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1、小学英语知识系统总结语言知识态 度境中的训练有意义语文 化语言技能口头交际表达性技能接受性技能听说书面交际读写目 录 态度 文化 语言知识 听 读 说 写附表一、26个字母附表二、48个音标附表三、元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的读音附表四、常见元音字母组合在单词重读音节中的读音附表五、名词单数变复数附表六、代词的变化附表七、基数词与序数词附表八、句子的种类附表九、动词的时态附表十、常用短语附表十一、常见词汇附表十二、日常交际用语 态度:1、具有学习英语的愿望和兴趣 2、养成良好的英语学习习惯 文化:乐于了解英语文化 语言知识:1、语音: 能正确读写26个字母(附表一) 能正确认读英语48个音标(

2、附表二) 能初步运用原因字母在重读开、闭音节中的读音规则拼读单词 朗读及简单会话时语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确2、词汇:初步掌握500多个单词,一定数量的习惯用语3、语法:初步学会最基本的语法知识4、日常交际用语:能在一定情景下围绕30多个日常交际用语进行简单会话 听:1、在单词和句子中辨别英语的基本因素2、在课上和游戏中能听懂并执行简单口头指示3、辨别和理解语调类型4、理解所听简单会话和故事的内容5、理解所听故事内容,并回答简单问题6、理解所听篇章,并回答简单问题7、在口头交际中能听懂内容,并做出行为上的反应 读:1、能借助汉语读懂文字内容,并做到理解、记忆和回忆2、能对自己所喜欢的语

3、言材料产生感情上的交流和共鸣3、能够阅读与教材难易相当的对话或短文 说:1、能准确模仿较短的单词和简单句,语调正确、发音准确、反应恰当2、能基本读出符合读音规则的单音节词3、能朗读简单书面材料,节奏正确,语调规范、流畅,单词发音准确4、能简单回答针对课文内容的问题5、能简单复述课文6、能看图复讲简单的故事 写:1、能正确抄写、默写大小写字母2、能正确抄写单词3、能正确抄写句子4、能书面回答与课文有关的问题附表一26个字母 顺序归类 读音Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll MmNn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zzeii:

4、aiuju:ea:A eiE i:I aiO uU ju:H JdVei K keieitF Csi: Ddi: GdVi: Ppi: Tti: Vvi:Bbi:Ywai W5dQblju:Qkju: Lel Mem Nen Ses XeksZzed Fef附表二48个音标国际音标48个元音20个单元音12个i: i e A a: C C: u u: Q : 双元音8个ei ai Ci i Z u au u辅音28个清浊成对的辅音10对p t k f s W F tF tr tsb d v z T V dV dr dz单个辅音8个m n N l r h w j附表三元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的

5、读音例词 音节字母开音节闭音节aei cake, table haveAA bag, hat what, want Cei: she, thesee pen, bediai kite, bike give ii: ship, big child aiou no, nose come, some QC hot, dog son Quju: use, student blue, ruler u:Q but, cup put u附表四常见元音字母组合在单词重读音节中的读音areaorouoweara:carfarmC:warmi:meatcleanebreadreadyeigreatiideaC:h

6、orsesport:workerworldaucloudyaboutucouldwouldu:groupuyellowwindowknowsnowgrowaunowhowbrowniheardearnear:earthearlyZpear附表五名词单数变复数情 况构成方法例 词一般情况词尾加sbikebikes以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词加esglassglasses,boxboxes以辅音字母+y结尾的词去y加iescitycities以f,fe结尾的词去f,fe加vesshelfshelves,knifeknives以o结尾的词多数加estomatotomatoes不规则的词manmen,

7、womanwomen,childchildren附表六代词的变化人 称 数分类单 数复 数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称人称代词主格Iyouhe, she, itweyouthey宾格Meyouhim, her, itusyouthem物主代词形容词性myyourhis, her, itsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshis, hers, itsoursyourstheirs指示代词this, that, these, those疑问代词who, whose, what不定代词some, any, every, many, much附表七基数词与序数词数字基


