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1、Unit 6 Im going to study computer science单元练习题I 语法填空1. The Belt and Road Initiative (“一带一路”倡议) will help China improve the _ (relation) with some other countries.2. The message had to do _ the singer.3. To be a great _(violin), my cousin practice playing the violin every day.4. The twins could look

2、after _ (they) when they were only six.5. Jason called me just now. He cant have dinner with us tonight. - But he _(promise)!6. - _ are you going to celebrate(庆祝) the Mid-Autumn Festival? - Im going to have a big dinner together with my family.7. Hi, Susan! What are you going to do during the summer

3、 holidays? - Im going to _(开始从事) cooking because I like eating delicious food.8. Whats Miss Millers _(爱好)? - She likes Chinese paper cutting.9. Sally _ (take) piano lessons next year.10. For us, the high-speed trains travel _ fast _ see much outside the window.11. John had to _(拒绝) the invitation be

4、cause he was really busy with exams.12. How about having a surprise party for Jane? - Good idea. Lets _(讨论) when to have the party now.13. There _ (将会举行) a great concert this evening. - That sounds great. Lets go there.14. My sister is going to be a pianist when she _(长大).15. My New Years resolution

5、 is to travel to Qingdao. - _(那听起来不错).II 完形填空 Hi, Im Mary. I like playing the piano. When I grow up, Im going to be a professional(专业的) 16 . My biggest dream is to 17 the International Chopin Piano Competition. Its one of 18 competitions for pianists in the world. 19 I play the piano in concerts, I

6、can make people 20 And I can also 21 some money and give it to charities. So 22 am I going to do it? First, Im going to find a part-time job and save some 23 . And Im going to 24 playing the piano every day and take piano lessons on weekends. Then Im going to be a 25 at a music school in China. I th

7、ink I can realize my dream one day.16. A. violinist B. pianist C. pilot D. artist17. A. hold B. send C. win D. get18. A. simple B. personal C famous D. creative19. A. Though B When C. Because D. So20. A. sad B. rich C. happy D. angry21. A. take B. make C. lend D. send22. A. where B. when C. how D. w

8、hy23. A. time B. money C. room D. food24. A. stop B. finish C. practice D. enjoy25. A. doctor B. worker C. driver D. studentIII 阅读理解ANameHobbyDreamHow to make his/her dream come trueTedMusicBeing a popular singerPractice singing in the school music club and take part in the citys singing completion

9、next yearKatrinaDancingWork as a dancer in LondonGo to the dancing club to practice dancingIsabelPlaying SportsBeing a runner in the national teamJoin a sports club this termHectorTravelingWork as a doctor in BeijingGo to China to study Chinese medicine next yearBobPlaying sportsBeing a great basket

10、ball player like Lin Shuhao Join a basketball club and exercise every day.26. Katrina wants to work as a _ in England.A. doctor B. runner C. singer D. dancer27. Both Isabel and Bob like _.A. traveling B. playing sports C. music D. dancing28. _ wants to work in China when he/she grows up.A. Hector B.

11、 Ted C. Bob D. Isabel29. There is going to be a _ in Teds city next year.A. basketball game B. singing completion C. running competition D. dancing competition30. From the above information we know that _.A. Ted is going to study Chinese medicine next yearB. Isabel likes traveling very much.C. Bob w

12、ants to be a great basketball player.D. none of the five people like dancing.B In December or early January, almost everyone wants to plan for a wonderful new year! We plan vacations and we hope that we can achieve(达到) our goals. We make New Years resolutions and set big goals! If you carry out(实施)

13、your plan successfully, you can improve your life or break your bad habits. Here are some tips for New Years resolutions:Think about the resolutions you made last year.Have you succeeded? If not, why? Find out the reason and try this year.Do not make too many resolutions at a time. Youd better go wi

14、th one at a time.Set goals that you need to achieve for the whole year, instead of a few days.Once you have made up your mind, try your best to achieve your goals.31. When do we usually make New Years resolutions?A. Always on January 1st.B. Only in DecemberC. At any time of the year.D. At the end or

