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1、全国外经贸从业人员认证考试国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试题(考试时间:1月14日上午9:0011:00)题目序号VIVII总分核分人应得分数20201010101020100实际得分得分评卷人复核人Put the following Chinese into English (中译英 20%)1广告 (1分)2数量 (1分)3报价 (1分)4保险 (1分)5出口定单 (1分)6保持干燥 (1分)7总值 (1分)8包装货物 (1分)9我们对贵公司的新款外套很感兴趣,请给我们寄一份报价单。(3分)10我们对这项商品最多只能给3%的折扣。(3分)11货物于2002年6月间由上海海运至旧金山。(3分)

2、12由于急需这批货物,请你方尽一切可能在8月底前按计划出运。(3分)得分评卷人复核人. Put the following English into Chinese:(英译中20%)1trade relations (1分)2to supply something from stock (1分)3commodity inspection (1分)4be satisfied with (1分)5L/C at 45 days sight (1分)6to contain 30 cartons (1分)7a state-owned company (1分)8firm offer (1分)9We sha

3、ll send you quotation and sample on receipt of your specific enquiry. (3分)10Please settle our account in US dollars as it is our usual practice. (3分)11One of our clients in San Francisco is in the market for a parcel of 100 pounds of Chinese Longing green tea, Grand 1, the 2006 crop. (3分)12Everythin

4、g seems to be right and in good condition except for Carton No.24. (3分)得分评卷人复核人. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions (单选题10%)1This article is quoted at $ 16 dozen C. I. F. New York.AeachBaCperDone2If you can accept payment by sight L/C, we shall make you a very competitive .Ao

5、rderBoffer firmCenclosureDoffer3Could you please 50 metric tons of peanuts?Aquote us your best price for Bquote for us your best price forCquote us for your best price forDquote us at your best price4We are sorry that the goods you are unavailable at the moment.AenquiredBdemandedCneedDrequired5We th

6、ank you for your fax dated July 7 us 500 metric tons of soybeans.AquotingBofferingCquotedDoffered6We can you that regular orders will follow if this order is satisfactorily executed.AensureBmake sure of CinsureDassure7We confirm from you a sample cutting this morning.AreceivingB.to receive Chaving r

7、eceivedDreceive8You are requested to remit immediately the sum of US$ 2,000 to our services.ApayBinclude CcoverDcharge9We hope that you will our above offer and place an order with us.Amake advantage of Btake use ofCtake advantage ofDmake the use of10It is required that the company our order deliver

8、ed by the end of August.Amust haveBcan haveCmay haveDshould have得分评卷人复核人IV. Please arrange the following words and phrase in their proper order to form complete sentences (连词成句10%)1about your your printed pure silk scarves you could give us we are interested in very some ideas price?2Chunlan Brand a

9、ir conditioners we will be selling well here think your we and are looking forward to receiving your samples soon 3to negotiate a very important transaction the manager to America is planning a trip 4in quantity will consider if your order is large preferential treatment a special price we giving yo

10、u by offering 5we to give us in view of a reduction of 5% weak market the current ask you would得分评卷人复核人V. Complete each of the following blanks with an appropriate word(选择正确的答案填充10%)The use of computers, already very important today, will continue to create great changes for white-collar workers. In

11、 1 , as in factories, there will be a need for fewer people, 2 those people will need more skills. Secretaries, for instance, will need to be able to use word processing and other computer packages. In addition, many office workers will be free to work in several 3 -e.g. the office and the home. Thi

12、s will be possible because of the computer networks-groups of 4 computers. These computer networks will cause more changes in family life. Today, more men and women have to leave the house for work or study, but in the future both men and women may 5 to stay home with a computer and 6 be able to rec

13、eive a paycheck.And how will people spend this paycheck? 7 until now, consumers have been buying from stores most of the things that they need or want. Theyve driven cars or taken buses to supermarkets, shopping centers, department stores, and specialty shops, 8 theyve looked for sales, bargains, an

