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1、Radiocommunication Study GroupsSource:Document 5D/TEMP/99(Rev.1)Document 5/69-E24 October 2008English onlyWorking Party 5DDRAFT NEW REPORT ITU-R M.IMT.EVAL“Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-Advanced”CONTENTS1Introduction2Scope3Structure of the Report4Related documents

2、5Evaluation guidelines6Characteristics for evaluation7Evaluation methodology8Test environments and evaluation configurations9Channel model approach10References11List of acronyms and abbreviationsAnnex 1 Test environments and channel modelsAnnex 2 Traffic models1IntroductionInternational Mobile Telec

3、ommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced) systems are mobile systems that include the new capabilities of IMT that go beyond those of IMT-2000. Such systems provide access to a wide range of telecommunication services including advanced mobile services, supported by mobile and fixed networks, which are

4、increasingly packet-based.IMT-Advanced systems support low to high mobility applications and a wide range of data rates in accordance with user and service demands in multiple user environments. IMTAdvanced also has capabilities for high-quality multimedia applications within a wide range of service

5、s and platforms providing a significant improvement in performance and quality of service.The key features of IMT-Advanced are:a high degree of commonality of functionality worldwide while retaining the flexibility to support a wide range of services and applications in a cost efficient manner;compa

6、tibility of services within IMT and with fixed networks;capability of interworking with other radio access systems;high-quality mobile services;user equipment suitable for worldwide use;user-friendly applications, services and equipment;worldwide roaming capability;enhanced peak data rates to suppor

7、t advanced services and applications (100 Mbit/s for high and 1 Gbit/s for low mobility were established as targets for research) Data rates sourced from Recommendation ITUR M.1645.These features enable IMT-Advanced to address evolving user needs.The capabilities of IMT-Advanced systems are being co

8、ntinuously enhanced in line with user trends and technology developments.2ScopeThis Report provides guidelines for both the procedure and the criteria (technical, spectrum and service) to be used in evaluating the proposed IMT-Advanced radio interface technologies (RITs) or Sets of RITs (SRITs) for

9、a number of test environments and deployment scenarios for evaluation. These test environments are chosen to simulate closely the more stringent radio operating environments. The evaluation procedure is designed in such a way that the overall performance of the candidate RIT/SRITs may be fairly and

10、equally assessed on a technical basis. It ensures that the overall IMT-Advanced objectives are met.This Report provides, for proponents, developers of candidate RIT/SRITs and evaluation groups, the common methodology and evaluation configurations to evaluate the proposed candidate RIT/SRITs and syst

11、em aspects impacting the radio performance.This Report allows a degree of freedom so as to encompass new technologies. The actual selection of the candidate RIT/SRITs for IMT-Advanced is outside the scope of this Report.The candidate RIT/SRITs will be assessed based on those evaluation guidelines. I

12、f necessary, additional evaluation methodologies may be developed by each independent evaluation group to complement the evaluation guidelines. Any such additional methodology should be shared between evaluation groups and sent to the Radiocommunication Bureau as information in the consideration of

13、the evaluation results by ITU-R and for posting under additional information relevant to the evaluation group section of the ITU-R IMT-Advanced web page (http:/ Structure of the ReportSection 4 provides a list of the documents that are related to this Report.

14、Section 5 describes the evaluation guidelines.Section 6 lists the criteria chosen for evaluating the RITs.Section 7 outlines the procedures and evaluation methodology for evaluating the criteria.Section 8 defines the tests environments and selected deployment scenarios for evaluation; the evaluation

15、 configurations which shall be applied when evaluating IMT-Advanced candidate technology proposals are also given in this section.Section 9 describes a channel model approach for the evaluation.Section 10 provides a list of references.Section 11 provides a list of acronyms and abbreviations.The foll

16、owing Annexes form a part of this Report:Annex 1:Test environments and channel modelsAnnex 2:Traffic models4Related documentsResolution ITU-R 57Recommendation ITU-R M.1822Recommendation ITU-R M.1645Recommendation ITU-R M.1768Draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH (Doc. 5/60)Draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.R

