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1、(共30套)新外研版八年级英语下册(全册)同步练习汇总(精短课后作业集)打印版Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious.单项选择()1.The food on the plate smells _.You cant eat it.AdeliciousBbadCwell()2.Mum,this dress is _ too small.Amore Blittle Ca bit()3.Tom,were playing football.Do you want to join us?Yes,let me have_.At

2、ry Ba try Cto try()4.The cake_ good.I cant wait to eat it.Afeels Bsounds Csmells()5.This silk dress _ soft and comfortable.I like it very much.Afeels Bsounds Clooks()6.Daming is working hard.I am _ he can pass the exam this time.Asure Bafraid Cthinking()7.She doesnt put _ in tea because she doesnt l

3、ike sweet tea.Asalt Bsugar Cvinegar()8.Would you like to try some pizza?_ I am a little hungry.AYes,please. BNo,thanks. CYou are welcome.完成句子1你知道的,我喜欢甜食。You know,I _.2这个苹果尝起来有点酸。The apple tastes _.3我来给你洗衣服吧?_ do some washing for you?4嗯我的奶酪蛋糕做好了。试试看。Well,my cheese cake _ now.Just have _.5你正在做许多不同的食物吗

4、?Are you cooking _ different food?.综合填空Swimming is very popular in summer because water makes people feel cool.If you like 1.s_ but swim in a 2.w_ place,it may not be safe.These years more than ten thousand people 3.d_ when they were enjoying themselves in the water and 4.m_ of them were students.Bu

5、t some people are 5.s_ not careful in swimming.They often think they swim so 6.w_ that nothing can happen to them in water.If you go swimming in summer,dont forget 7.t_ better swimmers have died in water.They died because they were not careful,not because they 8.c_ swim.So dont get into water when y

6、ou are alone.9.I_ there is a “No Swimming”sign,dont get into water,10.e_.If you remember these,swimming will be safe.参考答案.15 BCBCA68 ABA.1.have a sweet tooth2.a bit sour3Shall I4.is done;a try5.lots of.1.swimming2.wrong3.died4.most5.still6.well7.that8.couldnt9.If10.eitherModule 1 Feelings and impres

7、sions Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.单项选择()1.What about _ out for a walk with us?AgoBto goCgoing()2.My mother is afraid of _ in the evening.Adriving Bdrive Cto drive()3.When we are at school,we should help _ in study.Athe otherBeach otherCanother()4.I love singing and dancing_.Aalso Btoo

8、 Cas well()5._ of them knows French,so I have to ask a third for help.ANeither BEither CBoth()5.She looks _.AhappyBto be happy Chappily.完成句子1感谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。_ inviting me to your birthday party.2大明经常拿第一,我们都以他为荣。Daming always gets the first.We _ him.3不要在玩电脑游戏上花费太多的时间,这对你的眼睛有害。Dont _ so much time _ com

9、puter games.It is bad for your eyes.4我不知道怎样用正确的方式处理事情,所以当我跟你在一起的时候请你帮助我。I dont know how to do things _,so please help me when I _ you.5他擅长唱歌和跳舞。He _ singing and dancing.6对于这次学校运动会,我真是兴奋极了。I am so _ the school sports meeting.完形填空Bob came out of the station and he didnt know where _1_.This was _2_ tim

10、e he came to this town.He came _3_ his good friend,Peter.Peter was a worker.He worked in a factory.But Bob didnt know where the factory was.He walked _4_ the street.He passed a hospital,a post office,a bookshop and at last he got to a school.Some students were coming out.So he asked one of _5_,“Excu

11、se me,do you know _6_ the Red Star Factory is?”“Of course,I know.I live near there.My father _7_ in that factory.Its outside this town.” answered the boy.“Is it far _8_ here?Can you show me the way,please?” Bob asked again.“Im going home now.Will you go with me?Ill _9_ you there.”“Thats great!Thank

12、you very much.”“Then,lets go to that bus stop.We will take No.1 bus _10_.”()1.A.go Bgoes Cto go()2.A.first Bthe first Cone()3.A.look Bsee Cto see()4.A.in Bof Cat()5.A.they Bthem Ctheir()6.A.when Bwhat Cwhere()7.A.work Bworks Cis works()8.A.to Bfrom Caway()9.A.take Bbring Clet()10.A.here Bthere Cto h