15、 the beginning of a year.32. Why do we make New Years resolutions?A. Because theyre excitingB. Because we have to do that C. Because theyre relaxingD. Because we hope to improve our life33. How should we make New Years resolutions?A. We should make new resolutions every dayB. We should make lots of

16、resolutions at the same timeC. We should make resolutions for the whole yearD. We should make the resolutions that we can do in a very short time.34. What does the underlined phrase “instead of” mean in Chinese?A. 可是 B.而不是 C. 只是 D. 但是35. Which is the best title of the passage?A. When to make New Yea

17、rs resolutionsB. Try tour best in the whole yearC. Remember to make a plan on New Years DayD. How to make New Years resolutionsCIn life, you need to set goals(目标) if you want to achieve more or less. Goals are not only about achieving more in life: a goal starts with a simple wish. If you have a wis

18、h for less in life- for example, less work or less responsibility(责任) these are also goals.Setting goals can not only increase your chances to succeed, but can bring you more benefits.1. When you set goals, your action is more focused and you start taking action in the whole process of turning your

19、dream into reality.2. Goals also keep you motivated and inspired when youre “just not feeling good”; they give you the impetus(动力) you need to keep going.3. Setting goals and reviewing(回顾) them regularly(有规律地) can give you direction and keep you moving close to what you want.4. You will complete mor

20、e during months than many people do during years, and you will see better results than you could have ever imagined.Setting goals is necessary to achieve success. It begins with a wish, and then a written goal, followed by the right attitude and action, and hat is your way to success. Keep reviewing

21、 your goals and watch your dream slowly turns into reality.36. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. The benefits of setting goalsB. The reasons of setting goalsC. How to set goals in lifeD. The kinds of life goals.37. How many benefits of setting goals are mentioned in the passage?A. One B. Two C

22、. Three D. Four38. How can goals help us when we are just not feeling good?A. Goals give us more happinessB. Goals keep us motivated and inspired.C. Goals make our dreams come trueD. Goals keep us off the difficulties39. What advice does the writer give us after setting goals?A. We should write them

23、 down quicklyB. We should tell them to our friends.C. We should review them regularlyD. We should complete them during months40. Why does the writer write this passage?A. To make more people set goalsB. To introduce the types of life goalsC. To tell us the importance of goalsD. To get people to know

24、 life goals.IV 词语运用 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框有两个词是多余的。 My name is Mary. Im 41 Australia. I live in a small town. Im thirteen years old. I am 42 to Green High School next year.When I was 7 years old, I sang the songs that I learned from the TV. It became a habit. As I 43 up

25、, I was better and better at it. Now I sing every day. I love singing. Singing makes 44 feel free and happy. People always tell me that I have a beautiful voice(嗓音) and I should use it. Last year, I 45 part in our citys signing contest. I won 46 prize. From then on, I decided to be a 47 .I hope I ca

26、n become a singer. I am going to tour around America, England and other 48 to give concerts. I am going to be 49 . Im going to use part of the money from the concerts to help poor children.But 50 my dream doesnt come true, I am not going to be sad. I am not going to stop singing. I sing just because

27、 I like it.41. _ 42. _ 43. _ 44. _ 45. _46. _ 47. _ 48. _ 49. _ 50. _V 书面表达 根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于70词的文段写作。文章标题已经给出,所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出真实校名和姓名。 学校英语校刊“人生目标”栏目正在征稿。请你以“My Dream Job”为题写一篇短文,内容包括你的理想职业是什么,为什么你会有这样的想法,你打算如何实现它。 提示词语: important, helpful, study, practice, try my best 提示问题:1. What do you want to b

28、e when you grow up? 2. Why do you have this dream? 3. What are you going to do?My Dream Job_Unit 6 Im going to study computer science单元练习题答案I 语法填空1. relationship 2. with 3. violinist 4. themselves 5. promised6. How 7. start to take up 8. hobby 9. will take 10. too to11. refuse 12. discuss 13. will be 14. grows up 15. That sounds greatII 完形填空16-20 BCCBC 21-25 BCBCDIII 阅读理解A) 26-30 DBABC B) 31-35 DDCBD C) 36-40 ADBCAIV 词语运用41. from 42. going 43. grew 44. me 45. took 46. first 47. singer 48. countries 49. famous 50. ifV 书面表达略。


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