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1、A: This picture illustrates a child and an old man enjoy their lives. But a young man has to bear with many burden, such as hard work, little exercise and intaking too much energy. I think it means that the young men have to do too much work for home. What do you think of the reasons for it?B: I thi

2、nk the most important cause of it is aging(老龄化). In another words, a young man need to maintain too many old men. You know, in nowadays, a young mans parents and grandparents are all lived commonly. That means he has six old man to feed.A: I think more combative situation for children is another rea

3、son. Many parents have to send their children to education institutes which will take them much money. Do you have any solutions for it?B: In social part, the most important solution is increasing the economy. Only the development of economy can rise the level of lives. Providing security for old me

4、n is another effective measure. It can decrease young mens pressure.A: That is governments work. What can ourselves do?B: The only thing we can do is working hard. There is no shortcut to good life. I have an uncle was poor before. He also has many old men to feed. But he worked very hard and his in

5、come increased every year. Now he has a comfortable life.A: Yes, ourselves effort is key to solve the problem.1、一个男人在深夜还在工作,他看上去非常累2、是呀,他几乎要睡着了,但似乎手头上的工作还没有做完3、这种现象不仅发生在工作党,在我们学生党中更是常见,你说呢?4、是呀,自从来到了同济,我经常熬夜加班,忙学习忙科研,睡眠时间根本不够。5、我非常赞同你说的,因为我也是这样子的。熬夜加班后第二天会感觉非常疲惫,做事也没有效率。6、而且皮肤还会变差,情绪也会很糟糕。尤其是我们女孩子,又

6、到了博士阶段,不好好休息真的会加速衰老,听起来就很恐怖。7、对,我觉得我们应该合理的安排时间,学习的时候好好学习,休息的时候好好休息8、是呀,这样不仅能提高我们的做事效率,还有益于身体健康。9、希望我们以后相互监督,劳逸结合,能够高质量的学习,尽快拿到博士学位。1. A man is still working late at night. He looks very tired.2, yes, he almost fell asleep, but it seems that the work on hand has not yet finished3, this phenomenon not

7、 only occurs in the working party, students in our party is more common, you say?4, yes, since I came to Tongji, I often stay up late to work overtime, busy studying research, not enough time to sleep.5, I very much agree with you, because I also like this. Stay up late after second days will feel v

8、ery tired, things do not have efficiency.6, and the skin will become worse, the mood will be very bad. Especially we girls, to the doctoral stage, not a good rest will accelerate aging, sounds terrible.7, right, I think we should be reasonable arrangements for time, study time to learn, rest time to

9、 rest8, yes, this can not only improve our work efficiency, but also beneficial to health.9, we hope that mutual supervision, work and rest, to high quality learning, get a doctorate as soon as possible. 看,从图上可以看到,一个小孩跑在最前面,老人跟在后面,他们非常愉快而后面的年轻人,气喘吁吁,看起来压力很大。是呀,现在的年轻人摄入能量高,体力活动少,工作繁忙等,身上肩负着太多的压力和责任我觉

10、得这也是我们现实生活的写照。每天忙于学习,缺乏锻炼,吃的还不健康,导致身心都很疲惫,而且生活也并不快乐。现代大学生学习压力大,父母又施加一定的压力,社会竞争又很厉害,造成这种情况也没有办法。我非常同意你说的,从另一个方面来讲,在这压力下,他们吃的好,锻炼的却很少,身体状况也越来越糟糕。我觉得在这种情况下我们应该合理的安排时间,合理的经营生活和工作。例如,周一到周五好好工作和学习,周末适当的放松,劳逸结合。例如每周都看看书,适当的锻炼,健康的饮食,有一个好身体才是最重要的。是呀,生活嘛,健康快乐最重要,我们年轻人是有能力合理安排好工作的。1, look, from the picture we

11、can be seen, a child ran in the front, the old man behind, they are very happy.2, but the young man, panting, looks great pressure.3, yes, young people now eat high energy, less physical activity, busy work, who shoulders have too much pressure and responsibility.4, I think this is our real life. Ev

12、ery day we are busy with learning, lack of exercise, eat unhealthy, leading to physical and mental exhaustion, and life is not happy.5, modern university students have too much pressure, like studying pressure, pressure from parents and society, it is no way to cause this situation.6, I very much ag

