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1、目录一. 概述1二.系统消息12三. 系统消息2、2BIS、2TER3四.系统消息36五系统消息411六系统消息513七系统消息614八. 系统消息715九. 系统消息816一. 概述系统消息包含空中接口上主要的无线网络参数,具体包括网络识别参数、小区选择参数、系统控制参数和网络功能参数。通过接收系统消息,MS能够正确地接入和进行网络选择。常用的系统消息可以分为两部分: 在BCCH信道上发送的系统消息,主要包括系统消息1、2、2BIS、2TER、3、4。-公共信道消息 在SACCH信道上发送的系统消息,主要包括系统消息5、5BIS、5TER、6、7、8。- -TRX管理消息说明:由于在BCCH


3、文中详细解释。二.系统消息11.作用系统消息1主要描述了随机接入控制信息(RACH)和小区频点分配表(即CA表),在BCCH信道上发送。2.消息内容SYSINFO1-CellChannelDesc.小区频点分配表(即CA表) -RACHControlPara.随机接入控制信息(RACH)RR System Information Type 1Protocol Discriminator: RRMessageType: 25Cell Channel DescriptionBit Map 0 FormatCell Allocation Absolute RF Channel: 94 84 50 4

4、8 9 RACH ControlMaximum number of retransmissions: Maximum 7 retransmissionsNumber of slots to spread transmission: 20 slots used to spread transmissionCell Barred for Access: The cell is not barredCall reestablishment allowed: Call Reestablishment not allowed in the cellFor a mobile station with AC

5、 C = 0 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 1 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 2 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 3 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 4 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 5 access is not barr

6、edFor a mobile station with AC C = 6 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 7 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 8 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 9 access is not barredEmergency call allowed in the cell to all MSFor a mobile station with AC C = 1

7、1 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 12 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 13 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 14 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 15 access is not barredSI 1 Rest Octets InformationARFCN indicates 1800 band

8、(1)小区频点分配表(CA表)BSC支持的小区频点配置可达64个,由于小区信道描述格式(CellChannelDescription)的限制,实际小区的频点是不能随意进行配置的。BSC根据实际频点的配置选择不同的小区信道描述格式。(2)随机接入控制信息(RACHControlPara.)说明:MS连续发起信道请求的时间间隔是一个随机值,属于集合S,S+1,.S+T-1,单位是TDMA帧。其中S依赖于公共信道配置,T即扩展传输时隙数。在使用卫星传输时,建议配置“最大重发次数”为4;“扩展传输时隙数”为32,以减少卫星传输时延的影响。 三. 系统消息2、2BIS、2TER1.作用系统消息2主要描述


10、可以描述的频点个数是有限的,所以系统消息2BIS就携带了BA1表中其它的与系统消息2同频段的频点信息。(3)系统消息2TER主要描述了邻近小区的扩展频点分配表(BA1表的一部分),在BCCH信道上发送。只有双频MS才读取该消息,单频900M或1800M的MS会忽略该消息。因为该消息携带的频点是与当前小区的频点处于不同频段的频点信息,这些信息对单频MS而言是不需要的。2.消息内容SYSINFO2-NeighborCellDesc.邻近小区的频点分配表(即BA1表) -NCCpermitted 网络色码允许(NCCPermitted) -RACHControlPara.随机接入控制信息(RACH)

11、SYSINFO2BIS-NeighborCellDesc.邻近小区的扩展频点分配表(也是BA1表的 一部分) -RACHControlPara.随机接入控制信息(RACH)SYSINFO2TER-NeighborCellDesc.(Extended)邻近小区的扩展频点分配表(BA1表的一部分)RR System Information Type 2Protocol Discriminator: RR 鉴别协议 RR MessageType: 26Neighbour Cell Description EXT-IND: 0BA-IND: 1Bit Map 0 FormatCell Allocati

12、on Absolute RF Channel: 33 29 28 27 26 23 22 21 20 19 17 15 14 10 8 7 5 2 1 NCC Permitted: NCC: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RACH ControlMaximum number of retransmissions: Maximum 7 retransmissionsNumber of slots to spread transmission: 20 slots used to spread transmissionCell Barred for Access: The cell is not

13、barredCall reestablishment allowed: Call Reestablishment not allowed in the cellFor a mobile station with AC C = 0 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 1 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 2 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 3 access is not barred