17、EST (Doc. 5/68)Report ITU-R M.2038Report ITU-R M.2072Report ITU-R M.2074Report ITU-R M.2078Report ITU-R M.2079Recommendation ITU-R M.12245Evaluation guidelinesIMT-Advanced can be considered from multiple perspectives, including the users, manufacturers, application developers, network operators, and

18、 service and content providers as noted in Section4.2.2 in Recommendation ITU-R M.1645 “Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT2000 and systems beyond IMT2000”. Therefore, it is recognized that the technologies for IMT-Advanced can be applied in a variety of deployment scen

19、arios and can support a range of environments, different service capabilities, and technology options. Consideration of every variation to encompass all situations is therefore not possible; nonetheless the work of the ITU-R has been to determine a representative view of IMT-Advanced consistent with

20、 the process defined in Resolution ITU-R 57, “Principles for the process of development of IMT-Advanced” and the requirements defined in draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH.The parameters presented in this document are for the purpose of consistent definition, specification, and evaluation of the cand

21、idate RITs/SRITs for IMT-Advanced in ITU-R in conjunction with the development of Recommendations and Reports such as the framework and key characteristics and the detailed specifications of IMT-Advanced. These parameters have been chosen to be representative of a global view of IMT-Advanced but are

22、 not intended to be specific to any particular implementation of an IMT-Advanced technology. They should not be considered as the values that must be used in any deployment of any IMT-Advanced system nor should they taken as the default values for any other or subsequent study in ITU or elsewhere.Fu

23、rther consideration has been given in the choice of parameters to balancing the assessment of the technology with the complexity of the simulations while respecting the workload of an evaluator or technology proponent.This procedure deals only with evaluating radio interface aspects. It is not inten

24、ded for evaluating system aspects (including those for satellite system aspects).The following principles are to be followed when evaluating radio interface technologies for IMTAdvanced: Evaluations of proposals can be through simulation, analytical and inspection procedures. The evaluation shall be

25、 performed based on the submitted technology proposals, and should follow the evaluation guidelines, use the evaluation methodology and adopt the evaluation configurations defined in this Report. Evaluations through simulations contain both system level simulations and link level simulations. Evalua

26、tion groups may use their own simulation tools for the evaluation. In case of analytical procedure the evaluation is to be based on calculations using the technical information provided by the proponent. In case of evaluation through inspection the evaluation is based on statements in the proposal.T

27、he following options are foreseen for the groups doing the evaluations. Self-evaluation must be a complete evaluation (to provide a fully complete compliance template) of the technology proposal. An external evaluation group may perform complete or partial evaluation of one or several technology pro

28、posals to assess the compliance of the technologies with the minimum requirements of IMT-Advanced. Evaluations covering several technology proposals are encouraged.6Characteristics for evaluationThe technical characteristics chosen for evaluation are explained in detail in draft new Report ITUR M.IM

29、T.REST Section 2, including service aspect requirements which are based on Recommendation ITU-R M.1822, spectrum aspect requirements, and requirements related to technical performance, which are based on draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH. These are summarised in the following table, together with th

30、e high level assessment method: Simulation (including system and link-level simulations, according to the principles of simulation procedure given in Section 7.1). Analytical (via a calculation). Inspection (by reviewing the functionality and parameterisation of the proposal).TABLE 6-1Characteristic

31、 for evaluationMethodEvaluation methodology / configurationsRelated section of draft new Reports ITU-R M.IMT.TECH and M.IMT.RESTCell spectral efficiencySimulation (system level)Section 7.1.1; Table 8-2, 8-4 and 8-5draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.1Peak spectral efficiencyAnalyticalSection

32、 7.3.1; Table 8-3draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.2BandwidthInspectionSection 7.4.1draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.3Cell edge user spectral efficiencySimulation (system level)Section 7.1.2; Table 8-2, 8-4 and 8-5draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.4Control plane latenc

