1、电大本科民族理论与民族政策形成性考核册作业形成作业1:小组讨论问题:民族关系的核心问题是什么?为什么? 民族关系的核心问题是什么?为什么?个人讨论观点:民族关系中核心问题是民族利益、民族权力和民族发展,这些是民族关系的、热点和主题小组讨论提纲讨论时间:本学期第三周讨论地点:本班教室讨论方式:每班分两组,每组确定五名中心发言人,按照讨论提纲精心准备,交替发言,发言时间不得超过4分钟。讨论题目:民族关系的核心问题是什么?为什么?讨论要求:1、认真阅读教材,查阅有关资料,搜集相关素材。 2、明确了解和掌握关键词中的重要意义。 3、讨论过程中发言人观点明确,做到有理有据,符合逻辑,允许保留自己的观点。
2、讨论提纲:一、 民族利益时民族关系的焦点 民族利益,指的是法律赋予的正当的、合法的民族应有和应得的各种利益,在一定意义上说,民族关系式民族间的一种利益关系,公平合理的划分和享受可使民族关系和睦,利益划分不合理或者有差别可能导致民族间的矛盾和摩擦。在民族利益问题上,我们有必要重温列宁在1922年10月27日说过的一段话:“五年来,我们在一个举世罕见的多民族国家里解决民族问题的经验,是我们完全相信,在类似的情况下,对待民族利益唯一正确的态度就是予以最大限度的满足,就是创造条件来安排除在这一方面引起冲突的一切根源。二、 民族权力是民族关系的测量表 民族权力,指的是法律赋予的各民族应有的方方面面的平等
3、利益,民主权益,民族权益也是民族关系的核心问题之一,民族平等,自由发展的民主权利和民族权力的享有和行驶的程度是民族发展关系程度的测量表。民族权力的享有和行使受到各种条件的制约,其中包括受民族关系状况的制约,反过来民族权利享有和行使状况又直接影响民族关系。三、 民族发展是民族关系的主题 发展,永远是历史和社会的主题,发展,始终是民族和社会追求的目标。民族关系,既是各民族发展过程中的必然现象,又是各民族发展的客观环境与条件。因为民族的发展取决于自身的生产力、分工和内部外部交往的发展程度。民族的发展是全方位的、多角度的,包括政治经济文化教育等社会各个方面。因此,民族发展的权利和利益,是民族关系发展的
4、核心问题。 总之,在我国民族关系中,我们一定要注意以上三个方面,尽可能采取特殊、灵活和优惠的政策,创造有利于民族发展和有利于协调民族关系的环境和条件,尽可能满足或照顾不同时期不同民族发展利益。形成作业2:论民族区域自治的重要意义(请各位同学对此论文自行删减)民族区域自治,是指在国家统一领导下,按照民族平等、团结、各民族共同繁荣、维护国家统一和尊重民族自治权的原则,各少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权。民族区域自治是中国共产党把马列主义民族理论与中国民族和民族问题的实际相结合解决中国国内民族问题的基本政策,是我国的一项重要政治制度,也是具有中国特色的解决中国民族问题的基本形
8、义的一个纲领性原则。我国是一个半封建半殖民地国家,各民族包括汉族在内,都受帝国主义的侵略和压迫,都是被压迫民族。特别是如前所述,我国从来就是一个统一的多民族国家,在革命的整个过程中,国内各民族不仅没有出现过分裂,相反的团结得越来越紧密。截至 2003 年底,我国共建立了 155 个民族自治地方,其中包括 5 个自治区、 30 个自治州、 120 自治县(旗)。根据 2000 年第五次全国人口普查,在 55 个少数民族中,有 44 个建立了自治地方,实行区域自治的少数民族人口占少数民族总人口的 71 ,民族自治地方的面积占全国国土总面积的 64% 左右。(二)对马列主义关于民族区域自治理论的发展
12、个方面:一是促进人的发展,是通过发展科技、教育、体育、卫生等各项事业来实现的。二是对各民族风俗习惯的尊重。法律规定,民族自治地方的自治机关保障各民族都有保持或改革自己民族风俗习惯的权利,保障各民族公民的宗教信仰自由等等。民族区域自治制度的经济功能首先表现为自治机关把管理经济、发展生产、改善人民生活作为自己的重要职责。民族自治地方的自治机关依法管理本地方的自然资源,并可以根据法律的规定和国家的规划,优先合理的开发利用。国家在民族自治地方进行资源开发是,要对该自治地方进行适当的经济补偿。经过50多年特别是改革开放20多年的努力,民族自治地方的经济得到了飞速发展,人民生活水平显著提高。 (三)民族区
13、域自治有力于协调各民族间关系,达到维护民族团结、国家统一、社会安定的目的实行民族区域自治,有利于疏通改善民族关系,消除历史上遗留下来的民族隔阂,加强民族之间的团结友爱、互助合作。民族区域自治制度保障了少数民族的平等权利,同时促进了经济的发展和人民生活的改善。我国自古以来就是一个统一的多民族国家,少数民族大部分居住在边疆。边疆的稳定对国家的安定和统一至关重要。作为我国人民民主专政在少数民族地区的具体形式的民族区域自治的实施,有利于加强人民民主专政,有利于抵御外来的侵略和颠覆,有利于打击国内民族分裂主义分子的活动,从而巩固国家的统一和社会的安定。形成作业三:一、 填充题1、 民族发展规律2、 民族
14、属性、民族特征3、 血缘4、 社会、历史5、 权利和利益6、 阶级斗争7、 大分散、小聚居8、 1.9万9、 提高民族素质、民主的组织形式10、 设立和建设,自治权的行使问题11、 发展与进步二、 单选题1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.D三、多选题1.ABDE .ABE 3.ABD 4.ABCDE 5.ABCD 6.ABCE 7.ABCDE 8.ABCE 9.ACD 10.ABDE四、辨析题1.错:民族理论研究的主要任务是研究如何正确地解决或处理民族发展及民族之间矛盾的问题。2.错:民族作为一种社会人们共同体,具有自然属性、社会属性、生物属性等多维
15、属性。3.错:少数民族干部的培养任用是体现民族平等的主要表现形式,也是民族平等的主要标志。4.错:民族语言文字是人类社会的产物,最终结果是语言的整合和文字的统一。5.对6.错:宗教信仰不属于政治问题。五、论述题答案:P98P100O(_)O万分谢谢!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Indonesia has emerged as a top vacation destination for Chinese this summer, along with Thailands Phuket island and the Maldives archipe
16、lago. Encouraged by growth in Chinese travelers to Indonesia, the government in Jakarta has recently relaxed its visa policy. Since June 10, Chinese tourists can enter Indonesia through nine appointed locations, including the Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, the Ngurah Rai Internatio
17、nal Airport in Bali and the Kuala Namu International Airport in Medan, by just getting their passports stamped on arrival. Officially, it is called the free-visa scheme. The new policy also means Chinese tourists can save $35 on visa fees, which will likely make trips to Indonesia more alluring. Whi
18、le such an arrangement allows Chinese visitors to stay up to 30 days for the purpose of traveling, those seeking extensions will need to get paid visas from that countrys missions inBeijing,Shanghai,GuangzhouorHong Kong, according to an official at the Indonesia embassy in Beijing. Santo Darmosumart
19、o, head of the embassys information, social and cultural section, says the new policy is aimed at strengthening people-to-people contacts between the two countries. Dai Yu, marketing director of Ctrip, a major Chinese online travel agency, says: Weve seen a nearly 50 percent growth over the previous
20、 month in the number of Chinese tourists to Bali since the policy was announced. During his trip to China in March, Indonesian President Joko Widodo proposed that his country and China aim to increase two-way visits to a maximum of 10 million people in the next few years. The Indonesian government h