13、ere参考答案.16 CABCAA.1.Thanks /Thank you for2.are all proud of3.spend;(in)playing4in the right way;am with5.is good at6.excited about.15 CBCAB610 CBBABUnit 3 Language in use.句型突破1他希望玛丽能够通过他的照片认出他。_2很高兴收到你的来信。_3到中国来你感觉怎么样?_.小试牛刀假如你是李强,你的美国笔友Shirley正在学习汉语。她在给你的来信中介绍了她汉语老师的情况。请根据以下信息用英语写一封回信,向她介绍你的英语老师Mis

14、s Li(详细情况如下表)。Appearancetall,slim and smartFavourite colourblueHobbiesreading,travellingPersonalitieshelpful,patientAchievementfirst prize in the teaching competition注意:1.词数80左右。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2文中不得出现真实的人名或校名等相关信息。3根据所给信息作适当发挥,要求条理清楚、语意连贯、字迹工整。Dear Shirley,Thank you for telling me about your Chin

15、ese teacher.I think he has a good sense of humour.Now let me tell you something about my English teacher,Miss Li._Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Qiang.拓展阅读(A)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。One day after supper,Mr.Dickens went out for a walk along the bank of a river.He found a fisherman there.So he stopped to watch h

16、im quietly.After a few minutes,the fisherman pulled his line in.There was a big,fat fish at the end of it.The fisherman took it off the hook(鱼钩) and threw(扔) it back into the water.Then he put his hook and line into the water again.After a few more minutes he got another big fish.Again he threw it b

17、ack into the river.Then,the third time,he got a small fish.He put it into the basket and started to go home.Mr.Dickens was very surprised(吃惊的)“Why do you throw those big fish back into the water,and keep only that small one?” he asked.The fisherman looked at him and answered,“My pan is too small!”()

18、1.Mr.Dickens stopped walking because _.Ahe lost his wayBhe wanted to swim in the riverChe wanted to watch the fisherman fishingDhe was too tired()2.The fisherman didnt keep the first two fish because _.Ahe didnt like big fishBhis basket was too smallChis pan was too smallDthey were too heavy to carr

19、y()3.How many fish did the fisherman get?AAt least(至少) three.BMany.COnly one.DTwo.()4.In the basket _.Athere was at least one fishBthere was nothingCthere were three fishDthere were two fish()5.From the story we know that the fisherman _.Awas good at fishingBwas not good at fishingCwas very cleverDw

20、as very foolish(笨的)(B)阅读短文,用完整的句子回答问题。Mr.White works in an office.He liked reading in bed when he was at school.It was bad for his eyes and now he has poor eyesight(视力)But he wouldnt want anybody else to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses.It often brings him some trouble.One winter m

21、orning he went to a village school on business(出差)He got off at a stop in a small town.Then he had to walk there.The road to the village wasnt smooth(平坦的)He fell over sometimes and it made his clothes dirty.At last he got to the village.Suddenly it began to blow(刮风) and it got colder.He was looking

22、for the school while his hat was blown off.He began to run after it but he couldnt get it.He couldnt understand why his hat ran into a house as if(似乎) it had legs.And he ran into the house,too.A woman stopped him and shouted at him,“What are you running after my hen for?”1Did Mr.White like reading w

23、hen he was at school?_2Why doesnt Mr.White like wearing a pair of glasses?_3Where did Mr.White go one winter morning?_4Who stopped Mr.White and shouted at him?_5What was Mr.White running after in fact(实际上)?_参考答案.1.He hopes Mary will know him from his photo.2It is great to hear from you.3How do you f

24、eel about coming to China?.Dear Shirley,Thank you for telling me about your Chinese teacher.I think he has a good sense of humour.Now let me tell you something about my English teacher,Miss Li.Miss Li is a nice teacher and has taught us for three years.She is tall and slim.Blue is her favourite colo

25、ur and she often wears her blue clothes.She looks smart in blue.She likes reading and she often travels when she is free.She is kind and helpful.As a teacher,she is very patient.She spends lots of time explaining difficult things to us.She teaches so well that she won first prize in the teaching com

26、petition last year.All of us like her.Best_wishes.(A)15 CCAAD(B)1.Yes,he did.2Because he wouldnt want anybody else to know about his poor eyesight.3He went to a village school.4A woman stopped Mr.White and shouted at him.5In fact,he was running after a hen.Module 2 Experiences Unit 1 Ive also entere

27、d lots of speaking competitions.单项选择()1.The girls dream came _ in the end.AtrueBtrulyCtruth()2.Have you _ spoken to a foreigner?Astill Bever Cyet()3.I am sorry you have missed the bus.It _ five minutes ago.Awas leaving Bhas left Cleft()4.Have you ever been _ Shanghai?No,we havent been _ there.Ato;to