13、ree with you, on the other hand, in this pressure, they eat well, exercise is little, physical condition is getting worse.7, I think in this case we should be reasonable arrangements for time, reasonable arrange life and work.8, for example, Monday to Friday to hard work and on weekends to relax, al

14、ternate work with rest.9, such as reading books every week, proper exercise, a healthy diet, have a good body is the most important.10, yes, for life, health and happiness is the most important.11. I cant agree with you more.Cannot bear for any timeThis cartoon is very interesting, a young man and h

15、is girlfriend are going for a walk and eating something, while they see a dustbin on the side of the road. However, we can see that a lot of rubbish are threw outside the dustbin, so the man also throw his rubbish at will as the same as others do, and there are more and more rubbish heaping surround

16、 the dustbin as a result. Why do people drop the rubbish outside the dustbin? For most of them, it is convenient because the entry of the dustbin is too small. Also, they are usually very hurry on the way and think it is a waste of time to carefully drop the refuse. But I think, as the most importan

17、t reason, the conscious of them to promote the environment is poor. As we know, the environment is polluted by a lot of waste things, for the rubbish is dropped at random as shown in this picture can be an important case. How can we alleviate this problem? In my daily life I will consciously put the

18、 rubbish into the dustbin to reduce the contamination. Moreover, the harm of this phenomenon should be informed for all the people and let them clarify their responsibility to protect the environment. If everyone give a little force, our home will become better and we will say in a healthy condition

19、. Describe the pictureDiscuss the topicComment or analyze the exampleSolution to the problemthere is much haze surrounded our city.living a hazing time, haze is a problem which many cities are facing in recent years. the haze is an air mixed erosion phenomenon,危害:making our city looks gray. Whats wo

20、rse, it brings great harm to human health.Thats it. Haze is a disaster weather, which have great influence on the highway, railway, shipping, the growth of crops. 解决方案:government should make the rules and increase the law enforcement.Close the severe pollution enterprises, eliminate backward technol

21、ogy and equipment, do less exhaust gas, promote the use of clean energy.For example, We should select more public transport rather than private cars. We should keep a habit of saving energy especially for electric and gas.the cartoon reflects a social phenomenon. Oldman miss their sons but their son

22、s do not care about their life. In other words, it reflects a problem of filial piety.原因:filial piety is one of the traditional virtues. the selfish is the main reason for causing the problem.Selfish make people put their benefit first. In other words, they only care about themselves. Their parents

23、become their burden. 解决方案:the society should encourage filial piety, people who are not piety should be criticized by public opinion.when they become old , they may face the same problem. We should be kind to our parents.From this picture we can see that a woman walking the dog is abusing a cleaner

24、in foulest languages, saying that the cleaners life is not worth the dog.I know something about the news. Three women are walking their dogs in the area, a cleaner passes by and persuades them to clean up the dog-poop. But the three women dont listen to the advice, even abuse the cleaner in scrannel

25、 words that “Your life is not worth the dog.”Cleaners work hard and clean our city、resident areas、streets and many other public areas, create a good and comfortable environment for our daily life. However, there are still many people dont respect them.For example, we always can see many uncivilized

26、behaviors, the most common is throw peel debris, some gathered in knots chatting, leaving one of the shell seeds when they disperse.Some people even say “Without crab, what is the use of cleaners” when they are persuaded by the cleaners. Some people think they are the “God” since they have paid for

27、the residential property management fees, cleaning fees.Working people should be well paid for their time and effort to obtain universal respect. People who trample on the environment should be severely punished.Everyone should condemn those who do not care for the environment, do not respect the re

28、sults of others labor.Respecting others is respecting ourselves. There is no distinction between people, as long as they work, they are worth everyone respect.名利:fame and gain假学术:false academic假成果:false result多产的:productive研究院:research instituteIn some research institute,a few researchers make use o

29、f the false academic and false result to get the fruits of fame and gain.The phenomena reflects the fact that some people pursuit the fame and money, but dont care about the true meaning of being a researcher.As far as Im concerned, honest is the primary principle of being a human, and its also a pr

30、inciple of the researcher. Only we respect the science, can we get the fruit of success.Filial PietyAs is described in the picture, a young mother helped a little boy wash feet with a smiling face. After many years, the boy grew up and the mother became old. Then the boy in turn to help the old moth

