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1、Module 9 Great inventions【考点归纳】1. invention的词形变化: invent (v.t)创造,发明- invention (n.) 发明- inventor (n.) 发明家2. change (v.) 改变,变成 常用短语:change into:把变成3. think of / think about / think over的辨别: think of:想出,认为 / think about:考虑,思考 / think over:仔细考虑4. borrow 和 lend的短语辨别: borrow:借来,借入-常用短语:borrowfrom(从借来) le

2、nd:借给,借出-常用短语:lendto(把借给)() How long may I _ these books?For a week. 【C】A. borrow B. to borrow C. keep D. lend5. visit的短语用法: 作动词:参观,拜访- visit sb / visit someplace 作名词:参观,拜访- be on a visit to / pay a visit to / make a visit to (sb / sp)6. wait常用短语辨别: wait for:等待某人或某物 cant wait to do sth:迫不及待地要去做某事7.

3、数量单位词 hundred / thousand / million / billion的用法: 数字+数量单位词 +名词复数:表示准确数量的 数量单位词 + of:表示粗略数量的8. since:自从时起 since可以标志“现在完成时”;since引导的时间状语从句必须用“一般过去时”。 句型:Its +(时间段)+ since引导“一般过去时”时间状语从句。 =时间段 + has passed + since引导“一般过去时”时间状语从句。9. full 的词形变化及短语: full:(adj.) 满的,充满的,装满的- 常用短语:be full of(装满了东西的) fill:(v.)

4、 填满,装满- 常用短语:fill with(把装满)10. promise (v.) 承诺,允诺,许诺 promise to do sth(承诺去做某事);promise not to do sth(承诺不去做某事) promise sb to do sth(答应某人做某事);promise sb not to do sth(答应某人不做某事) promise sb th = promise sth to sb(答应,许诺给某人某物)11. invent 和 create区别: invent:发明-指产生前所未有的东西,对象往往指物质性的-名词为invention / inventor cr

5、eate:发明,创造-产生新的东西,对象即指物质性的,也可指抽象性的-名词creation / creator12. result短语辨别: as a result:结果是,因此(在句中作插入语,表示结果,一般用逗号隔开) as a result of:由于的原因(相当于because of),后接名词性短语(doing sth) result (v.) 发生;(因而)产生-常用短语:result in sth(导致,引起某种结果)13. compare with与compare to compare with :把与作比较(找出两者之间的不同点) compare to :把比作(找出两者之间

6、的相同点)14. 短语an amount of的用法: an amount of:大量的(通常连接不可数名词) a lot of / lots of / plenty of:即可表示不可数名词,也可表示可数名词的数量 a number of / dozens of:通常连接可数名词15. varied的词形变化: vary (v.)改变,使多样化- varied-varies-varying- varied / various (adj.) 各种各样的-variety (n.) 多样化,不同的形式 短语:be varied / various in = be different in16. s

7、eem的用法: seem ( to be ) + 名词/形容词:似乎(好像)是 seem to do sth:似乎(好像)是要去做某事 It seems + that从句:相当于seem to do sth17. allow (v.t) 允许(常用于以下单元搭配) allow doing sth:允许做某事 allow sb to do sth:允许某人做某事 be allowed to do sth:被允许做某事18. afford短语用法: 作为“担负得起(的费用;的时间)”:常与【can / could / be able to连用+afford to do sth】表示有足够的(时间或

8、金钱)做某事 作为“提供,供给”:常用于短语 afford sb sth = afford sth to sb(给某人提供某物)19. keep away的短语用法: keep away from:远离 keep sb away from sth:把某人与某物隔开 keep sb from doing sth:阻止某人做某事20. put up的用法张贴;挂;搭起() We are planning a Yangtze River Protection Day this weekend. Do you have any advice?Youd better _ signs around the

9、 school to tell all the students about that.【B】A. make up B. put up C. set up D. show up() The photos that won the first prize in the competition will be _ on the website.【C】A. put away B. put off C. put up D. put on【关于put的短语】:put out 熄灭put on 穿上 put away 将收起put down 写下,记下 put off 延期 put.into 把放进21.

10、 look through 浏览,还有“审核;查看”的意思。与look搭配的短语:look forward to 盼望 look into 调查;审查 look for 寻找look up 查阅;仰视 look out 当心22. at a time一次at a time短语中a不能用one或the/that代替。at one time曾经,一度,at that time表示“在那个时候”。They were friends at one time.他们曾经是朋友。语法一般将来时的被动语态一般将来时的被动语态的构成是:主语+ will / shall (第一人称) + be done ( +

11、by .)主语+ am / is / are + going to be done ( + by .)否定形式是:主语+ will / shall (第一人称) + not + be done ( + by .)主语+ am / is / are + not + going to be done ( + by .)一般疑问句结构:will +主语 + be + 动词过去分词?Will (wont) + be +动词的过去分词为一般将来时的被动语态have/has (not) been + 动词的过去分词为现在完成时的被动语态情态动词+ be + 动词的过去分词为情态动词的被动语态语法专练一、

