1、翻译:朱晓峰 节选至美国机械工程师手册第28版,有错之处,请指正。SPLINES AND SERRATIONSA splined shaft is one having a series of parallel keys formed integrally with the shaft and mating with corresponding grooves cut in a hub or fitting; this arrangement is in contrast to a shaft having a series of keys or feathers fitted into sl
2、ots cut into the shaft. The latter construction weakens the shaft to a considerable degree because of the slots cut into it and consequently, reduces its torque-transmitting capacity.花键轴是一种具有“一系列相互平行的齿、并且齿与轴整体成型”的轴,它与在轮毂上或者装配体上开的键槽相配合。这种装置与“在轴上开槽并且与一组销子或者楔键相配合”的结构相反。后者的结构由于在轴上开槽大大降低了轴(的强度),降低了传递扭矩的能
3、力。Splined shafts are most generally used in three types of applications: 1 ) for coupling shafts when relatively heavy torques are to be transmitted without slippage; 2) for transmitting power to slidably-mounted or permanently-fixed gears, pulleys, and other rotating members; and 3) for attaching p
4、arts that may require removal for indexing or change in angular position.花键轴主要用在以下三种情况:1)需要在无滑动的联轴器上传递大的扭矩;2)用于向“可滑动的装配组件”或者“固定装配的齿轮组或滑轮副”传递动力,3)用于“要求指定滑移量或转角位置”的配件上。译注A1:“slidably-mounted”例如球笼式等速万向节,万向节同时能转动一定角度;“ermanently-fixed gears”例如齿轮变速箱。(凡是带“译注”的,表示译者的理解,下同)Splines having straight-sided teet
5、h have been used in many applications (see SAE Parallel Side Splines for Soft Broached Holes in Fittings); however, the use of splines with teeth of involute profile has steadily increased since 1) involute spline couplings have greater torque-transmitting capacity than any other type; 2) they can b
6、e produced by the same techniques and equipment as is used to cut gears; and 3) they have a self-centering action under load even when there is backlash between mating members.具有“直边式齿形”的花键已经适用于多种场合(请查看“用于软拉削加工成型的直边式花键”);然而,“齿侧具有渐开线形状的花键”的使用正在逐步的增长,原因如下:1)渐开线花键传递扭矩的性能超过其他形式;2)可用加工齿轮的技术或设备来加工;3)在内齿和外齿
7、配合情况下产生的反作用力具有自定心功能。译注A2:“Parallel Side Splines”指的是矩形花键,文中翻译成“直边式花键”,见GB/T 1144 矩形花键尺寸、公差和检验;译注A3:“SAE Parallel Side Splines for Soft Broached Holes in Fittings”指SAE J499A,一种类似GB/T 1144的标准。Involute SplinesAmerican National Standard Involute Splines*. These splines or multiple keys are similar in for
8、m to internal and external involute gears. The general practice is to form the external splines either by hobbing, rolling, or on a gear shaper, and internal splines either by broaching or on a gear shaper. The internal spline is held to basic dimensions and the external spline is varied to control
9、the fit. Involute splines have maximum strength at the base, can be accurately spaced and are self-centering, thus equalizing the bearing and stresses, and they can be measured and fitted accurately.美国渐开线标准:这种花键的成型和齿轮的内外花键类似。通常的成型加工方法是外花键用滚铣刀、搓齿或插齿刀,内花键用拉削、齿轮插齿刀。内花键的尺寸是固定的,外花键根据不同的配合采用不同的尺寸。渐开线花键在近跟
10、处有最大的强度,(键齿)能精确分布和自定心,这样就有相同的支撑力和应力,同时能准确地配合和测量。译注A4:内花键尺寸不变,外花键变,原理等同于基孔制。 In American National Standard ANSI B92.1-1970 (R 1993), many features of the 1960 standard are retained; plus the addition of three tolerance classes, for a total of four. The term “involute serration,” formerly applied to i
11、nvolute splines with 45-degree pressure angle, has been deleted and the standard now includes involute splines with 30-, 37.5-, and 45-degree pressure angles. Tables for these splines have been rearranged accordingly. The term “serration” will no longer apply to splines covered by this Standard.在美国渐
12、开线标准ANSI B92.1-1970 (R 1993)中,保留了许多1960版本的特征;增加了三种公差等级,现一共有四种公差等级。前版中45度压力角使用的术语“渐开线锯齿involute serration”,本版本已经删除。现在版本包含了30度、37.5度和40度压力角的渐开线花键。相对应的表格也做了更新。术语“involute serration”不再适用本标准。The Standard has only one fit class for all side fit splines; the former Class 2 fit. Class 1 fit has been deleted