9、h17seventeenseventeenth17th70seventy8eighteighth8th18eighteeneighteenth18th80eighty9nineninth9th19nineteennineteenth19th90ninety10tententh10th20twentytwentieth20th100one hundred注:1. 一般情况下在基数词词尾加“th”,即构成序数词,但要注意表中带的词。2. 以“ty”结尾的基数词去掉“y”加“ieth”,如:thirtythirtieth。3. 以one至nine结尾的多数基数词,只把个位数词变为序数词,其他位数词不

10、变。如:twenty-one变成twenty-first。附表八句子的种类种 类例 句陈述句肯定陈述句That is my schoolbag.否定陈述句This isnt my schoolbag.疑问句一般疑问句Is it your jacket?特殊疑问句Whose jacket is it?祈 使 句Be carefully next time. Dont read in bed.感 叹 句What a nice dress!附表九动词的时态种类构 成例 句一般现在时主语+studyI study in Guangming Primary School.studies(第三人称单数)M

11、y brother studies in Yuying Primary School.现在进行时amI am playing chess.主语+is+playing(动词+ing)She is playing the piano.AreThey are playing football.一般过去时主语+studied(过去式)Tom got up very late yesterday.一般将来时willMy father will go to work tomorrow.主语+ +studyWe shall go to the park tomorrow.shallHe is going t

12、o the museum tomorrow.注:1. 动词第三人称单数一般动词词尾加“s”或“es”,以“y”结尾动词去“y”加“ies”,如:helphelps,gogoes,studystudies。2. 在一般过去时中,用动词的过去式。一般动词词尾加“ed”,不规则的动词要逐个记,如:workworked,is,amwas,arewere,gowent,dodid,have,hashad。附表十常用短语a bit(一点儿)a bottle of(一瓶)a cup of(一杯)a glass of(一杯)a lot of(许多)a pair of(一对)a piece of(一片)all

13、the time(始终)at home(在家)at weekend(在周末)be good at(擅长做)bring to(使用)come back(回来)come home(回家)do homework(做作业)fall down(跌倒)fly a kite(放风筝)get to(到达/开始)get up(起床)get on(上车)get off(下车)get ready(准备好)go by(经过)go for(去找)go to school(上学)go home(回家)go to bed(上床睡觉)go sailing(去航行)go skating(去滑冰)go on a trip(旅行)

14、go over(复习)have breakfast(吃早饭)have a cold(感冒)have a rest(休息一会儿)have a good idea(有一个好主意)have no idea(不知道)have sports(进行体育锻炼)have to(必须/只好)hold on(等一下/继续)keep silent(保持沉默)keep off(让开)last week(上周)look after(照顾/关心)look at(看/考虑)look up(向上看)look out(注意/照料)listen to(听)next time(下次)on duty(值班/上班)play chess

15、(下棋)play cards(打扑克)play football(踢足球)play the piano(弹钢琴)ride a bike(骑自行车)stay up(不睡觉/熬夜)skip rope(跳绳)speak English(说英语)take a picture(照相)take a message(带口信)take medicine(吃药)turn on(打开)turn off(关闭)turn right(向右转)turn left(向左转)wait for(等候/等待)附表十一常见词汇1、head (头)2、hair (头发)3、ear (耳朵)4、eye (眼睛)5、nose (鼻子)

16、6、mouth (口、嘴)7、arms (臂)8、hands (手)9、legs (腿)10、feet (脚)teacher worker tailor nurse actor教师 工人 裁缝 护士 演员mechanic coach salesgirl salesman技工 教练 女售货员 售货员doctor dentist policeman waiter医生 牙医 警察 服务员driver sailor cook engineer驾驶员 水手 厨师 工程师bat bear bee bird deer fox frog giraffe lion蝙蝠 熊 蜜蜂 鸟 鹿 狐狸 青蛙 长颈鹿 狮子