21、as set their sights on greeting 2 million Chinese tourists by the end of this year, according to the official. The Indonesian government hopes that Indonesian nationals would also be given preferential treatment while visiting China, says Darmosumarto. In 2013, the number of Chinese tourists who vis
22、ited Indonesia stood around 807,000. Last year, it increased to 959,000, he adds. Bali remains the most popular site among Chinese tourists. In February, more than 92,200 Chinese tourists made trips to Bali, ranking first among overseas visitors, the Bali Times reported. Last year, the island witnes
23、sed more than 586,000 arrivals from China, an increase of 51 percent over 2013. Bali isnt just for sightseeing, but also for weddings, honeymoons, golf and many outdoor activities, says Fan Wenqing, a marketing executive at Garuda, Indonesias national airliner. Garuda offers three nonstop flights be
24、tween Beijing and Bali, and four each week between Beijing and Jakarta. There are daily flights from Guangzhou, inGuangdongprovince, and Shanghai to Jakarta as well. It takes from six to eight hours on a nonstop flight to reach Indonesia from China. Indonesia is home to more than 17,000 islands. Tou
25、rists can tour Yogyakarta to see Prambanam and Borobudur, two historical and religious sites, and explore the local handicraft markets. The base of a volcano, Bandung, which is also known as the Paris of Java, is ideal for adventure-seekers. Many ecotourism destinations, such as Toba Lake in Sumatra
26、, Tanjung Puting National Park in Kalimantan and Bunaken in Manado, are places the embassy official recommends for tourists. Indonesia boasts world-class surfing facilities along the shores of Sumatra down to Nusa Tenggara Islands. Recently, Lombok, a sister island east of Bali has gotten so much at
27、tention from Chinese travelers that some travel agencies are offering twin packages for Bali and Lombok. The best time to visit Bali is from May to October, when it doesntrainmuch and the weather is cool. At press time, a weeklong package from Shanghai or Guangzhou to Bali was a little more than 3,0
28、00 yuan ($480) on Ctrips website. Chinese tourists have taken a shine to rafting in Ubud, sightseeing in Tanah Lot, and surfing and diving in Nusa Lembongan, says Dai. Civet coffee, essential oil and woodcarvings are among the most popular products for Chinese tourists in Indonesia, she says. Indone
29、sian food is also something that visitors shouldnt miss. Local cuisines feature many spices, including peppers and cloves, and coconut pulp. Fried rice, dirty duck and roast suckling pig are recommended. Childrens illustration books first appeared in the 1600s in Europe. Their passage to China, howe
30、ver, took much longer, roughly 300 years. In China, childrens illustration books have a history of just 100 years and their development can be divided into four stages. From early 1900s to mid 1900s, a large number of books and magazines with illustrations appeared with the fast development of the m
31、odern publishing industry. The illustrationarts at that time were a mixed genre of Chinese traditionalpaintings and the westernstyle, and most of the stories originate from the fundamental changes that China experienced after the collapse of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the warlord struggles and the wa
32、r against the Japanese invasion. The second stage was from mid 1900s to late 1970s, when the cultural revolution (1966-76) ended. The fast development of some special publishing houses for children gave birth to a large number of illustration-story books, which made a good use of folk art techniques
33、, such as wood board carving, frescoes, and ink and wash painting, etc. Many of the popular stories are from Chinese history and wars after 1900s. The third stage is from early 1980s to late 1990s, a golden period for the development of childrens illustration books. The reform and opening-up brought