12、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Look at the picture, what will happen in 2048?Many houses _(build) under the sea.2. If you dont finish your homework on time, you _(punish) by your parents.3. I wonder when Subway _(finish). When the day comes, Ill spend less time going to school every day.4. Our plan to clean the par

13、k _(discuss) tomorrow.5. Lets wait and see whether books _(replace) by the Internet in the future.6. Dont worry! You _(give) plenty of time to decide.7. It is reported that the Underground Line No. 2 _(build) in our city in 2021.8. Some books _(buy) by my sister for me tomorrow.9. Our English test _

14、(give) next Monday.10. The sports meeting in our school _(hold) in a week.11. The task _(finish) in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good rest.12. He has just ordered a watch online for his father and it _(send) to him before Fathers Day. Keys: 1. will be built2. will be punished3. will be fi

15、nished 4. will be discussed5. will be replaced6. will be given 7. will be built8. will be bought9. will be given10. will be held 11. will be finished12. will be sent【本单元实用短语总结】1. 把变成 change into 2. 想出,认为 think of3. 考虑,思考 think about 4. 仔细思考 think over5. 从借来 borrow from 6. 把借给 lend to 7. 等候某人或某物 wait

16、 for 8. 迫不及待地要做某事 cant wait to do sth9. 收到某人的来信 hear from sb = receive / get a letter from sb10. 通过互联网;在互联网上 on the Internet 11. 在过去 in the past12. 装满了东西的 be full of 13. 把装满了 fill with14. 正在去某地参观 be on a visit to 15. 对进行参观,访问 pay / make a visit to16. 承诺,答应做某事 promise to do sth 17. 承诺,答应不做某事 promise

17、not to do sth18. 承诺,答应某人做某事promise sb to do sth 19. 承诺,答应某人不做某事promise sb not to do sth20. 答应,许诺给某人某物promise sb sth = promise sth to sb21. 好好照顾 take good care of = look after well22. 在某人去地方的路上on ones way to 23. 顺便问一句 by the way24. 挡路 in the way 25. 在某种程度上 in a way26. 浏览,透过看look through 27. 在那个时代,在那个

18、年代 in those days28. 每次,一次 at a time 29. 曾经,一度 at one time30. 通过手工制作 by hand 31. 在印刷术方面的发展developments in printing32. 大量的:an amount of 33. 等着看,等着瞧 wait and see综合练习一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( C )31.Alice,will you be able to come to my party tomorrow afternoon?.If I can come back,Ill call you.A.PromiseB

19、.Here it isC.PerhapsD.Sounds great(A )32.He would likea book from the reading room.Can you help him?A.to borrowB.borrowC.borrowingD.borrowed(D )33.The strong wind caused the fire quickly toto the villages nearby and became more serious.A.giveB.createC.carryD.spread(D )34.Is that the old peoples home

20、? Im not sure.Wed better stop and ask for.A.adviceB.moneyC.actionsD.directions(A )35.Youenough time to finish the task.Dont worry!A.will be givenB.have givenC.were givenD.are giving(D )36.Who did you meet on your wayhome,Helen?A.atB.toC.inD./(C )37.“Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics

21、recently.Yeah,it receivesInternet hits a day.A.thousandsB.thousand ofC.thousands ofD.ten thousands(A )38.My unclehis computer and checked his emails.A.turned onB.turned offC.turned upD.turned down(B )39.the heavy snow,its very difficult to walk on the road.A.BecauseB.Because ofC.InsteadD.Instead of(

22、D )40.I think Jimmys house isbigger than mine.A.someB.manyC.veryD.far(A )41.Do you remember the first time we meet,Qinqin?Of course I do.Youa book then.A.were readingB.are readingC.had readD.will read(C )42.Sonia,please help methis picture on the wall.A.give upB.take upC.put upD.look up(B )43.Things

23、 madehand are usually more expensive than before.A.atB.byC.inD.on(D )44.As we know,is easy to keep in touch with each other by using mobile phones.A.theyB.thisC.thatD.it(B )45.Reading is a good way to pass the time on the plane.I never go travelling without a book.A.You are jokingB.Thats trueC.I don

24、t think soD.It sounds like fun二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)AYou may think that English dictionaries have been used for many,many centuries.In fact,an English dictionary you46today wasnt made until the Qing Dynasty.Three men did most of the important47work on dictionaries.They spent nearly all their li

25、ves trying to48words for their dictionaries.For them,it was a wonderful journey.The largest dictionary in the world is the Oxford English Dictionary.The49for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857.Twenty-two years later,Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor

26、 of its new dictionary.Murray had never been to50.At the age of fourteen,he left his village school in Scotland and taught51while working in a bank.Later he became a great teacher.After Oxford gave him the job,Murray had a small house52in his garden to do the work.Every morning,Murray got out of bed

27、 at five oclock and53in the small house several hours before breakfast.Often he would work into the night.Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years.But after five years,he was54adding words for the letter “A” !He worked on the dictionary55he was very old.Forty-four years later,in 1928,o

28、ther editors finished the dictionary.(B )46.A.writeB.useC.copyD.miss(A )47.A earlyB.boringC.easyD.difficult(B )48.A spellB.collectC.inventD.make(C )49.A.wayB.useC.ideaD.prize(D )50.A.schoolB.cinemaC.villageD.college(D )51.A.yourselfB.myselfC.herselfD.himself(A )52.A.builtB.soldC.brokenD.drawn(C )53.

