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1、第一部分 词汇选项词汇学习1:Will you please call my husband as soon as possible? C) phone2. Well give every teacher space to develop. C) room3. I have to go at once. B) immediately4. He policeman asked him to identify the thief. A) name5. We were all there when the accident occurred. A)happened 6. It took me exa

2、ctly a week to complete the work. D)finish7. The herb medicine eventually cured her disease. C)finally8. We had a long conversation about her parents. A)talk9. Please let me know if you are unable to attend the meeting. A)go to10. They have made up his mind to give up smoking. D)decided11. Your teac

3、her will take your illness into account when marking you exams. C)consideration12. We have to put up with her behavior. A)tolerate13. They have given up the hope to save their friend from drowning. B)abandoned14. I seldom watch TV. A)rarely15. The dentist has decided to take out the girls bad tooth.

4、 D)extract 词汇学习2:*1. Americas emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research. A) spur2.Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War. C)reportage3.Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit

5、to completely dark. C)faintly4.“Im not meddling”. Mary said mildly. “Im just curious”. A)gently5.In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the Southern states would break away from the Union. B)certain6. Many of novelist Carson McCullers characters are isolated, disappointed people. A)solitary7. The workers

6、 finally called off the strike. C) cancelled8. John has made up his mind not to go to the meeting. C) decided 9. I catch cold now and then. B)occasionally10. He often finds fault with my work. A)criticizes11.The little girl grasped her mothers arm as she crossed the street. C)took hold of 12. In jud

7、ging our work you should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently. A) thought15. Have you talked to her lately? C)recently词汇学习 三每组词汇学习有15 道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。*1Even in a highly modernized country, manua1 work is still neededB)physical*2Tec

8、hniques to harness the energy of the sun are being developedC)utilize3Many residents of apartment complexes object to noisy neighborsB)occupants *4The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost of shipping cargo by waterA)continuously+5Hundreds of years ago cloves

9、 were used to remedy headachesD)cure*6John Hanson helped draft instructions for Marylands delegates to the Stamp Act Congress. B)formulate 7Practically all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through a large repertory of soundless codesB)Almost 8Sulphur has occasionally been foun

10、d in the earth in an almost pure stateC)sometimes9When doves are about two weeks old,they are covered with grey feathers and are ready to try their wingsD)test 10I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car. B)seldom*11When she was invited to the party, she readily acceptedA)wil

11、lingly *12The dentist has decided to extract her bad toothA)take out13You must shine your shoesD)polish*14The majority of people around here are decent people. A)honest *15A deadly disease has affected these animals. C)fatal词汇学习 四每组词汇学习有15 道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。1Many fi

12、ne cooks insist on ingredients of the highest qualityA)demand2Since the Great Depression,the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices. D)harmfulbuilding during the Middle Ages. B)rarely4 Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as hi

13、gh as two hundred miles per hour. A)velocities5The poet William Carlos Williams was a New Jersey physicianA)doctor6Medicine depends on other fields for basic information,particularly some of their specialized branchesC)especially7We shall take the treasure away to a safe placeD)secure8An important p

14、art of the national government is the Foreign Service,a branch of the Department of StateB)a division*9The childs abnormal behavior puzzled the doctorD)unusualof cheap labor in this countryB)a plentiful *11In order to improve our standard of living,we have to accelerate production. A)step up*12Gas d

15、oes accumulate in the mines around hereC)collect+13Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments. A)assign*14Her behavior is extremely childishB)immature+15We also want to use the water to irrigate barren desert landB)bare词汇学习 五每组词汇学习有15 道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或

16、短语意义最相近的一项。1They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two yearsA)dreadful2I wasnt qualified for the job really but I got it anyhowB)anyway3He achieved success through hard workC)attained 4The standards set four years ago in Seoul will be far below the athletes capabilities now. D

17、)abilities5The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemys coast.A)together 6His claims seem credible to many peopleB)convincing7Jack is a diligent workerC)hardworking 8Society is now much more diverse than ever before. D)varied+9Their interpretation was faultyA)wrong+

18、10These old buildings are gorgeous. C)magnificent+11Contact your doctor if the cough persists. C)continues+12The powers of the European Commission to regulate competition in the Community are increasingD)control+13They scattered after dinner. A)separated+14From my standpoint,you know,this thing is j

19、ust ridiculous. B)point of view +15The story was touchingC)moving词汇学习 六每组词汇学习有15 道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。*1. With immense relief, I stopped running. B) enormous*2. The scientists began to accumulate a huge mass of data. A) build up*3.When Jack eventually overtook the last

20、 truck he pulled over to the inside lane. B) passed *4. Because of the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. D) wise *5.Data from Voyager II have presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists. B) mystery*6. He rolled up his trouser leg to ex

21、hibit his wounded knee. C) show*7.Why cant you stop your eternal complaining! A) everlasting +8. This poem depicts the beautiful scenery of a small town in the South. A) describes +9.The telephone system is no longer operative. D) workingHundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake. C) damag

22、ed+11. The latest car model embodies many new improvements. B) includes+12. Thick clouds obscured the stars from view. D) prevent+13. The parents have to restrain their daughter from running out into the street. C) prevent +14. The discovery was sensational. D) exciting+15. After supper we usually t

23、ake a stroll around the park for about an hour. A) walk词汇学习 七每组词汇学习有15 道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。1. Loud noises can be annoying. D) irritating*2. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be deliberately controlled and modified. C

24、) intentionally*3. The Constitutions vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change. A) imprecise 4. The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that morning. A) top of the mountain+5. The latest census is encouraging. A) count+6. Academic records from other institu