34、 in new concepts and ideas from the West to China, a country that had been closed to the West for nearly three decades. Fast development of economy, society and culture provided the writers and painters with a lot of inspiration to create new literature works and draw illustrations. China also impor
35、ted large amounts of childrens illustration books from the West and Japan. Many young parents in China have a strong nostalgia about childrens illustration books they read in the 1980s and 1990s. This is also the last era in Chinas artistic innovation before the advent of the Internet period. The fo
36、urth stage is featured with the spread of the Internet and the other computerized means of art innovation. The hand-drawn childrens illustration books are gradually replaced by cartoons drawn and copied by software and machines, and shown on tablets, computers, television and smart phones, instead o
37、f books. Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and Botanical Garden is natures haven, with no less than 4,000 rare birds and animals representing 200 species. With tropical forest covering over 90 percent of its area, the garden offers beautiful views of a wide range of tropical plants, flowers and fruit tr
38、ees. The scenic spot about 25 kilometers from the center of Haikou offers a drive-thru safari tour where you can get up close with elephants, lions and bears. The Safari on Foot area features walking trails where visitors can see the rest of the animals, including hippos and monkeys, and feed them f
39、or a small fee. Visitors also can see what happens when you breed a lion and a tiger. Two unique attractions are rare hybrids: a liger, the offspring of a mallion and a female tiger and a tigon, which is created by a female lion and a male tiger. As ateaching center of the National Popular Science E
40、ducation program, the park also serves as a second classroom for students to learn about wildlife and plants. Since it was established in 1995, it has received more than one million student visitors. At a crucial moment when pessimism has brought the Greek crisis to such a head that the country is c
41、loser to a default on its debt repayments than ever, Li offered a spark of enthusiasm to restart the stalled talks by calling on Greece and its creditors to reach a last-minute deal that will allow Greece to remain in the eurozone. Given the escalation of the countrys crisis over the weekend sent a
42、shock wave through the global stock markets on Monday, there are ample reasons to worry about the uncertainties surrounding the events in Greece and the effect a default would have on Europe, relations between China and the EU, global financial stability and the nascent global economic recovery. Gre
43、ece has announced that it will hold a referendum on a bailout plan proposed last week by the countrys creditors. In response, Greeces eurozone partners have refused to extend the countrys bailout program and the European Central Bank capped its emergency support for the countrys banks. A real danger
44、 now looms of Greece exiting the euro, which might derail the global economic recovery and damage the long-term viability of the euro as a currency. However, such a tragedy is neither certain nor unavoidable. The EU should shoulder its responsibility to prevent the Greek crisis from overshadowing th
45、e fragile global recovery. As a major customer and supplier of the 28-nation EU, and a responsible long-term holder of Eurobonds, Chinas confidence in and commitment to a strong eurozone offers EU leaders the necessary support to look at the Greek crisis from a broader and longer perspective. When L
46、i said that China will not only consider a China-EU investment platform to back European Commission President Jean-Claude Junckers plan to revive the European economy, but also buy more bonds issued by the European Investment Bank, EU leaders should be clear that China wants to see the EU maintain i
47、ts integrity and a forward trajectory. Such a confidence-building effort is particularly valuable, especially from such a large country as China which already has a huge stake and seeks to further expand it in a strong eurozone. It will be a tragedy to allow inaction over the Greek crisis to stand in the way of growth-boosting Sino-EU cooperation.