14、For a mobile station with AC C = 4 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 5 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 6 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 7 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 8 access is not barredFor a mobile station with

15、 AC C = 9 access is not barredEmergency call allowed in the cell to all MSFor a mobile station with AC C = 11 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 12 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 13 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 14 access is not barredFo

16、r a mobile station with AC C = 15 access is not barred RR System Information Type 2terProtocol Discriminator: RRMessageType: 3Neighbour Cell Description 2Multiband Reporting: 2BA-IND: 1Bit Map 0 FormatCell Allocation Absolute RF Channel: 33 29 28 27 23 22 21 20 19 17 15 10 2 1 SI 2ter Rest Octets In

17、formationSI 2 Ter MP Change Mark: 1SI 2 Ter 3G Change Mark: 0SI 2 Ter Index: 0SI 2 Ter Count: 0Qsearch I: 8TDD Qoffset: 8 (1)邻近小区描述(BA1表)描述了与当前小区相邻的小区BCCH载频的绝对频道号。目前华为支持的最大邻近小区数目为32个。邻近小区描述除了第2个字节的第5位(BA-IND)和第6位(EXT-IND)外,其余信息编码方式请参见“3.2.12.(1)小区频点分配表(CA表)”。扩展指示(EXT_IND)在系统消息2和5中被发送,指示是否还有扩展的邻近小区频点




21、段相同的邻近小区的测量结果。四.系统消息31.作用系统消息3主要描述了位置区标识、小区标识、随机接入控制信息(RACH)以及和小区选择有关的参数。它是必选的,在BCCH信道上发送。2.消息内容SYSINFO3-CellIdentity 小区标识 -LAI 位置区标识 -ControlChannelDesc. 控制信道描述 -CellOption(BCCH) 小区选项 -CellSelectionPara. 小区重选信息 -RACHControlPara. 随机接入控制信息RR System Information Type 3Protocol Discriminator: RRMessageT

22、ype: 27Cell Identity (CI): 53233Location Area IdentificationMCC: 460MNC: 00LAC: 29467Control Channel DescriptionCCCH-CONF: 1 basic physical channel used for CCCH, not combined with SDCCHsBS_AG_BLKS_RES: 3ATT (Attach Detach Allowed): MSs in the cell shall apply IMSI attach and detach procedureMSCR (M

23、SC Release): MSC is Release 99 onwardsBS_PA_MFRMS: 7 multiframes period for transmission of PAGING REQUEST messages to the same paging subgroupT3212 Timeout Value: 20Cell Options BCCHRadio Link Timeout: 36DTX Indicator: The MS shall use uplink discontinuous transmissionPWRC(Power control indicator):

24、 PWRC is setDN_IND(Dynamic ARFCN mapping indicator): Dynamic ARFCN mapping is not used by the PLMNCell SelectionCell reselect hysteresis: 14 dB RXLEV hysteresis for LA re - selectionMS TXPWR MAX CCH: 5ACS: System information type 16 and 17 are not broadcast on the BCCHNECI: New establishment causes

25、are supportedRXLEV ACCESS MIN: 10RACH ControlMaximum number of retransmissions: Maximum 7 retransmissionsNumber of slots to spread transmission: 20 slots used to spread transmissionCell Barred for Access: The cell is not barredCall reestablishment allowed: Call Reestablishment not allowed in the cel

26、lFor a mobile station with AC C = 0 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 1 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 2 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 3 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 4 access is not barredFor a mobile station wit

27、h AC C = 5 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 6 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 7 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 8 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 9 access is not barredEmergency call allowed in the cell to all MSFor a

28、 mobile station with AC C = 11 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 12 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 13 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 14 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 15 access is not barredSI 3 Rest Octets informat

29、ionCell Bar Quality: 0CELL_RESELECT_OFFSET: 0TEMPORARY_OFFSET: 0PENALTY_TIME: 0System Information 2ter Indicator: SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2ter message is availableEarly Classmark Sending Control: Early Classmark Sending is allowedRA COLOUR: 1SI13_POSITION: SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 13 message is sent

30、on BCCH Ext.3G Early Classmark Sending Restriction: The sending of UTRAN and CDMA2000 Classmark Sending messages is controlled by the Early Classmark Sending Control parameterSI2quater_POSITION: SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2 quater message is sent on BCCH Ext.(1)全球小区识别码(CGI)小区全球识别码(CGI)主要由位置区识别码(LAI)和小区