17、goldfish goose kangaroo monkey ox pig horse金鱼 鹅 袋鼠 猴子 牛 猪 马tiger tortoise zebra hen cock老虎 乌龟 斑马 母鸡 公鸡coat T-shirt skirt sweater jacket vest外套 体恤衫 裙子 毛衣(运动衫)夹克 汗衫suit blouse dress trousers jeans sock西服 女衬衫 连衣裙 裤子 牛仔裤 短袜shoe glove hat cap 鞋 手套 礼帽 帽子附表十二日常交际用语1、打招呼、问候、介绍1)打招呼、问候及应答Good Morning!(Mornin

18、g!)Good afternoon!Good evening!Hello/Hi!How are you?How do you do?(Its)Nice/Good to see you.(Im)Glad to see/meet you.Good Morning!(Morning!)Good afternoon!Good evening!Hello/Hi!(Im)Fine/Very well, thank you.How do you do?Nice/Good to see you, too.Glad to see/meet you, too.2)介绍(1)自我介绍Im/My name is(2)

19、介绍别人This is Miss/Mr/Mrs/my friend2、认人1)问某人是谁及应答Whos that?Whos he/she?Is that/this/he/sheThats/ItsHe/She isYes, it/he/she is.No, it/he/she isnt.2)问对方姓名及应答Whats your name?Excuse me. Are you?My name isYes, I am.No, Im not. Im3、认物1)问某物是什么及应答Whats this/that?Its2)问某些物品是什么及应答What are these/those/they?Theyr

20、e4、祝贺Happy New Year!A happy New Year to you!Merry Christmas!I wish you a happy New Year.Have a good New Year!Happy birthday to you!(And the) Same to you.And I wish you the same.Thanks. And you too.Thanks. And you too.Thanks. And you too.Thank you very much.5、来自(某地)Where are you/they from?Where do yo

21、u come from?Where does he/she come from?Are you/they from?Is he/she/it from?Im fromWe/They are fromI/We come fromHe/She comes fromYes, I am. (Yes, we/they are.)No, Im not. (No, we/they are not.)Yes, he/she/it is.No, he/she/it isnt.6、职业What do you/they do?What does he/she do?Are you a (teacher)?Is he

22、/she a (driver)?Are they (worker)?Im (a pupil).We/They are (pupils).He/She is a (doctor).Yes, I am. (No, I am not.)Yes, he/she is. (No, he/she isnt.)Yes, they are. (No, they are not.)7、能力Can you (swim/dance)?Can he dance?Who can (do this)?What can you/he do?Yes, I can. (No, I cant.)Yes, he can. (No,

23、 he cant.)I/We/He can.I/He can (cook).8、所属Whose (pen) is this?Whose is this/that (pen)?Whose (books) are these?Whose are these/those (books)?Is this yours?Are these yours?Its (mine/yours).Its (his/hers).Theyre (mine/ours).Theyre (theirs).Yes, it is. (No, it isnt.)Yes, they are. (No, they are not.)9、

24、拥有1)表示某人拥有I/You/We/They have (got)He/She/It has (got)2)问对方是否有Have you (got)?Yes, I have.No, I havent. (Sorry, I havent.)Yes, I do. (No, I dont.)10、时间1)问钟点What time is it (now)?Whats the time, (please)?Its (ten).Its time for (school/class/lunch/home/TV/bed).2)问星期几What day is today?What day is it toda

25、y?Is it (Saturday) today?Its (Thursday).Yes, it is.3)问日期Whats the date today?Its (May 4th).11、天气Whats the weather today?Its (fine/cloudy).Whats the weather like in (Beijing)?12、外观What is it like?What is he/she like?Its (small).He/She is (young).13、颜色What color is it?Its (red/blue).14、位置(地点)Where is

