking a photo? 44. The temperature doesnt below

17、 5 degrees in spring here. 45. The bed is not comfortable enough.答案:15 AABAA 610 ABBCC 1115 AACAB 1620 AAABA 2125 CBACA26.The nurse doesnt have lunch between 12:00 and 1:0027.Do you have to go to work that day? 28.What is he interested in?29.How long will Jane go to Japan on duty?30.(please) Do not wait here3135 ABABA 3640 CABBA41.约翰比我对阅读更感兴趣。42.我每个月上四次英语课。43.照张相怎么样?44.这里春天气温不低于5度。45.这张床不够舒服。


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