13、 because of its infrequent use. The major diameter of the flat root side fit spline has been changed and a tolerance applied to include the range of the 1950 and the 1960 standards. The interchangeability limitations with splines made to previous standards are given later in the section entitled “In
14、terchangeability.”本标准中只有一种齿侧配合情况:第二种情况。在旧标准中的第一种情况由于不太使用已经被删除。平齿根齿侧配合中的大径已经有所变化,并且应用了包含1950和1960版本范围的公差。旧版本的花键术语“interchangeability limitations”已经被新版本的“Interchangeability”代替。译注A5:旧版中的配合第一种情况是“较松配合”,第二种情况是“较紧配合”。参数是Cvmin,较松配合的Cvmin的值见旧版,这里不讨论,较紧配合的Cvmin=0。原来“最大实际弧齿槽宽”的计算公式为:Smax=Smin+Cvmin+m+(具体参数意思看
15、后面章节),删除第一种情况后Smax=Smin+m+。There have been no tolerance nor fit changes to the major diameter fit section外径配合部分,(与旧版相比)公差和配合情况没有改变。The Standard recognizes the fact that proper assembly between mating splines is dependent only on the spline being within effective specifications from the tip of the to
16、oth to the form diameter. Therefore, on side fit splines, the internal spline major diameter now is shown as a maximum dimension and the external spline minor diameter is shown as a minimum dimension. The minimum internal major diameter and the maximum external minor diameter must clear the specifie
17、d form diameter and thus do not need any additional control.本标准认为影响花键合理装配的作用区域是从齿顶(外花键大圆或内花键小圆)到“渐开线构成圆”之间的那段范围,因此在齿侧配合情况下,内花键大径以“最大尺寸值”出现,外花键小径以“最小尺寸值”出现。“内花键大径的最小值”应大于“渐开线构成圆”的直径,“外花键小径的最大值”应小于“渐开线构成圆”的直径(见后面“Form Circle”的定义)。此外,没必要指定额外的控制条件(见“译注B7”)。The spline specification tables now include a g
18、reater number of tolerance level selections. These tolerance classes were added for greater selection to suit end product needs. The selections differ only in the tolerance as applied to space width and tooth thickness.花键的规格表中,提供了多种公差水平的选择,以适应最终装配需求。选择不同的公差在“弧齿槽宽”和“弧齿厚”中应用。* See American National St
19、andard ANSI B92.2M-1980 (R1989), Metric Module Involute Splines; also see page 2177.见美国国家标准ANSI B92.2M-1980 (R1989) 公制模数渐开线花键,可也参见(原版的)第2177页。译注A6:渐开线花键(也包括渐开线齿轮)所定义的“齿宽”、“齿厚”,都是指弧度方向上的长度。The tolerance class used in ASA B5.15-1960 is the basis and is now designated as tolerance Class 5. The new tole
20、rance classes are based on the following formulas:在ASA B5.15-1960中使用的基本公差,已经被本标准中公差等级5代替,各关系见下表:Tolerance Class 4(公差等级4)= Tolerance Class 5(公差等级5) 0.71Tolerance Class 6(公差等级6)= Tolerance Class 5(公差等级5) 1.40Tolerance Class 7(公差等级7)= Tolerance Class 5(公差等级5) 2.00All dimensions listed in this standard
21、are for the finished part. Therefore, any compensation that must be made for operations that take place during processing, such as heat treatment, must be taken into account when selecting the tolerance level for manufacturing.本标准罗列的所有尺寸为最终成品尺寸。因此,在加工过程中必须考虑修正系数,慎重选择加工的公差等级。The standard has the same
22、 internal minimum effective space width and external maximum effective tooth thickness for all tolerance classes and has two types of fit. For tooth side fits, the minimum effective space width and the maximum effective tooth thickness are of equal value. This basic concept makes it possible to have
23、 interchangeable assembly between mating splines where they are made to this standard regardless of the tolerance class of the individual members. A tolerance class “mix” of mating members is thus allowed, which often is an advantage where one member is considerably less difficult to produce than it
24、s mate, and the “average” tolerance applied to the two units is such that it satisfies the design need. For instance, assigning a Class 5 tolerance to one member and Class 7 to its mate will provide an assembly tolerance in the Class 6 range. The maximum effective tooth thickness is less than the mi

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