33、yAnalyticalSection 7.3.2; Table 8-2draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.5.1User plane latencyAnalyticalSection 7.3.3; Table 8-2draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.5.2MobilitySimulation (system and link level)Section 7.2; Table 8-2 and 8-7draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.6In

34、tra- and inter-frequency handover interruption timeAnalyticalSection 7.3.4; Table 8-2draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.7Inter-system handoverInspectionSection 7.4.3draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.7VoIP capacitySimulation (system level)Section 7.1.3; Table 8-2, 8-4 and 8-6draft

35、new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.8Deployment possible in at least one of the identified IMT bandsInspectionSection 7.4.2draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.REST Section 2.2 Channel bandwidth scalabilityInspectionSection 7.4.1draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.TECH Section 4.3Support for a wide range of serv

36、icesInspectionSection 7.4.4draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.REST Section 2.1Section 7 defines the methodology for assessing each of these criteria.7Evaluation methodologyThe submission and evaluation process is defined in Document IMT-ADV/2(Rev.1).Evaluation should be performed in strict compliance with

37、 the technical parameters provided by the proponents and the evaluation configurations specified for the deployment scenarios in Section 8.4 of draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.EVAL. Each requirement should be evaluated independently, except for the cell spectral efficiency and cell edge user spectral e

38、fficiency criteria that shall be assessed jointly using the same simulation, and that consequently the candidate RIT/SRITs also shall fulfil the corresponding minimum requirements jointly. Furthermore, the system simulation used in the mobility evaluation should be the same as the system simulation

39、for cell spectral efficiency and cell edge user spectral efficiency.The evaluation methodology should include the following elements:1) Candidate RIT/SRITs should be evaluated using reproducible methods including computer simulation, analytical approaches and inspection of the proposal.2) Technical

40、evaluation of the candidate RIT/SRITs should be made against each evaluation criterion for the required test environments.3) Candidate RIT/SRITs should be evaluated based on technical descriptions that are submitted using a technologies description template.In order to have a good comparability of t

41、he evaluation results for each proposal, the following solutions and enablers are to be taken into account: Use of unified methodology, software, and data sets by the evaluation groups wherever possible, e.g. in the area of channel modelling, link-level data, and link-to-system-level interface. Eval

42、uation of multiple proposals using one simulation tool by each evaluation group is encouraged. Question-oriented working method that adapts the level of detail in modelling of specific functionalities according to the particular requirements of the actual investigation.Evaluation of cell spectral ef

43、ficiency, peak spectral efficiency, cell edge user spectral efficiency and VoIP capacity of candidate RIT/SRITs should take into account the layer 1 and layer 2 overhead information provided by the proponents, which may vary when evaluating different performance metrics and deployment scenarios.7.1S

44、ystem simulation proceduresSystem simulation shall be based on the network layout defined in Section 8.3 of draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.EVAL. The following principles shall be followed in system simulation: Users are dropped independently with uniform distribution over predefined area of the networ

45、k layout throughout the system. Each mobile corresponds to an active user session that runs for the duration of the drop. Mobiles are randomly assigned LOS and NLOS channel conditions. Cell assignment to a user is based on the proponents cell selection scheme, which must be described by the proponen

46、t. The minimum distance between a user and a base station is defined in Table 8-2 in Section 8.4 of draft new Report ITU-R M.IMT.EVAL. Fading signal and fading interference are computed from each mobile station into each cell and from each cell into each mobile station (in both directions on an aggr

47、egated basis). The IoT The interference means the effective interference received at the base station. (interference over thermal) parameter is an uplink design constraint that the proponent must take into account when designing the system such that the average experience IoT value in the evaluation

48、 is equal to or less than 10 dB. In simulations based on the full-buffer traffic model, packets are not blocked when they arrive into the system (i.e. queue depths are assumed infinite). Users with a required traffic class shall be modelled according to the traffic models defined in Annex 2. Packets are scheduled with an appropriate packet scheduler(s) proposed by the proponents for full buffer and VoIP traffic mo


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