26、it?Where is he/she?Where are they?Its in/on/under/beside (the desk).He/She is in (the office).They are in (the classroom).15、数量How many (books) do you have?How much (beer) do you (want)?(Three/Ten.)(Two glasses/bottles.)How much is it?How much are they?Its (five yuan).They are (thirty yuan).16、意愿Wha

27、t do you want?What would you like?Do you want (a new bike)?Would you like (a cup of tea)?What do you want to do?What would you like to do?What are you going to do?I want (a new bike).Id like (a cup of coffee).Yes, I do.Yes, please.I want to (help him).Id like to (see her).Im going to (play chess).17

28、、求助(请求)Can/Could you help me?Can/Could you (pass me)?Yes./Sure./Certainly./Of course.Im afraid I cant. /Im sorry I cant.Will/Would you please (give/lend me)?Please (post the letter/read the letter for me).18、劝告Youd better (go to the doctor).You should (go to see her).19、警告Look out!Be careful!Watch (

29、the cup).(A car is coming)(Dont cut your finger.)(Dont drop it.)20、禁止Dont (speak loudly).(The baby is sleeping.)You mustnt (smoke here).21、请求允许Can/May/Could I (use your pen)?Yes./Of course./Certainly./No, olease dont./Im afrid not./Im afraid you cont.22、建议Lets (go together).Shall we (go now)?What/Ho

30、w about (going for a walk)?All right./OK./Great./Thats a good idea.Sorry, I cant./Im afraid Icant.Wed better (hurry).23、征求看法What do you think of (the book)?What do you think of (the man)?Its (nice/good).Hes (very kind).What about (the book)?Do you like it?24、喜好Do you like/love (football)?Does he/she

31、 like (football)?What do you like best?Whats your hobby?Yes, I do. (No, I dont.)Yes, he/she does. (No, he/she doesnt)I like (football) best.(Collecting stamps.)25、打电话Hello, May/Can/Could I speak to (Mr. White)?Whos that/speaking/calling, please?This is (Tom) speaking.Its (Mary) here.Hold on, please.

32、(Wait for) a moment/a minute, please.Sorry,but hes out/she isnt in.(Its) For you. /Its your phone call.26、邀请Would you like to (go with us)?Will you join us?Certainly. /With pleasure.Yes, Id like to/love to.Will you come? Sorry, I cant. /Im afraid I cant. /Id love to,butPlease be here (at ten/before

33、lunch).27、约会Are you free (tonight)?When will you be free?Shall we (go to park tomorrow)?When and where shall we meet?(Next week.)All right. /OK./Great. /Thats a good idea.Sorry, I cant. / Im afraid I cant.(At the school gate after school. /In my house at nine.)28、问路和指路How can I get to (the station)?

34、Could/Can you tell me the way to (Beijing Zoo)?Do you know the way to (the Summer Palace)?Go down this road.Turn left/right at (the shop/the first crossing).Take the (second) tuening on the left/right.Take bus No. (1) and get off at (Dongdan stop/the third stop).Sorry, I dont know the way.29、语言困难Par

35、don?Yes. /OK. /All right.Please say it/that again/slowly/clearly?What do you mean?I mean30、购物Can/May I help you?What can I do for you?I want/Id like (an English-Chinese dictionary).Do you have any (Chinese - English dictionary)?What about this one?Try this one.It looks (nice/beautiful).I like the co

36、lor. (I dont like the color.)Its (dear/expensive/too big).Its too dear, Im afraid. (Its nice but cheap.)How much is it?How many/How much do you want?OK, Ill take/buy it.31、看病Whats wrong with you?Im ill. /I fell very ill.Whats the matter with him?Hes got a headache/the flu/a bad cold/a high fever/a cough.Take this medicine three times a day.Stay in bed and drink more water.Dont worry. It isnt serious.Youll be all right soon.32、道歉Im sorry.Thats all right. /Thats nothing. /It doesnt matter.Excuse me.33、道别Bye-bye! /Bye! Good-bye! See you.See you again/later/tomorrow/next time/then.


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