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1、绪论思考题与习题()答案:1 冰雹落体后溶化所需热量主要是由以下途径得到: 与地面的导热量 与空气的对流换热热量注:若直接暴露于阳光下可考虑辐射换热,否则可忽略不计。2略 3略 4略 5略6夏季:在维持20的室内,人体通过与空气的对流换热失去热量,但同时又与外界和内墙面通过辐射换热得到热量,最终的总失热量减少。() 冬季:在与夏季相似的条件下,一方面人体通过对流换热失去部分热量,另一方面又与外界和内墙通过辐射换热失去部分热量,最终的总失热量增加。() 挂上窗帘布阻断了与外界的辐射换热,减少了人体的失热量。7热对流不等于对流换热,对流换热 = 热对流 + 热传导 热对流为基本传热方式,对流换热为

2、非基本传热方式8门窗、墙壁、楼板等等。以热传导和热对流的方式。9因内、外两间为真空,故其间无导热和对流传热,热量仅能通过胆壁传到外界,但夹层两侧均镀锌,其间的系统辐射系数降低,故能较长时间地保持热水的温度。当真空被破坏掉后,1、2两侧将存在对流换热,使其保温性能变得很差。10 11 直线 而为时曲线12. q 首先通过对流换热使炉子内壁温度升高,炉子内壁通过热传导,使内壁温度生高,内壁与空气夹层通过对流换热继续传递热量,空气夹层与外壁间再通过热传导,这样使热量通过空气夹层。(空气夹层的厚度对壁炉的保温性能有影响,影响的大小。)13已知:、 墙高2.8m,宽3m 求:、解: 14.已知:、 、

3、求:、 解: 15已知:、求:、 16.已知:、 求:、解: 17已知:、 、y求:、解:由于管壁相对直径而言较小,故可将此圆管壁近似为平壁即:若 因为:,即:水侧对流换热热阻及管壁导热热阻远小于燃气侧对流换热热阻,此时前两个热阻均可以忽略不记。18略 第一章导热理论基础思考题与习题()答案:1 略2 已知:、求:、解:由计算可知,双Low-e膜双真空玻璃的导热热阻高于中空玻璃,也就是说双Low-e膜双真空玻璃的保温性能要优于中空玻璃。34略5 6已知:、/m2、求:(1)、 (2)解:(1) (2)由 7略8略9取如图所示球坐标,其为无内热源一维非稳态导热 故有: 10解:建立如图坐标,在x

4、=x位置取dx长度微元体,根据能量守恒有: (1) 代入式(1),合并整理得:该问题数学描写为: 第二章稳态导热思考题与习题(P51-53)答案1.略 2.略 3.解:(1)温度分布为 (设) 其与平壁的材料无关的根本原因在 (即常物性假设),否则t与平壁的材料有关 (2)由 知,q与平壁的材料即物性有关4.略 5.解: 有: 6.略7.已知: , , 求:Q解: ,可认为该墙为无限大平壁 8.已知:, 求:解: 由 得一无限平壁的稳态导热 9.已知:, 求: 解: 设两种情况下的内外面墙壁温度保持不变, 且 由题意知: 再由: ,有 得: 10.已知:, 求: 解: 即有 11.已知:, 求

5、: 解: 由题意知: 即有: 12.已知:, 求: 解:由题意知其为多层平壁的稳态导热 故有: 13.略14.已知:1), 2) 3) 求: 解: 未变前的 1) 2) 3) ,第三种方案的强化换热效果最好 15.已知:,其余尺寸如下图所示, 求: 解:该空斗墙由对称性可取虚线部分,成为三个并联的部分 16.已知:, , 求:1); 2) : 3) . 解:1) 2) 3)由 得 同理: 17.已知: 求: 解:忽略管壁热阻 (管内外壁温不变) 由题意知: 即: (代入上式) 即: 即热损失比原来减小21.7%。18.已知: , 求: 解: 19.已知: , 求: 解: 整理得: 或:,故有

6、20.已知:, 求: 解: 或: ,故有: 21.略 22.略23. 解: 解微分方程可得其通解: 由此得温度分布(略)24.已知: , 求: 解: 25.已知:, 求:解: 26.已知:,其他条件同25题求:解: 27.已知: 求: 解:(1) (2) 28.已知: , 求: 解: 查图得: 每片肋片的散热量为 每米肋片管的散热量为: 为两肋片间的表面的散热量 29.略30.已知:,求:解: , 31.已知:, 求: 解: 32.已知: , 求: 解: 33.已知:, 求: 解:由,查表得, 再由 ,得 Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes f

7、irst and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to ex

8、press my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to m

9、y beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis

10、. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present for

11、m. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.

12、 Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.


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