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1、PART IIIMARKET STRUCTURE AND COMPETITVE STRATEGYCHAPTER 10MARKET POWER: MONOPOLY AND MONOPSONYTEACHING NOTESThis chapter covers both monopoly and monopsony in order to highlight the similarity between the two types of market power. The chapter begins with a discussion of monopoly in sections 1-4. Se
2、ction 5 first discusses monopsony, and then offers an instructive comparison of monopoly and monopsony. Section 6 discusses sources of monopsony power and the social costs of monopsony power, while section 7 concludes with a discussion of antitrust law. If you are pressed for time you might choose t
3、o only cover the first four sections on monopoly and skip the remainder of the chapter. Section 7 can be covered even if you choose to skip sections 5 and 6. The last part of section 1 on the multiplant firm can also be skipped if you are pressed for time.Although chapter 8 presented the general rul
4、e for profit maximization, you should review marginal revenue and price elasticity of demand through a careful derivation of Equation 10.1. A discussion of the derivation of Equation 10.1 will elucidate the geometry of Figure 10.3. Point out that because marginal revenue is positive at the profit ma
5、ximizing level of price and quantity for a monopolist, demand at that quantity is elastic. Equation 10.1 also leads directly to the Lerner Index in Section 10.2. This provides fruitful ground for a discussion of a monopolists market power. For example, if Ed is large (e.g., because of close substitu
6、tes), then (1) the demand curve is relatively flat, (2) the marginal revenue curve is relatively flat (although steeper than the demand curve), and (3) the monopolist has little power to raise price above marginal cost. To reinforce these points, introduce a non-linear demand curve by, for example,
7、showing the location of the marginal revenue curve for a unit-elastic demand curve. Once this concept has been clearly presented, the discussion of the effect of an excise tax on a monopolist with non-linear demand (Figure 10.5) will not seem out of place.The social costs of market power are a good
8、topic for class discussion, and this topic can be introduced by comparing the deadweight loss associated with monopoly with the analysis of market intervention given in Chapter 9. For example, compare Figure 10.10 with Figure 9.5. Given that Exercises (9), (13), and (15) involve “kinked marginal rev
9、enue curves,” you should present Figure 10.11 if you plan to assign those problems. Although Figure 10.11 is complicated, exposure to it here will help when it reappears in Chapter 12.REVIEW QUESTIONS1. A monopolist is producing at a point at which marginal cost exceeds marginal revenue. How should
10、it adjust its output to increase profit?When marginal cost is greater than marginal revenue, the incremental cost of the last unit produced is greater than incremental revenue. The firm would increase its profit by not producing the last unit. It should continue to reduce production, thereby decreas
11、ing marginal cost and increasing marginal revenue, until marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue.2. We write the percentage markup of prices over marginal cost as (P - MC)/P. For a profit-maximizing monopolist, how does this markup depend on the elasticity of demand? Why can this markup be viewed
12、 as a measure of monopoly power?We can show that this measure of market power is equal to the negative inverse of the price elasticity of demand.The equation implies that, as the elasticity increases (demand becomes more elastic), the inverse of elasticity decreases and the measure of market power d
13、ecreases. Therefore, as elasticity increases (decreases), the firm has less (more) power to increase price above marginal cost.3. Why is there no market supply curve under conditions of monopoly?The monopolists output decision depends not only on marginal cost, but also on the demand curve. Shifts i
14、n demand do not trace out a series of prices and quantities that we can identify as the supply curve for the firm. Instead, shifts in demand lead to changes in price, output, or both. Thus, there is no one-to-one correspondence between the price and the sellers quantity; therefore, a monopolized mar
15、ket lacks a supply curve.4. Why might a firm have monopoly power even if it is not the only producer in the market?The degree of monopoly (or market) power enjoyed by a firm depends on the elasticity of the demand curve that it faces. As the elasticity of demand increases, i.e., as the demand curve
16、becomes flatter, the inverse of the elasticity approaches zero and the monopoly power of the firm decreases. Thus, if the firms demand curve has any elasticity less than infinity, the firm has some monopoly power. It is only the competitive firm that faces a horizontal demand curve who has no market
17、 power.5. What are some of the different types of barriers to entry that give rise to monopoly power? Give an example of each.The firms ability to exercise monopoly power depends on how easy it is for other firms to enter the industry. There are several barriers to entry, including exclusive rights
18、(e.g., patents, copyrights, and licenses) and economies of scale. These two barriers to entry are the most common. Exclusive rights are legally granted property rights to produce or distribute a good or service. Positive economies of scale lead to “natural monopolies” because the largest producer ca
19、n charge a lower price, driving competition from the market. For example, in the production of aluminum, there is evidence to suggest that there are scale economies in the conversion of bauxite to alumina. (See U.S. v. Aluminum Company of America, 148 F.2d 416 1945, discussed in Exercise 8, below.)6
20、. What factors determine the amount of monopoly power an individual firm is likely to have? Explain each one briefly.Three factors determine the firms elasticity of demand: (1) the elasticity of market demand, (2) the number of firms in the market, and (3) interaction among the firms in the market.
21、The elasticity of market demand depends on the uniqueness of the product, i.e., how easy it is for consumers to substitute away from the product. As the number of firms in the market increases, the demand elasticity facing each firm increases because customers may shift to the firms competitors. The
22、 number of firms in the market is determined by how easy it is to enter the industry (the height of barriers to entry). Finally, the ability to raise the price above marginal cost depends on how other firms react to the firms price changes. If other firms match price changes, customers will have lit
23、tle incentive to switch to another supplier.7. Why is there a social cost to monopoly power? If the gains to producers from monopoly power could be redistributed to consumers, would the social cost of monopoly power be eliminated? Explain briefly.When the firm exploits its monopoly power by charging
24、 a price above marginal cost, consumers buy less at the higher price. Consumers enjoy less surplus, the difference between the price they are willing to pay and the market price on each unit consumed. Some of the lost consumer surplus is not captured by the seller and is a deadweight loss to society
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