29、A.readB.wroteC.workedD.thought(B )54.A.alreadyB.stillC.usuallyD.always(C )55.A.ifB.becauseC.untilD.unlessBMany useful machines were invented by inventors.These machines have56the world a lot.There are many great inventors in the world,and Watt was one of57.Watt was English.When he was a child,he lik

30、ed to ask questions and he was always58hard.One day,he was sitting in the kitchen with his grandmother.He59a kettle(水壶) on the stove.Soon steam(蒸汽) began to come60of the kettle and the lid(盖子) was shaking.Watt asked what was in the kettle.His grandmother said,“Water,my child.”“But I know theres61in

31、it.It pushes the lid up,” said Watt.His grandmother told him that it was only steam.He asked his grandmother,“62does the steam come up under the lid?” His grandmother said that it came from hot water.Watt said to63,“The steam is so strong that it can push things.The steam will be much64if theres mor

32、e water.”Later,Watt tried hard and made steam65for people.He invented the first steam engine.(C )56.A.becomeB.gotC.changedD.made(A )57.A.themB.itC.usD.that(D )58.A.playingB.usingC.growingD.thinking(C )59.A.feltB.lookedC.sawD.watched(B )60.A.atB.outC.inD.down(A )61.A.somethingB.nothingC.anythingD.eve

33、rything(B )62.A.WhyB.WhereC.WhetherD.When(C )63.A.himB.herselfC.himselfD.her(A )64.A.strongerB.moreC.louderD.weaker(C )65.A.moveB.walkC.workD.leave三、阅读理解。The car was invented just a century ago.You may know all kinds of cars names,but many people dont know who was the inventor of the first car.The f

34、irst car was invented not by an Englishman,but by an American.His name was Henry Ford.Henry was born in a poor family.He was the eldest of the six children.When he was a boy,he became interested in watches and machines.When he was thirteen years old,his mother died.Soon he had to work in a machine s

35、hop for two dollars and fifty cents a week.In the evenings he repaired watches for another dollar a week.The hard life made him strong and able.At that time,there was another interest in the life of the young Henry.He dreamt of making a machine.It could run without horses,so he named it “horseless c

36、arriage(马车)”.He overcame a lot of difficulties and in April 1893,the “horseless carriage” was finally invented.It was the first car.Later Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company.He was really the first inventor of the car in the world.(D )66.Who really invented the car first?A.A Chinese.B.An Engli

37、shman.C.A Russian.D.An American.(D )67.How many dollars did young Henry get every week?A.1.5 dollars.B.2.5 dollars.C.3 dollars.D.3.5 dollars.(B )68.What does the underlined word “overcame” mean in Chinese?A.迎接B.克服C.轻视D.察觉(C )69.Henry invented the first car.A.with his brothersB.without any difficulty

38、C.himselfD.for the machine shop四、阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。When on the ground,the Paravelo is a common bike with a trailer(挂车) and a fan(风扇).But in fact,it is a flying bike.If you like,it can take you up to about 1,200 metres high and it can reach a speed of 40 kilometres per hour.John Fode and

39、 Yannick Read from Britain invented the Paravelothe worlds first flying bike.They spent two years making it.They believe their flying bike will change the way people travel for work,leisure(休闲) and adventure.The Paravelo has a GPS,and you dont need a pilots license to fly it.It also can be folded an

40、d put in a small place.Mr Read said,“If you want an adventure,but have no money for a helicopter,then the Paravelo is for you.It just costs 10,000,the same as a small family car.”The Paravelo uses bio-fuel(生物燃料) and makes no pollution.Whats more,it has a tent inside its body,and you can go camping e

41、verywhere.Cool!70.What is the Paravelo in the passage?(不超过5个词)A flying bike. 71.What do John and Yannick think about the Paravelo?(不超过15个词)They think it will change the way people travel for work,leisure and adventure. 72.How much is the Paravelo?(不超过15个词)It costs 10,000, the same as a small family

42、car. 五、书面表达(共1小题;满分25分)发明改变了世界,改变了我们的生活。请你以“Inventions”为话题,根据以下要点写一篇英文值日报告。1.自行车的用途:方便出行;2.自行车的好处:价格合理,环保;3.你想发明的东西及其理由。注意:1.词数80100;2.请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;3.文中不能出现真实的姓名和校名;4.开头已给出,不计入总词数。Good morning,everyone!I am on duty today.Its 5th June.Everyone is here.Today Im going to talk about inventions.Inventio

43、ns are created every day because people would like to make life easier.The bike is a very useful invention.We go to school or work by bike.Its not so expensive that most of us can afford it.Besides,it makes no pollution,which is good for our environment.Whats more,bicycle riding is a kind of exercise which is quite good for our health.Though there have been many great inventions,I wish to invent a kind of pen which can help me write more quickly and clearly.As a result,we can have more time to do other things.Thats all.Thank you very much.


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