25、tions often become part of a universitys official file and can neither be returned to a student nor duplicated. C) copied7. While serving in the Senate in the early 1970s, Barbara Jordan supported legislation to ban discrimination and to deal with environmental problems. B) forbid*8. Gambling is law

26、ful in Nevada. A) legal*9. They always mock me because I am ugly. D) laugh at*10. These are our motives for doing it. A) reasons+11. It was a question of making sure that certain needs were addressed, notably in the pensions area. C) particularly*12. His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that s

27、he was married. B) failed+13. Many of their ideas are being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment. D) conventional+14. Charges for local telephone calls are outrageous. B) unacceptable15. Guests were scared when the bomb exploded. A) frightened词汇学习 八在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相

28、近的一项。+1Philip Roth was hailed as a major new author in 1960. C) acclaimed 2. He was one of the principal organizers of the association. A) planners+3. It is postulated that population trends have an effect on economic fluctuations. B) assumed+4. This kind of animals are on the verge of extinction, b

29、ecause so many are being killed for their fur. B) dying out+5. The train came to an abrupt stop, making us wonder where we were. C) sudden +6. During the Second World War, all important resources in the U.S. were allocated by the federal government. D) distributed*7. The little boy was so fascinated

30、 by the mighty river that he would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the passing boats and rafts. A) very strong *8. The stories of Sarah Orne Jewett are considered by many to be more authentically regional than those of Bret Harte. B) genuinely+9. The number of United States citizens wh

31、o are eligible to vote continues to increase. D) entitled10. Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization. A) stated firmly11. Smoking is not permitted in the office. D) allowed12. The chairman proposed that we should stop the meetin

32、g. C) suggested13. I feel regret about whats happened. A) sorry14. She has proved that she can be relied on in a crisis. B) depended on15. John removed his overcoat. C) took off 词汇学习 九每组词汇学习有15 道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。1. Although originally a German innovation, kindergart

33、en got its real start in the United States as a movement to provide an improved learning environment for children. D) a better2. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance. A) beats 3. The attack on Fort Sumter near Charleston provoked a s

34、harp response from the North, which led to the American Civil War. B) elicited*4. Illinois has produced writers such as Carl Sandburg, gangsters such as A1 Capone, and architects such as Louis Sullivan. A) violent criminals5. The towers of a suspension bridge serve as a rigid framework to which the

35、cables are attached. B) skeleton*6. The use of the chemical may present a certain hazard to the laboratory workers. D) danger*7. Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics. C) attraction *8. The development of the transistor and integrated circuits revolutionized the electronics

36、industry by allowing components to be packaged more densely. A) compactly 9. The leading astronomers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were fascinated by comets.A) intrigued +10. In their productions, choreographers of modern dance have introduced humor, protested social injustice, and prob

37、ed psychological problems. B) explored11. They agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means. A) solve+12. The children trembled with fear when they saw the policeman. D) shook13. We were shocked to find that Mary didnt know her guests name. D) surprised+14. We have got to abide by the rules. A) st

38、ick to+15. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east. C) broadens词汇学习 十每组词汇学习有15 道小题。在每道题的句子里都有一个加底线的词或短语,请在四个选项中找出与加底线的词或短语意义最相近的一项。+1. It was hard to say why the man deserved such shabby treatment. C)unfair2. The curious look from the strangers around her made her feel uneasy. C)anxi

39、ous 3. It is said that the houses along this street will soon be demolished. A)pulled down 4. The advertising company was surprised by the adverse public reaction to the poster. D)unfavorable5. He began his talk by giving a concise definition of post-modernism. B)short and clear6. The staff of the c

40、ompany are always courteous and helpful. D)respectful7. The new job will provide you with invaluable experience. D)extremely useful8. The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me. C)crazy9. In his two-hour-long lecture he made an exhaustive analysis of the issue. A)extremely thoro

41、ugh+10. We all think that the new device he has proposed is ingenious. B)clever+11. Reading the job ad, he wondered whether he was eligible to apply for it. C)qualified+12. He impressed all his colleagues as a vigorous man in the prime of his career. B)healthy13. Not all member states abided by the

42、principle they had agreed on previously. A)adhered to14. Examination papers of the class were marked without bias. C)fairly 15. The construction of the railway is said to have been terminated. B)put an end to第二部分 阅读判断第一篇Taking Pictures of the World Meet Annie Griffiths Belt, a National Geographic ph

43、otographer. Belt has worked for National Geographic since 1978,and has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world. In fact, Antarctica is the only continent Belt hasnt seen yet. Belts photographs are well known for their beauty and high quality. They also reflect very different cultures a

44、nd regions of the world. Belt has photographed the ancient city of Petra, Jordan, as well as the green landscapes of the Lake District in England. Recently,her pictures appeared in a book about undeveloped natural places in North America. Everywhere that Belt goes, she takes pictures of people. Belt

45、 has found ways to connect with people of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak their language. “The greatest privilege of my job is being allowed into peopled lives,” she has said. “The camera is like a passport, and I am often overwhelmed by1 how quickly people welcome me!” Knowi

46、ng how to break the ice has helped to make Belt a successful photographer, but experts say that anyone can learn to connect with new people. When people speak the same language, greetings and small talk can make strangers feel more comfortable with each other. When people dont speak the same languag

47、e, a smile is very helpful. Having something in common can also help break the ice. For example, Belt has traveled with her two children, so when she takes pictures of children or their parents,they all have that family connection in common. Even bad weather can help people to connect when they are

48、experiencing it together. Belt has some advice if you are thinking about a career in photography. You can volunteer to take pictures for a local organization that cant afford to hire a professional photographer. You can also take a good, honest look at your best photographs. If youre a real photographer, your photos are good because of your personal a


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