28、 Bto;/ C/;/()5.This coat is too expensive.I cannot _ it.Aafford Bget Cmake.完成句子1你曾经出过国吗?_ you _?2格林一家过去经常乘飞机去不同的地方度假。_ Greens often _ different places _ their holidays.3我一直想见见这个男孩。I _ meet this boy.4这个女孩乘飞机到过中国吗?_ the girl _ China _ plane?.综合填空Are you a TV lover?Can you imagine living without TV?A g

29、roup of 1.A_,TVturnoff Network,have an idea.From April 19th to 25th,they ask children in their country to 2.t_ off their TVs for one 3.w_.In this week they hope children will leave the TV to find more interesting things to do.Maybe they can read some books,or learn to swim,4.o_ paint a picture.Many

30、Americans join the project.They say watching TV too much can bring children big 5.p_:studies,health and so on.Bad for studies:They did a survey of 1,300 children.They 6.w_ the children for four years.They say that if children watch TV too much,they dont do well in school.Bad for 7.h_:The survey show

31、s that when children watch lots of TV,they eat more unhealthy food.8.M_ children get over weight.Over weight children get ill more easily.Watching TV too much is also bad for their 9.e_.10I_ you want to know more about this unusual week,you can go to this website:www.tvturnoff.org.参考答案.15 ABCBA.1.Ha

32、ve;ever been abroad2The;flew to;on3have always wanted to4Has;been to;by.1.Americans2.turn3.week4.or5.problems6.watched7.health8.More9.eyes10.IfModule 2 Experiences Unit 2 They have seen the Pyramids.单项选择()1.Pingping _ his homework and now he is watching TV.Ahas finishedBis finishingCfinishes()2.At t

33、he moment,Daming and Lingling _ their homework.AdoBare doingChave done()3.Our team has got the first prize.And we are happy _ that.Ain Bat Cabout()4.In Egypt,they have seen the Pyramids,travelled _ a boat _ the Nile River.Aon;on Bon;in Cat;on()5.We find it hard to spell the words.However,we still en

34、joy _ this language.Ato learn Blearning Clearned()6.Jack _ to his family since Thanksgiving Day,so he decides to do it now.Ahasnt writtenBdidnt writeCwont write.完成句子1我发现学好数学不容易。I _ learn math well.2我们的教室跟他们的有很大的区别。Our classroom is _.3他们曾经在尼罗河上划船旅游。They _ on a boat _ the river.4每年来自世界各地的游客都喜欢去埃及旅游。Pe

35、ople from _ like to _ Egypt.5大明将要回中国。他正在倒数着日子。Daming is coming back to China.And he is _ the days.完形填空A young man was going to spend his holiday in a mountain village.That night he_1_ at a small hotel(旅馆)near the train station._2_going to bed,he went to the owner of the hotel and said,“Excuse me,sir

36、.Will you please _3_me up at four fortyfive tomorrow morning?Ill take the five oclock_4_.”“Oh,sorry,” the owner said in a hurry.“Im afraid I cant.I wont be able to get up so _5_.”The young man was going to return to his room_6_he stopped and asked,“Have you got an alarm clock(闹钟)?Maybe it can help m

37、e.”“Yes,here you are,young man,” said the owner.The young man thanked the owner_7_.But as he looked at the alarm clock closely,it seemed there was_8_wrong with it.“Will it_9_on time?” he asked.“Sure!You just give it a good shake(摇晃) at a quarter_10_ five,and it will do!”()1.A.worked Bstayed Cstudied

38、()2.A.Before BAfter CWhile()3.A.wash Bbeat Cwake()4.A.ship Bplane Ctrain()5.A.early Blate Cquickly()6.A.when Bbecause Cuntil()7.A.angrily Bhappily Csadly()8.A.something Bnothing Canything()9.A.shout Bcry Cring()10.A.past Bto Cof参考答案.16 ABCABA.1.find it difficult to2very different from theirs3have ev

39、er travelled;on4all over the world;travel to5counting down.15 BACCA610 ABACBUnit 3 Language in use.句型突破1你曾经想过拯救在森林里的动物吗?_2他们去过很多有名的地方。_.小试牛刀假如你是张红想参加学校组织的“走进美国家庭”夏令营活动,请你用英语写一份申请。申请的开头和结尾已经给出。内容包括:1.你参加这次活动的目的;2你的兴趣、特长;3你希望住在什么样的美国家庭。注意:1.词数80左右。2文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。参考词汇: 夏令营:summer campDear Sir/Madam,_


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