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1、2011-2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(新课标I) 七选五真题 附答案 (精心校对版)2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Money MattersParents should help their children understand money. 71 so you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example

2、.1. The basic function of moneyBegin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services. Its important to show your child how money is traded for the thing he wants to have. If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the ca

3、shier .72 when your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more complex ways of using money.2. Money lessonsApproach money lessons with openness and honesty. 73 If you must say no to a childs request to spend money, explain,”You have enough toy

4、trucks for now.” Or, if the request is for many different things, say. “You have to make a choice between this toy and that toy.”3. 74 Begin at the grocery store. Pick out similar brands of a producta name brand butter and a generic(无商标产品), for example. You can show your child how to make choices be

5、tween different brands of a product so that you can save money. 75 If he chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money saved. Later, you may explain how the more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases.A. Wise decision.B. The value of money.C. Permit the

6、 child why he canor cannothave certain things.D. Talk yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.F. Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store.G. The best time to teach a child anyt

7、hing about money is when he shows an interest.2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Kids health: Four steps for fighting stressEverybody gets stressed time to time. 71 Some ways of dealing with stresslike screaming or hitting someonedont solve (解决) much. But other ways, l

8、ike talking to someone you trust, can lead you to solving your problem or at least feeling better.Try taking these four steps the next time you are stressed:(1) Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to “trusted adult”, such as “parents or other relatives”.

9、 72 They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a test, or the death of a beloved pet. (2) Dont take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and upset they take it out on themselves. Oh, dear, thats good idea. Remember that there are always people to help you. Dont take i

10、t out on yourself. 73 (3) Try to solve the problem. After youre calm and you have support from adults and friends, its time to get down to business. 74 Even if you cant solve it all, you can solve a piece of it. (4) Be positive. Most stress is temporary(暂时的).Remember stress does go away, especially

11、when you figure out the problem and start working on solving it. These steps arent magic, but they do work. And if you can stay positive as you make your way through a tough time, youll help yourself feel better and even faster. 75 A. Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.B.

12、Notice your friends feelings and find a way to help them.C. Different people feel stress in different ways.D. Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.E. You need to figure out what the problem is.F. And dont forget about your friends.G. Then, find a way to calm down.2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I)根据短

13、文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润) that is, they aim to achieve incom

14、e that is more than the costs of operating the business. 71 Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. 72 Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. 73 One is

15、 the establishment(制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production, sales, the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies, and accounting. 74 The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision(监管)and guidance by

16、 the management in authority. 75 A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work.B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management.C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as soc

17、ial service agencies and many hospitals.D. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs.E. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments.F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects.G. Planning in busin

18、ess management has three main aspects.2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 The jobs of the future have not been invented, 36 By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds. 1. Curiosity Your children need to be deeply cu

19、rious. 37 Ask kids, “What ingredients (配料) can we add to make these pancakes even better next time” and then try them out. Did those ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time? 2. Creativity True creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new fro

20、m it. 38 There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their Creativity. 3. Interpersonal Skills Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what is going on inside our ow

21、n head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kids from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. 39 “Why do you think she is crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”4. Self-expres

22、sion 40 There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas in music, acting, drawing, building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another. A. Encourage kids to cook with you. B. And we cant forget science education. C. We can give kids chances to think about mate

23、rials in new ways. D. So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that dont yet exist? E. Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill. F. We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories. G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a

24、 valuable skill.2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I)第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Building Trust in a Relationship AgainTrust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences, _36_. That is a risk. But you cant be successful when theres a lack of trust in a relationshi

25、p that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.Unfortunately, weve all been victims of betrayal. Whether weve been stolen from, lied to, misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply cant trust anymore, _37_.

26、Its understandable, but if youre willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there.l _38_ having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.l _39_ If youve been betraye

27、d, you are the victim of your circumstance. But theres a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”. At some point in all of our lives, well have our trust tested or violated.l You didnt lose “everything”. Once trust is lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situat

28、ion from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life. _40_ instead, its a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.A. Learn to really trust yourself.B. It is putting confidence in someone.

29、C. Stop regarding yourself as the victim.D. Remember that you can expect the best in return.E. Theyve been too badly hurt and they cant bear to let it happen again.F. This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.G. Seeing the positive side of things doesnt mean youre ignoring what happened.2011-2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(新课标I) 七选五真题答案2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 7175 GFDAC 2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I)7175 CFAED 2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 71-75DCGEA2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 36-40 DACFG2015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I) 36-40BEACG


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