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1、Language points,InversionPicasso was most famous for his work in Cubism,_ often uses acute angles and _ the world is represented as _(construct)of cubes and rectangles.,Near the house where Picasso was born is a museum full of his art.,which,where,being constructed,毕加索尤以立体派作品著称。立体派常常运用锐角,在立体派画作中,世界被

2、呈现为由立方体和矩形构成。,has an output of more than 20000 pieces of artrepresent assettle in Parisby popular consensus fetch a high pricecome on/onto the marketa primitive form seek to doa wide variety of subjectssell sth for 400 francs,=be settled in,原始的;远古的;粗糙的,普遍认为,达成共识reach/achieve a consensus take on Pica

3、sso as a student 接受,接纳,impress v.,那本书给我留下了深刻的印象。父亲要我铭记工作的重要性。,I am deeply impressed by the book.The book impressed me deeply.The book made/left a deep impression on me.The book is very impressive.,My father impressed on me the importance of work.My father impressed me with the importance of work.,co

4、mmit v.全心全意投入;犯罪;承诺,1.委托:The old man committed his will to the care of the lawyer.老人把他的遗嘱委托律师保管。2.把交付看管:The judge committed him to prison.法官判他入狱3.干(坏事);犯(罪):He has committed a serious crime.他犯下了严重罪行。She committed suicide three days later.三天后她自杀了。,We made a commitment to keep working together.我们作了承诺要

5、继续在一起工作。Thank you for your continued hard work,commitment,and focus.感谢各位一直以来的勤奋工作、献身精神以及职业专注。I was afraid of the commitment I had to make.我很害怕。我担心要承担的义务。Once again,congratulations on confirming your commitment to personal and educational growth.再一次对你的委托和教育成长表示祝贺。,commitment n.,reward n.,1.奖赏、回报,Rewa

6、rds for appropriate behaviour can be successful in teaching children.,在教育孩子方面,对孩子良好行为进行奖赏是可行的。,You deserve a day off as a reward for working hard.The prize was a just reward for all his hard work.,2.酬金,Financial rewards and promotion will be linked to performance.,reward v.,reward sb with sthThe clu

7、bs directors rewarded him with a free season ticket.reward sb for(doing)sthShe wanted to reward the cleaners for their efforts.He gave the children some chocolate to reward them for behaving well.be handsomely rewarded,得到丰厚的回报,rewarding adj.值得的、有意义的、回报的,Do you find your work rewarding?a rewarding in

8、vestment 有丰厚回报的投资,奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Award),(做好事的回报),(竞赛的奖品),1.The committee decided to _the best film the first prizeAreward Bbenefit Cpay Daward2.Martin Luther King was_ the Nobel Prize for peace for his outstanding contribution to the world peace.A.rewarded B.awardedC.assigned D.assisted,range vi.(在一

9、定范围或幅度内)变动;排列 n.一系列;范围,区域;射程;山脉,The prices of the dolls range from$5 to$100.那些布娃娃的价格从5美元到100美元不等。It is estimated that the loss cost ranges between$1 million and$5 million.估计损失在100万美元到500万美元之间。There is a range of mountains in my hometown.我家乡有连绵不断的山脉。,This restaurant has become popular for its wideof

10、foods that suit all tastes and pockets.2010湖北,21A.divisionB.areaC.rangeD.circle【解析】选C。句意:这家餐馆很受欢迎,因为它的食物范围广泛,适合不同品味,并有不同价位。range范围;division分配;area地区;circle圆圈。,abandon vt.放弃,遗弃,舍弃(P35),The next-best solution is to abandon the project altogether.仅次于最佳的解决方法是放弃全部计划。Those who abandon themselves to despai

11、r can not succeed.那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。,upwards of 在以上,大于,超过 He is already upwards of 70 years old.他已经七十多岁了。Upwards of a hundred people came to the meeting.有一百多人来参加会议。,fetch vt.1 拿来;叫来;请来:sb/sth 只有走一英里多当地的居民才能请到医生。The inhabitants can fetch a doctor by walking over a mile.Only by walking over a mile can the

12、inhabitants fetch a doctor.Shes gone to fetch some help.sb sth能帮我把包拿来吗?Could you fetch me my bag?2 卖得(高价):那幅画有望在拍卖会上卖到10,000美元.The painting is expected to fetch$10000 at auction.The works of Van Gogh can fetch a good price on the market.,typical adj.典型的;象征性的;特有的be typical of sb/sth This meal is typical of local cookery.This is typical of Roman pottery.健忘是她的特点。It was typical of her to forget.be typical for sb/sth The weather at the moment is not typical for July.,是某人/某物的特点,对某人/某物来说是典型的,typically adv.Typically,he would come in late and then say he was sorry.,


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