33、H消息时,该值减1。当该值为0时,MS向基站上报无线链路故障。(4)小区选择参数(CellSelectionPara.)小区选择参数影响MS开机后的行为,主要包括如下表所示参数。(5)随机接入控制信息(RACHControlPara.) 五系统消息41.作用系统消息4主要描述了位置区标识、随机接入控制信息(RACH)、小区选择参数以及可选的CBCH信道信息。它是必选的,在BCCH信道上发送,可选的IECBCH描述和MA在系统支持小区广播时使用,描述了CBCH信道的配置和相应的频点信息。2.消息内容SYSINFO4-LAI -CellSelectionPara. -RACHControlPara

34、. -CBCHChannelDesc.(option) CBCH信道描述 -CBCHMobileAllocation(option) -SI4RestOct.RR System Information Type 4Protocol Discriminator: RRMessageType: 28Location Area IdentificationMCC: 460MNC: 00LAC: 29467Cell SelectionCell reselect hysteresis: 10 dB RXLEV hysteresis for LA re - selectionMS TXPWR MAX CC

35、H: 0ACS: The SI 4 rest octets, if present, and SI 7 and SI 8 rest octets, if so indicated in the SI 4 rest octets shall be used to derive the value of PI and possibly C2 parameters and / or other parametersNECI: New establishment causes are supportedRXLEV ACCESS MIN: 10RACH ControlMaximum number of

36、retransmissions: Maximum 7 retransmissionsNumber of slots to spread transmission: 20 slots used to spread transmissionCell Barred for Access: The cell is not barredCall reestablishment allowed: Call Reestablishment not allowed in the cellFor a mobile station with AC C = 0 access is not barredFor a m

37、obile station with AC C = 1 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 2 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 3 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 4 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 5 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C =

38、 6 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 7 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 8 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 9 access is not barredEmergency call allowed in the cell to all MSFor a mobile station with AC C = 11 access is not barredFor a mobile

39、 station with AC C = 12 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 13 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 14 access is not barredFor a mobile station with AC C = 15 access is not barredSI 4 Rest Octets InformationRA COLOUR: 0SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 13 message is sent on BC

40、CH Norm;Cell Identity: 2CAC(1)位置区识别码(LAI)(2)小区选择参数(CellSelectionPara.)相关描述请参见“3.2.32.(4)小区选择参数(CellSelectionPara.)”。(3)随机接入控制信息(RACHControlPara.)相关描述请参见“3.2.32.(2)控制信道描述(ControlChannelDesc.)”。(4)CBCH信道描述和CBCHMA这两个字段为可选字段,当系统支持小区广播时,CBCH信道描述说明了该小区CBCH信道的配置情况;当CBCH信道描述为跳频模式时,必须带有字段CBCHMA。(5)SI4RestOct

41、.当小区选择参数中“附加重选参数指示(ACS)”置为“否”时,使用SI4RestOct.中相关参数计算小区重选参数C2值。小区重选判据:当PENALTY_TIME=31时:C2=C1-CELL_RESELECT_OFFSET。当PENALTY_TIME不等于31时:C2=C1+CELL_RESELECT_OFFSET - TEMPORARY_OFFSET*H(PENALTY_TIME-T).其中:对于非服务小区:x=0时,H(x)=1。对于服务小区:H(x)=0。SI4RestOct.包含参数见如下说明:参数定义小区重选参数指示(PI)指示MS是否采用C2作为小区重选参数,以及计算C2的参数是

42、否存在。它是1bit编码,为0表示用C1代替C2在小区重选的标准,为1则表示从系统消息中提取参数计算C2作为小区重选的依据。小区禁止限制CBQ(Cell Bar Qualify)为1bit编码,与小区接入禁止共同组成小区的优先级状态,具体见下一个表。小区重选偏移CRO(Cell_Reselect_Offset)表示人为对C2的修正值,为6bit编码,分别代表的电平值为0-12dB。它和临时偏移(TO)、惩罚时间(PT)共同形成对C2的人为调整。临时偏移TO(Temporary_Offset)取值范围:0-7,每级代表10dB。00dB,110dB,660dB,7无穷大。惩罚时间PT(Penal



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