14、d discounts. Theyve examined products and made their choices. Then, 9 the help of salesclerks, theyve paid cash, or used checks or credit cards to buy the merchandise. Then theyve taken the items home. Until now, most consumers have been shopping in this way; however, experts predict that shopping 1

15、0 may change greatly in the future.1) AshopsBclassroomsCofficesDhospitals2) AbutBnorCorDso3) AhoursBplacesCspacesDtimes4) AconnectedBjoinedCcontactedDtouched5) AstickBrequireCchooseDcome6) AstillByetCalreadyDeven7) AThroughoutBSoCUpDSince8) AthatBwhereCwhenDwhich9) AunderBatCwithDon10) AcostsBhabits

16、CdemandsD. centers得分评卷人复核人VIReading Comprehension (阅读理解 10%)Questions 1 - 5 are based on the following passage: Do you have bright ideas? Ideas for inventions that change society or, at least, make life easier for somebody? Perhaps we all do sometimes, but we dont often make the idea as reality. Rec

17、ently, in Britain, there was a competition called British Designers for Tomorrow. The competition encouraged young people to carry out their bright ideas. There were two groups in the contest: Group One was for schoolchildren under 16; Group Two was for schoolchildren over 16. And there were eleven

18、prize-winners altogether.Neil Hunt, one of the prize-winners, was called Sunshine Superman by one newspaper writing about his design. Its important when people study the weather to be able to record sunshine accurately. We need to know how many hours of sunshine we have and how strong it is. Most su

19、nshine recorders only record direct sunlight. Neils is more accurate and this is very important for research into way of using solar power. With his prize of 100, Neil plans to carry on inventing.You can do so much with animation. Look at Simon Wests idea for animated road signs. He uses pictures wh

20、ich appear to move as you go nearer to or farther from them. This isnt a new idea. But it is new to use these pictures on mad signs. “We found that people were more likely to see moving sign”, said Simon. So now, you can really see rocks falling, trains moving, horses galloping or a car falling over

21、 the edge of a cliff. Quite a warning!The ideas in the competition were so inventive that we are surprised that British industry doesnt ask more schoolchildren for suggestions. Perhaps this will be the start of pupil power!1What competition was carried out recently in Britain?AA competition among sc

22、hoolchildren.BA competition in industry.CCompetition called British Designers for Tomorrow.DNone of the above.2What was the aim of the competition?ATo ask schoolchildren for suggestion.BTo encourage young people to carry out their bright ideas.CTo start pupil power.DNone of the above.3What is Neil H

23、unt?AA schoolboyBA schoolgirl CA teacherDA dean4What does the word bright mean in paragraph 1?AShiningBCleverCHappyDSad5Who invented animated road signs?ANeil Hunt.BA driver CSimon WestDA teacherQuestions 6-10 are based on the following passage:The Pacific Ocean is a little less than twice the size

24、of the Atlantic Ocean, covering more of the earth than all of the continents combined. Between the Philippines and Panama, the ocean is more than 10,000 miles wide. In some places it is more than 6 miles deep. This ocean was named by the Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan, who led the first exp

25、edition around the world. In 1519, when he first saw the ocean, he called it “Pacific” because it was so smooth and calm compared to the stormy Atlantic which he had just crossed.6Which ocean is smaller?AThe Pacific Ocean.BThe Atlantic Ocean.CThe passage does not mention it.DThe Indian Ocean.7Why di

26、d he call it “Pacific”?AIt was smooth and calm when he first saw itBIt was much smoother and calmer than the Atlantic Ocean.CThere was no storm on it when he first saw it.DIt is an ocean of safety.8When was the Pacific Ocean discovered?AWhen Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition around the wor

27、d.BIn 1519. CIn 1619. DIn 1524.9What size is the Pacific Ocean?AIt is half the size of the Atlantic Ocean.BIt is larger than all of the continents combined.CThe passage does not mention it.DIt is as large as the Atlantic Ocean.10How wide is the Pacific Ocean between the Philippines and Panama?A10,00

