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1、Unit 2Healthy eating(知识点5+3+2),n.日常饮食 Vi.节食,1、diet,be on a diet 节食(强调状态)go on a diet 节食(强调动作),短语,课P9 Warming Up,2.balance n._ v._ balanced adj._写作例子:1)A balanced diet 平衡膳食2)You ought to keep a balanced diet 你应该保持均衡的饮食。*keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食,平衡,天平,平衡,平衡的,均衡的,课P9 Warming Up,2.balance v._ 作文好句欣赏

2、:You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。advantage 好处;有利 disadvantage 坏处;不利小结:balance A against B“在A与B之间权衡”,必修三,平衡,课P9 Warming Up,2.ought to与should的意思大致相同,但should注意表示主观的看法,而ought to 则反映客观情况。,用法:1)ought to do sth.应该做2)ought not to do sth 不应该

3、做,应该,课P10 行4,翻译:1)You ought to have told me earlier.你应该早点告诉我。2)You ought not to drink so much.你不应该喝那么多酒。,课P10 行11.,原形过去式过去分词loselostlost反义词:gain weight=put on weight 增加体重;变肥了,5.lose weight,体重减轻;减肥,6.He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们!用法:1)have sb.doing“允许/让某人做

4、某事.”2)will not/can not/could not have sb.doing“不允许/让某人做某事”此处的have用在否定句中,特别是用在will not,can not,could not 等之后。,课P10 行2728.,翻译:1.I wont have you saying so.我不容许你这样说。He wont have his daughter arriving home late.他不容许女儿晚回家。,课P10 行2728.,7、get away with,“被放过;(做了坏事而)不受惩罚;受到从轻发落”,课P10 行27.,原形过去式过去分词getgotgot,g

5、otten翻译:1)他们没有因损坏了这辆车而受到惩罚。They damaging the car.2)他如此幸运,犯了这么严重的一个错误,却没有被罚金。He was so lucky(幸运的)to a fine(罚金)for such a serious mistake(严重的错误).,get away with,got away with,7、tell lies=tell a lie,“说谎”,课P10 行28.,原形过去式过去分词telltoldtold,课P10 行35,8、win back,“赢回,重新获得”,原形过去式过去分词winwonwon,搭配:win back 赢回win s

6、th.back=win back sth.“赢回”,课本例句:He could win his customers back.他可以赢回他的客人。=He could win back his customers.,1.n.日常饮食 Vi.节食 2.平衡 vt.天平n.3.油煎;油炸v.4.变细;减肥vi.5.好奇心 n.6.女主人7.顾客;消费者 n.8.折扣 n.9.缺点10.强项;长处,challenge your memory:,diet,balance,fry,slim,curiosity,hostess,customer,discount,weakness,strength,1.平衡

7、膳食2.应该3.减少体重4.做错事不受惩罚5.撒谎6.把赢回,challenge your memory:,ought to,lose weight,get away with,tell lies,winback,a balanced diet,1.earn ones livingearn vt.挣得;赢得,课P14 第1段 行2,谋生,词组 2.负债(状态)in debt 不负债(状态)Out of debt还清某人的债务pay off ones debt,词组3、cut down,根据语境猜词义(1)When I climbed up the mountain,an old man was cutting_down a tall tree.When I climbed down the mountain,he had cut it up.(2)They have decided to cut_down the household expenses to devote money for the disaster area.,(3)Its bad manners to cut in while others are talking.别人在说话时插嘴是不礼貌的。,cut in 插话cut off 停止供应(水电煤气等),切断,隔开cut up 切碎,短语总结,


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