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1、绝密启用前小学英语写作专项练习题(附答案)第I卷(选择题)评卷人得分一、阅读理解1.书面表达。下面是王伟同学收到的来自美国的笔友Bob的信,请你帮王伟给Bob写封回信,不少于30个单词。Dear Wang Wei,Nice to meet you! My name is Bob. Im 12 years old. I am an American. I want to be your good friend. I think we can learn from each other. I want to go to China someday. I hope I can see you the

2、n.Best wishes!Yours,Bob_2.看一看,写一写。1. What do you have on Tuesdays?I have _2. What do you have on Wednesdays?_3._on Thursdays?_4._?_5._第II卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II卷的文字说明评卷人得分二、书面表达3.看图片写短语。(8分)4.书面表达。(10分)以你自己的宠物或你熟悉的小动物为题按下面的要求写一篇英语作文。要求:1.意思连贯,词句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。2.不少于50个单词。5.作文:10分请用3到5句话介绍自己上周末的活动.题目:My last we

3、ekend 6.请为下面的连环画写一段描述。(共7分) 写作要求:*根据连环画的内容写出简单的描述。*不少于20词。*句子完整。*可以参考Word Box提供的词汇。7.假如你是弗兰克(Frank),请你写一封信给你的笔友Jane,告诉她你暑假的活动安排。(30 分)要求:内容丰富,句子正确。表达连贯,语言得体。书写工整,不少于65个单词。 8.书面表达。(30分)要求:介绍朋友。单词不少于40个。我的朋友叫Tim,他今年10岁,他长着大大的眼睛,大大的耳朵,他喜欢红色,他最爱的水果是香蕉。 9.根据所给信息写五句以上的连贯的话语。(不少于五句话)(10分) 10.作文:(10分)题目:家务活

4、、家务劳动。(50词)11.写作。“六一”儿童节到了,Susan的妈妈想买一件礼物送给Susan.她在商店里看见一条粉红色连衣裙很漂亮,想买下来,但价格太贵,需要200元。于是她决定买另一件蓝色的,同样也很漂亮的连衣裙,这件只需120元。请根据上述情节,编写一段发生在商场里的对话,对话的主人工是Susan的妈妈和售货员。A:(assistant) S:(Susans mother)A: S:A: S:A: S:12.书面表达。要求:介绍朋友。单词不少于40个。我的朋友叫Tim,他今年10岁,他长着大大的眼睛,大大的耳朵,他喜欢红色,他最爱的水果是香蕉。答案1.参考范文:Dear Bob,Nic

5、e to meet you, too! Im Wang Wei. Im in Willow Primary School. Im in Class 1 Grade 6. Im 12 years old, too.I go to school by bike from Monday to Friday. After school I often play basketball with my friends. I like playing football and swimming. Whats your hobby? I hope you will come to China soon. I

6、think we can be good friends.Best wishes!Yours,Wang Wei2.1.maths, science, Chinese and art.2.I have maths, Chinese, maths, art and English.3.What do you have;I have maths, Chinese, English and computer class.4.What do you have on Fridays?I have PE, music, science and English.5.What do you have on Mo

7、ndays?I have Chinese, English, maths and music.3.(1)take pictures/photos (2)pick up leaves(3)draw pictures (4)watch TV参考范文My dogI have an English dog. Its name is Laike. Its two years old. Its grey. Its body is very long. Its mouth is white. Its two eyes are blue. It has two small ears. Its four leg

8、s are very long. Its tail is thin and long. It runs fast. It likes meat. I like to play with it. Its my good friend.5.My last weekendI was busy last weekend. Saturday morning, I did my homework. In the afternoon, I washed my clothes. Sunday morning, I played football with my friend. In the afternoon

9、, I went to a bookstore. Then I went home and read my new books.写看图作文时,侧重画的内容,一定要全面,用一两句话写出图中表现的内容,时间,地点,人物要看清楚,最后在点题。时态可以用一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时和现在完成时。范文:Yesterday was Tims moms birthday. Tims dad and Tim went to the supermarket to buy some food and a birthday cake for Tims mom. At home, Tim washed the

10、vegetables and his dad cooked the dinner. Tims mom was very happy. They ate up the food and the cake. They had a good time.点评:本篇文章通过对学生生日的叙述,表明了学生的开心心里,还有整个生日学生过程,条理清晰,构思巧妙。意思连贯。11.A: Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗? S: Yes , I want to buy a dress for my daught er as my daughters birthday present. 是的,我想为我女儿买一

11、件连衣裙/我想买一件连衣裙作为我女儿的生日礼物A: Do you like the pink one? 你认为粉色的怎么样?S: Yes, it looks very nice .How muc h is it? 是的。它很漂亮。它多少钱?A: Two hundred yuan. 200元S: Its so expensive.What about the blue one?Its also nice.How much does it cost? 太贵了。那件蓝色的也很好看。它多少钱?A: It costs one hundred and twenty yuan. 它120元。S: Ok .I

12、 will buy this one .Here is one hundred and fifty yuan. 好吧,我就买这个了.给你钱150元。A: Here is the the dress and change thirty yuan. 这里是裙子和找您的30元。S: Thank you. 谢谢。A: You are welcome! 欢迎下次光临。12.I have a good friend. His name is Tim. He is lovely. He is 10 years old.He has big eyes , big ears and round faces. He likes red and eating bananas. I often play with him.【考点】记叙文【写法指导】正确使用形容词,从人物的外部特征和性格特征等去描写。【点评】准确用到了形容词,对人物外部特征的描写,句子通顺,言简意赅。


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