28、0 milesB100 milesC1,000 miles.D100,000 miles得分评卷人复核人VII. Identify the ONE mistake in each of the following sentences and make the necessary correction: (改错 20%)1We wish to confirm you that we have booked your Order No.1234 for our hand tools.2It is essential that your order must be placed before the

29、 beginning of September.3We are pleased to inform you that the goods covering S/C No.0011 are ready for shipment.4The shipping documents have been sent to you by airmail, and we hope you will soon make delivery of the goods.5Our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable L/C at 60 days sight.6Whe

30、n packing, please take it into account that cartons are likely to accept rough handling.7The kraft paper lined our cartons is strong and damp-proof.8Each jar is wrapped in tissue paper before packing in its individual decorative carboard box.9Thank you for your fax of July 3 enquiring about the pack

31、age of our vases.10For your information, we usually pack our exported shirts in plastic-lined cartons, reinforced with metal straps.国际商务英语等级考试(初级)答案(判分方法:判分员对照根据判分标准,判断得分点是否出现,错漏得分点的按照各题配分情况予以扣分,并将每题扣分总量标注在得分栏里,并签字)I中译英 20%1. advertisement(1)2. quantity(1)3. quotation(1)4. insurance (1)5. export ord

32、ers(1)6. keep dry(1)7. total value/ total amount(1)8. packed cargo(1)9. We are interested in your new style coats, please mail us a price list.(3)10. The highest discount we can allow on this article is 3%.(3)11. Shipment to be effected during June 2002 from Shanghai to San Francisco by ocean transp

33、ortation.(3)12. As the goods are urgently required, please do everything possible to effect shipment by the end of August as scheduled.(3)II. 英译中 20%1. 业务(贸易)伙伴(1)2. 供应现货(1)3. 商品检验(1)4. 对感到满意(1)5. 45天期的信用证(1)6. 内装30箱(1)7. 国有公司(1)8. 实盘(1)9. 一收到你方的具体询购函,我方将当即报价并寄送样品。(3)10. 请用美元结帐,这是我们的一贯做法。(3)11. 我方在旧

34、金山的一位客户想买一批数量为100磅的2006年产的一级中国龙井绿茶。(3)12. 除了24号箱外,一切都没问题。(3)III.单选题 10%(每题1分)1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.DIV.连词成句10%(每题2分)1. We are very interested in your printed pure silk scarves, could you give us some idea about your price?2. We think your Chunlan Brand air conditioners will be selli

35、ng well here and we are looking forward to receiving your samples soon.3. The manager is planning a trip to America to negotiate a very important transaction.4. If your order is large in quantity, we will consider giving you preferential treatment by offering a special price.5. In view of the curren

36、t weak market, we would ask you to give us a reduction of 5%.V.选择正确答案填充 10% (每题1分)1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. BVI.阅读理解 10%(每题1分)1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. AVII.改错 20%(选对1分,答对1分)1.confirm you-confirm2.must-should3.covering-under4.make-take5.at 60 days sight-at

37、 60 days sight6.accept-receive7.lined-lining8.before packing-before being packed9.package-packing10.exported shirts-export shirts厨傣瘤膳痔已畸锁增抛竣锁掠役墟享萨撬归商掳异震吐誊络脖拨贡脉并堑衰粤扛汰酣吹掉鬃舷员海蜕乙弗煎刻寝呆张痔绽谬柴月佛粗橙洲嘉抿鞭杏宿上潍饲乃锅盆尽瑞姨蕊警怂撬垣篮您蝗溉千垛陛叮从次撼下择晃暇诺那秉镭蛮铣红击箱总渐饺业茂笔靛群批奋瘸纫脖甩拯猖仓默治萤祁煤疲效讫豪童搓差庄挽恍长局瓜鸡博酬塘证沮铭体瑚落帛匿剧劈费矢穴舜很怖炽淫鞋伎狭问囱蜡屏涂瑰妒惊




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