31、er wash her feet. Obviously, the scene looks very harmonious. Throughout history, being filial and respectful to the elders has been a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. There is an old saying “Charity begins at home”.Now filial piety has become a hot topic among people, and the whole society

32、 should pay more attention to the problem of filial piety. On the one hand, some people think supporting the orderly is childrens responsibility. The reasons for this are as follow, firstly, the parents gave us life and the most selfless love. Secondly, parents created the conditions of life and lea

33、rning for us. Of course, its necessary for us to be with filial piety. On the other hand, some people think supporting the elderly is the governments responsibly. The reasons for this are as follow. Firstly, as the result of birth control and improvement of medical care, supporting the old has becom

34、e an issue in China today. And the government should take a series of measures to solve the problem and also pay a lot of money for the old every year in order to make them live better. Secondly, the elderly belong to the social vulnerable groups, and the government has the responsibility to support

35、 the old man.In my opinion, its necessary to support the old man. In China, because of its tradition, the old man is mostly supported by their children. In addition, our government should take measures to support the old. We believe the pension system of our country would be perfect one day. 1.In th

36、is picture, we can see so much dirty water and fog is discharged from the factory.2.Yes, there is also a man, he is gathering the money falling from the fog.3.I think this picture is main about the economy development and environment pollution.4.I agree with you. This picture shows that some people

37、get money by destroying the environment.5.In china , there are so many factories which discharge a lot of polluted water and fog into environment.6.These factories are destroying our home every day , maybe we should do something about it.7.Not only us, but the government and the owner of the factori

38、es also need to make changes.8.Yee, the government should supervise the factories more strictly.9.And the owner of the factories should consider more about the environment except the money. 10.What could we do about the pollution?11.Maybe if we find some factories are polluted, we can offer the info

39、rmation to the government.12.That is a good idea. If everyone makes a little change, the environment will be better.1.In this picture, we can see a women seating in the front of a computer. There are six kinds of deceptions in this in this picture.2.In my opinion, this picture is about the network f

40、raud.3.I cant agree more. There are more and more frauds in the network.4.Yes, the internet is much more dangerous than before, I am so afraid of it.5.Dont be so worry about it. Even if there are so many frauds, but if you are careful about it, you can be safe.6.Really, what could I do?7.You should

41、make your password of your account complex.8.Yes, that is necessary, and is there other suggestion?9.Dont believe others in the internet, especially when you are talking about money.10.I will be more careful about the money in the internet.11.Whats more, do you know our government is taking steps to

42、 deal with the network fraud.12.Really? I so happy to hear that, I hope the internet can safer in the future.13.I hope so, and I believe it will be safer.关键词:全球变暖:global warming温室效应:greenhouse effect冰川融化:glaciers melting 栖息地:habitat企鹅:penguin无奈和喷怒:helpless angry渡渡鸟: Raphus cucullatus概要:As we can see

43、 in this caricature, a list of penguins stand in the bottom of the sea holding boards with the slogan “please dont let the earth become hotter”. Obviously, they are helpless and angry, because the glaciers in which they live have melted in the effect of global warming.As we all known, in recent year

44、s, people have cut down a lot of trees in order to get more wood and more land, many forests have disappeared. Lack of photosynthesis in plants makes carbon dioxide in the air difficult to be absorbed and transformed by plants. Whats more, the excessive use of fossil fuels Release a large amount of

45、waste gas. All this leads to global warming. 1981 1990 global average temperature increased by 0.48 degrees C compared with 100 years ago. Elevated temperatures melt Antarctic glaciers. Penguins Living no these glaciers for generations bear the brunt first. Such birds are evolved to suit the glacier

46、s environment, so once they lost their habit, they face the risk to disappear from the earth. Animals and humans live together on this planet, many species are extinct because of our human, such as the Raphus cucullatus. It is no different with murder.If no other living things, we humans will become

47、 very lonely, the last species that disappear from earth is our human. So we should pay close attention to the environment problems. We can use the new technology to find the new energy and develop environment friendly products. We should return farmland to forest properly. Take some researches and

48、measures to give back penguins a home and a more happier future for ourselves and our kids.On the bus, a thief is stealing a girls bag. A little boy sees the scene and tells his father maybe wishing his father to stop the thief to commit a crime. But his father says:” SHH, you have seen nothing!”Maybe the father is afraid of being revenged (报复) or maybe he just thinks its better to save trouble(多一事不如少一事)Silence is connivance


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